THE SCIENCE OF YOGA… Yoga And Your Anatomy

in #yoga8 years ago (edited)

The most remarkable thing we accomplish each day.., is simply standing on our own two feet. Our frame aligns itself to support all our weight, with the greatest of ease. With a tilt of the pelvis, an arch of the spine. It's a flawless design. Built not just for speed but the blueprint itself protects us all the time.

This post is not your typical Yoga post… It will not teach or display how to do these poses (asanas)… But rather, what these asanas can do for you when practiced properly, with the correct attention to detail.., and breathe. How they effect your organs, vital systems and rejuvenate your being…

Even with the massively successful foray of Yoga in the West… It still can get a bad rap, for being some kind of hocus-pocus. That somehow, it's only for overly-spiritual people. Or, even just super flexible ones. Yoga accepts us all,  no matter our size. Is the union of our body, mind and spirit. And the science involved, will blow your mind.

While all forms of exercise are great.., and certainly encouraged… Yoga takes things to the next level. And those levels can get as deep as you are willing to go… It can be used as a tool, to unwind from from a stress-filled day -- as many do… We certainly know, just sinking into Corpse pose and relishing in it, as your breathe washes over your soul -- that will decompress, just about anybody. As a preventative medicine.., there is no match. It will nourish your organs, strengthen your nervous system, expand your lungs and engulf your very heart, with nothing but love.

But, if you are more serious about your Yoga practice. Willing to take the path less traveled… Yoga can become an integral part of your life -- a lifestyle, so to speak. A life filled with breakthroughs and goals met. Less stress and more joy. A way of inhabiting your body, not felt by most. And a path to enlightenment.., if you are just willing to show up!

Yoga is a living science.., one that has evolved over thousands of years and continues to evolve with the growing needs of humanity 

Sun Salutions (Surya Namaskar):

Besides warming you up and stretching, bending and contracting your body… But proper practice of just this series, alone -- can help to address such issues as: shallow (emergency) breathing. Reduce stress. Help with sleep and weight-loss. Nourish you heart and lungs. And support your whole structure. It promotes digestion, repair your nervous system.., and focus your mind.

Master this series of poses (asanas) that all flow in perfect sequence within the Sun Salutation, along with the proper breathing that, goes hand-n-hand… And not just your body -- but your mind and spirit will follow.

Note: Before I do Sun Salutations I will do a little relaxation. Relaxation not only does, just that -- relax you… It prepare your mind, body and spirit, for what you are about to undertake.

Corpse Pose (Savasana):

Usually mistaken as, such simple pose… To perfect just lying down on the floor and breathing properly, can take some practice. This pose will change and develop as does your practice -- deepen with each new time. Besides resting the whole system, it will reduce energy loss and power your pulse.

You will do Corpse Pose at the beginning of each session.., and a deeper version at the end. You will notice the difference between  the both -- for at the end of a session your body is primed. You can sink right into a stillness, that releases the mind.

Leg Raises:

Before we dive in.., some simple leg raises will help prepare the body , strengthening both your abs and lower back, for the poses to come. A short series of single leg, than double. Stretching and contracting as we focus on the breathe.

The Plough (Halasana):

Plough is one of my favorite asanas… The stretching and opening of the neck, shoulders and back is amazing. I do these before (to prep for shoulder stand) and after shoulder stand (completing the natural flow). It nourishes the spinal nerves and massages your organs.

Yoga seems to bestow mental benefits, as well… A calmer, more relaxed mind. Using MRI scans, Catherine Bushnell of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Bethesda, Md., was able to detect more "gray matter" in people who practiced yoga. The hippocampus, the precuneus and the posterior cingulate cortex, are enlarged. All areas that could be engaged by yoga

The Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana):

Shoulder Stand is one of the 3 main poses that can keep your body in optimal health. It's Sanskrit name means, "all parts pose." Stretching your upper spine and stimulating your thyroid (by pressing your chin to your throat). As with all of these poses, with practice comes growth. As you will definitely see changes as your practice progresses.

The Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana):

Flowing right into Bridge pose from shoulder stand… The complete opposite movement from Plough, reversing the stretch on the spine. The Sanskrit meaning "bridge-building," it will strengthen your back and abs -- while providing a more subtle and flexible spine.

The Fish (Matsyasana):

Counter to shoulder stand, plough and bridge -- it compresses the neck and upper spine. Enhances the thyroid and can fix your rounded shoulders. The whole time increasing your lung capacity. Named for the Hindu God Vishnu, who returned as a Fish to save the world from the flood.

The Forward Bend (seated) (Pashimottanasana):

This is definitely one of my favorite asanas… The release of it encourages is nothing short of heroic. From toxins to stress breaking free from your body.., all the emotions released can make a grown man cry.

As you relax into this pose, pulling your torso as far forward as possible… You can feel the breathe massaging your organs -- rejuvenating them. This quote should get you jazzed-up to try and develop this pose…

"This most excellent of all asanas.., makes the breathe flow through the Sushumna ( channel through which pranic energy flows and through which we experience Kundalini Awakening), stimulates the gastric fire, makes the loins lean and removes all the disease of men." by, Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

The Cobra (Bhujangasana):

To reach a full Cobra is, no doubt.., extremely challenging. But before you know it, with practice and diligence, you will soon feel the souls of your feet touching the top of your head. Your spine will experience a massive backward stretch, while toning and massaging the abdomen.

Personal note: While living and practicing Yoga in Los Angeles (even teaching privately, every now and then), having lunch one day  at an outdoor cafe in Beverly Hills with some friends… A shiny Rolls Royce pulled to a stop, directly in front of us. As the window came down to reveal, none other, than the one and only  -- Raquel Welch! (if you don't know who she is, google her, the guys out there will thank me later) I had gone through some Yoga sessions with her and was honored she would seek out my advice on things, yoga related. But the sentence that came out, of this historically beautiful creature -- almost knocked us off our chairs! "Hey Mack.., what pose can I do for constipation, this menopause is killing me…" And, without blinking an eye, I yelled back -- COBRA and LOCUST, and remember to breath.

After a long silence, and some blank stares… Someone from the street passing by screamed out --IS THAT RAQUEL WELCH!? And off she went.

The Locust (Salabhasana):

It will massage your lower organs like nothing else… Almost ensuring a properly working digestive system and -- Wait for it……. prevents constipation! Another demanding pose, requiring a fair amount of practice. But proper breathing will guide you to a locust pose you can be proud of…

The Bow (Dhanurasana):

Almost combining the Cobra and Locust, this pose will improve your posture, while adding elasticity to your spine.., and at the same time increase your vitality. By balancing the weight of your body on the abdomen -- you increase digestion and keep your reproductive system healthy. While in full bow, if you want an added massage of our organs rock back and forth (Rocking Bow) and you can feel the magic at work.

Studies indicate that a yoga practice helps in treating depression and anxiety, managing stress, and improving well-being. There is even research indicating that yoga helps young musicians find flow states. Yoga is a spiritual discipline dating back to some 5000 years in the history of Indian philosophy, its purpose is to unite the mind, body and spirit

The Half Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana):

Most of the poses we have covered, focus on bending the spine… But the half spinal twist, will rotate it. Twisting motions like tis will enhance all those (somewhat difficult) bending poses.  It will tone your spinal nerves and comfort it's ligaments.

The Lotus (Padmasana):

The classic meditation pose. The posture itself, will help make the knees, hips and ankles more flexible. Your metabolism starts to slow, clearing the mind of all it's clutter, increasing your concentration. Once you start getting into Lotus, you will find yourself sitting on the floor a lot more.., and just, unconsciously getting into this pose.

The Crow (Kakasana):

This is one of those poses, that looks really hard… When, it all actuality.., it is quite easy to achieve. And is great for your confidence. It strengthens your arm and shoulders, while giving you laser focused concentration. At the same time increasing your capacity for to breath.

The Hands To Feet Pose (Padahastasana)

Releasing the toxins from the ligaments in your legs, especially the hamstrings… Breathing deep, is key in this position -- folding even deeper into it with each breathe. Much of the same benefits as (seated) forward bend.

Yoga may look like just a couple of body-bending exercises to the normal eye… But there is a lot we can't see going on, beneath. It's not just a set of asanas performed on a mat, but rather a way of life. Yoga began over 5,000 years ago, and people have been feeling the positive effects ever since. While it is obvious that yoga has been helping humans since its origins, it is only in the recent past that scientists have decided to start studying it.

The Triangle (Trikonasana):

Practicing this pose will greatly enhance all the other asanas. Your body feels lighter. And your spine feels stronger.Your sense of control and concentration will deepen. Submit to this pose and it will pay you back, ten fold.

The Headstand (Sirshasana):

A lot of yoga sessions like to start with the headstand -- I myself, like to finish with it. Reversing the effects of gravity, it is one of the most powerful poses for the mind and body. While resting your heart at the same time. Conquer your fears and master this pose.., and your whole being will reward you.

The Child Pose (Balasana):

Used right out of headstand, this could be considered one of the most comforting poses. Normalizing your circulation and the perfect counter-stretch for all those back bends. I have seen people slip-off to other dimensions while luxuriating in the benefits of this pose.

I hope you can see the benefits Yoga has to offer us… The science behind it, is one of truth. There are no rabbits being pulled out of a hat -- just some facts to help guide you with your practice. Being diligent and dedicated will only hasten your results… But just showing up, everyday will add light to your life!


Image Source: 1

Image Source: all poses

OM image

Reference: Brahma Jyoti Yoga Studio Teachers Manuel


This is amazing content!Thank you for sharing in such detail!

Glad you liked it... CHEERS!

Like it! Thank you for sharing!

Yoga for me has been the best whole body, mind and spirit activity I have engaged in. :)

Same here!

@macksby, thank you for sharing this.
I've always heard about yoga and it's a trend here and almost everywhere.
We could just even see someone doing those stances in a park or near meres in here on sunny days but I never thought that those stances were actually named after those animals.
I bookmarked this - as I have been long curious of doing it.

Hey englishtchrivy... It's really amazing the amount of people doing Yoga, these days -- great, actually. It can add so much to your life.., And if you really get curious, classes can be pretty cheap, or even free. CHEERS!

Try it, I can't encourage you enough! Yoga is the union of your body and your mind/soul. You don't need a yoga body and most of the poses have alternatives that will bring the same benefits.

@onetree, posted as a weekly thing to do with Hubby.
It's autumn, cold and chilly for that daily stroll so yes, yoga would really be perfect to do. I'm hearing this when I get up sometimes ha ha ...
I really should. Thank you!

There was a time in my life when I could do these without thinking, now my body refuses to but really should try a few . Good advice :)

I would suggest you start slowly and get into the poses everyday. I started in January last year and I now get in most poses comfortaly. You have to enjoy it though!

Great advice @linzo! And congratulations on your practice.

I am disabled but will have a look at a few of the moves I could possibly do :)

I hear that @karenb54!!! But, as a bit of encouragement -- muscles have memory cells... So, a few little poses and you'll be right back in the swing of things :)) :))

I used to be a gymnast so was very fit but that was over 38 years ago, think my memory cells have forgotten by now and being disabled it makes it even harder but I will check some of the moves I might be able to do @macksby

Love this post. Do you have an alternative to the head stand?

Thanks @yogaista! If you are feeling adventurous you could try "Scopion Pose -- Vrschikasana"

It's very challenging but a lot of fun. But a simple downward dog -- handstand with the wall as a prop. You should definitely include some kind of inverted pose in your practice -- they are the fountain of youth!

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Great post; I believe everyone should add yoga as part of their exercise routine.

Yoga changed my life. Simple as that.

nice post! I love yoga and have been a practicer since 1982, don't know how I would have survived without it.

Thanks @natureofbeing! I'd say it's the secret...

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