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RE: Reviews ,Recensions & Inspirations

in #shitposting8 years ago

The 15 track CD is of a band from Florida. They are on Thule-Imperium Records. The music is aggressive skinhead punk style. The band proclaims to be America s most violent skinhead band. There are two covers on the CD: Let's Get it On, originally done by HAMMERTOWN and Hate Your Face originally done by BURNLEY/NO REMORSE.

Despite Jewish lies and Zionist tyranny, Nazi youth resist with pride. Fight for the cowardly Niggers and Jews, you'll surely die. The sight of the Swastika strickens them with fear as they hope the white sheeple saves them from their despair. JEWISH LIES OF RACE MIXING COULD NOT HIDE THE TRUTH. Genocide is NATURES LAW for eliminating the weak and gullible. Worldwide whites must unite and STAND FOR RACE AND LAND Help extend the FUHRER'S DREAM with Expansion and consolidation of all Aryan lands into the GREATEST EMPIRE OF ALL TIME. Enemies will fall across the world once Brothers and Sisters unite to join our fight as NAZI YOUTH RISES TO THE CALL. Once The lies in the PROPAGANDA OF A FILTHY Zionist JEW are seen, the Commie agenda that is designed TO ENSLAVE YOU AND ME will be exposed. Try to separate us and you'll see Aryan unity will be the final decree. Our Kin will be saluted and this time we'll win. The Phoenix will rise from the ashes. The regime change is near as the Jewish occupiers are hunted down as their puppet lackeys cower in the streets. Lackey Corruption and Jewish lies are finally addressed as the scoundrels and traitors meet their fate.
Don't be a Joe Six-pack or Conserva-rat.The Jew, nigger and muds are your enemies. You can't have a white world debating and what to do about or how to treat your racial enemies. Look out for your own kind get up and find an Aryan bride before the Jew has all white women denouncing the future of the white race. You can not ignore white women any longer without them your are just another dying out Jew-nigger lover. Show the white women you'll honor and fight for them. Keep the Jew, Nigger and mud from your precious racial stock. Drive the scum back to the ghettos and turd world from where they came. Booze and drugs must be flushed out of the Aryan land. These destructive influences on our white people must be replaced with positive and creative influences to help preserve nature's finest beauty, the white woman. Take action before it's too late. Why watch the Jew, Nigger and muds pervert and violate white women? Be kind to nature and help save your white race.


Aggressive Pagan Black Metal from BEFORE GOD:
NO ALLEGIANCE-The pledge to a suicidal nation of Christ-insanity is a joke. The sheeple show their allegiance to a government that has loyalty to their citizens. Multiculturalism is the American way" is a belief shared by brainwashed, defeated and the enslaved. The strength of true and pure whites can prevail over a failed society with an awakening and consolidation of the masses.
REBIRTH OF THE PAGAN MAN-Denounce Christ-insanity and take back what your ancestors risked their lives for. You have a choice to be free.Rid yourself of the suicidal ways of the cloak. Slaves of Christ-insanity are slaves to all those who wish to destroy the land and it's people. Return to your roots and learn to live like a white person should, free of all enslavement.
FRONT TOWARDS ENEMY:Lyrics in Italian but could translate thoroughly but I was still able to get something out of it.
WHY TOO MUCH HATE?-Aggressive Hard-core Vocals with driving metal beats with metal laced riffs accompanied by double-bass. The white race's future will not come from peace. Crookedness of Jewry will no longer be tolerated by awakened whites.Jewry proclaims nonsense that the Jews are the chosen and everyone must answer to them.The white race will not be freed until it decides that it wants to be free.Life wasted by the white race is a victory for Jewry.The choice of a success is there for the white person if only they choose to be pure.The JEW has used it's degenerate ghettos to reach out and corrupt the land in an attempt to decivilize its population by trying to dumb it down in order to take control over it.The JEW will try to exploit your weaknesses and entrap you in your troubles.Steer clear of Jewish traps.
ZERO KNOCK OUT-F.T.M.- Thrashy and heavy riffed.Revolution is to defend yourself as your pride will be your orders of survival in the struggle towards victory. Be heard and don't allow the enemy to shout you down.Shake up the weakened masses with a loud and proud era of revolt.To be silent will only allow the masses to cater to the enemy.The awakening of the masses will give them pride that has been lost.The plan for the white race will be revealed with every awakening as the alien enemy will be overrun by white racial pride.
OUTRIGHT BLASPHEMY-PUNK influenced sound with changing tempos mixed with double bass. Weakening the spirit of the white race and trying to desensitize the white race does not work. White people return to their roots more and more. The Sun God will guide us through the torment and torture of the anti-white Christians and Zionists. The white race will remain strong by sticking to it's roots, fending off the enemies of mother nature and the white race.
WHITE HATE-Thrashy and raw metal. The Judeo-Christian enemy will try to fill the cities with anti-white muds and niggers. The Aryan spirit will arise in the fighters and the traitors will suffer their betrayal. The wall of the dead will be constructed with more of our enemies' foolishness .The strong will survive the Zionists attack and the Aryan will erase the guilt with the destruction of our enemies. White pride will crush doped up hippie kike culture. The rise of the Aryan will be our future.
BIFROST: DRI like sound with hard-core vocals.
VIOLENT LIGHTNING-The more the cowardly enemy exposes itself with it's ridiculous propaganda lies the faster the Aryan spirit will be awakened in defenders of the white race. The Kingdom will suffer defeat along with the enemies it helps create. The Kingdom can survive only if it chooses to benefit the white race or it will continue fall with it's deceit. Smash the filthy society and develop a strong Aryan unity. Celebrating the achievements of the white race is a choice and chance a strong, intelligent white person can take. The white race has to make a choice between slavery and supremacy. The white race will survive with nature as the suicidal fools of our enemy become extinct with their treachery.
PRAYER OF THE FIGHT-Reject suicidal religions. Have no fear and proudly support natural ways of survival. Let what comes naturally aide our survival in the war on our white people.
IN AETERNUM-Show your courage. Let the world know about your whiteness. Fight off your enemies no matter their attempt at intimidation. Exploit their weakness and crush their foolishness. The strong will strive in excellence due to it's never-ending intelligence.
CENTURION: LEGIONS OF HATE-HARD-CORE VOCALS, HEAVY RIFFED GUITAR finished off with a touch Double bass and over the top drum roll with thrashy outbursts. Hate your enemies at the condemnation. End their guilt trips with retaliation of total hate. Vengeance will achieved once wrongs are crushed with right. The enemies and traitors will no longer be able stop our fight. White racial expansion will be the victory against the masters of deceit. Legions are formed upon every betrayal against our race.
THE PLAGUE-Contains more thrash, guitar solos with double-bass and heavy riffed jams. Niggers, Jews ad faggots are diseases that are suicidal to treat. The only cure for their sickness is to send them elsewhere out of reach of the pure white. Their refusal to cooperate and insistence of demands will quickly lead them to their demise .
THE ETERNAL EMPIRE-Black Metal of Darkened rhythms with sometimes thrashy riffs and beats with choking vocals. If and when the white race wakes up the holy racial war will spread in the fight for its' lives against the attack of the non-white enemies. Spirits of the past will inspire the white race to fight with pride against the enemies who have taken advantage of Christianic guilt. The word of old will overcome all suicidal teachings and the white race shall free itself of the parasites. The world will be shocked as whatever propaganda they try to brainwash the masses with will have no effect on reborn white racial loyalists. The only war that can help the white race is a total racial one.No more Jew-Zionist suicidal corruption can interfere with the awakened white race in its quest for survival and forever freedom. The mass gathering of whites will be the prelude to the enemies' extinction.
LAST SCREAMS OF THE DYING ERA-Black Metal of Darkened rhythms with choking vocals. The white person who takes advantage of their knowledge shall be a successful white person. The bitter end to Christ-insanity will be the intelligent white person's reward.
INGEN REAKTION-Hardcore vocals with DRI riffed like sound with a mild tempo. Also contains some melodic parts.
A DARK DREAM-Dark Blackened Metal with an organ feel plus triggered double bass and constant riffs in the background.

Warriors defend the honor of their own kind once and for all. Cowardly traitors beg for their mercy as they are tracked down and dealt with as the brave gather in numbers. Whites at long last have to the courage to fight. The corrupt Jewish system has been rendered useless and worthless to the proud whites. Realism can defeat superstition upon every awakening. Right to bear arms can abolish all slavery laws. Freedom comes to those who resist the masters of deceit. The Zionist-Jew is exposed and his empire crumbles as those who are fed up take back what was stolen. It will be the warriors versus the sheeple when the Jewish control is powerless. Warriors will seek out their enemy until victory is achieved.
JEW drugs and booze are not the way to go. If choose to do them then you are already defeated as they are Jewish tools. Getting high can solve the Jewish problem. Getting high just brings you down to the same level as the Jew loving subhumans.You can't succeed in the struggle if you reduce your- self to the mentality of a nigger. Even to sell drugs you are acting like a nigger and helping the Jew with his master plan of supremacy and race-mixing genocide. The Aryan Warrior can not survive the struggle getting caught up in doing business with the enemy.
The track that describes the Skinhead rock band. MUSIC FROM their HEARTS is compared to a RIFLE, LOADED AND LOCKED. Their music is not about being stars and making excuses for who they are. Hate and Strife is the reality without fairy tales about being privileged. There is no love lost for the enemies of the white race. The whining will end with every enemy casualty. Try to stop them and they'll be sure to fight back. Their music is not to please the mass of poseurs. It's for only like minded comrades of the white race. Southern Hate is the reality. Those that oppose them are no match. Jew NIGGER FAGGOT stay away or be prepared to pay.
Unite, fight and ship the nigger back. If he refuses to go and calls on the JEW, Kill two birds with one stone and get that kike too! White people awake or suffer the Jew and his terminal diseases cast upon your tolerance. Victory will come when every white person is free of Jewish lies of the multiculturalism, integration. Give the Jews a holocaust they can experience for themselves instead of poisoning the goyim with their fabricated tales. Their niggers will swing if they can't find their way without their Jewish masters commands. Get rid of Jew-nigger culture too along with it's Marxist views. Correct the mistakes of the past and rid yourself of the nigger,jew and mud. White must cleanse their land to live in harmony with each other and be free to do so without alien interference.



This band is like a metal version of BFG. The CD ,put out by Panzerfaust records, contains 10 tracks of Bay Area like Metal with hard-core vocals.
Onslaught-Aggressive riffs and pounding beats feed its Tale of the Waffen SS battling the Communists. The elite, noble and brave fight for their cause along with their survival.
True Enemy-A song that addresses The Jewish problem. Love your own kind and hate your enemy. Getting to the root cause will help cure the problems such as decline of civilization and mongrelization. True white people take back their land from the parasites and restore their own rich culture. Exposing the traitors and the true enemy is the first step in expelling a soon to be defeated foe. Lies and deceit of the parasitic kike cannot be ignored any longer. To further tolerate such a disease of Jewry is suicidal and insane.
Annihilation-The destruction of white culture brought to you by the Zionists and their lackeys. Diversity does not work. Civilization suffers its effect. Problems can't be solved by hoping they would just go away. White responsibility and unity are a must in dealing with the traitors who delve into mongrelization.
Streetfight-This song is a Skrewdriver cover. End of Times-Tune about Norse Mythology and the final battle that ends the Golden Age of man.
The Reaper-Symbolizes what Death's Head is all about. Fight for what is right and you'll live a satisfied life.
Taste the Pain-When push comes to shove it will be the end for the mud. The decadence of the subhuman filth must be driven from the land. Integration must be stomped out for the good of the white race and white racial pride shall be cherished by all those who love their own kind.
Blood Debt-White Power:WARRIORS, HEROES, IDEOLOGICAL VICTORY, TOWERING heaps of wasted muds, ERADICATE, PURPOSE, OWED,WE are the true people of history, EXCELLENT and REVENGE. Land of the Aryan-White people let their guard down and were cunned by the betraying Kike. Muds flooded the land as traitors welcomed the white man's foe. White people will be left to fight for their land that the traitors try to sell. Traitors will suffer defeat along side the muds. Swastika-The symbol of the white race must be preserved, protected and fought for just as any flag of a nation is honored. The Swastika represents white heritage. The white race will be without culture if it continues to ignore it's distant past. The white race will be reduced to mongrel sheeple slaves if it will not respect it's Aryan spirit and history which is represented by the Swastika.

Involved Patriot-The Right Way!
The French-Canadian band's CD is from Panzerfaust Records. It contains 11 tracks of solid Hard-core Metal with a moderate to fast tempo.
NO MORE GUILT-Starts with an intro from a speech by William Pierce. This is a song directed at people who are mainly conservative. The conservatives are always the ones being lead into traps by liberals and Jews. They are intimidated into denial when they are being called a racist or Nazi.
OUR HEROES-White Heritage and History is important for today s youth. Without it they'll never be responsible, won t have their own culture, will always be self-destructive and blind. If the youth are not educated about pride then there will be no place for them survive.
SERS TOI DE TA TETE!-Lyrics in French and is also recorded in French. Lyrics could not be translated to the point but the song seems to be about the white race being true and free of alien influences. DON'T YOU CARE-False patriotism orchestrated by Zionist scum. The whites who follow the Zionist plan give up their culture and heritage. They indulge in Jewish greed that only makes the Jew rich. They are content with being financial slaves. They must be awoken. The Jew must be exposed.
SHEEP OF CHRIST-Christ insanity has stricken the people into sheeple. They ll love their enemies till their death. White people must realize it's time to wake up and understand where their false religion originated from and who's pulling their strings.
SELF DESTRUCT-Those who are content with being entertained by Jewish interest have no purpose in life other than supporting their masters. Can these cowards be awakened?
IMPORTED SOCIETY-Cover originally done by M.O.D. Sounds close to the original. This song was probably recorded to market the rest of their music even though Billy Milano is a Jew-lover.
THE RIGHT WAY-Song about NS skinheads and their Viking heritage. Make the world a better place for white youth. Support your white race before you have nothing to look forward to for the rest of your life.
VISION BRUTALE-Song done in French. Unable to translate all words but I was able to get the following out if it: Decadance, Self-hatred is served and defended by Commies, White traitors and other anti-racists. White victory would devastate their people. Surrounding yourself with pure and true whites will no doubt improve your life. If you chose to remain scared, the fear will eventually kill you. Those who give up their white land without a fight will soon be a worthless slave and have set themselves up for a sure death. Individualism leaves you astray as you'll wither away and die off. The mongrelized will kill themselves off as the strength of racial purity dominates the land in legions. The treacherous weak shall be shown no mercy. The Jewish culture you delve in can not save you from the strength of racial purity. The brave will fight for their cause no matter what. The false life of fear comes to those who sell out. Christ-insanity and Satanic cults are no match for racial purity. White racial pride stands above and beyond suicidal Jewish religions. When white decides to be right ,it's might is no match for the Red rule of Jewry. Waking up and liquidating your exploited weaknesses is the cure that awaits you. Selling out is victory for the Commie Kikes. The Commie kikes must be exposed as they maybe with you in your everyday like seeking to destroy you. Cowardly white traitors' self-hatred is practiced with decadence and violence. Liberals serve and protect the enemies of the white race for personal gain. The more you chose to sell out to Jewish filth the faster the enemy you'll become. Speak you mind or forever be silenced by Jewish tactics. Your guilt will disappear once you realize your white racial pride. Join the white fight to change and purify your life or forever fail and remain enslaved. Glory to the white racial heroes as will always be remembered for awakening the white race to have normal vision of the white racial survival.
ANOTHER ONE DIED-Expel the non-whites from the white land or be conquered and killed off by the muds and their Jew financiers. Fight for your white country and stomp out the attack by the enemies of the white race. Save the future of your race. Eliminate all falsified guilt and rid your white land of the invading muds along with the parasites.
BETRAYER-The true Betrayer song ,unlike the popular Communist song of the same name. When you sell the white race out for personal greed, you are the true betrayer. Betrayers will pay the price. Their life of loneliness will be their punishment. They ll die out if they are not killed off. Why be a betrayer? What does a white person have to gain by being a slave to Jewry?

To battle your enemies is healthy as is their defeat. Win or lose the Nordic warrior inspires future generations to carry on the fight. Compromise is out of the question. Survival and advancement of the white race through self-determination is the goal that makes the white race stronger and breeds racial awareness. Enemies crumble from the wrath of our Aryan cause and our might. Our ancestors fought for the survival of our children. Now it's time for us to do the same for future generations to come. Our Aryan spirited attack will crush all those who stand in the way. We must fight for survival and make the enemy pay for it's atrocities against our brethren. White people awaken from your "love your Christ-insane enemies" sleep.
Corruption from the Jewish puppets put a strangle hold on living a natural and healthy life. Taxed to death and overrun by turd world invaders thanks to greedy traitors. Then they got the nerve to ask why you hate while the sheeple and lemming they breed with Jew Hollywood propaganda fall in place. The time has come white traitor,kike,jew-nigger-mud alike. We watch as you kill yourselves off. The Aryan will be last one standing as fools fight for Democracy. The Aryan will only fight for his own kind not take sides or compromise with the enemy. Foolish Jewish laws no longer apply as the laws of Nature supersedes any Jewish lie. The Aryan who allows the truth to set him free will conquer the Jew and his accomplices. The laws of nature don't apply to the mud races. Therefore the subhumans will be rounded up dead or alive and will have to answer for their crimes. Aryans will be looked upon as heroes to the white youth rather than the House Niggers trotted out by the devious kike machine. The Jew will regret his atrocities as the real Holocaust catches up to his crimes of the past. No where to run or hide as the Jew is a sitting duck. No one there to have pity him as they are all hanged for their treachery or in hiding to escape their cowardly acts against it's own kind.
Lilly whites, the traitors of our race, go along with the plan of integration for their own personal gain. They encourage the poor to race mix while they want no part of it, running back to their "Richie Rich" estates. The working class white person has to pay for their corruption and greed as the working class whites are tax slaves being forced to support the enemies of their own kind. Having to tolerate working along side the mud-nigger pests just to survive on slugs and counterfeit paper while the traitors run off with the gold. The greedy live off the work of the white race and hide in seclusion feasting off the rewards of our forced labor. The time will come when the squandering of Lilly-whites will catch up to them. Their stocks will fall, as they'll be betrayed themselves and they'll be forced to face the true-white worker once and for all. NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY can only help the white race. It will awaken fed-up whites, end tax slavery and serfdom and will force the enemy state to disband and flee. Invest in the white race, not your own personal greed. Your race traiting activities will surface before long and your time will come as we put you in your place. You'll have to answer for the treachery against our people. Your riches won't save you from your fate. Your profits will diminish as your lies are exposed. The politicians can not be protected by the Jew any longer. Their taxes will no longer make us suffer. Your capitalist-Christian behavior will be treated as atrocities against the white race. Your foolish cowardly acts will be useless against our resistance of your kind. They fund ape breeding shiftless niggers at our expense. White revolution is in our minds as the traitors' corrupt perverted ways have done nothing but to hurt our people.
White women must be preserved and cherished not turned over to the nigger or allowed to brainwashed by the Jew. White man protect nature's beauty or wake one day alone, dying and near extinct as the racial stock of the white race was sold out for a beer and a Jew-nigger flick. White people awaken before it's too late. White females don't fall for Jewish lies that only lead you to being a dead nigger-loving whore.White men show your honor and pride and destroy the Jew-nigger culture designed to kill your every hope and dream. There's only one fate for Nigger lovers and that is to be sentenced to death along side their Nigger.You'll be better off put out of your misery and it will save future whites from being infected with your filthy disease. Nigger lovers can't live in harmony with our white racial stock, so there's no room for them and they will have to pay for their foolish mistakes.
Ship the filthy shiftless nigger back. Ship it back in a body bag if doesn't want to leave. An Aryan land means no niggers,so get out while you can. The days old shall return just like when our kin watched niggers hang. Muds, Niggers and kikes can only serve as worthless parasites that only offer disease to our people. EXTERMINATE the pest for the future of our Children's sake. Support your white race and free yourself of the epidemic of World Jewry. The kike can survive without gullible and treacherous whites aiding and abetting his every dirty trick.
NIGGER, you are better off in the Jungle where came from. Your animal instincts are no use to a white world. You get the same satisfaction of mating with a monkey or ape as you would raping a white woman. Nigger you got to go. You are a disgrace to the advancement of humans. You fall for every Jewish trap. That's how you were shipped out in the first place. Now we're shipping you back. If you refuse to go and hide behind the Jew. You both are subject to the law of RAHOWA.Harmony for the white race exists without the Nigger, muds and Jew.
Fags are a Jewish tool against whites with not reproducing leading to extinction as the goal. To speed up the extinction disease is imported from the turd world where it is welcomed by gullible whites through the art of Marxist multiculturalism. The family does not include fags. Teach your family about this and other multicultural devices to protect your them from such a tragic mistake. Certain death is the fate of multiculturalism. Fight back this disease as certain death of multiculturalism is the only cure. Euthanasia the infected animals. Their life is death to which the white family must not be apart of.

The CD is distributed by Panzerfaust productions. It contains 10 tracks. The music contains hard-core vocals with an aggressive punk tempo plus decent riffs and solos that are sometimes mixed with double-bass.
COMING HOME-Fight for the Aryan race and you shall be rewarded with the love of your people. Dying for the truth is better than being a slave to the never-ending Jewish lies. The love for your own kind is the key to your happiness and survival. The thought of a whiter brighter day inspires the white race to continue the fight against the Jewish nightmare of genocide and mongrelization. Aryan spirit of warriors from the past lives on within me as I fight for the survival of the great white race. Stand up to the kike and you shall never live a lie.
THE GOOD,BAD AND THE UGLY-The white race created civilization but the Jew came along and seeked to destroy it. Whites foolishly accepted the Jew due to his cunningness. The Jews always seems to get greedy though and gets itself expelled. However,even if the Jews have been expelled they leave behind their atrocities that still manage to have an affect on a community s, for the white race to succeed it must weed out it's traitors. The Jew is able to turn gullible whites against each other. His tools of propaganda and suicidal teaching make him stronger. For the whites to survive against outsider interest it must fight for the truth and not let it's guard down.Spirit, strength and the truth will aide the existence of the white race.
BLACK SEPTEMBER-The spirit of our white heroes will always live on.The memory of our heroes will inspire us to continue. The desire to be free is what drives us. The targeted white race must stand and fight or it will cease to exist and become a myth to our enemies. Our enemies will continue to kill us if we don't make a stand.
DAMNED-The truth of a healthy lifestyle has given away to a self-destructive culture. No longer are you able to experience a life full of hope and happiness. Your presence along with your ideals are swallowed up in a uncivilized society of mongrels and their keepers. You are a prisoner. Fight for your freedom or forever be enslaved.
46 YEARS IN HELL-A hero of the white race is one tries unite and prevent white people from killing each other .A hero of the white race is willing sacrifice his freedom to bring together whites all over the world. A hero of the white race is celebrated no matter what the Jewish propagandists say or do to prevent the truth from being told of our heroes and legends.
FATHERLAND-Torn apart my senseless wars, the land still remains as kindred unite no matter what or who stands in the way. They will try to control it's people with slavish laws and mind control tactics. It still looks to stay a pure breed despite the attempts of mongrelization by it's rulers. It s bloodline is the lands only hope for survival. It can only be properly honored and cherished by it's bloodline not by tainted impure mongrels.
CLOWN OF MISERY-Traitors are bought and sold everyday. Traitors become corrupt with self-destruction. Traitors are useless cowards. Traitors sell out to parasites. Traitors are weak and pathetic.
SHINED UPON-The offspring of the white race is a gift that must not be neglected. The existence of the white race relies on the bringing up our offspring to respect and preserve white culture and to pass it on to future generations. The offspring of the white can only survive with the love of it's own kind.
LAST ACT OF DEFIANCE-King tyrant will be weakened once the white race stands up and refuses to finance it. Band together against King tyrant and it will rule no more. The financial control will be weakened once the united shut the tyrant down.
THE END-Politicians of today are naturally weakened by their greed.Capitalism gives them a false hope of a bright future. Politicians are more about quantity than quality. They will sell you out at a moments notice. Those who stand up for the truth must expose these cowards. Heart and soul can not be sacrificed for a vote. If it is, then the people deserve their crooked politicians they elect. The fakes and frauds must remain powerless. Exposing the enemy of the people will be the white thing to do. THE END-Egos must come to an end in the white racial movement. The hypocrites must come to their senses. Self-interest would give away to self-determination of white survival in order to succeed in the struggle for a whiter brighter world. White people fighting for the same cause must put aside their differences and form legions to push back and/or destroy the enemy.Those who'd rather continue the in fighting are no more helpful than the white traitors.


A CD from 1999 contains 18 tracks of Hardcore/punk/Skinhead racial music. The music is simple but aggressive and to the point. This is the way skinhead music should be, right? The vocals range from a normal tone to a little throaty. URBAN DECAY-Song about the Jewish system that basically lets the nigger off scott-free while the white man does time for his racial cause. CALL TO WARRIORS-A need for White people to stand up to the Jew and its mud-loving society. FOR A NEW DAY-White people must fight for their survival as the Aryan spirit lives on in all true whites. OI OI PORTLAND-The reality of the anti-white system is that white people will survive without fail. TRUE DESTINY-The white race must secure it's present so it can live freely in the future. W.N.S. SKINHEADS- Breaking down the boundaries of Christ-insanity will free your mind from suicidal teachings of loving your enemies. Loving your enemies only allows your thoughts to be controlled by Communism and other Jewish traps. GANG RIOT-Getting your ass kicked is the reality of public drunkenness. FRONTLINE SOLDIER-Standing up against Jewry and its lackeys will only make your white race stronger for future generations. W.P. SKINS-Stand up against the Anti-racist Commie fags and fight for your race, your survival. MARTYRS AND TRAITORS- Do something for your white race, not against it. Stand up for your white race or become enslaved into the Jewish system. ONE OF THE FEW- The white race is an endangered species. White people must preserve it or vanish into extinction. BAGELS AND BLOOD-Violence induced song directed towards the filthy Jew. ARYAN GIRL-The tune is about the beautiful white princess and how she will fight with you for the survival of the white race and land. It has a happy ending too as you literally kill for your Aryan girl when pull the trigger on a nigger. BOOT PARTY-Song is about kicking an A.R.A. faggot's face in. DEFENDERS -Unity of true whites to put an end to the multi-cultural mongrelization of the white man's land, once and for all. I STAND FIRM-The Muds try to be your friend but separation. The liberals try to say who is your equal. The true white will also fight against the Jew-nigger agenda. FATHERLAND-True whites of today will fight for their race just as true whites of the past had. FIGHT HAS JUST BEGUN-White pride is the key and all traitors will hang.


The CD is a split CD featuring Honor and Graveland. Honor performs their songs in Polish but their lyrics are written in English. Four tracks are by Honor and three by Graveland. Honor's music on three of tracks deliver heavy riffs and double bass with a victory march type of feel to it with both the music and singing. Their music grows on you quickly. The Graveland tracks are dark and heavy in Black Metal form with dark choking vocals.


ANTICHRIST'S HAMMER-Survival of the struggle to develop your people will have its rewards.The greatest reward will be the expansion and the advancement of the white race plus the destruction of the enemy and it's filth. For the white race to fight against the fabricated Jewish enemies will, without a doubt, help the Jew kill off the pure white civilization. Living a false life fighting for Jewry will leave you conquered and hopeless to your miserable end. Jewry must not taint White instincts.

WRATH-Christ-insanity imprisons the minds of the gullible sheeple. They don't know or care where their religion came from or how and why it was created. They would rather live like the filthy animals they nourish rather than take care of their own kind in a world free of corruption and disease. So, they only deserve their destruction as they brought it on themselves.

INVADERS-False prophets concocted by Jewry left the sheeple mindless and aimless. Will they ever wake up or continue in the destruction of themselves and their people. Their lives were formed from lies and deceit. They believe all that is built on false promises and lies. The sheeple will forever be swindled and lead to their slaughter as long as they refuse to change.

THOUSAND YEAR BONDS-no lyrics available. It uses a classical anthem sound and approach.


BLACKSMITHS OF DESTINY-Vikings showed their courage and honor when they ruthlessly killed off their enemies and won their possessions. However, they became tainted and then extinct when they adopted their enemy's poisonous religion.

SOURCE OF MY POWER-The white race has always been racist. It didn't happen over night. This how the white race has managed to survive this long despite the disease of Jewry.

INTO DEATH'S ARMS -The white race must fight for it's survival. Then it will see how it's ancestors made it possible for white people to still be living today. Our white ancestors fought for and won the land to create civilizations. Our white ancestors must be honored by the white race by not giving away what was fought for them. The white race of today must fight for it's existence too and it will be rewarded with a promising future. If not, it will parish and all that was won will be lost to the apes and muds ruled by Jewry.


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STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.24
JST 0.032
BTC 90394.48
ETH 2214.37
SBD 0.92