Steem School Episode 39 - Steemit Distractions You Need to Get Rid Of

in #vlog7 years ago (edited)

There are certain distractions here on Steemit that you need to avoid.

Today's post is about how to avoid the traps of falling into the meaningless distractions of Steemit and how to deal with them.

There are also distractions of Steemit outside of Steemit.

My life philosophy is to not waste an hour so I have to be careful not fall into the traps of the Steemit distractions. And you do not want to fall into these traps either.


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The Steemit Feed

The Steemit feed itself is a huge distraction as it shows resteems of people that do not know how to properly use resteems.

Furthermore you probably also follow over 15 people which makes it hard to see any worth in the Steemit feed because it is just chaos.

You scroll through it looking for some good posts but there aren't any because you do not keep a following limit.

My following limit is 10-15 people and not more. If I get over 15 people I will erase the ones that do not really provide value to me so that I have a better overview of the Steemit feed.

If you haven't unfollowed the people you do not care about then I urge you that you start unfollowing them right now.

Get your follower number down to 10-15 so that you get a better overview and build stronger connections with those people.


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The DTube Feed

The DTube feed is even worse than Steemit for me because I really want to look what my friends recorded even tho I have no time.

And I will not unfollow them so what can I do? I simply do not watch into the middle of my screen and just look at the upload arrow to get my shit done.

If I am on the DTube website I am uploading videos and nothing else.

Commenting and caring about your relationships must be done after you are done with the hard tasks of the day because commenting and chatting barely requires willpower as it is a fun thing to do.

Did you look at the upvote sign or at the DTube feed?

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Discord Communities

Discord communities are the place to go if you want to seriously strengthen the bond between your followers/friends and yourself.

The problem, however, is that when you start Discord at the start of the day then you will be probably distracted by messages and friends.

You have to be very strict about this, work first and then fun and not the other way around. Having fun after a good working day which you can be proud of is one of the greatest joys for a man.

So do not start Discord till you are done with your work!


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The Steemit feed, the DTube feed, and Discord can be huge distractions if you pay attention to them before you are done with your work.

This is a matter of focus, without that focus you will not get great work done, it is that simple.

There are also other real-life distractions like an unclean table or being hungry.

You need to make sure that your table is clean and that you ate so that you can further enhance your focus.

And to really become a master of focus you will have to meditate. Breathing exercises & focusing on 1 object with your eyes without thinking about anything else are good meditations to enhance your focus.


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Every form of progress will definitely demand weeding out distraction. It is a discipline that you have to contend with in it self is a series of decisions between what is right and what is comfortable.The idea of the balance between urgent and important.

Outstanding comment Lewin.

Another set of distraction is interesting post titles. We end up opening multiple tabs of different interesting titles and end up wasting time reading them. Most of them don't provide value more than you know anyway.

Hi wandereronwheels (when I read this I think of Odin on a bike).
Clickbaiting is the art of writing seductive titles or creating seductive thumbnails.
Nobody likes being seduced but that is what these titles and thumbnails do.
You need willpower and smarts to not get seduced by clickbaits.

What's odin on a bike?
Some of the articles contain a wealth of information so, sometimes it's worth the read. Gotta learn to recognize at first glance if a post is worth our time or not.

Odin is the gods of the Germanic and Norse people. He has many names, one of them is "wanderer".

Episode 25 is about identifying an upvote worthy post:

In most cases you know within 20-30 seconds of reading if you've been a victim of clickbait. After that it's up to you to have the willpower to just close that tab and not read the rest of the article that will only be wasting your time anyway.

I reached the same conclusion, but have a hard time staying below 100 follows. I started with unfollowing those that resteem more than one post per day, every day. I followed up with folks who post more than 5 posts a day. I'm not there yet, but the list of disqualifiers for my follow is growing.

I wonder why it is so hard for you to cut it down to 15 people?
There really is no way you can build strong relationships with more than 10 people.
If you read them for entertainment I suggest that you bookmark them on your browser instead of following them.

You can also categorize the bookmarks in your browser.

Very true, but I also rebuild my OS from scratch on a moments notice and don't want to transfer anything direct from the old OS to the new OS. Some accounts I follow not only for entertainment, but also to see what they are doing so I can stay away from their targets as I don't want to get caught up in their BS, which has happened twice now.

Still being a new user I find that dealing with distractions is something I have to work on big time and time does get wasted. I am still trying to build relationships on the platform and therefore I am constantly checking for my favourite bloggers to post. This is a problem I have eliminated with the use of Steemify which I just learned about. Also, as a new user I am always catching myself looking at Steemd to see if I have had any change in my voting weight and for the longest time I was always checking my bandwidth to make sure I was safe to post. I think as time goes on and you become a more veteren Steemit user that the shiny object syndrome wears off and it becomes easier to focus. I find I am getting much better as time goes on (Steemify has been huge) but I still find I have a hard time focusing on my Steemit task at hand. For example, I have an article that I want to write today and I will get it done but I get caught up in the reading of posts and checking of various other things. My eyes need to be more open to this. As far as the number of users I follow I have always tried to keep it low. I only follow people who's content I'm genuinely interested in but to be at less than 15 is commitment. Not sure I could keep it that low. Work before fun is a great way to think about it.

I suggest that you write your article with the "MostDangerousWritingApp". It makes it near impossible to get distracted.

When you are done writing it you just need to edit it.

The problem with the focus is definitely still there. Again and again I look at the Discord chat and am active while I am working. I'd really have to put it all down until I get my post through.

Will keep that advice in mind

I have the same problem.

1. Realize you have a problem.
2. Find the solution.
3. Apply the solution.
4. Make a habit out of it.
5. Profit

110% true. Will work on it

That's a great point. I'm looking at my feed and seeing lots of stuff that just seems to get in the way. One option that I would like to see them add is the ability to NOT see resteems. Some people resteem constantly and it clogs my feed. There are certain authors I really want to read and it's hard to find them though the chaos. I do need to pare down a bit.

You could use GinaBot, to track your favorite authors, until you pare down who you are following. You can read more about the bot @Ginabot. I'm working at reducing the number of people I follow. I'm going through the list and checking out their blog to see if I still have a reason to follow them. I check out at least five blogs a day. But, in the meantime GinaBot, makes it easy to check my favorite authors posts. GinaBot also provides me with useful information to track my progress on Steemit.

Yes, I use GINAbot! I really like that I get real-time updates on what is happening. Makes it so much easier to respond to comments and know what's happening in the part of the Steemit world where I'm hanging out. Thank you for the suggestion!

That would be a nice option, just cut it down to 10-15 you want to network with and put the rest into bookmarks.

Like that your Steemit feed will stay clean and you can access the other followers via categorized bookmarks.

To be clear, you bookmark the feeds of the authors outside of the 15 and you just go down the list checking them periodically?

Yes, keep it to 10-15 followers and bookmark the rest.

I like that idea better than just unfollowing. There are some that I'd like to know what's going on still. Bookmarking could do the trick. Thanks.

I do it differently a bit I have a list of people that I manually type in and check on so on days where i have little time I ignore the feed. My reasons besides the obvious are however different then yours. So on days Where i have loads of things to do i check the people on the list. and check the posts of those who have left comments that where worthwhile (on that day ). If I still have time during the day I will then check my feed for a bit.

"Having fun after a good working day which you can be proud of is one of the greatest joys for a man." I would argue that the feeling of acomplishent after a day spent with fullfilling work and having done what one set out to do for that day is a joy for both men and women :)

Without dreams we are souless. Without focus to shape those dreams into goals they never learn to fly. Without determination and the discipline to forge our dreams into reality they are but still born entities rotting like corpses in our psyche and we just fade like ghosts in the stream of time. If we have dreams, focus, determination and discipline we not only make our lives better but we leave a legacy. If we to the above have honour and compassion to guide us, and fairness to judge, our deeds become elevated and we become legend.

As for the clean and uncluttered I could not agree more if you want clutter to it away from your desk space. I personally am not a fan of food at the desk ( I have gone back to intermittent fasting and also believe that one should focus on the food one eats there are reasons for this but i am not going to blow up your post ) but I agree on drink.

Meditation is crucial there are several forms and all have their specific uses.

The good chair thing from the picture is definitely important. I, when I was still well and on good days sit on the floor which is actually scientifically proven to be better for you. I have a desk that is set at that height. What is actually even better than that for you is a standing desk (studies show it improves creativity too ). As for cats LOL...I love them but I think the cat snuck that on in there lol ... although one could argument that if your desk is cluttered your cat will take care of that for you ...

Very long comment.

Without dreams we are souless. Without focus to shape those dreams into goals they never learn to fly.

That is true.

You should write me on Discord to tell me some forms of meditation for pagans.

Well Omi is old and old people talk , lol. In truth I find your work ethic and striving to better yourself worth conversation. I don't do long for just anybody ... and I will, I have been super busy this weekend with dogs and cleaning the place. And have a set schedule of chores i need to get done as long as i am feeling well enough to do them. After monday things will be less hectic i will try to catch you earlier but i don't want to promise anything incase i get caught up in the things on my schedule.

I agree that Discord can be a huge distraction, but it does have value in the deeper connections that can be made there versus in the comments sections of blogs. I do avoid going there before I get all my other tasks done however.

As far as follower numbers go, I think you can get away with following more than 15 people, but you need to be judicious in who you follow. And it also depends on how much time you have in your day to scan through your feed. It also depends on how good you are at deciding which posts are valuable enough to take your time to read and respond to.

If you get over 10-15 followings you can just put the rest into bookmarks and categorize those. Like that you will have a clean Steemit feed and if you want to read or watch entertaining stuff you just open the bookmarks.

Uploaded by accident without video.
Sometimes I really hate the blockchain.

You hit the nail on the head... As a newbie...i don't even know what to view or not...
Much followers, feed the discord channel is the worst of it because as I open it... Countless messages which I don't even know how to start reading it...
Thanks for sharing...will undo some certain things

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