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RE: Reviews ,Recensions & Inspirations

in #shitposting8 years ago

Involved Patriot-The Right Way!
The French-Canadian band's CD is from Panzerfaust Records. It contains 11 tracks of solid Hard-core Metal with a moderate to fast tempo.
NO MORE GUILT-Starts with an intro from a speech by William Pierce. This is a song directed at people who are mainly conservative. The conservatives are always the ones being lead into traps by liberals and Jews. They are intimidated into denial when they are being called a racist or Nazi.
OUR HEROES-White Heritage and History is important for today s youth. Without it they'll never be responsible, won t have their own culture, will always be self-destructive and blind. If the youth are not educated about pride then there will be no place for them survive.
SERS TOI DE TA TETE!-Lyrics in French and is also recorded in French. Lyrics could not be translated to the point but the song seems to be about the white race being true and free of alien influences. DON'T YOU CARE-False patriotism orchestrated by Zionist scum. The whites who follow the Zionist plan give up their culture and heritage. They indulge in Jewish greed that only makes the Jew rich. They are content with being financial slaves. They must be awoken. The Jew must be exposed.
SHEEP OF CHRIST-Christ insanity has stricken the people into sheeple. They ll love their enemies till their death. White people must realize it's time to wake up and understand where their false religion originated from and who's pulling their strings.
SELF DESTRUCT-Those who are content with being entertained by Jewish interest have no purpose in life other than supporting their masters. Can these cowards be awakened?
IMPORTED SOCIETY-Cover originally done by M.O.D. Sounds close to the original. This song was probably recorded to market the rest of their music even though Billy Milano is a Jew-lover.
THE RIGHT WAY-Song about NS skinheads and their Viking heritage. Make the world a better place for white youth. Support your white race before you have nothing to look forward to for the rest of your life.
VISION BRUTALE-Song done in French. Unable to translate all words but I was able to get the following out if it: Decadance, Self-hatred is served and defended by Commies, White traitors and other anti-racists. White victory would devastate their people. Surrounding yourself with pure and true whites will no doubt improve your life. If you chose to remain scared, the fear will eventually kill you. Those who give up their white land without a fight will soon be a worthless slave and have set themselves up for a sure death. Individualism leaves you astray as you'll wither away and die off. The mongrelized will kill themselves off as the strength of racial purity dominates the land in legions. The treacherous weak shall be shown no mercy. The Jewish culture you delve in can not save you from the strength of racial purity. The brave will fight for their cause no matter what. The false life of fear comes to those who sell out. Christ-insanity and Satanic cults are no match for racial purity. White racial pride stands above and beyond suicidal Jewish religions. When white decides to be right ,it's might is no match for the Red rule of Jewry. Waking up and liquidating your exploited weaknesses is the cure that awaits you. Selling out is victory for the Commie Kikes. The Commie kikes must be exposed as they maybe with you in your everyday like seeking to destroy you. Cowardly white traitors' self-hatred is practiced with decadence and violence. Liberals serve and protect the enemies of the white race for personal gain. The more you chose to sell out to Jewish filth the faster the enemy you'll become. Speak you mind or forever be silenced by Jewish tactics. Your guilt will disappear once you realize your white racial pride. Join the white fight to change and purify your life or forever fail and remain enslaved. Glory to the white racial heroes as will always be remembered for awakening the white race to have normal vision of the white racial survival.
ANOTHER ONE DIED-Expel the non-whites from the white land or be conquered and killed off by the muds and their Jew financiers. Fight for your white country and stomp out the attack by the enemies of the white race. Save the future of your race. Eliminate all falsified guilt and rid your white land of the invading muds along with the parasites.
BETRAYER-The true Betrayer song ,unlike the popular Communist song of the same name. When you sell the white race out for personal greed, you are the true betrayer. Betrayers will pay the price. Their life of loneliness will be their punishment. They ll die out if they are not killed off. Why be a betrayer? What does a white person have to gain by being a slave to Jewry?

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