[The Alternative Steem TOPs, 25.10.2019 GMT] Top Of The Pop

The best posts for each of the most popular tags on steemit.
Check them out below!
What makes our list special?
- We suffer very little influence from bots. They don't post much so whatever little influence they could get on our list fades away over time
- Our lists have credible authority because it is indirectly curated by users who have already collaborated on the same subjects (tags).
- Only the best content should show up on our lists, because they would have attracted more attention from reputable users on the appropriate tag.
- Lists quality is highly guaranteed because it's curation is contantly based only on active reputable users thanks to our vote value decay system and zero influence from users' steem power, and because self votes is deleted from calculations.
How it works:
Posts from each of the most popular tags get assigned a value based on who voted on them. The ones with the highest rank are put on our lists and get a SBD reward.
How much value a user's vote has is calculated based on how many reputation points they earned thanks to their own posts on the same tag.
I have reputation 10, and you have post with tag #deutsh.
I upvote you and you get +10 for your #deutsh tag reputation (#deutsch tag XP or points).
Now you are specialist for tag #deutsch and you can influence to post rating for tag #deutsh.
You upvote somebody with tag #deutsch and this man have 10 points in rating of posts for tag #deutsch.
The best post have max points.
Steem user reputation is not reputation, it is user activity index. You make posts and got points for your activity.
Rating is something more) Active people choose good authors and add them tags reputation points. People with tags reputation points are specialists. They can recommend us good posts. It is rating idea.
Earning vote value on a specific tag:
- Bob made three posts under the #steem tag. He earned 2 reputation points from the first, 1 from the second and none from the other. This means he ranked up 3 reputation points from posting under the #steem tag, so his vote is worth 3 points for other #steem posts.
- Because of this, Kate posted something on #steem and Bob voted on it, giving her post 3 points for our #steem list.
Effects of voting where you have earned no vote value:
- Even if Bob has posts from some other tags, too, he has no #photography posts, so he could not heave earned any reputation under that tag. His vote towards posts with tags that have earned him no reputation are worth zero.
- Peter then posted on #photography and Bob voted on it too, but that gave him no points for our #photography list.
Losing vote value for inactivity:
- While Bob doesn't post anything well curated on the #steemit tag, his influence will slowly lose value (it do other users and earn points for this tag).
Now, let's look at what we've got for the top tags!!
Best from all tags (5937 posts)
Rating | Post |
93.613 | 秋的味道 @oflyhigh ★ 194 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (15.026 SBD ) reward |
93.509 | Shake It Off @meesterboom ★ 291 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (21.274 SBD ) reward |
92.551 | 惊:家用主板不支持Linux? @oflyhigh ★ 219 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (20.154 SBD ) reward |
91.931 | 生病&试卷送回家 @blackbunny ★ 40 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.248 SBD ) reward |
91.206 | 🗞 Daily Crypto News, October, 25th 💰 @vlemon ★ 148 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.647 SBD ) reward |
90.566 | 好文天天赞2019年10月25日榜上有名 @rivalhw ★ 72 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.114 SBD ) reward |
90.373 | Active authors & posts under the CN category [2019-10-23] @chinadaily ★ 66 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.580 SBD ) reward |
90.341 | [Daily Update]近七日中文区活跃用户信息速览(2019-10-25) @chinadaily ★ 64 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.340 SBD ) reward |
90.337 | 🏅 [Daily Update] Steemit Top User Report (Oct 25) @lalala ★ 38 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.547 SBD ) reward |
90.146 | It’s always nice to catch up with old friends @joythewanderer ★ 199 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.507 SBD ) reward |
Tag "cn" (167 posts)
Rating | Post |
90.796 | 惊:家用主板不支持Linux? @oflyhigh ★ 219 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (20.154 SBD ) reward |
90.665 | 秋的味道 @oflyhigh ★ 194 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (15.026 SBD ) reward |
89.845 | 生病&试卷送回家 @blackbunny ★ 40 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.248 SBD ) reward |
89.373 | Active authors & posts under the CN category [2019-10-23] @chinadaily ★ 66 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.580 SBD ) reward |
89.332 | [Daily Update]近七日中文区活跃用户信息速览(2019-10-25) @chinadaily ★ 64 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.340 SBD ) reward |
88.749 | 好文天天赞2019年10月25日榜上有名 @rivalhw ★ 72 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.114 SBD ) reward |
87.049 | It’s always nice to catch up with old friends @joythewanderer ★ 199 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.507 SBD ) reward |
86.981 | Let’s Watch with Travelgirl #17 - Tiger Mom Blues 親親我好媽 @travelgirl ★ 224 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.824 SBD ) reward |
86.701 | State of the DApps上一些有趣的数据 @ericet ★ 301 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (12.926 SBD ) reward |
85.848 | Vicky's 短评《生门》:每一对母子/母女,都是生死之交 191025 @nostalgic1212 ★ 98 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (12.835 SBD ) reward |
Tag "spanish" (351 posts)
Tag "kr" (202 posts)
Rating | Post |
84.397 | 업비트 시크릿코인 지급 이벤트 @sonki999 ★ 317 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.877 SBD ) reward |
84.268 | [카일의 일상#236]점심시간 산책 - 양재 플라워 페스타 @khaiyoui ★ 135 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (20.984 SBD ) reward |
83.189 | (#58 영화 리뷰) 7년간 갇혀 있던 방에서 탈출하려는 엄마와 아들 - 룸 @gghite ★ 166 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (14.801 SBD ) reward |
83.068 | [덕후의 투자] #변화 : 선택 @lovelyyeon.sct ★ 168 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.930 SBD ) reward |
82.98 | 스위스 아미 맨 : 내 참 더러워서... @kiwifi ★ 230 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (35.218 SBD ) reward |
82.922 | 가평의 자부심 2019 햅쌀 합격쌀(8kg) 잘받았습니다. @hjk96 ★ 71 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (20.981 SBD ) reward |
82.197 | 양장피스타일 @allsale ★ 63 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.531 SBD ) reward |
81.484 | 저비용 고효율 인간 @ksc ★ 44 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.474 SBD ) reward |
81.484 | 배움의 방식 @tanky ★ 28 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.688 SBD ) reward |
81.373 | [나의 스팀잇 이야기] MINI 냐, JJM 이냐, KRWP 이냐, 이것이 문제로다 @floridasnail ★ 83 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.842 SBD ) reward |
Tag "deutsch" (121 posts)
Rating | Post |
84.666 | Kurznachrichten aus SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN anno 2052 @chriddi ★ 89 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.488 SBD ) reward |
84.23 | Impressionen einer Reise nach Lissabon (Photography) @louis88 ★ 335 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (12.562 SBD ) reward |
83.424 | MQ Achtsamkeit - Spring rein in dein Leben! @kadna ★ 87 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.325 SBD ) reward |
82.872 | Ist Künstliche Intelligenz frauenfeindlich? @stayoutoftherz ★ 102 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.296 SBD ) reward |
81.953 | Allein unter engagierten Wandergruppen @chruuselbeeri ★ 95 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (11.016 SBD ) reward |
81.92 | Wieder Spaß mit der Steemchain! @felix.herrmann ★ 90 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.991 SBD ) reward |
81.51 | Laubschmuck @backinblackdevil ★ 60 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.729 SBD ) reward |
81.14 | Nature's song (ENG/ PT/ DE) @lotusfleur ★ 97 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.144 SBD ) reward |
80.907 | Brot backen mit eigenem Sauerteig @michelangelo3 ★ 65 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.450 SBD ) reward |
80.759 | Giveaway: 14 Days Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 🎮 @vikisecrets ★ 55 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.079 SBD ) reward |
Tag "pt" (28 posts)
Tag "ru" (33 posts)
Tag "japan" (9 posts)
Rating | Post |
72.379 | My photo album #233 @eita ★ 21 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.505 SBD ) reward |
71.108 | TANKA #188 @fujisan ★ 14 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.297 SBD ) reward |
68.452 | なばなの里 ユリ @kaneni ★ 15 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.032 SBD ) reward |
68.358 | 秋の花道展 @cticket ★ 11 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.032 SBD ) reward |
55.56 | Art exhibition inspired from Ukiyo-e @studiomurasaki ★ 12 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.681 SBD ) reward |
46.675 | Shrimp Tempura & Udon. Have you ever tried Tempura ? @dmilliz ★ 29 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.203 SBD ) reward |
Tag "photography" (754 posts)
Rating | Post |
89.26 | Younghwasa Temple in Acha mountain @slowwalker ★ 688 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (35.745 SBD ) reward |
87.532 | This is my tropical Halloween Pumpkins 🎃👻👻 @anahilarski ★ 35 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.337 SBD ) reward |
86.851 | Kozjak Waterfall Hike (Slovenia) @johannpiber ★ 550 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (11.648 SBD ) reward |
86.395 | Shaka's Travel Book - Silves, the Algarve's former capital (Part 2) @shaka ★ 217 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.655 SBD ) reward |
86.343 | Select black and white photography for October! @kommienezuspadt ★ 212 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.686 SBD ) reward |
86.337 | Beautiful Animal Orchestra Szenario. @lichtblick ★ 104 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.083 SBD ) reward |
86.122 | Deranged Photography Contest - Friday Food Winners - Contest is on hold until after Steemfest @derangedcontests ★ 67 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.262 SBD ) reward |
85.723 | 秋的味道 @oflyhigh ★ 194 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (15.026 SBD ) reward |
85.556 | Tarmac to home @tarazkp ★ 322 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.620 SBD ) reward |
85.322 | Grasping at the shadows @intrepidphotos ★ 172 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.664 SBD ) reward |
Tag "life" (575 posts)
Tag "busy" (548 posts)
Rating | Post |
86.953 | BTC - Bakkt sees highest volume to date as Bitcoin soars! @jrcornel ★ 366 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (62.909 SBD ) reward |
86.761 | Shake It Off @meesterboom ★ 291 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (21.274 SBD ) reward |
86.416 | Friday Fun @chorock ★ 70 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.294 SBD ) reward |
85.881 | Gods Unchained Raffle Ended, how do find out if you won and what did I win? @themarkymark ★ 422 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (26.870 SBD ) reward |
85.8 | 秋的味道 @oflyhigh ★ 194 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (15.026 SBD ) reward |
85.623 | 업비트 시크릿코인 지급 이벤트 @sonki999 ★ 317 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (17.877 SBD ) reward |
85.441 | The Daily Qurator #764 @qurator ★ 782 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.903 SBD ) reward |
85.263 | Steem is a game...a crypto game...and games are supposed to be fun... @mindtrap ★ 429 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (21.922 SBD ) reward |
85.234 | Qurator's Photo Friday Photography Competition #99 @qurator ★ 686 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.851 SBD ) reward |
85.008 | Wooden Nickel @brian.rrr ★ 125 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (11.834 SBD ) reward |
Tag "art" (293 posts)
Rating | Post |
86.283 | A couple of watercolors @mikkolyytinen ★ 61 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.759 SBD ) reward |
85.944 | Dizzy @opheliafu ★ 151 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.944 SBD ) reward |
85.716 | Taking photo of my tiny paintings 🌸 @silviabeneforti ★ 58 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (1.146 SBD ) reward |
85.707 | NeKro-inktober - tasty @nekromarinist ★ 28 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (0.501 SBD ) reward |
85.558 | Intrigued by the gray hair. ^_^ @silviabeneforti ★ 225 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (5.262 SBD ) reward |
85.495 | INKTOBER Day #14 "OVERGROWN" @hadley4 ★ 39 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.944 SBD ) reward |
83.828 | Select black and white photography for October! @kommienezuspadt ★ 212 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (16.686 SBD ) reward |
83.329 | Ocean of Art! Dive in and discover some amazing Steem artists / Minnowsupport Curation Team @juliakponsford ★ 193 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (8.078 SBD ) reward |
82.906 | Painting Time-lapse: First Layer of My Latest Painting @hiddenblade ★ 113 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (18.807 SBD ) reward |
82.466 | INKTOBER day 25 - Tasty @ewkaw ★ 201 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.359 SBD ) reward |
Tag "steem" (270 posts)
Tag "palnet" (2070 posts)
Rating | Post |
79.986 | A Weekend at Contests @steembasicincome ★ 1444 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (25.580 SBD ) reward |
79.214 | Friday Fun @chorock ★ 70 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.294 SBD ) reward |
78.995 | Gemini Man in Dolby Cinema, 120 FPS and 3D. @exyle ★ 657 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (26.698 SBD ) reward |
78.333 | Mixer just Dropped the Bomb @arunava ★ 62 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.014 SBD ) reward |
78.061 | Steem is a game...a crypto game...and games are supposed to be fun... @mindtrap ★ 429 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (21.922 SBD ) reward |
77.854 | Younghwasa Temple in Acha mountain @slowwalker ★ 688 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (35.745 SBD ) reward |
77.673 | 3Speak's Citizen Journalist Onboarding Program! @threespeak ★ 394 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (67.006 SBD ) reward |
77.477 | Gods Unchained Raffle Ended, how do find out if you won and what did I win? @themarkymark ★ 422 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (26.870 SBD ) reward |
77.46 | Fixed up my Tribe accounts @cadawg ★ 140 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (4.084 SBD ) reward |
77.414 | Picking Up Pennies: Accounts Do Grow Over Time @taskmaster4450 ★ 279 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (10.169 SBD ) reward |
Tag "blog" (333 posts)
Rating | Post |
85.437 | Shake It Off @meesterboom ★ 291 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (21.274 SBD ) reward |
85.16 | It’s always nice to catch up with old friends @joythewanderer ★ 199 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (13.507 SBD ) reward |
84.008 | BTC - Bakkt sees highest volume to date as Bitcoin soars! @jrcornel ★ 366 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (62.909 SBD ) reward |
83.452 | WRAPPING IT UP (No. 6 - My life this week, on and off the blockchain) @jaynie ★ 125 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.279 SBD ) reward |
83.372 | 惊:家用主板不支持Linux? @oflyhigh ★ 219 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (20.154 SBD ) reward |
83.158 | 秋的味道 @oflyhigh ★ 194 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (15.026 SBD ) reward |
82.668 | Berlin Travel Guide: Secret Tips From A Tourist - New VLOG! @joeparys ★ 128 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (3.455 SBD ) reward |
81.833 | The Little Big Ambition That I Am Longing For To Become A Sweet Reality With STEEM And God's Blessing🌞🌻🏡🪑👨🏻🌾🌳🌿🍒 @cryptopie ★ 83 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (9.616 SBD ) reward |
81.823 | Beautiful Animal Orchestra Szenario. @lichtblick ★ 104 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (2.083 SBD ) reward |
81.747 | Out of commission @vermillionfox ★ 56 votes ★ 0.000 SBD (6.126 SBD ) reward |
Tag "travel" (174 posts)
Tag "steemit" (228 posts)
Tag "news" (247 posts)
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thanks @xroni for the pic)
thanks @felipejoys for help in rating explanation text)
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@t3ran13, Thank you so much for your kind mention. 👍
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