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RE: Reviews ,Recensions & Inspirations

in #shitposting8 years ago

To battle your enemies is healthy as is their defeat. Win or lose the Nordic warrior inspires future generations to carry on the fight. Compromise is out of the question. Survival and advancement of the white race through self-determination is the goal that makes the white race stronger and breeds racial awareness. Enemies crumble from the wrath of our Aryan cause and our might. Our ancestors fought for the survival of our children. Now it's time for us to do the same for future generations to come. Our Aryan spirited attack will crush all those who stand in the way. We must fight for survival and make the enemy pay for it's atrocities against our brethren. White people awaken from your "love your Christ-insane enemies" sleep.
Corruption from the Jewish puppets put a strangle hold on living a natural and healthy life. Taxed to death and overrun by turd world invaders thanks to greedy traitors. Then they got the nerve to ask why you hate while the sheeple and lemming they breed with Jew Hollywood propaganda fall in place. The time has come white traitor,kike,jew-nigger-mud alike. We watch as you kill yourselves off. The Aryan will be last one standing as fools fight for Democracy. The Aryan will only fight for his own kind not take sides or compromise with the enemy. Foolish Jewish laws no longer apply as the laws of Nature supersedes any Jewish lie. The Aryan who allows the truth to set him free will conquer the Jew and his accomplices. The laws of nature don't apply to the mud races. Therefore the subhumans will be rounded up dead or alive and will have to answer for their crimes. Aryans will be looked upon as heroes to the white youth rather than the House Niggers trotted out by the devious kike machine. The Jew will regret his atrocities as the real Holocaust catches up to his crimes of the past. No where to run or hide as the Jew is a sitting duck. No one there to have pity him as they are all hanged for their treachery or in hiding to escape their cowardly acts against it's own kind.
Lilly whites, the traitors of our race, go along with the plan of integration for their own personal gain. They encourage the poor to race mix while they want no part of it, running back to their "Richie Rich" estates. The working class white person has to pay for their corruption and greed as the working class whites are tax slaves being forced to support the enemies of their own kind. Having to tolerate working along side the mud-nigger pests just to survive on slugs and counterfeit paper while the traitors run off with the gold. The greedy live off the work of the white race and hide in seclusion feasting off the rewards of our forced labor. The time will come when the squandering of Lilly-whites will catch up to them. Their stocks will fall, as they'll be betrayed themselves and they'll be forced to face the true-white worker once and for all. NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY can only help the white race. It will awaken fed-up whites, end tax slavery and serfdom and will force the enemy state to disband and flee. Invest in the white race, not your own personal greed. Your race traiting activities will surface before long and your time will come as we put you in your place. You'll have to answer for the treachery against our people. Your riches won't save you from your fate. Your profits will diminish as your lies are exposed. The politicians can not be protected by the Jew any longer. Their taxes will no longer make us suffer. Your capitalist-Christian behavior will be treated as atrocities against the white race. Your foolish cowardly acts will be useless against our resistance of your kind. They fund ape breeding shiftless niggers at our expense. White revolution is in our minds as the traitors' corrupt perverted ways have done nothing but to hurt our people.
White women must be preserved and cherished not turned over to the nigger or allowed to brainwashed by the Jew. White man protect nature's beauty or wake one day alone, dying and near extinct as the racial stock of the white race was sold out for a beer and a Jew-nigger flick. White people awaken before it's too late. White females don't fall for Jewish lies that only lead you to being a dead nigger-loving whore.White men show your honor and pride and destroy the Jew-nigger culture designed to kill your every hope and dream. There's only one fate for Nigger lovers and that is to be sentenced to death along side their Nigger.You'll be better off put out of your misery and it will save future whites from being infected with your filthy disease. Nigger lovers can't live in harmony with our white racial stock, so there's no room for them and they will have to pay for their foolish mistakes.
Ship the filthy shiftless nigger back. Ship it back in a body bag if doesn't want to leave. An Aryan land means no niggers,so get out while you can. The days old shall return just like when our kin watched niggers hang. Muds, Niggers and kikes can only serve as worthless parasites that only offer disease to our people. EXTERMINATE the pest for the future of our Children's sake. Support your white race and free yourself of the epidemic of World Jewry. The kike can survive without gullible and treacherous whites aiding and abetting his every dirty trick.
NIGGER, you are better off in the Jungle where came from. Your animal instincts are no use to a white world. You get the same satisfaction of mating with a monkey or ape as you would raping a white woman. Nigger you got to go. You are a disgrace to the advancement of humans. You fall for every Jewish trap. That's how you were shipped out in the first place. Now we're shipping you back. If you refuse to go and hide behind the Jew. You both are subject to the law of RAHOWA.Harmony for the white race exists without the Nigger, muds and Jew.
Fags are a Jewish tool against whites with not reproducing leading to extinction as the goal. To speed up the extinction disease is imported from the turd world where it is welcomed by gullible whites through the art of Marxist multiculturalism. The family does not include fags. Teach your family about this and other multicultural devices to protect your them from such a tragic mistake. Certain death is the fate of multiculturalism. Fight back this disease as certain death of multiculturalism is the only cure. Euthanasia the infected animals. Their life is death to which the white family must not be apart of.

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