#mentalhealthmonday - Checking In With You
So how has your last week been.
Me just hours before my son's graduation right before I had a huge moment of self-doubt and changed clothes
I experienced several bouts of anxiety and learned that one of the medications I'm on can cause Metabolic Disorder which can mess with all kinds of things and may be whey I've gained so much weight since being on it.
Problem? I have to go back to the doctor for a blood draw one morning before coffee. I have to be fasting. I can't seem to remember though and have my cup with loads of french vanilla creamer hours before I remember I was supposed to go to the doctor. I really need to get it done though so we can decide where to go with my medications.
Finances are tight this time of month and that always causes more stress, especially on the husband, which in turn is usually expressed to me...and not in a very loving way. I'm tired of feeling like I'm only important if I'm doing something.
Nobody seems to understand that my anxiety keeps me from doing much of anything.
Things that cause me anxiety:
Large groups of stupid people
Small stores/boutiques
Stores with only one or two other people in them
Writing about myself
The kids arguing
Talking one-on-one with strangers
Doctor visits
My husband's moods
Anything that goes too quickly to anticipate
Working with strangers
Working with family
School functions
Friend functions
Family functions
Even the thought of this summer's family reunion where someone who caused me a lot of my problems will be there.
Selling my jewelry and creations at said family reunion even though I've been asked to several times by several of my aunts and cousins.
Strange foods that might cause me stomach discomfort
Languages that I don't understand
People who do things that I don't understand
Not understanding in general
Being wholly myself
Feeling like I never get anything right
Feeling like a failure
What am I doing to alleviate my symptoms? Well, THC always helps. CBD oil isn't bad either. I take Ativan almost daily. At night I drink until I'm relaxed and no longer feel like just snapping at everything. I know it isn't healthy, especially with the Ativan. I only have a few drinks, I almost never get "drunk." In fact, I can't remember the last time I even had the opportunity.
So anyway...that's this week's Nervous Newspaper. Anxiety Atlas. Panic Publication. Health Headline. #mentalhealthmonday by @kiaraantonoviche.
I loves you my @hethur240!!! Since I lost my job and didnt get another for a whole month, our finances are struggling and whenever i get caught back up i hope we can plan a trip down and spend a weekend with you. I have had so many awesome times with you... i maybe need to learn to crochet some finger puppets...
I loves you toooooooo my @sallyswitchblade! Get your butt on your guitar and sing us some songs on steemit and make some moola so you can come down! Well, don't put your butt on your guitar. You'll probably just make fart noises. I'd vote for that too!!! Haha! Love you so much!!! Miss your beautiful face and mind!
Hugs to you.
I recommend learning to say weird shit in other languages so then other people don't understand you. ;) Just completely random things. My two faves:
C'est come une petite Jesu en culottes de velours (French)
In France, thus is something you might say when you eat delicious food. But it literally means, "Like baby Jesus in velvet pants."
Tofu no kado ni atama wo butsukete shinde shimae. (Japanese)
It's like saying, "drop dead," but literally it means, "Hit your head on a corner of tofu and die," the implication being that you're so dumb (soft headed), a block of bean curds could smash your brain in.
I hope this gave you a chuckle. 💜
That is really funny! Thank you for the chuckle indeed. I feel good today so we will see where those phrases take me. ;)
"Hit your head on a corner of tofu and die," 🤣 @phoenixwren this is amazing
@hethur240 sounds like its very similar things that set my anxiety off as well, I get the impression many people think I'm rude or ignorant at times especially at gatherings but I'm literally out of my depth at times.
One of the hardest things I found was snapping out of that spiral into the dark, especially when I made the choice to come off the medication, but the below really really helped, obviously it won't work for everyone
I'm always recommending this to people, you should check out "mindfulness" I'm not into meditating but the grounding techniques have been paramount to my progress with dealing with my depression/anxiety.
The link below has a list of some things that can be good to bring you back to the moment and is worth checking out people.
usually, if I can break that spiral of anxiety I can move on and continue moving forward.
Thanks again for sharing, it takes a lot of strength to share such a private part of ones self, something personally i don't have the confidence to do! Hope you have a great week 💪Stay strong!
Do you meditate? I found it beneficial for me to practice mindfulness meditation. Here is some info:
I get the anxiety. I try to remember when things bother me that others have dealt with the situation at hand and lived. (Humor sometimes works.)
I was always labeled "sensitive" when I was growing up by my mother. I interpreted that as a bad thing. Now I feel that it has helped me deal with this wacko world the best that I can.
I am not going to tell you to do anything @hethur240 but I would ask you to question the reliance on alcohol and even the "Mary Jane," as we called it. Crutches are just that. They help for a little while but aren't always good or necessary. Just a thought.
Raising kids isn't easy, my dear. And you sound like a normal person who is in tune with what works in your life and knows that there is a lot of people out there who seem to be on auto pilot. Surround yourself with like minded people and know that you are beautiful and God's creation.
Thanks for sharing your story. I just spent some time with family and I cannot relate to most of what they say. I know they think I am the weird one but who is weirder? The person who talks about all the programs they have watched or someone who talks about things they have done and do on the daily? I think you know the answer.
God Bless!!
OMG! Sounds like a familiar complex. Is it contagious? Been there done that. Still do some of them on a regular basis. Take medication to make my life better. Hope you can find a resolution to your anxiety. Stay away from Steemit meet ups inforiegn countries. Just tell everyone to F off and leave you alone for a while. Take care of you.
Always wish the best for you.
My daughter struggles with anxiety. It's the pits. She is taking medication for it, too, and it seems to help. She is a phlebotomist, and would be happy to draw your blood for you! LOL!
@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.
And the reason why is because @therealwolf is disgusting slimy pedophile that enjoys abusing kids. Here's proof of him upvoting child porn on the steemit blockchain. bigbadwolf indeed.
And the reason why is because @therealwolf is disgusting slimy pedophile that enjoys abusing kids. Here's proof of him upvoting child porn on the steemit blockchain. bigbadwolf indeed.