Reviews ,Recensions & Inspirations

in #shitposting8 years ago (edited)



Reviews ,Recensions & Inspirations

THE CD Comes from STRONG SURVIVE .There are 5 tracks of NSBM including
two live tracks.The vocals are deep throaty German accented.

There's a short intro that quickly breaks into the title track.It has
Fast tempos,good rhythm that keeps you interested.

Reviving the Pagan Front by crushing the Judeo-insane religions. Exposing
Jewish lies and making them pay. National Socialism to get the white race
back on track.The weak will be crushed and the Aryan spirit will rise.
No more disease or destructive lifestyle,only the elite will prevail and
prosper as it weeds out the weak and starves off the parasites.

on this track with a continuous pounding beat backed by constant rhythm

Unity of proud brothers and sisters of the white race is a step towards
a healthy lifestyle,relationships and the future of our race with the bearing
of productive Aryan children. The truth will destroy the sheeple as they
crumble from their beliefs in Jewish lies.Make your ancestors proud and
promote a lifestyle that encourages the white race to survive by defeating
intruding enemies that will try to divide and conquer our land given to us by
our ancestors.

VENOMOUS MAGICK-a recorded intro speech/prayer or chant with old music
followed by the Most violent track on CD.The drums are over the top with
rhythm that keeps up.

PRETTANOI AN LARANUS-Noise type sound combined with a driving rhythm backed
by fast solos and echoing vocals
SA 88-Haunting organ intro followed by pounding beats and fast tempoed
rhythm with somewhat hysterical vocals.The music sometimes ends with a
mainstream metal like sound.

The CD-R contains 8 TRACKS of TECHNO NS BLACK METAL side project composed and arranged by one Eviigne of ULFHETNAR.
VISION-Classical Piano originally composed by Franz Liszt(1811-1886)
UNDER BLACK WINGS ,PROUD IN STORMS,WILL TO CONQUER-Choking vocals with usual constant beat and a repetitive rhythm
on these track
INFERNAL PRIDE:Aggressive beat, repetitive rhythm and choking vocals.
Religion is in the eyes of the beholder. Nature is the true force that guides your life. The fight against Anti-nature religious beliefs is the struggle one must take up and address . Jewish lies are to be crushed.
The disease from their religious teachings, which is passed on through human deceit and enslavement, must be cured by crushing the source.It is tedious and downright wasteful to only treat the symptoms.Allow NSBM to invoke natural law that will be your guide in weeding out the weak and expose the lies that cover up the JEW METAL atrocities.

FOREST OF FROZEN STREAMS-Music continued from previous track and also continued on the next track.
The white man was once a warrior.He fought for blood and honor. Those who pay tribute to their ancestral warrior past instead of living a lie of the present day degeneracy will gain knowledge
and develop a will-to-conquer as fools waste life away as slaves to the system that breeds degeneracy. Those who respect themselves must also surround themselves with like-minded counterparts.
They must be able to choose a warrior princess that they can breed with in order to have future generations that possess the warrior spirit, respect their ancestors and pass on the warrior pride to their offspring.

OF ANCIENT NIGHT-A little different upfront guitar sound.
Hating your enemies is only natural.Your will also love and respect their own kind with the teaching of pride-filled past.
The weak are those who continue to worship their enemy and teach their own kind to do so until they finally die out.
The enemy shall fall with every new arrival of white pride. Conquer or be conquered is the rule of survival. The struggle will be worth it once the suicidal law of enemy teaching is ended with the fall of every last coward and scoundrel. The weak will only die out so it best for their foolish teaching to be halted at once. The example they set must not corrupt the warrior youth. Hatred of the enemy helps clear the way for eternal love of your own kind. DARK MISTS OF CRUELTY-Music a little different rhythm and sound has more clarity.
Once people awaken they may rise up against the teachers of suicidal behaviour.Their revolt will
be so their children and their grandchildren's children will be reminded that they must be aware
of the masters of deceit and the lackeys that deliver the suicidal messages. Their revolt would be
best remembered if celebrated each year on the same day the revolt took place.

ULFHETHNAR-Beyond their Mortal Boundaries
Five song CD with a Prologue and a Epilogue is made up of mostly aggressive NS black metal with
hysterical/choking vocals.

A Call for the Rising Mists

Nightmares from Jewish lies.Misguided sheeple lead to the Jewish slaughter is the
darkened reality as true whites awaken with hysteria. the very thought of a white
mixing with a JewNiggerMud boils the blood of all proud whites.Bonded by blood all whites are to unite against the acts against nature by traitors of our race. The
plan is set that all must pay for crimes against our kind.The liars,mixers and
murderers will meet their fate as whites unite and rise up to dethrone given to
occupiers our land which was handed to them by traitors that will soon hang for
their crimes.

Race traitoring sheeple sell out their race and nation .The racemixing
atrocities are acts against nature. They are destined to die and shall not
contaminate the blood of Aryans no longer.Their fate shall come quicker than
they've have foolishly had planned.The Aryan shall protect and preserve nature's
finest.The true Aryan warrior shall slaughter the sheeple that stand in the
way of self-determination and preservation of his people.No sheeple will be
spared as their semitic leaders will be rounded up and herded to their own slaughter for the subhumans they are .The Aryan must fight for his race's survival
or be in the direct line of his own destruction.
Winter Darkness

The awakened white can no longer tolerate judeo-christ-insanity.The poisoned
minds who seek to poison their blood in order to please the spooks in the sky
as they follow orders from their chosen masters will be dealt with severely if
they refuse to acknowledge their fallacies and correct their mistakes. .Each awakened white lets out a battle cry signalling to the enemy that their days are numbered.The aryans who have found themselves will seek revenge on teir enemies with cold blooded darkened hate.Natural instincts will take over and resistance will be eternal in making the world forever safe for whites.
The sheeple hopeless can no longer waste the lives of whites to satisfy their master
kike. The anti-naturalism of Judeo- Christ-insanity will be faced with a deadly fight as they must pay for their sickening unconditional love of our enemies who choose to destroy nature and its finest creations

The Eternal Silence

The code of silence among whites must not be broken.Traitors who choose to sell out to our
enemies such as ZOG will be treated harshly as they face the day of the rope.Our celebration
will be their dark reality of the consequences for the actions against us. Life and Death are
the same when you sell out.You will only be living to die in order to please your captors.Brave
soldiers have the right to remain silent as you are guilty of nothing but being white! Cold Fields

The white separatists yet alone contains no flaw or error due to no outside influence and is destined to survive providing it can pass it's gene on through other like minded whites of the opposite sex.

The lone Aryan cries out in grief but must get a grip and learn to be a great warrior.


SYMBOLS OF FOREFATHERS-Pounding beats mixed with traditional black metal intensity that builds momentum.
ANGER OF FOURFACES-More pounding slightly triggered beats with melodic rhythm mixed with some speed.
as the sociopathic behavior is now directed at white traitors.

I am the EVIL one-Organ driven triggered aggression with throaty vocals mixed in that talks the lyrics at points
FLAME OF ARYAN HATE-Slower tempo ,good rhythm ,moderate beat.
IN BLACKSMITH OF HATE-Slower tempo techno like song that is dazed with blackness.

tracks include a German folk song/hyme with like humming backed by a
somber beat and rhythm/All out Black metal ASSAULT aggressive black
metal with triggers and choking-screamy vocals/Loud and clear moderate
tempo with a decent rhythm that builds with aggression combined with
choking vocals and normal background vocals./Irish influenced
intro/composition/instrumental/Black Metal choking vocals mixed
sometimes with backing gloomy vocals.Drums are simple but uptempo and
music is barely in background of vocals./Older style rhythm guitars
mixed with black metal aggression. /Nazi speech intro,Hysterical Black Metal vocals
mixed with humming background vocals and NAZI speech. Good rhythm and beat that ends aggressively./total black metal aggression with chanting like chorus

12 track of barking-muffled death metal vocals much like Fleshgrind-heavy grooves with triggered beats
Not much racialism going on in the CD as it contains murderous acts that lead to
necrophilia.The lyrics are total serial/sociopathic/psychotic loner murderer driven.

This racist Hatecore band not be confused with the other band from New York
The band is from New Jersey and this particular release is from Panzerfaust.The CD contains
11 tracks of heavy duty hatecore.

WRECKING BALL-Absolute power must be exercised to crush the Jew Mongers and nonwhites.The final stand of awakened whites against traitors and natural enemies will either set the white race free or become
extinct as the rest of the world lives as animals.The true white must not give up the struggle and must fight for victory that will bring joy to all whites who desire to be parasite/disease free. Non-whites and
traitors share the same fate as awakened whites give them what they deserve. No laws or propaganda shall not stop the white from being a part of the Aryan rite .The practice of racial survival by the Aryan Warrior shall be rewarded with an Aryan Society dedicated to being pure,healthy and fruitful. Racial supremacy is needed only
to assure purity and loyalty.Supremacy is only a step towards ridding the white race of parasites and diseases.
Intolerance of nonwhites must not be ignored when expressing Supremacy.After the white race has secured a land only
for whites,Supremacy must be replaced with Aryan Unity. BETRAYED-Race mixers pollute the land .You feel alone in a world once so grand.The traitors are norm as you search for answers to what went wrong.Finding those who are like-minded are few and far between. You go on in disbelief of the world
that chooses self-destruction over health and fruitful survival. The few and the proud must unite and consolidate.No loyal
white shall be ignored.
BROKEN AWAY-Tolerance of nonwhites is dangerous and suicidal.Going along with the anti-white
propaganda is foolish.The sheeple must awakened and must be forced to fight nonwhites or be punished
if they choose to be white traitors. The sheeple mind must be freed of force fed lies.The sheeple
mind needs to be directed to understand and respect nature. If the sheeple refuse to seek help then they
shall be stripped of the whitehood and condemned to death.
DROPOUT-Stay true to your white racial cause.Don't give up or give in to the enemy.Keep on the right track and don't look back.
Fight for your race,its the only thing you have left.Dont be a coward.Stand your ground and don't back down. Cowering will
solve nothing.Enslavement is not an option.

CHEATED-After years of being taught to tow the line you wake up one and found it was a vicious lie.
You realize you have nothing as your small fortune withers away.You had no one to truly share your
life with or to celebrate the gift of life by having someone to be fruitful with.You slaved your
life away just to survive.It has only brought wealth to others as your focus has been robbed and distorted.
No family ,no hope and no future are your dark realities. The only cure is to get determined to find a
fertile mate.You cannot waste your life any longer and nor should continue to makes excuses in order to do so.
You be straight forward with potential mates.You must give something to your race or forever feel cheated. US AGAINST THE WORLD-The struggle becomes harder when whites choose not to fight. Brothers and Sisters who choose to fight shall stand together and continue to unite. The Jews and their nonwhites don't stand chance if every white person takes a stand.
Excuses, cowering and begging for acceptance/forgiveness is not what the white race is all about. Being a member of the white race has its rewards. Get rid of the political/religious screwed society that panders to JEWNIGGERMUDS and every honorable white shall reap and harness these rewards. Eliminating politics and false religions will happen as every JEWNIGGERMUD is exposed for the
worthless animals that they are.

PIG-Police with no racial loyalty are cowardly.Anyone who is loyal to their job are systematic slaves.Anyone who abuses their powers or feel they are above anyone because they have a job to do or feel they can get away with whatever are no good for no one.Especially cops who have no regard for their own kind
in favor of filling quotas or just want to please their Jew boss shall be regarded as traitors.Any cop who abuses his powers to rape and murder whites shall get what they deserve. LIKE A PITBULL-The white race must not give in to its enemies. The white race must attack the invading enemies and conquer them until they are no more.White lands must be protected no matter the occupier's laws of enslavement.The white race must be preserved and protected.
The only way is to fight or the white race shall perish.
FED UP-Going along with the crowd because it is so-called cool is cowardly and disturbing.Being one of the crowd
will keep you dumbed-down.Blending in and taking part in trends will leave a slave to the grave. Your bar hopping
will one day leave you alone and depressed.You will risk your future of raising a productive family. Cheating,mixing
and hurting others has no positive effects.Wasting your life away may be your choice but is a foolish one that you will
pay dearly for in the end.
ONE FAMILY- White Racial loyalty must overcome the brainwashing of the cunning Jew-driven enemies.The white race must be awakened in order to respect itself and unite to fight the enemy scum.There are no room for cowards in the quest for white racial survival.Bonded by blood the white
race shall rise and return to greatest of our proud ancestors.

The 15 track CD is of a band from Florida. They are on Thule-Imperium Records. The music is aggressive skinhead punk style. The band proclaims to be America s most violent skinhead band. There are two covers on the CD: Let's Get it On, originally done by HAMMERTOWN and Hate Your Face originally done by BURNLEY/NO REMORSE.

Despite Jewish lies and Zionist tyranny, Nazi youth resist with pride. Fight for the cowardly Niggers and Jews, you'll surely die. The sight of the Swastika strickens them with fear as they hope the white sheeple saves them from their despair. JEWISH LIES OF RACE MIXING COULD NOT HIDE THE TRUTH. Genocide is NATURES LAW for eliminating the weak and gullible. Worldwide whites must unite and STAND FOR RACE AND LAND Help extend the FUHRER'S DREAM with Expansion and consolidation of all Aryan lands into the GREATEST EMPIRE OF ALL TIME. Enemies will fall across the world once Brothers and Sisters unite to join our fight as NAZI YOUTH RISES TO THE CALL. Once The lies in the PROPAGANDA OF A FILTHY Zionist JEW are seen, the Commie agenda that is designed TO ENSLAVE YOU AND ME will be exposed. Try to separate us and you'll see Aryan unity will be the final decree. Our Kin will be saluted and this time we'll win. The Phoenix will rise from the ashes. The regime change is near as the Jewish occupiers are hunted down as their puppet lackeys cower in the streets. Lackey Corruption and Jewish lies are finally addressed as the scoundrels and traitors meet their fate.
Don't be a Joe Six-pack or Conserva-rat.The Jew, nigger and muds are your enemies. You can't have a white world debating and what to do about or how to treat your racial enemies. Look out for your own kind get up and find an Aryan bride before the Jew has all white women denouncing the future of the white race. You can not ignore white women any longer without them your are just another dying out Jew-nigger lover. Show the white women you'll honor and fight for them. Keep the Jew, Nigger and mud from your precious racial stock. Drive the scum back to the ghettos and turd world from where they came. Booze and drugs must be flushed out of the Aryan land. These destructive influences on our white people must be replaced with positive and creative influences to help preserve nature's finest beauty, the white woman. Take action before it's too late. Why watch the Jew, Nigger and muds pervert and violate white women? Be kind to nature and help save your white race.

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