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RE: Steem School Episode 39 - Steemit Distractions You Need to Get Rid Of

in #vlog7 years ago

I do it differently a bit I have a list of people that I manually type in and check on so on days where i have little time I ignore the feed. My reasons besides the obvious are however different then yours. So on days Where i have loads of things to do i check the people on the list. and check the posts of those who have left comments that where worthwhile (on that day ). If I still have time during the day I will then check my feed for a bit.

"Having fun after a good working day which you can be proud of is one of the greatest joys for a man." I would argue that the feeling of acomplishent after a day spent with fullfilling work and having done what one set out to do for that day is a joy for both men and women :)

Without dreams we are souless. Without focus to shape those dreams into goals they never learn to fly. Without determination and the discipline to forge our dreams into reality they are but still born entities rotting like corpses in our psyche and we just fade like ghosts in the stream of time. If we have dreams, focus, determination and discipline we not only make our lives better but we leave a legacy. If we to the above have honour and compassion to guide us, and fairness to judge, our deeds become elevated and we become legend.

As for the clean and uncluttered I could not agree more if you want clutter to it away from your desk space. I personally am not a fan of food at the desk ( I have gone back to intermittent fasting and also believe that one should focus on the food one eats there are reasons for this but i am not going to blow up your post ) but I agree on drink.

Meditation is crucial there are several forms and all have their specific uses.

The good chair thing from the picture is definitely important. I, when I was still well and on good days sit on the floor which is actually scientifically proven to be better for you. I have a desk that is set at that height. What is actually even better than that for you is a standing desk (studies show it improves creativity too ). As for cats LOL...I love them but I think the cat snuck that on in there lol ... although one could argument that if your desk is cluttered your cat will take care of that for you ...


Very long comment.

Without dreams we are souless. Without focus to shape those dreams into goals they never learn to fly.

That is true.

You should write me on Discord to tell me some forms of meditation for pagans.

Well Omi is old and old people talk , lol. In truth I find your work ethic and striving to better yourself worth conversation. I don't do long for just anybody ... and I will, I have been super busy this weekend with dogs and cleaning the place. And have a set schedule of chores i need to get done as long as i am feeling well enough to do them. After monday things will be less hectic i will try to catch you earlier but i don't want to promise anything incase i get caught up in the things on my schedule.

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