SBI Upvotes Report
Steem Basic Income
Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a voluntary crowd-funded basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.
Member Responsibility
It is the responsibility of every Steemian to ensure that tags used are appropriate to their content. If you use SCOT tags and they are not relevant to your content, it may sometimes result in upvote removal, if requested by the leaders of the SCOT community you elected to tag. You will not receive restitution for these removed votes.
@sbi2 accounts voted
As each upvote is delivered by our newly automated system, it selects the highest VP account that can deliver the full scheduled upvote value. This visual represents the upvotes that were delivered by @sbi2 over the last thirteen days, and the table shows the actual % weight of each upvote.
In cases where 20% of pending vote balance is greater than the 100% maximum deliverable upvote from all ten voting accounts, the unvoted amount remains in pending upvote balance until eventual upvote delivery.
STU shown are estimated, and may be different than actual STU at post payout. The 100% upvotes are delivered alongside additional upvotes from our other voting accounts.
author | vote_weight | STU_estimate | permlink |
@axeman | 9594 | 0.337 | the-phoenix-in-me-will-rise-from-the-ashes |
@axeman | 9507 | 0.334 | holding-the-dark |
@axeman | 9417 | 0.331 | colors-of-ajman |
@axeman | 9392 | 0.33 | modesta |
@axeman | 9367 | 0.329 | century-silver-coin-of-china-1850-1949-72-coins-set-replicas-coin-56 |
@axeman | 9208 | 0.324 | the-dream-warrior |
@axeman | 9123 | 0.321 | black-and-white-photography-and-art-contest-week-020-9-sbi-prize-pool-submission-post |
@axeman | 9053 | 0.318 | 100-days-of-steem-day-71-friday-challenge-find-a-local-charity-dialogue-1-a-visual-story-20-photos |
@axeman | 9022 | 0.317 | 100-days-of-steem-the-biggest-event-of-the-year-day-of-the-sea-and-tallship-regate-a-visual-story-28-photos |
@axeman | 8987 | 0.316 | dancing-in-the-light |
@axeman | 8915 | 0.313 | 100-days-of-steem-tourist-guide-for-the-day-welcome-to-klaipeda |
@axeman | 8485 | 0.298 | apeironas-apeiron-theatrical-performance-nekroze-necrosis-v2-part-8-a-visual-story-15-photos |
@axeman | 8250 | 0.29 | nothing-is-unreal-as-long-as-you-can-imagine-like-a-crow |
@axeman | 7774 | 0.273 | waiting-for-a-valentine |
@axeman | 7419 | 0.261 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-road-to-the-sea-a-visual-story-31-photos |
@axeman | 1097 | 0.039 | red-elements |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.351 | 1197042770 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.351 | 1898151294 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.351 | 2235638074 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.351 | 3624471096 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.351 | 4325707014 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.351 | 4751515517 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.351 | 5658005768 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.351 | 5831283623 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.351 | 6111607489 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.351 | 6455439512 |
@ecoinstats | 10000 | 0.351 | 8984792513 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.351 | the-daily-sneak-1-january-2018-with-guest-curator-sanmi-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.351 | the-daily-sneak-24-december-2017-with-guest-curator-ecoinstant-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.351 | the-daily-sneak-25-december-2017-with-guest-curator-xabi-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.351 | the-daily-sneak-26-december-2017-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.351 | the-daily-sneak-29-december-2017-with-guest-curator-firedream-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.351 | the-daily-sneak-2-january-2018-with-guest-curator-sharoonyasir-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.351 | the-daily-sneak-30-december-2017-with-guest-curator-djlethalskillz-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.351 | the-daily-sneak-31-december-2017-with-guest-curator-chiefmappster-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.351 | the-daily-sneak-3-january-2018-with-guest-curator-chiefmappster-hive-189312 |
@thedailysneak | 10000 | 0.351 | the-daily-sneak-4-january-2018-with-guest-curator-djlethalskillz-hive-189312 |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.351 | free-ruby-books-and-courses |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.351 | how-to-solve-race-problems-narrow-wealth-gap--marketwatch |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.351 | just-learned-about-hive |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.351 | national-debt-growing-at-roughly-1-trillion-a-month--the-sounding-line |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.351 | trump-administration-wont-say-who-got-511-billion-in-taxpayerbacked-coronavirus-loans--portland-press-herald |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.351 | us-jobless-claims-rise-slower-154-million-in-early-june-but-layoffs-still-extremely-high |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.351 | us-national-debt-spiked-by-1-trillion-in-5-weeks--wolf-street |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.351 | why-i-won-t-abandon-steem |
@samuel-swinton | 10000 | 0.351 | writers-block |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.351 | 1st-bundesliga-week-31-hoffenheim-vs-leipzig |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.351 | 2nd-bundesliga-bielefeld-vs-dresden |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.351 | 2nd-bundesliga-hsv-vs-kiel |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.351 | 2nd-bundesliga-week-32-tuesday-matches |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.351 | 2nd-bundesliga-week-32-wednesday-matches-with-aue-vs-bochum |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.351 | dfb-pokal-halbfinale-bayern-vs-frankfurt |
@sportfrei | 10000 | 0.351 | dfb-pokal-halbfinale-saarbruecken-vs-leverkusen |
@davedickeyyall | 8394 | 0.295 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200616t012934576z |
@davedickeyyall | 7432 | 0.261 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200609t013527401z |
@davedickeyyall | 7367 | 0.259 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200611t011945807z |
@davedickeyyall | 7219 | 0.254 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200610t004633926z |
@davedickeyyall | 6999 | 0.246 | no-papers |
@davedickeyyall | 6679 | 0.235 | 7unqow-the-daily-highlight-reel |
@davedickeyyall | 6575 | 0.231 | rolling-rollin-rollin |
@davedickeyyall | 6470 | 0.227 | actifit-davedickeyyall-20200612t004626303z |
@davedickeyyall | 6440 | 0.226 | a-first-and-a-contest |
@davedickeyyall | 5927 | 0.208 | 2whea6-the-daily-highlight-reel |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.351 | cactus-love |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.351 | cosy-up-in-style |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.351 | hotel-muse-bangkok-review |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.351 | interior-design-transforms-every-space |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.351 | st-regis-afternoon-tea |
@wnfdiary | 10000 | 0.351 | sushi-love |
@wnfdiary | 7894 | 0.277 | mirror-mirror-on-the-wall |
@bengy | 9379 | 0.33 | lenovo-duet-chromebook-review-good-enough |
@bengy | 8523 | 0.3 | converting-a-bakfiets |
@bengy | 8377 | 0.294 | roguetech-impressive-salvage-at-huge-cost |
@bengy | 7849 | 0.276 | a-new-mr-tompkins |
@bengy | 7688 | 0.27 | six-green-items-a-monday-missions-entry |
@bengy | 7499 | 0.264 | kill-the-bunny |
@bengy | 7155 | 0.251 | kucoin-and-perth-mint-gold-token-pmgt-promotion-my-thoughts |
@bengy | 6906 | 0.243 | starcraft-2-nova-covert-ops-pc-game-review |
@abbak7 | 9109 | 0.32 | actifit-abbak7-20200616t051442370z |
@abbak7 | 8796 | 0.309 | actifit-abbak7-20200609t063246847z |
@abbak7 | 8496 | 0.299 | actifit-abbak7-20200610t054405389z |
@abbak7 | 8377 | 0.294 | actifit-abbak7-20200615t065910202z |
@abbak7 | 8304 | 0.292 | actifit-abbak7-20200611t063818824z |
@abbak7 | 7945 | 0.279 | actifit-abbak7-20200608t072807434z |
@a0i | 10000 | 0.351 | anthriscus-sylvestris-flowers |
@a0i | 10000 | 0.351 | dandelion-seeds |
@a0i | 10000 | 0.351 | ducks |
@a0i | 10000 | 0.351 | flowers-at-the-park |
@a0i | 10000 | 0.351 | montreal-before-sunset |
@cleanplanet | 10000 | 0.351 | 7l5wkaf7155 |
@cleanplanet | 10000 | 0.351 | 7lmmazxc4xa |
@cleanplanet | 10000 | 0.351 | bb8jei3i6lr |
@cleanplanet | 10000 | 0.351 | your-attention-please-important-announce-for-you-to-resteem |
@cleanplanet | 10000 | 0.351 | zl1n2nrdpkt |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.351 | 06-15-2020-daily-pimp-your-post |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.351 | 06-16-2020-daily-funny-meme |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.351 | 06-16-2020-daily-pimp-your-post |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.351 | 06-17-2020-daily-funny-meme |
@pifc | 10000 | 0.351 | 06-17-2020-daily-pimp-your-post |
@theb0red1 | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-theb0red1-20200610t035236375z |
@theb0red1 | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-theb0red1-20200611t051657128z |
@theb0red1 | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-theb0red1-20200612t060247496z |
@theb0red1 | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-theb0red1-20200616t060345482z |
@theb0red1 | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-theb0red1-20200617t062059607z |
@sebescen81 | 10000 | 0.351 | bitcoin-black-airdrop-erhaltet-bcb-im-wert-von-32-usd |
@sebescen81 | 10000 | 0.351 | free-bitcoins-okex-exchange-and-10-usd-fuer-die-registrierung |
@sebescen81 | 10000 | 0.351 | gaimin-airdrop-runde-3-erhaltet-bis-zu-27-usd-fuer-einfache-aufgaben |
@sebescen81 | 10000 | 0.351 | rewardiqa-airdrop-rew-token-im-wert-von-ca-60-usd-gratis |
@sebescen81 | 8857 | 0.311 | atomic-wallet-vorstellung-5-awc-token-gratis |
@senstless | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-senstless-20200608t023050341z |
@senstless | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-senstless-20200609t031025600z |
@senstless | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-senstless-20200610t023524491z |
@senstless | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-senstless-20200613t032312616z |
@senstless | 6888 | 0.242 | actifit-senstless-20200614t132446176z |
@cryptoyzzy | 8974 | 0.315 | dcity-les-evolutions |
@cryptoyzzy | 7097 | 0.249 | steemmonsters-avalanche-de-gains |
@cryptoyzzy | 6902 | 0.243 | fleurs-et-architecture |
@cryptoyzzy | 6602 | 0.232 | juste-une-fleur |
@cryptoyzzy | 6189 | 0.218 | exodegame-news |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.351 | gaming-happens-1 |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.351 | meteor-in-60-seconds-what-are-you-going-to-do-during-your-final-minute |
@felipejoys | 10000 | 0.351 | more-of-the-story-behind-disney-like-game-forgotton-anne |
@felipejoys | 5343 | 0.188 | after-playing-brawlhalla-for-500-hours-i-suddenly-understand-it-sucks |
@diabolika | 10000 | 0.351 | protect-your-peace-at-all-costs-thought-diary-06-09 |
@diabolika | 10000 | 0.351 | what-to-do-when-you-feel-trapped |
@diabolika | 7481 | 0.263 | perfection-is-the-enemy-of-done-good |
@diabolika | 7427 | 0.261 | getting-the-hang-of-focal-fossa |
@contrabourdon | 10000 | 0.351 | nimrod-from-enigma-variations-sir-edward-elgar |
@contrabourdon | 10000 | 0.351 | premiering-a-recital-at-1-30pm-aest |
@contrabourdon | 7067 | 0.248 | actifit-contrabourdon-20200616t080008079z |
@contrabourdon | 4522 | 0.159 | organ-recital-or-7th-june-2020 |
@contrabourdon | 3236 | 0.114 | actifit-contrabourdon-20200614t130627822z |
@martusamak | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-martusamak-20200609t223458413z |
@martusamak | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-martusamak-20200610t224356836z |
@martusamak | 5304 | 0.186 | actifit-martusamak-20200614t221156403z |
@martusamak | 4970 | 0.175 | actifit-martusamak-20200611t232351076z |
@blanchy | 10000 | 0.351 | cro-token-review |
@blanchy | 10000 | 0.351 | forget-revolut-mco-is-here |
@blanchy | 10000 | 0.351 | socios-bringing-crypto-to-mainstream-sport |
@enginewitty | 10000 | 0.351 | appics-v1-appics-im-201599 |
@enginewitty | 10000 | 0.351 | appics-v1-appics-im-204298 |
@enginewitty | 10000 | 0.351 | appics-v1-appics-im-207410 |
@kryptodenno | 10000 | 0.351 | 383-die-deutschsprachigen-steem-and-kryptoartikel-des-heutigen-tages-montag-08-06-2020-mit-gewinnspiel-sektion |
@kryptodenno | 10000 | 0.351 | 386-die-deutschsprachigen-steem-and-kryptoartikel-des-heutigen-tages-freitag-12-06-2020-mit-gewinnspiel-sektion |
@kryptodenno | 10000 | 0.351 | 387-die-deutschsprachigen-steem-and-kryptoartikel-des-heutigen-tages-montag-15-06-2020-mit-gewinnspiel-sektion |
@reinaldoverdu | 10000 | 0.351 | my-pick-of-the-best-3-post-s-of-project-hope-community-10-06-2020 |
@reinaldoverdu | 10000 | 0.351 | my-selection-of-the-best-3-posts-in-the-project-hope-community-17-06-2020 |
@reinaldoverdu | 10000 | 0.351 | what-to-do-in-case-of-a-tremor |
@thedarkhorse | 10000 | 0.351 | accepting-steem-as-payment |
@thedarkhorse | 10000 | 0.351 | been-gone-for-a-while-need-a-little-help |
@thedarkhorse | 10000 | 0.351 | creative-minds-of-children |
@marianaemilia | 10000 | 0.351 | how-to-defeat-yodin-zaku |
@marianaemilia | 10000 | 0.351 | the-splinterlands-history-start-playing |
@marianaemilia | 6481 | 0.228 | winner-choose-your-theme-and-win-dec |
@myklovenotwar | 6977 | 0.245 | appics-v1-appics-im-202688 |
@myklovenotwar | 6549 | 0.23 | appics-v1-appics-im-206181 |
@myklovenotwar | 6471 | 0.227 | appics-v1-appics-im-207994 |
@myklovenotwar | 6120 | 0.215 | appics-v1-appics-im-203048 |
@jaynie | 10000 | 0.351 | appics-v1-appics-im-207188 |
@jaynie | 9823 | 0.345 | appics-v1-appics-im-207420 |
@jaynie | 3100 | 0.109 | appics-v1-appics-im-207279 |
@jaynie | 1809 | 0.064 | appics-v1-appics-im-208363 |
@newageinv | 6779 | 0.238 | tesla-s-impressive-move |
@newageinv | 6054 | 0.213 | everyone-is-a-stock-trader-now |
@newageinv | 5790 | 0.204 | actifit-newageinv-20200617t010740497z |
@newageinv | 5771 | 0.203 | actifit-newageinv-20200615t024535861z |
@nullandvoid | 10000 | 0.351 | nextcolony-is-done |
@nullandvoid | 10000 | 0.351 | now-that-nextcolony-is-shut-down-do-you-have-suggestions-for-other-games |
@nullandvoid | 4073 | 0.143 | games-to-play |
@marblely | 5441 | 0.191 | actifit-marblely-20200617t155704199z |
@marblely | 5022 | 0.177 | actifit-marblely-20200616t155142812z |
@marblely | 4795 | 0.169 | actifit-marblely-20200610t141013055z |
@marblely | 4446 | 0.156 | actifit-marblely-20200608t153437096z |
@marblely | 4045 | 0.142 | actifit-marblely-20200615t154627580z |
@accelerator | 10000 | 0.351 | map-rewarder-mapr-payouts-to-delegators-and-price-increase-for-token-holders-for-8-june-2020-18-5-apr-20-2-apy |
@accelerator | 7058 | 0.248 | map-rewarder-mapr-payouts-to-delegators-and-price-increase-for-token-holders-for-15-june-2020-18-3-apr |
@accelerator | 5096 | 0.179 | mapr-and-crypto-news-stock-to-flow-model-btc-9-june-2020 |
@mariannewest | 7704 | 0.271 | day-968-5-minute-freewrite-monday-prompt-widow-s-peak |
@mariannewest | 7143 | 0.251 | day-961-5-minute-freewrite-monday-prompt-pumpkin |
@mariannewest | 6503 | 0.229 | day-960-5-minute-freewrite-sunday-prompt-trust-me-my-friend |
@johndoer123 | 10000 | 0.351 | the-exterior-ribbing-of-the-log-building-is-complete-homestead-update |
@johndoer123 | 6270 | 0.22 | picture-time |
@johndoer123 | 3029 | 0.106 | all-logs-in-the-ground-moving-o-homestead-update |
@johndoer123 | 1322 | 0.046 | drone-flying |
@marcosdk | 10000 | 0.351 | resolviendo-dudas-4-maneras-de-ganar-dinero-en-steem-en-es |
@marcosdk | 10000 | 0.351 | resolviendo-dudas-introduccion-a-la-criptografia |
@musicvoter | 10000 | 0.351 | radio-evolved-7-jun-2020-music-and-rising-star-did-you-win |
@musicvoter | 10000 | 0.351 | rising-star-tips-cold-pizza-slices-and-pizza-boxes |
@owasco | 10000 | 0.351 | learning-to-trust-myself-a-freewrite |
@owasco | 10000 | 0.351 | small-small-a-poem |
@peekbit | 10000 | 0.351 | co2-sucker-post-no-11-resteemer-s-pay-day-resteem-to-earn-coco |
@peekbit | 10000 | 0.351 | co2-sucker-post-no-12-do-good-resteem-earn-coco |
@richi0927 | 10000 | 0.351 | internet-herramienta-o-arma |
@richi0927 | 10000 | 0.351 | prestamos-a-mano-armada |
@scilwa | 10000 | 0.351 | curation-report-steemit-36-for-r2cornell-s-discord-community |
@scilwa | 10000 | 0.351 | curation-report-steemit-37-for-r2cornell-s-discord-community |
@steemexplorers | 10000 | 0.351 | steemexplorers-is-back-come-celebrate-with-us-and-get-some-free-sbi-shares |
@steemexplorers | 10000 | 0.351 | would-former-followers-be-interested-in-a-possible-steemexplorers-comeback |
@glastar | 9476 | 0.333 | qr |
@glastar | 9091 | 0.32 | faceboook |
@glastar | 784 | 0.028 | sbi |
@steemcryptosicko | 8171 | 0.287 | convert-sp-into-daily-upvotes-with-cryptosicko-07 |
@steemcryptosicko | 6299 | 0.221 | convert-sp-into-daily-upvotes-with-cryptosicko-03 |
@steemcryptosicko | 4805 | 0.169 | convert-sp-into-daily-upvotes-with-cryptosicko-011 |
@onealfa | 9848 | 0.346 | actifit-onealfa-20200617t203947148z |
@onealfa | 8779 | 0.309 | in-the-mountains-of-madeira |
@shepz1 | 8445 | 0.297 | shit-show |
@shepz1 | 6405 | 0.225 | my-posts-on-here-are-for-you-and-i-to-both-still-get-some-return-from-this-shit-show |
@shepz1 | 3675 | 0.129 | freedom-from-steemit-utopia |
@der-prophet | 8214 | 0.289 | appics-v1-appics-im-209540 |
@der-prophet | 5486 | 0.193 | appics-v1-appics-im-206941 |
@der-prophet | 2817 | 0.099 | appics-v1-appics-im-202834 |
@der-prophet | 1740 | 0.061 | appics-v1-appics-im-202064 |
@wonderwop | 10000 | 0.351 | weekend-freewrite-06-13-2020-single-prompt-option-bonus |
@wonderwop | 7612 | 0.268 | weekend-freewrite-06-06-2020-single-prompt-option-successful |
@phillarecette | 6546 | 0.23 | salade-de-melon-facon-taboule |
@phillarecette | 5544 | 0.195 | foodphotography-pasta |
@phillarecette | 5364 | 0.189 | spaghettis-boeuf-et-crevettes |
@d00k13 | 4490 | 0.158 | welcome-to-d00k13dotcom-under-construction-again |
@d00k13 | 3643 | 0.128 | actifit-d00k13-20200615t234136592z |
@d00k13 | 3593 | 0.126 | appics-v1-appics-im-207637 |
@d00k13 | 2862 | 0.101 | appics-v1-appics-im-202722 |
@d00k13 | 2322 | 0.082 | appics-v1-appics-im-201916 |
@minhaz007 | 8503 | 0.299 | lockdown-motivation-last-chapter |
@minhaz007 | 8091 | 0.284 | the-black-and-white-photography-1 |
@kadna | 9039 | 0.318 | sammlung-der-sonntagspredigt-angstgesellschaft-windelpflicht-nichtnachlaeufertum |
@kadna | 7310 | 0.257 | sammlung-der-mittwochsquickies-zum-thema-vernunft-gibt-es-sie-ueberhaupt-vernunft-und-menschlichkeit-statt-gewalt-frag-nach |
@emergehealthier | 6011 | 0.211 | actifit-emergehealthier-20200615t040109416z |
@emergehealthier | 5960 | 0.209 | actifit-emergehealthier-20200610t033144445z |
@emergehealthier | 4145 | 0.146 | actifit-emergehealthier-20200608t043208003z |
@honarparvar | 9844 | 0.346 | live-a-heaven-on-earth-a-path-to-happiness-part-1-7 |
@honarparvar | 6056 | 0.213 | live-a-heaven-on-earth-a-path-to-happiness-part-2-7 |
@team-ccc | 7685 | 0.27 | contest-3-1-what-does-ccc-mean-to-you |
@team-ccc | 7280 | 0.256 | ccc-contest-what-does-ccc-mean-to-me-3-02 |
@havok777 | 8933 | 0.314 | my-music-actually-made-it-to-a-fresh-finds-playlist-on-spotify |
@havok777 | 5582 | 0.196 | post-to-showcase-my-digital-art-for-makers-place |
@beco132 | 9016 | 0.317 | the-escobars-believe-theyve-found-the-real-satoshi--cointelegraph |
@beco132 | 4756 | 0.167 | asymptomatic-spread-of-coronavirus-is-very-rare-who-says |
@tyrnannoght | 6968 | 0.245 | tyrnannoghtupdates20200608-202006080837499707 |
@tyrnannoght | 6792 | 0.239 | tyrnannoghtupdates20200614-202006141740451168 |
@movingman | 8184 | 0.288 | appics-v1-appics-im-202734 |
@movingman | 5398 | 0.19 | actifit-movingman-20200613t204807683z |
@zord189 | 9184 | 0.323 | sunday-multivitamins-or-a-photography-weekend |
@zord189 | 4305 | 0.151 | creative-contest-or-camping-in-the-woods-contest-results |
@futuremind | 8201 | 0.288 | bean-plant-sprout |
@futuremind | 5276 | 0.185 | lessons-to-be-learned-indoor-gardening |
@evernoticethat | 8404 | 0.295 | actifit-evernoticethat-20200607t035626652z |
@evernoticethat | 3929 | 0.138 | actifit-evernoticethat-20200616t014444222z |
@evernoticethat | 1124 | 0.04 | perspective-matters |
@wakeupkitty | 7929 | 0.279 | no-drop-left |
@wakeupkitty | 3294 | 0.116 | collapsing-again |
@arunava | 3049 | 0.107 | 4rik33-post-promotion-thread |
@arunava | 2234 | 0.079 | actifit-arunava-20200609t174029670z |
@arunava | 2100 | 0.074 | oufy9mphth8 |
@arunava | 2007 | 0.071 | 7gwxms-post-promotion-thread |
@arunava | 1746 | 0.061 | actifit-arunava-20200612t174400017z |
@city-of-berlin | 5841 | 0.205 | appics-v1-appics-im-202897 |
@city-of-berlin | 5085 | 0.179 | appics-v1-appics-im-202215 |
@shortsegments | 7822 | 0.275 | earning-bitcoin-playing-video-games |
@shortsegments | 739 | 0.026 | blcochain-games-in-game-rewards-or-pay-for-play |
@shortsegments | 692 | 0.024 | book-review-leap-the-process-of-economic-acceleration-for-life-the-key-to-financial-success |
@shortsegments | 619 | 0.022 | failure-is-a-verb-not-a-noun |
@shortsegments | 596 | 0.021 | a-peer-to-peer-marketplaces-where-you-buy-and-sell-stuff-for-cryptocurrency |
@simms50 | 4095 | 0.144 | peacemakers-james-3-18 |
@simms50 | 3414 | 0.12 | enemies-james-4-4 |
@simms50 | 2614 | 0.092 | the-road-less-traveled-romans-12-12 |
@blessed-girl | 10000 | 0.351 | my-diary-16-de-junio-2020-mi-primer-dia |
@braaiboy | 10000 | 0.351 | csp0f2p2mw7 |
@canna-collective | 10000 | 0.351 | token-buyback-program-ongoing-sell-back-your-canna-please |
@el-panal | 10000 | 0.351 | cuarto-encuentro-virtual-de-la-colmena |
@ericburgoyne | 10000 | 0.351 | appics-v1-appics-im-202914 |
@franciscana23 | 10000 | 0.351 | mi-tiempo-de-inactividad-en-steemit-parte-i |
@freewritehouse | 10000 | 0.351 | the-freewrite-house-going-forward |
@giddyupngo | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-giddyupngo-20200611t045708028z |
@improv | 10000 | 0.351 | tendencies |
@la-colmena | 10000 | 0.351 | la-colmena-activa-active |
@lauchmelder | 10000 | 0.351 | ich-bin-verwirrt |
@n1hal | 10000 | 0.351 | actifit-n1hal-20200616t162308678z |
@retinox | 10000 | 0.351 | upvote-game-105-1-sbi-8-sbi-jackpot-win-your-lifetime-upvotes-by-sbi-reglas-tambien-en |
@sbi10 | 10000 | 0.351 | 24dyev-sbi-upvotes-report |
@sbi5 | 10000 | 0.351 | 6kfhhc-sbi-upvotes-report |
@sbi6 | 10000 | 0.351 | 5q8we1-sbi-upvotes-report |
@sbi7 | 10000 | 0.351 | 5we3zr-sbi-upvotes-report |
@sbi9 | 10000 | 0.351 | 4pnmv3-sbi-upvotes-report |
@senorcoconut | 10000 | 0.351 | when-a-forest-walk-strikes-you-the-right-way |
@steembasicincome | 10000 | 0.351 | 2xrb4y-outgoing-votes-report |
@steemchiller | 10000 | 0.351 | steemworld-update-new-tool-for-managing-account-authorities |
@tenkminnows | 10000 | 0.351 | steemit-censors-those-who-criticise-it |
@tylersr | 10000 | 0.351 | day-43-redefining-and-living-separation |
@ucukertz | 10000 | 0.351 | steempeak-still-running |
@jeffandhisguitar | 5842 | 0.205 | 5-minute-jams |
@jeffandhisguitar | 4111 | 0.144 | whisky-in-the-jar-instrumental |
@cryptomaniacsgr | 9828 | 0.345 | appics-v1-appics-im-202730 |
@veronicalee | 5005 | 0.176 | 4plkez |
@veronicalee | 4559 | 0.16 | 4kqyxk |
@ratel | 5137 | 0.181 | wildlife-birdwatching-739 |
@ratel | 2550 | 0.09 | wildlife-birdwatching-734 |
@ratel | 1755 | 0.062 | wildlife-chipmunk-10 |
@ichmusslaufen | 5773 | 0.203 | actifit-ichmusslaufen-20200610t215548861z |
@ichmusslaufen | 3552 | 0.125 | actifit-ichmusslaufen-20200613t212405081z |
@metzli | 8423 | 0.296 | does-your-steem-power-give-you-a-trickle-income |
@metzli | 666 | 0.023 | have-we-lost-dblog-too |
@steinhammer | 9075 | 0.319 | throwback-sunday-istanbul |
@cryptictruth | 8732 | 0.307 | appics-v1-appics-im-204849 |
@paradigmprospect | 4432 | 0.156 | lifehacks-for-the-mind-or-part-10-leveling-the-head |
@paradigmprospect | 4255 | 0.15 | diary-or-life-taking-another-unexpected-turn-on-the-road |
@darthgexe | 8557 | 0.301 | champion-iii-achieved-and-little-update-to-splinterlands-meta-snapshot |
@seyiodus | 8544 | 0.3 | insight-to-the-word-the-call-and-the-assurance |
@quatro | 8344 | 0.293 | one-good-thing |
@ylich | 8300 | 0.292 | appics-v1-appics-im-208071 |
@freedomshift | 5325 | 0.187 | weekly-contest-what-does-today-mean-to-you-win-steem-basic-income-sbi-or-incinboost-shares-and-more-ccc-3-02 |
@freedomshift | 2830 | 0.099 | weekly-contest-what-does-today-mean-to-you-win-steem-basic-income-sbi-or-incinboost-shares-and-more-ccc-3-01 |
@tbnfl4sun | 8017 | 0.282 | actifit-tbnfl4sun-20200610t163001069z |
@animeshsingh452 | 7828 | 0.275 | actifit-animeshsingh452-20200611t085619685z |
@maxer27 | 7804 | 0.274 | ezhednevnyi-kvest-v-splinterlands-7-iyunya |
@deadzy | 7665 | 0.269 | maj-sm-rewards-pour-le-jeu-steemmonster |
@hlezama | 7522 | 0.264 | inheritance-or-a-weekendfreewrite |
@bluengel | 2957 | 0.104 | sct-2020-06-16-daily-curation-claims-and-staking |
@bluengel | 2285 | 0.08 | sct-2020-06-13-daily-curation-claims-and-staking |
@bluengel | 2210 | 0.078 | sct-2020-06-08-daily-curation-claims-and-staking |
@sgbonus | 3267 | 0.115 | ulog-351-who-doesn-t-love-dessert |
@sgbonus | 2257 | 0.079 | ulog-357-camouflage |
@sgbonus | 741 | 0.026 | ulog-349-our-cat |
@sgbonus | 638 | 0.022 | ulog-356-a-flower |
@joechiappetta | 6813 | 0.239 | cosmic-climate-craft |
@happyphoenix | 6703 | 0.236 | sebuah-buku-baru-yang-terpaksa-dibeli |
@yuriy4 | 6666 | 0.234 | summer-rain-and-beautiful-flowers-june-2020 |
@fullcoverbetting | 6062 | 0.213 | goosebet-a-new-trx-casino-pre-register-to-have-a-shot-at-a-1000-trx-welcome-bonus |
@fullcoverbetting | 573 | 0.02 | opengoaaal |
@saun | 6625 | 0.233 | a-basic-introduction-to-seo-for-beginings-1-3-presented-by-pinak-community-hive-engine |
@anarcotech | 6220 | 0.219 | is-cornerstone-content-the-same-as-pillar-content |
@lookplz | 5920 | 0.208 | music-sky-s-the-limit-lil-wayne |
@curart38 | 5838 | 0.205 | streetartfest-2020-snek-commence |
@pelin | 5814 | 0.204 | actifit-pelin-20200613t050515112z |
@radaquest | 5740 | 0.202 | rada-quest-wiki-niove-sandstorm-extended-card |
@theoutlaw | 5722 | 0.201 | atomic-wallet-review-2020-5-awc-token-gratis |
@ammonite | 2989 | 0.105 | roller-coaster-sand-sculpture |
@ammonite | 2601 | 0.091 | annagassan-viking-sand-sculpture |
@sbi8 | 5580 | 0.196 | aa9y3-sbi-upvotes-report |
@london65 | 5566 | 0.196 | crafting-on-quarantine |
@elizacheng | 5444 | 0.191 | wherein-1592406552910-s |
@resiliencia | 2876 | 0.101 | bitcoin-is-the-silent-protest |
@resiliencia | 2545 | 0.089 | coinbase-customers-are-withdrawing-their-bitcoin |
@umuk | 5384 | 0.189 | kadna-ist-wieder-dabei |
@evlachsblog | 5383 | 0.189 | weekend-freewrite-the-abduction |
@germansailor | 5366 | 0.189 | back-again-steem-automation |
@steemknightsstat | 5327 | 0.187 | steemknightsstat-2020-06-06 |
@zoidsoft | 5248 | 0.184 | get-ready-for-the-invasion-of-the-body-snatcher-s-hackers |
@thecontractor | 5121 | 0.18 | whats-happening |
@saracampero | 5107 | 0.18 | eng-esp-or-how-to-make-a-surprise-bag-como-hacer-una-bolsa-sopresa-or-tutorial |
@brittandjosie | 2934 | 0.103 | kijkduin-scheveningen-holland |
@brittandjosie | 2053 | 0.072 | appics-v1-appics-im-202916 |
@jensvoigt | 4770 | 0.168 | holz-holz-und-nochmals-holz-und-am-ende-noch-nen-paar-meisen-mit-dem-grossen-a |
@melooo182 | 4725 | 0.166 | gioconda-paintress |
@stevenwood | 4639 | 0.163 | mondays-love-them-hate-them-jeez-i-m-confused-maybe-there-s-another-way-another-installment-of-ramblings-of-a-madman |
@qwerrie | 2753 | 0.097 | mushrooms-and-snails-part-2 |
@qwerrie | 1883 | 0.066 | ocean-in-the-sky |
@thejollyroger | 2670 | 0.094 | eating-cheezewhiz-from-the-can |
@thejollyroger | 1930 | 0.068 | time-to-dream |
@sustainablyyours | 4478 | 0.157 | write-a-new-post-in-inner-blocks-include-also-in-my-blog |
@thedamus | 4441 | 0.156 | massive-opportunity |
@tonyz | 4426 | 0.156 | the-chain |
@khiabels | 4327 | 0.152 | suck-it-up-pinky |
@pompe72 | 1567 | 0.055 | actifit-pompe72-20200613t183707718z |
@pompe72 | 1402 | 0.049 | actifit-pompe72-20200614t182618896z |
@pompe72 | 1188 | 0.042 | justin-sun-should-takeover-forge-of-empires |
@alexandered | 3930 | 0.138 | the-mystery-behind-smartphone-cameras-which-ones-are-good |
@vaughndemont | 3849 | 0.135 | with-blocktrades-gone-how-do-new-yorkers-move-their-steem |
@definethedollar | 1972 | 0.069 | actifit-definethedollar-20200609t164601520z |
@definethedollar | 1871 | 0.066 | june-6-20-automaticwin-doubleday-calculus-gardening-and-games |
@priyanarc | 1970 | 0.069 | 2kx23j5cvh2 |
@priyanarc | 1704 | 0.06 | sx34k5rt5uy |
@isgledysduarte | 3615 | 0.127 | spanish-freewrite-trust-me-my-friend-confia-en-mi-mi-amigo |
@evagavilan | 3592 | 0.126 | pintando-el-lienzo-infinito |
@bethvalverde | 3553 | 0.125 | actifit-bethvalverde-20200617t033352273z |
@bigapplebo | 3400 | 0.12 | appics-v1-appics-im-208263 |
@michelangelo3 | 3383 | 0.119 | modelle-der-wahrnehmung |
@veta-less | 3300 | 0.116 | my-little-pets |
@barmbo | 1185 | 0.042 | steemmonster-giveaway-steemit-32-egal-ob-als-investment-oder-fuer-die-hobbysammlung |
@barmbo | 1062 | 0.037 | die-uebereignung-des-monsters-steemmonsters-giveaway-31-egal-ob-als-investment-oder-fuer-die-hobbysammlung-steemit |
@barmbo | 1038 | 0.036 | fussball-tore-tore-tore-liga-1-spieltag-33 |
@lanzjoseg | 1767 | 0.062 | 2a47ks-top-three-publications-that-are-worth-reading-of-project-hope-community |
@lanzjoseg | 1414 | 0.05 | whatsapp-y-las-tareas-escolares |
@julianhorack | 3005 | 0.106 | covid-19-lockdown-day-74-this-is-a-time-to-follow-your-bliss-pt2 |
@mfestra | 2964 | 0.104 | como-hacer-un-bordado-con-la-maquina-bordadora-brother-pe-700-700ii |
@gaborockstar | 2909 | 0.102 | 0nkr0alexzd |
@niallon11 | 2804 | 0.099 | appics-v1-appics-im-203502 |
@adncabrera | 2765 | 0.097 | el-valle-sin-sombra-cuento-3-3-final |
@oleg326756 | 1890 | 0.066 | appics-v1-appics-im-202993 |
@oleg326756 | 753 | 0.026 | appics-v1-appics-im-207933 |
@barbara-orenya | 2579 | 0.091 | some-weird-insect-as-a-new-digital-illustration-eng-fr |
@chekohler | 1442 | 0.051 | appics-v1-appics-im-209148 |
@chekohler | 1080 | 0.038 | actifit-chekohler-20200613t190432891z |
@cosmictriage | 2369 | 0.083 | colorchallenge-monday-red-strange-alien-landscape |
@wakeupkitty.pal | 1212 | 0.043 | the-widows |
@wakeupkitty.pal | 1136 | 0.04 | the-pumpkin-king |
@kirstin | 1180 | 0.041 | steemmonster-welche-steemmonsterskarte-ist-heute-dein-favorit-13 |
@kirstin | 1046 | 0.037 | steemmonster-welche-steemmonsterskarte-ist-dein-favorit-wahlergebnis-12-steemit |
@meins0815 | 2212 | 0.078 | steemmonsters-99-die-tagesquests-der-vergangenen-season |
@lighteye | 2180 | 0.077 | amazing-nature-contest-june-2020-02-a-new-star |
@jlordc | 788 | 0.028 | the-most-weak-and-pathetic-pokemon-in-the-world |
@jlordc | 749 | 0.026 | checking-in-on-holybread-today |
@jlordc | 638 | 0.022 | last-batch-of-powerdown-on-steem |
@ketcom | 2167 | 0.076 | problems-with-the-facemask |
@petrarodriguez | 2150 | 0.076 | bendicion-recibida-hoy-domingo |
@cryplectibles | 719 | 0.025 | batman-hush-by-jim-lee-or-dc-daily-book-club |
@cryplectibles | 711 | 0.025 | vza-bill-morrison-drawing-homer-simpson |
@cryplectibles | 703 | 0.025 | bronze-age-classic-comic-book-the-bozz-chronicles-from-1985 |
@craftsofluv | 2102 | 0.074 | wherein-1592059918446-s |
@chireerocks | 709 | 0.025 | afraid-of-own-success |
@chireerocks | 704 | 0.025 | all-animals-want-to-feel-good |
@chireerocks | 680 | 0.024 | never-gave-up |
@gertu | 2082 | 0.073 | los-tres-cactus-y-suculentas-mayores-the-three-major-cacti-and-succulents |
@leveuf | 2014 | 0.071 | 100-dias-de-steem-dia-67-mi-plan-local-de-promocion-de-steem |
@belemo | 1256 | 0.044 | actifit-belemo-20200617t202238110z |
@belemo | 756 | 0.027 | my-splinterlands-on-mobile-experience |
@madstacks | 1968 | 0.069 | my-weight-loss-blog-36-year-old-man-300-lbs-100-lbs-to-lose-pt-11-weigh-in |
@elkezaksek | 990 | 0.035 | neuigkeiten-unserer-spendenaktion-fuer-uganda-news-about-our-fundraiser-for-uganda-50-17-6-2020 |
@elkezaksek | 934 | 0.033 | neuigkeiten-unserer-spendenaktion-fuer-uganda-news-about-our-fundraiser-for-uganda-46-13-6-2020 |
@actifit-peter | 1898 | 0.067 | actifit-actifit-peter-20200612t202624174z |
@ladyyunajay | 1871 | 0.066 | wherein-1592221959194-s |
@ferjart | 1835 | 0.064 | friend-new-illustration |
@d-zero | 1801 | 0.063 | loop-mobile-friendly-steem-competitor-with-mst-like-features |
@ramsesuchiha | 1741 | 0.061 | 2mctfy-blacklivesmatter-or-support-from-social-networks-steemit-too |
@incubot | 1684 | 0.059 | 20200609150335261-dicestats |
@originalmrspice | 1668 | 0.059 | cn1snnmlwsu |
@yanes94 | 1605 | 0.056 | digital-art-or-or-shadow-hunter |
@sketch.and.jam | 1588 | 0.056 | h10hp9hynqn |
@juanmolina | 1568 | 0.055 | steemit-open-mic-esta-de-vuelta-fiesta-de-musicos |
@art40ka | 1526 | 0.054 | wednesday-06-17-2020-elton-john-fly-agarik-and-magpie-sreda-elton-dzhon-mukhomor-i-soroka |
@isnochys | 776 | 0.027 | isnochys-plays-paradox-games867886 |
@isnochys | 750 | 0.026 | isnochys-plays-paradox-games944628 |
@sarita | 1524 | 0.054 | comic-sarita-imaginacion-imparable |
@bruzzy | 1512 | 0.053 | command-and-conquer-tm-remastered-collection-pc-gameplay |
@atongis | 796 | 0.028 | appics-v1-appics-im-208545 |
@atongis | 712 | 0.025 | appics-v1-appics-im-200888 |
@jalentakesphotos | 1487 | 0.052 | appics-v1-appics-im-204989 |
@thethreehugs | 1485 | 0.052 | mirror-majik |
@fleur | 732 | 0.026 | white-flowers |
@fleur | 723 | 0.025 | fruit-and-fruit-blossom-photos |
@rokhani | 732 | 0.026 | the-weight-of-stepping-on-this-platform |
@rokhani | 720 | 0.025 | why-can-t-we-breathe-in-water-like-fish |
@forecasteem | 738 | 0.026 | 2020-06-08-updown-upbit-steem |
@forecasteem | 681 | 0.024 | 2020-06-07-updown-upbit-sbd |
@ononnaa | 769 | 0.027 | my-phography |
@ononnaa | 649 | 0.023 | appics-v1-appics-im-201802 |
@engrsayful | 735 | 0.026 | 9ftl2x8rvhh |
@engrsayful | 676 | 0.024 | magic-slate-pro-kids-can-learn-with-fun-to-write-and-paint |
@drugelis | 723 | 0.025 | actifit-drugelis-20200607t201450155z |
@drugelis | 679 | 0.024 | biggest-nightmare-of-pinky |
@jeronimorubio | 723 | 0.025 | appics-v1-appics-im-202308 |
@jeronimorubio | 675 | 0.024 | 0fcgqq4zupg |
@xyzashu | 760 | 0.027 | withdraw-your-usdhunt-from-steemhunt-wallet-else-they-re-gone-forever |
@xyzashu | 634 | 0.022 | wanna-double-your-money-in-3-days-no-ponzi-real-deal |
@vip | 1376 | 0.048 | kate-s-choice-jjm-jjm |
@jakedavis224 | 1371 | 0.048 | the-world-is-buzzing-with-covid-19-disaster |
@davidesimoncini | 720 | 0.025 | actifit-davidesimoncini-20200611t205844828z |
@davidesimoncini | 646 | 0.023 | actifit-davidesimoncini-20200614t132825355z |
@chunkysoupsvc | 1362 | 0.048 | actifit-chunkysoupsvc-20200608t063839854z |
@m18207319997 | 720 | 0.025 | steemengine20200608 |
@m18207319997 | 638 | 0.022 | 20200606t234718340z |
@silverd510 | 687 | 0.024 | 65dkza-piratesunday |
@silverd510 | 669 | 0.024 | yukm5-sublime-and-beautiful-sunday |
@craigcryptoking | 724 | 0.025 | 5xk8m2-an-ode-to-michael-green-macro-photographer-extraordinaire |
@craigcryptoking | 629 | 0.022 | waterall |
@bozz.sports | 714 | 0.025 | actifit-bozz-sports-20200608t001608627z |
@bozz.sports | 628 | 0.022 | actifit-bozz-sports-20200614t023359558z |
@muscara | 1334 | 0.047 | appics-v1-appics-im-206000 |
@sergiomendes | 685 | 0.024 | appics-v1-appics-im-207470 |
@sergiomendes | 643 | 0.023 | appics-v1-appics-im-205919 |
@happyme | 1321 | 0.046 | scouting-adventure-game-48-day-66-june-8-2020 |
@kgakakillerg | 716 | 0.025 | 4tarty-my-view-this-morning |
@kgakakillerg | 591 | 0.021 | magic-museum |
@silvertop | 1301 | 0.046 | actifit-silvertop-20200608t043110575z |
@rem-steem | 716 | 0.025 | homemade-fuska-recipe-or-the-most-popular-bangali-snack |
@rem-steem | 581 | 0.02 | walking-down-the-memory-lane-or-my-school-and-college-premises |
@quotes-haven | 1279 | 0.045 | 2v8luq-life-s-little-lessons |
@kadishakho | 705 | 0.025 | wherein-1591445855823 |
@kadishakho | 573 | 0.02 | wherein-1592019470254-s |
@kirato | 674 | 0.024 | steem-monster-4-6-20 |
@kirato | 587 | 0.021 | steem-monster-12-6-20 |
@shuvo35 | 648 | 0.023 | 2qmlrlr7otk |
@shuvo35 | 612 | 0.022 | market-friday-or-or-my-experience |
@knopka145 | 1253 | 0.044 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-my-1st-day-june-17 |
@olivia08 | 1249 | 0.044 | what-does-today-june-10-2020-means-to-me |
@qurator | 635 | 0.022 | qurator-s-photo-friday-or-photography-competition-132 |
@qurator | 595 | 0.021 | the-daily-qurator-991 |
@grapthar | 629 | 0.022 | stinging-new-original-music-another-timed-writing-challenge-15-minutes-electronic-instrumental-walkthrough |
@grapthar | 589 | 0.021 | veirdo-new-original-music-another-super-fast-timed-challenge-less-than-5-minutes-electronic-instrumental-walkthrough |
@fredkese | 1190 | 0.042 | actifit-fredkese-20200609t180012194z |
@nightportraits | 1162 | 0.041 | video-vlog-002-fotografia-de-larga-exposicion-diurna |
@mimismartypants | 1156 | 0.041 | actifit-mimismartypants-20200609t215348417z |
@bdmillergallery | 1150 | 0.04 | iris-in-bloom-clematis-not-in-bloom-a-waiting-game |
@dreamrafa | 1123 | 0.039 | kkmkmc22031 |
@stackin | 1108 | 0.039 | splinterlands-season-ending-120-loot-chest-opening |
@davidke20 | 1107 | 0.039 | wherein-1591549510095 |
@shenan | 1063 | 0.037 | konkurs-splinterlands-share-your-battle-theme-blast-podelis-svoim-poedinkom-komyuniti-media-podtekst-tema-sposobnost-vzryv-blast |
@cherylsonty | 1046 | 0.037 | are-your-goals-smart |
@bukitberbunga | 985 | 0.035 | statistik-steem-harian-selasa-09-jun-2020 |
@purrix | 984 | 0.035 | sin-palabras-no-words |
@bukitcerah | 967 | 0.034 | day-to-day-steem-statistic-mon-08-jun-2020 |
@robbieallenart | 934 | 0.033 | two-samurai-s-illustration |
@dearw | 918 | 0.032 | appics-v1-appics-im-209488 |
@kamrunnahar | 913 | 0.032 | 7wvnqs-shadow-hunters-contest-winners-round-121 |
@poeticsnake | 910 | 0.032 | serious-question-for-vegans |
@monsterbuster | 893 | 0.031 | monsterbuster-s-steemmonsters-block-nr-443 |
@abdex9 | 882 | 0.031 | june-drawing-challenge-day-6-ghost |
@bobokyaw | 871 | 0.031 | eya-yayapnpayapi |
@martaesperanza | 868 | 0.031 | vinatge-fashion-photo-shoot-professional-portraits |
@vimm | 841 | 0.03 | daily-vimm-2020-06-07 |
@dante31 | 829 | 0.029 | tomorrow-and-the-rain |
@digi-me | 828 | 0.029 | black-and-white-within-a-mausoleum-3-photos |
@thecastle | 827 | 0.029 | i-need-to-sell-the-rest-of-my-steem |
@sipahikara | 821 | 0.029 | actifit-sipahikara-20200608t163410768z |
@kakakk | 815 | 0.029 | 4rbasb |
@rosatravels | 810 | 0.028 | flowers-in-the-beautiful-blue-sky |
@dollarvigilante | 809 | 0.028 | appics-v1-appics-im-208932 |
@ecotrain | 798 | 0.028 | question-of-the-week-tie-up-post-if-its-sound-too-good-to-be-true-it-probably-isn-t |
@reeta0119 | 798 | 0.028 | pionex-world-s-1st-exchange-with-in-built-trading-bots |
@photobook | 796 | 0.028 | actifit-photobook-20200610t095109102z |
@rossfletcher | 792 | 0.028 | a-couple-of-photos-off-seal-beach-pier |
@ajewa | 790 | 0.028 | learning-how-to-become-better-with-money-financial-guide |
@devyleona | 783 | 0.028 | perfect-reading-nook-easy-draw-and-colour-how-to |
@cornavirus | 782 | 0.027 | dropping-the-bomb-with-zaku-weekly-battle-challenge |
@mackmck | 780 | 0.027 | arm-yourselves |
@kaminchan | 779 | 0.027 | appics-v1-appics-im-207535 |
@abcallen | 778 | 0.027 | 5hp8tf |
@ai1love | 778 | 0.027 | 59nj2a |
@papa-pepper | 775 | 0.027 | full-unedited-video-cottonmouth-relocation-so-much-venom |
@sniem5180 | 775 | 0.027 | allgemeine-windelpflicht |
@cherryzz | 765 | 0.027 | wherein-1591631582866 |
@jacinta.sevilla | 765 | 0.027 | man-and-woman-the-lock-and-the-key |
@mima2606 | 763 | 0.027 | appics-v1-appics-im-202611 |
@golden.future | 762 | 0.027 | the-three-roses |
@gabox | 760 | 0.027 | why-is-good-cooling-important-in-a-computer |
@seo-boss | 758 | 0.027 | pizza-bestellen-und-mit-bitcoin-bezahlen |
@jozef230 | 757 | 0.027 | call-of-duty-mobile-nuke-town |
@nodex | 757 | 0.027 | daily-sbd-steem-report-06-15-20-tglicher-sbd-steem-bericht-150620-en-de |
@scalextrix | 756 | 0.027 | actifit-scalextrix-20200608t182042393z |
@simaroy | 755 | 0.027 | actifit-simaroy-20200608t160110824z |
@shikika | 751 | 0.026 | dunkin-donuts-and-the-heart-warming-messages-to-filipinos-frontiners |
@fjcalduch | 748 | 0.026 | so-far-away |
@scottcbusiness | 748 | 0.026 | sk78h4e3xh5 |
@dianadee | 745 | 0.026 | a-colourful-fish-in-abstract-form |
@hawaiialoha | 744 | 0.026 | diy-urban-gardening-our-hydroponic-cucumber-honolulu-hawaii |
@anroja | 742 | 0.026 | my-diary-15-juni-2020-energi-baru |
@julian2013 | 742 | 0.026 | wherein-1592047474212-s |
@marya77 | 740 | 0.026 | crying-wine-glass-painting-with-ink |
@mballesteros | 737 | 0.026 | macrofotografias-aleatorias-random-macrophotos |
@emsonic | 734 | 0.026 | wracamy-do-srebra-or-rocket-league |
@cinelonga | 733 | 0.026 | depth-perspectives-09-amazing-fractals |
@cryptoprima | 733 | 0.026 | actifit-cryptoprima-20200608t195620605z |
@lerengbukit | 732 | 0.026 | statistik-steem-hari-ke-hari-senin-08-jun-2020 |
@stef1 | 732 | 0.026 | friday-challenge-the-biggest-event-of-the-year-highlands-game |
@marcoteixeira | 730 | 0.026 | 5xxrgx-photography |
@appleskie | 729 | 0.026 | appics-v1-appics-im-202425 |
@a-quarius | 729 | 0.026 | https-steemit-com-a-quarius |
@tfame3865 | 729 | 0.026 | dark-moon-whatsoever-you-do-avoid-the-sun-accept-darkness-to-survive |
@chesatochi | 728 | 0.026 | binance-review-in-2020-a-trading-exchange-with-features |
@krevasilis | 726 | 0.026 | foodbook-269-no-knead-bread |
@adityajainxds | 725 | 0.025 | day-93-steem-burn-post |
@wolvoman80 | 725 | 0.025 | facts-matter-even-when-they-offend |
@steemflow | 723 | 0.025 | yvdq93cw57f |
@liuzg | 722 | 0.025 | wherein-1591582408872 |
@blazing | 721 | 0.025 | the-year-of-theft |
@cryptocoinkb | 721 | 0.025 | coins-with-growing-price-and-volume---06-08-2020 |
@fycee | 721 | 0.025 | appics-v1-appics-im-202424 |
@jenina619 | 718 | 0.025 | helping-pets-in-venezuela |
@uwelang | 717 | 0.025 | morgenspaziergang-landscape-saturday |
@doitvoluntarily | 716 | 0.025 | atlanta-police-chief-steps-down-after-rayshard-brooks-incident |
@hiddenblade | 716 | 0.025 | 4qbrpm-orange |
@arnel | 715 | 0.025 | tradesanta-review-the-easiest-and-user-friendly-crypto-trading-bot |
@gghite | 714 | 0.025 | -640700 |
@lovelemon | 714 | 0.025 | wherein-1591459101784 |
@olasamuel | 714 | 0.025 | appics-v1-appics-im-203554 |
@guurry123 | 712 | 0.025 | appics-v1-appics-im-202087 |
@hafizullah | 712 | 0.025 | 7jwf1kw26gl |
@tatiana21 | 712 | 0.025 | appics-v1-appics-im-202156 |
@dosh | 711 | 0.025 | the-magic-journey |
@binkyprod | 710 | 0.025 | star-wars-squadrons-trailer-reaction-and-thoughts-summer-game-fest |
@marcocasario | 710 | 0.025 | 7ek1vz-free-resteem-for-everyone-especially-steemit-spam-first-3-get-a-usd0-02-upvote-on-their-last-post-extra-prize-1x-subscription-6k |
@myach | 708 | 0.025 | 632kl9-myach-top-picks-post-summary-331 |
@smonkstop1 | 708 | 0.025 | 3hxffs-steemmonsters-daily-mission |
@trave160 | 708 | 0.025 | yakuza-kiwami-attack-on-dragon-classic-game-review |
@aellly | 707 | 0.025 | 6mfepf |
@delegate4gg | 707 | 0.025 | holybread-gameplay-status-update-115 |
@road2horizon | 707 | 0.025 | weekly-list-5-29-6-4-italians-posts-elenco-settimanale-29-5-4-6-post-ita |
@sweettais | 705 | 0.025 | plums-on-the-drapery |
@edgargonzalez | 703 | 0.025 | un-ave-elegante-entre-tantos-pelicanos-an-elegant-bird-among-so-many-pelicans |
@leandro85 | 703 | 0.025 | actifit-leandro85-20200606t214709309z |
@uruguru | 703 | 0.025 | der-verlust-deiner-eigenen-persoenlichkeit |
@ptaku | 701 | 0.025 | actifit-ptaku-20200606t192033340z |
@caaio | 696 | 0.024 | molhando-os-pes-wetting-feet |
@biuiam | 695 | 0.024 | hk-shame |
@herstory | 695 | 0.024 | 59anuy-yum |
@tormus1958 | 695 | 0.024 | appics-v1-appics-im-207512 |
@teamcn-fund | 693 | 0.024 | 20200607t000001083z-post |
@daio | 692 | 0.024 | 77jtt6-my |
@publicumaurora | 689 | 0.024 | appics-v1-appics-im-207698 |
@ahmadmanga | 687 | 0.024 | persona-social-links-major-arcana-and-symbolism-arcana-v-the-hierophant |
@salimbur | 687 | 0.024 | actifit-salimbur-20200615t135641530z |
@slientstorm | 687 | 0.024 | 20200615t111533349z |
@summertooth | 684 | 0.024 | fresh-food |
@boddhistats | 683 | 0.024 | actifit-boddhistats-20200607t093536725z |
@htliao | 683 | 0.024 | 75e4xe |
@shashiprabha | 683 | 0.024 | 4qvms5-morning-calection-photography |
@daveks | 682 | 0.024 | castle-mountain-up-close |
@lalai | 680 | 0.024 | red-plumeria |
@dreimaldad | 679 | 0.024 | actifit-dreimaldad-20200614t195858948z |
@mysteryreader | 678 | 0.024 | actifit-mysteryreader-20200614t201501401z |
@ryanhkr | 678 | 0.024 | 31lfea-4 |
@pele23 | 677 | 0.024 | appics-v1-appics-im-207360 |
@prydefoltz | 677 | 0.024 | orange-azalea-haiku-photography-and-digital-art |
@abduhawab | 676 | 0.024 | macro-metalic-flies |
@diebaasman | 674 | 0.024 | appics-v1-appics-im-201435 |
@brianphobos | 673 | 0.024 | painted-the-wagon-black |
@ekushya | 673 | 0.024 | actifit-ekushya-20200614t172931847z |
@slwzl | 671 | 0.024 | desde-cuando-miras-la-vida-parado-detras-de-un-cristal |
@cindycam | 670 | 0.024 | dos-versiones-de-si-mismos-encontrandonos |
@steemitworldmap | 668 | 0.023 | travel-digest-872 |
@nestorgarcia | 665 | 0.023 | appics-v1-appics-im-201914 |
@britvr | 664 | 0.023 | short-on-eth-and-missed-take-profit |
@skymin | 664 | 0.023 | 75gm4q |
@serialfiller | 662 | 0.023 | the-outsider-hive-181925 |
@alinalazareva | 661 | 0.023 | vliyanie-rynka-nedvizhimosti-na-ekonomiku |
@reginecruz | 660 | 0.023 | appics-v1-appics-im-206094 |
@bboyady | 653 | 0.023 | read-cash-earn-bitcoin-cash-through-blogging |
@marcybetancourt | 647 | 0.023 | el-triunfo-de-orfeo-poema |
@davidad | 646 | 0.023 | nature-photography-praying-mantis-on-action |
@drutter | 641 | 0.023 | 7-week-old-mango-kush-seedling-starting-to-fill-out |
@boddhisattva | 636 | 0.022 | bloody-sunset-at-the-icy-shore |
@ultratrain | 636 | 0.022 | appics-v1-appics-im-201578 |
@theunion | 634 | 0.022 | the-daily-curation-report-11-06-20 |
@hilarski | 632 | 0.022 | appics-v1-appics-im-201426 |
@shenchensucc | 630 | 0.022 | 2p9k6w |
@x22report | 624 | 0.022 | the-great-awakening-is-happening-ww-change-is-coming-claudio-grass |
@offgridlife | 618 | 0.022 | daily-drawing-challenge-day-10-and-day-11-the-smoking-skull |
@adsactly | 614 | 0.022 | adsactly-fiction-the-return-of-the-big-brother |
@dirapa | 609 | 0.021 | 3jukyc-my-chou-jungle-or-hard-carry-or-mobile-legends |
@playdice | 597 | 0.021 | 20200612150602299-diceroll |
@dwarrilow2002 | 592 | 0.021 | what-about-slavery-in-canada |
@icedrum | 589 | 0.021 | mother-earth-and-space-news-new-geology-theory-neutron-trouble-bec-at-iss-or-news-jun-13-2020 |
@borjan | 586 | 0.021 | on-the-meadow-once-upon-a-time |
@juancho10 | 585 | 0.021 | esp-eng-origami-kusudama-shuriken-estrella-ninja-origami-kusudama-shuriken-ninja-star |
@laputis | 585 | 0.021 | actifit-laputis-20200614t043733394z |
@fur2002ks | 584 | 0.021 | 7xkm5c-1 |
@mushanov | 584 | 0.021 | actifit-mushanov-20200613t123539714z |
@bambuka | 583 | 0.02 | general-staff-arch-and-nightlife |
@blanca56 | 583 | 0.02 | necklace-made-with-a-piece-of-blue-jeans |
@cryptospa | 583 | 0.02 | dvgw1eom2z0 |
@danmaruschak | 583 | 0.02 | actifit-danmaruschak-20200612t142917802z |
@fun2learn | 583 | 0.02 | hokkien-prawn-mee |
@mad-runner | 583 | 0.02 | appics-v1-appics-im-206012 |
@markusgahn | 583 | 0.02 | appics-v1-appics-im-206233 |
@por500bolos | 582 | 0.02 | i-d-rather-be-judged-by-12-than-carried-by-6 |
@knozaki2015 | 581 | 0.02 | i-travel-the-world-1088-el-gaucho |
@zanoni | 581 | 0.02 | appics-v1-appics-im-206183 |
@feuerelfe | 577 | 0.02 | habs-nicht-geschafft-heute-abend-n-post-zu-machen |
@imagen | 576 | 0.02 | 100-days-of-steem-the-diary-game-12-6-2020-day-no4 |
@oneray | 574 | 0.02 | appics-v1-appics-im-206614 |
@cryptokannon | 573 | 0.02 | appics-v1-appics-im-206297 |
@natha93 | 572 | 0.02 | actifit-natha93-20200612t221114663z |
@lordvdr | 569 | 0.02 | actifit-lordvdr-20200613t054643824z |
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