Let’s Start the Dialogue… My Name is Lexie - #MentalHealthMonday
Mental health and illnesses are usually spoken about in hushed tones by embarrassed individuals who recognize there is a negative stigma surrounding these topics. Thankfully, being open and honest about our emotional wellbeing is becoming a little more mainstream but we, as a society, still have a long way to go. That’s why I am proposing #mentalhealthmonday.
Am I starting this initiative because I have no one else to talk to and am too tired to continue carrying my mental burdens alone? Perhaps. Actually, yes. That’s a big part of it. I don’t feel like I have anyone to talk to that can relate… and that ability to connect and communicate is one of the most important parts of reducing stigma, making mental health conversation more commonplace, and of course taking care of ourselves. So yes, #mentalhealthmonday is an initative to take a day to be real with one another… really real. Visceral. Volatile. To face all the things we endure in silence and don’t talk about.
I propose that every Monday we start a dialogue about how our past week has been and where we are in our current emotional state. If you are doing great and want to bask in the glow, share it! If you are struggling and need to vent, speak up!
Let’s start the dialogue about mental health - I’ll go first.
Hi. This is me. It’s an old picture but I haven’t changed much. My real name is Lexie and I’m incredibly apprehensive about writing these words and sharing my thoughts with you (and my brother who sometimes checks in and reads my posts… hi brother). My name is Lexie and I am fucking struggling.
My entire blog here on Steemit is focused on personal development and, through that venture, homesteading. But both of those aspects of writing stemmed from my struggle with depression and poor mental health.
A long time ago, @pennsif ran a contest about “Homestead Happiness” and, with great trepidation, I wrote a post for it. I said,
“If I can’t end my life, I have to learn to live it. [But] The thought of another 60 some odd years of feeling the same dark malaise was almost unbearable. I wanted to run away to a quiet and desolate place. I wanted to avoid everyone and everything. I didn’t want to die… but I also didn’t want to truly live. I wanted to coast through the years until I could pass from old age guilt free.”
And that’s where my journey with homesteading began. It was my scapegoat, my idea to pass time, to keep myself busy and to keep myself from thinking. It worked for a while.
But let’s be honest - I don’t know what I want! Everyone I know has it together. Kids, married, job, etc. By comparison? I’m a college dropout, unemployed and living with her parents. I applied for fucking disability because my brain won’t function right even on antidepressants (and was denied of course), endured an emotionally abusive relationship, left my long term relationship just two days ago because my boyfriend who is..was… my best friend cheated on me, and haven’t left the house for all intents and purposes in almost 4 years. I’m tired. Tired of everything.
Why does no one talk about how hard it is to live when you don’t know what you want from life?! And why don’t more people understand how hard it is for some people to simply stay alive, much less live?
So I’ve been having a tough time lately. And I’m not ashamed to admit it anymore. If being honest about how screwed up my life is can either help me recover or help others start talking about mental health, I guess it will be worth it.
How is your current emotional state? Share it and let’s make #mentalhealthmonday more mainstream! I <3 you all
First photo from Pexels and used under the CC0 license. Second photo taken by @kiaraantonoviche and may be shared/reposted with proper accreditation.
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This is a great idea. Sometimes I wish there was a discord we could go to to just be able to say hi, I'm depressed and suicidal, no I won't kill myself but I just want to say I wish I wasn't alive anymore...
Today I am ok. The more distracted I keep myself on here the better. Some days are horrible and I cant come on here and instead just do nothing. Kids and married doesn't always make it better but at least they keep me alive.
Life is really hard and I feel like I like don't know anyone who isn't stuggling.
Also, I ramble on without order to my thoughts.
So umm... I feel you.
Thank you for sharing.
I think a discord channel would be a great idea tbh. I'm sorry you can understand what I'm talking about but it's also nice in a way to find someone who at least "gets it" <3
Sorry to hear you are struggling. When I was younger I had mild depression but I eventually was able to overcome it. It wasn't as severe as what you are describing and I never had anyone betray my trust as you experienced but I think I can relate a little.
Some of it was improving my diet and just getting out of the house more some of it was just realizing that comparing myself to others and trying to meet other peoples idea of normal or their expectations was bullshit. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is yourself.
You mentioned how everyone you know has it together but in my experience that is rarely the case. There are very few people that have it together. There are a lot of people that present the image that they have it together but when you get past that shiny exterior they are usually train wrecks. It just isn't the side that they show the world, they are walking around all day with masks on.
Another thing I am becoming more and more aware of lately is that there is a lot more random luck to peoples success or failure then anyone wants to admit. Certainly the people who are successful (whatever that means..) don't want to admit it. That would hurt their self image they have where they have it together.
Have you thought about helping out a charity or something? Helping others is a great way to get out of the house and start interacting with more people. Usually when you help other people you start to feel better about yourself too.
Something seems to be going around this Spring. Hopefully good fruit will rise from it. Great reply @canadianrenegade.
I hear you. I see you. Thank you for speaking your truth. This is an excellent idea, and I hope I remember to post on Monday. I, too, have struggled with pretty serious depression. It got really, really bad before I realized what was happening. I feel like I lost years of my life. Admitting it and sharing the truth with people who care about me was, I think, the most helpful piece. That's what is so wonderful about the idea of mentalhealthmondays. We can all honestly share where we are at.
i'm so glad you posted this. last week i shared something around my mental health and that lingering voice of "not being good enough" -- luckily ini and i get that one and other depressions, sadnesses, etc out in the open as they can just eat us up inside! it was both scary and vulnerable to share that on steemit. some people provided what i thought were pat responses that actually bothered me (i've never experienced that kind of thing, but have you tried meditating!?=not helpful)... on the other hand, i got some really cool helpful insights i hadn't thought of before to step out of my mental hole.
this was a new benefit of opening up- people might actually be able to share things that help me lol!
i hear you and i am so glad you did this to confront the stigma and to open up about your own experience. @battleaxe has been doing so as well and it's so liberating to share where we're at. i have found a really non judgmental community here. as far as people judging us, too, i know i can get impeded by that thought, but it's helpful for me to think that if anyone reads it and either judges or just doesn't say anything then that message of mine just wasn't for them.. i think a big part of these things is we ourselves accepting ourselves and where we're at. then the sting of judgment doesn't matter as much..
also, i'm really sorry to hear about your ex cheating and your breakup and all of the other difficult things!!! that sucks!! can see already myself, @amymya and @hethur240 are resonating with you and here for/with you. much love!!
I also have been struggling since last spring. I have atypical SADS (Seasonal Affective Disorder Syndrome) and with the gloomy overcast weather New England has endured for the last year, it really knocked me down, down, down. I know well the black bottomless hole...
I really tried to pull myself together, went to a nutritionist for support (carb addiction reared its ugly head) but that was no help. Have been on the waiting list for the mental health dept for months. (Gotta love MassHealth...)
I am hoping that the gloomy days are past. If not, it's going to be a hard season on the homestead....
I work at taking what joy I can from the nature around me: birdsong, peepers, birds returning, wildlife, beautiful flowers. Enjoying the beautiful photos many Steemians post.
And I just keep going. One thing that keeps me sort of on track is the organization I create to function each day (due to the cognitive dysfunction from the chronic Lyme disease). It's such an ingrained habit that I do it automatically, and it gets me up and going, working my way down the list....
I hope your dark malaise is helped by the replies you receive....
thanks for the tip Re: organization. i've been trying to implement that into my basically unstructured life just because i think it will help me be healthier... also find your finding joy from the nature around me helpful. it's a ray of light to hear others' finding light in these things, too. <3
@kiaraantonoviche Stay strong and hold your head up high, We all struggle with life at times and it can be so difficult to see the positives in a situation.
Like others have said, people (myself included) often put on a front themselves and may seem to have a perfect life, job and family but they may be dealing with their own issues behind that mask.
I battled with depression and anxiety for a long time due to the pressures of paying for a house, a stressfull job, marriage and really struggling with becoming a father...
One thing that helps me and goes hand in hand with homesteading and blogging is "mindfullness" it really helped to ground me when the anexity/depression had set in and pull back some perspective for a situation.
Reaching out as you have done was by far the best thing i had done as you realise who is not worth your time (those that say just cheer up, snap out of it etc 😠) and those that have walked a mile in your shoes and those that may not understand but are there to help you keep afloat when you feel like your sinking
Find one thing that makes you smile today!
All the best
Great time for this post, @kiaraantonoviche, Thanks! And a THANKS in general for all you do here. I don't know what to say, but I feel with you.
Interesting timing. I have been disintegrating for the last few weeks. Nothing makes sense. Including my last statement. Things fall apart, and continue until the momentum is exhausted.
A tragedy occurred while I was away. It was not my fault, but I may have been able to prevent it, if I had have been there. (Guilt pangs!)
What makes us all alone here is, quite often, learned by us. We learn that it scares people when we confide darkness. So we learn to keep it to ourselves. (Therefore we are shiny happy people.) That's a shame. I really appreciate it when someone trusts me enough to open up. Getting it out can be so helpful.
Oh honey. As soon as you said "My name is Lexie and I am fucking struggling" I immediate started a crying jag. I can absolutely understand. I'm afraid to post my own #mentalhealthmonday as I know a lot of my steemit friends in real life...and the husband reads my posts. I don't want anyone to know how much I'm struggling myself. I don't want anyone to think I can't do it and that they need to bring themselves down to my level to help me. I hate it. My anxiety is so ramped up, I can't make it to work without medication. The only thing that seems to be helping is gardening and steemit. I hate to not name my kids in that list, but honestly...kids=stress for me.
I'm hoping this all passes soon. With spring here and there being more opportunities to get outside and get my mind off its continual bleakness, it shouldn't be much longer.
I hope it all passes for you soon as well. I hate the cliche`, but I'm around if you need someone to talk to. I find it easier to talk to strangers than friends who might judge me. Chin up, girl. Lots of love and support your way.
Thank you and I hope the anxiety passes for you soon as well. I totally understand not wanting to talk to people you know - I even texted the crisis textline just so I could vent to a total stranger. I'm here for you as well <3
I tried to write a full post about it, but I only got so far. It's scary.
It is very scary! I'm happy that you even gave it a try in the first place <3
What a wonderful, honest post Lexie. Thank you for sharing with us. My heart certainly hurts for you right now, but I believe sharing is a huge part of releasing the pain. Unfortunately society doesn't properly support us when we are in pain and need support. Life is hard, definitely a roller coaster, but not always a fun ride. When I think about the anxiety I have shouldered all of my life it can be debilitating. Having others to share it with is critical. You are on the right track! You are an amazing , gifted woman and I have been so impressed with what you have brought to the Steemit Community. Just know you are supported here! I like your idea for #mentalhealthmonday! All the best my friend.