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RE: I Caught Myself.

in #story6 years ago

I am a veteran negative thinker. I used to find something negative to think about every day. Decades of introspection, therapy, support groups and tons of reading got me to this point: I am agnostic about everything. Not just God. Everything.

I found, at least for me, negative thinking comes from my predictions about outcomes. Everything had a negative outcome and that meant I wasn't going to get what I wanted. I was attached to the outcome and it was all negative. I even figured out that happiness isn't getting everything you want. It's knowing what to do when you don't.

I found that once I was able to let go of the predictions, to be willing to watch the world turn without me trying to impose my will upon it, I was happier. This may sound like a shameless pitch, but it's not - if you read some of my earlier blog articles, you'll see this in my writing.

I do what do I do not to make things happen. I do what I do to see what happens next. And if I'm not making predictions about what will happen next, my mind is open to the possibilities. To do just that, I must accept everything exactly the way it is, without reservation. I tend to have better days that way.

Anyway, this is turning into an article . :) I hope you find this little post helpful.


Hi @digitalfirehose, I resonate with this more than you might expect. This was exactly my story,, and still is at times. I get it.

I was also attached to outcomes and realized how much of a control freak I was in all aspects of my life. I have suffered a great deal of anxiety which is a direct link to the "lack of control" thing.

I was always looking into the future and trying to make predictions too. I have come along way, I was a negative thinker as well (out of fear). It's gradual, and I still slip up and let the negative momentum take over at times but like you said, "to be willing to watch the world turn without me trying to impose my will upon it". That's it right there!

I'm really glad you shared this and contributed to the topic. I will check out some of your posts :)

The best post come from the most unexpected places, wouldn't you agree? I love how you went and continued on.

I really enjoyed your original comment and your new post. It highlighted that deeper reason I sometimes forget. Thanks for reminding me that choosing to just see what happens next is the smart, less painful route. :)