RE: Reviews ,Recensions & Inspirations
Aggressive Pagan Black Metal from BEFORE GOD:
NO ALLEGIANCE-The pledge to a suicidal nation of Christ-insanity is a joke. The sheeple show their allegiance to a government that has loyalty to their citizens. Multiculturalism is the American way" is a belief shared by brainwashed, defeated and the enslaved. The strength of true and pure whites can prevail over a failed society with an awakening and consolidation of the masses.
REBIRTH OF THE PAGAN MAN-Denounce Christ-insanity and take back what your ancestors risked their lives for. You have a choice to be free.Rid yourself of the suicidal ways of the cloak. Slaves of Christ-insanity are slaves to all those who wish to destroy the land and it's people. Return to your roots and learn to live like a white person should, free of all enslavement.
FRONT TOWARDS ENEMY:Lyrics in Italian but could translate thoroughly but I was still able to get something out of it.
WHY TOO MUCH HATE?-Aggressive Hard-core Vocals with driving metal beats with metal laced riffs accompanied by double-bass. The white race's future will not come from peace. Crookedness of Jewry will no longer be tolerated by awakened whites.Jewry proclaims nonsense that the Jews are the chosen and everyone must answer to them.The white race will not be freed until it decides that it wants to be free.Life wasted by the white race is a victory for Jewry.The choice of a success is there for the white person if only they choose to be pure.The JEW has used it's degenerate ghettos to reach out and corrupt the land in an attempt to decivilize its population by trying to dumb it down in order to take control over it.The JEW will try to exploit your weaknesses and entrap you in your troubles.Steer clear of Jewish traps.
ZERO KNOCK OUT-F.T.M.- Thrashy and heavy riffed.Revolution is to defend yourself as your pride will be your orders of survival in the struggle towards victory. Be heard and don't allow the enemy to shout you down.Shake up the weakened masses with a loud and proud era of revolt.To be silent will only allow the masses to cater to the enemy.The awakening of the masses will give them pride that has been lost.The plan for the white race will be revealed with every awakening as the alien enemy will be overrun by white racial pride.
OUTRIGHT BLASPHEMY-PUNK influenced sound with changing tempos mixed with double bass. Weakening the spirit of the white race and trying to desensitize the white race does not work. White people return to their roots more and more. The Sun God will guide us through the torment and torture of the anti-white Christians and Zionists. The white race will remain strong by sticking to it's roots, fending off the enemies of mother nature and the white race.
WHITE HATE-Thrashy and raw metal. The Judeo-Christian enemy will try to fill the cities with anti-white muds and niggers. The Aryan spirit will arise in the fighters and the traitors will suffer their betrayal. The wall of the dead will be constructed with more of our enemies' foolishness .The strong will survive the Zionists attack and the Aryan will erase the guilt with the destruction of our enemies. White pride will crush doped up hippie kike culture. The rise of the Aryan will be our future.
BIFROST: DRI like sound with hard-core vocals.
VIOLENT LIGHTNING-The more the cowardly enemy exposes itself with it's ridiculous propaganda lies the faster the Aryan spirit will be awakened in defenders of the white race. The Kingdom will suffer defeat along with the enemies it helps create. The Kingdom can survive only if it chooses to benefit the white race or it will continue fall with it's deceit. Smash the filthy society and develop a strong Aryan unity. Celebrating the achievements of the white race is a choice and chance a strong, intelligent white person can take. The white race has to make a choice between slavery and supremacy. The white race will survive with nature as the suicidal fools of our enemy become extinct with their treachery.
PRAYER OF THE FIGHT-Reject suicidal religions. Have no fear and proudly support natural ways of survival. Let what comes naturally aide our survival in the war on our white people.
IN AETERNUM-Show your courage. Let the world know about your whiteness. Fight off your enemies no matter their attempt at intimidation. Exploit their weakness and crush their foolishness. The strong will strive in excellence due to it's never-ending intelligence.
CENTURION: LEGIONS OF HATE-HARD-CORE VOCALS, HEAVY RIFFED GUITAR finished off with a touch Double bass and over the top drum roll with thrashy outbursts. Hate your enemies at the condemnation. End their guilt trips with retaliation of total hate. Vengeance will achieved once wrongs are crushed with right. The enemies and traitors will no longer be able stop our fight. White racial expansion will be the victory against the masters of deceit. Legions are formed upon every betrayal against our race.
THE PLAGUE-Contains more thrash, guitar solos with double-bass and heavy riffed jams. Niggers, Jews ad faggots are diseases that are suicidal to treat. The only cure for their sickness is to send them elsewhere out of reach of the pure white. Their refusal to cooperate and insistence of demands will quickly lead them to their demise .
THE ETERNAL EMPIRE-Black Metal of Darkened rhythms with sometimes thrashy riffs and beats with choking vocals. If and when the white race wakes up the holy racial war will spread in the fight for its' lives against the attack of the non-white enemies. Spirits of the past will inspire the white race to fight with pride against the enemies who have taken advantage of Christianic guilt. The word of old will overcome all suicidal teachings and the white race shall free itself of the parasites. The world will be shocked as whatever propaganda they try to brainwash the masses with will have no effect on reborn white racial loyalists. The only war that can help the white race is a total racial one.No more Jew-Zionist suicidal corruption can interfere with the awakened white race in its quest for survival and forever freedom. The mass gathering of whites will be the prelude to the enemies' extinction.
LAST SCREAMS OF THE DYING ERA-Black Metal of Darkened rhythms with choking vocals. The white person who takes advantage of their knowledge shall be a successful white person. The bitter end to Christ-insanity will be the intelligent white person's reward.
INGEN REAKTION-Hardcore vocals with DRI riffed like sound with a mild tempo. Also contains some melodic parts.
A DARK DREAM-Dark Blackened Metal with an organ feel plus triggered double bass and constant riffs in the background.