RE: Let’s Start the Dialogue… My Name is Lexie - #MentalHealthMonday
Great time for this post, @kiaraantonoviche, Thanks! And a THANKS in general for all you do here. I don't know what to say, but I feel with you.
Interesting timing. I have been disintegrating for the last few weeks. Nothing makes sense. Including my last statement. Things fall apart, and continue until the momentum is exhausted.
A tragedy occurred while I was away. It was not my fault, but I may have been able to prevent it, if I had have been there. (Guilt pangs!)
What makes us all alone here is, quite often, learned by us. We learn that it scares people when we confide darkness. So we learn to keep it to ourselves. (Therefore we are shiny happy people.) That's a shame. I really appreciate it when someone trusts me enough to open up. Getting it out can be so helpful.