bboyady (64)in #teammalaysia • 10 months agoI BEEN CHOSEN AS...I never thought this will happened to me, but yes finally its my turn. Due to urgency of needed big amount of…bboyady (64)in #loss • 3 years agotiger year is coming and i am at the first bad luck yeartiger year is coming but i am losing money to one ponzi scam. hope i can recover my loss soon.bboyady (64)in #steem • 3 years agoSteem is the first place I am earning my first dollarI believe this is still a place that I will always remember as steem really help me a lot in terms of earning and…bboyady (64)in #wish • 3 years agogood day of 2022happpy new year is arriving soon, hope everyone can have a peaceful chinese new year without covid spreadbboyady (64)in #teamdbuzz • 3 years agogood day steemiangood day and happy new year all. hope 2022 will give better life to everyonebboyady (64)in #wherein • 4 years ago在steem第一次收...在steem第一次收到了TRX 相信在去年大家肯定很討厭Justin…bboyady (64)in #wherein • 4 years agoSteem featuring Tron, amazing/ 獲得steem也可獲得tron,太好了The Integration of TRX and Steemit is Coming, Stay Tuned! Above link is the most hyper news for strength community…bboyady (64)in #wherein • 4 years agosteem 突然爆漲...steem 突然爆漲 還真的沒有想到,經過了那麼久的時間,steem 再次爆漲。雖然沒有幣可以這個時候兌換,但是還是很開心可以看見這個幣還有漲的可能性。所以現在依然努力去經營steem,blurt 和…bboyady resteemedsteemitblog (77)in #guide • 4 years agoSTEEMIT - A GUIDE FOR NEWCOMERSWelcome to Steemit! Steemit is a blockchain-based social media Dapp (decentralized application) that creates…bboyady (64)in #teammalaysia • 4 years agoNexo, another way to earnI know I am very outdated, but yes. I just know what is Nexo yesterday and just made a deposit today. Lol. For those…bboyady (64)in #wherein • 4 years ago你是dtube的活躍...你是dtube的活躍用戶嗎 Are you active users of dtube? 你已經擁有dtube戶口了嗎 Are you already claim you Dtube account…bboyady (64)in #wherein • 4 years agoif you have some spare steem,hivesorry for this cross post as I have not much time to blogging, hope it's not consider as phising Hi everyone...…bboyady (64)in #wherein • 4 years ago終於代理給nutbox終於,一個星期後,我可以代理給pnut了。在上個星期在我們私人群組裡,@elizacheng有提到關於pnut這個項目。由於太多東西發生在區塊連所以很多事情都似懂非懂的概念下知道一些些事情。於是我就慢慢爬文看看關於這個項目的文章。於是看見了bboyady resteemedhonoru (76)mod米高in STEEM CN/中文 • 4 years ago安裝 Steem Keychain 及 Tron 錢包插件,參與代理 SP 挖掘 Tron 的 Nutbox Pnut 行列我因為本身已習慣了使用 Steem 的Keychain 的 Chrome插件,與及因為之前玩遊戲而安裝了Tronlink 的 Chrome插件 及 Tron 錢包。故此起步時會較為簡單。 不過,若果未用過 Steem…bboyady (64)in #teammalaysia • 5 years agoMeetup with steemianAfter a lockdown at my country which is Malaysia, we are very hard to get to meet each other properly because everyone…bboyady (64)in #wherein • 5 years ago外國的月亮不一定圓剛剛在youtube看到了這部影片。看得笑得無法停止。原因是因為這個男的看了一個bbc的烹飪節目打算吐槽她。當然這只有吃飯的亞洲人才會覺得很好笑因為這個烹飪節目做炒飯的方法簡直就是大錯特錯,可是卻可以上國際的美食節目。…bboyady (64)in #wherein • 5 years agobituniverse, your one stop trading BotIf you have not yet know this coolest trading apps, now you will know after reading this post. BitUniverse If…bboyady (64)in #wherein • 5 years ago馬來西亞終於來到了榴...馬來西亞終於來到了榴蓮旺季了。這時候大家都可以嘗試到世界頂級的榴蓮。是的,除了泰國,我們馬來西亞也是擁有最好品種的榴蓮,毛山王也是大家所熟悉而且都會尋找的品種。 當然除了毛山王,我們也擁有千百種的品種可以嘗試。…bboyady (64)in #wherein • 5 years agoPionex AI 機器人交易所這是我今天是一pionex第一次可以解開利潤的一天。感覺還蠻神奇因為我是個大忙人,所以平時真的沒時間盯著熒幕做投資或交易。所以經朋友介紹我就使用了這個被標榜AI機器人為您交易的平台。當然第一次使用時是半信半疑的。但是後來用了後真的很開心可以bboyady (64)in #wherein • 5 years ago年輕回憶黃明志這個名字相信大家都不會陌生,無論如何對音樂一知半解或在其他國家沒聽過他的歌曲,我相信也會因為他與王力宏合作的飄向北方的這首歌對他有認識。…