RE: Traffic Koans LAST CALL
Haha okay so, from this explanation, I could clearly see that you're totally not getting what I'm talking about. I never obligated anyone to comment on my posts. As I said, if they don't want to, that's fine, I move on. I especially don't want people to make an effort to do that. That only creates resentment, which is something I never asked for.
Also, I never said I liked spam. I said at least spammers left a comment instead of the people who said I should post more often. Those people are connections I cultivated during my year here. It used to be that we had long conversations like this, and then suddenly nothing, which is something that disturbs and puzzles me.
Look, man, I don't know what your beef is or whatever but if you feel like you don't have anything to say on my posts, then don't bother commenting. Our personalities and approaches are just different, let's leave it at that. I'm not quite sure how this blunt confrontational attitude works for you, but personally, I don't really prefer people talking down to me. We should all just respect our differences, I think. I never criticized you for your approach, so I don't think it's fair that you constantly compare mine to yours.
Oh man! I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I thought that we were just ... well, it doesn't matter what I thought. I hurt you, and I'm sorry.
Sure, no worries. I have never been anything but supportive of you in my, arguably, limited comments to your posts. While I never expected anything similar in return, I just didn't expect this kind of banter.
I really didn't mean to hurt you. I was trying to support you as you want.
Yeah, no problem. I'm not quite sure if I just didn't phrase it well or you just misunderstood what I said. I've been doing this approach for more than half a year now and have fostered a lot of strong connections that way, but this was the first time I was met with condescension. So, yeah, I guess it just boils down to miscommunication.
That's not really the kind of support I wanted. Also, I really didn't beg for support with what I said. It's a shame it came across that way.
You keep saying condescension. I really didn't mean to be condescending. Again, I'm sorry to have hurt you.
I said it once, but yeah okay, sure.
When you said "talking down to", I thought you meant the same thing.
Good point. You're right once again.