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RE: Dear Steemit, Thank you for everything

If what I have read so far is true, I have a few questions:

  • Why are those who felt something was wrong kept quiet all these years?

  • Why has nobody been bold to clear the doubts about the identity of the account all these years?

Unfortunately, people like the operator of an account like this make interaction with Steemit become extremely hard or doubting sometimes (it weakens genuine users). Believe me, there are many more people like this.

Over time, I have developed the ability to uncover the main writer of many account' articles, it can be easily traced to some of the known users even when they hid under a fake identity.

Many cases of abuse I have personally uncovered in the past but what happens after uncovering them? Some of them became more elevated on the platform and as such encourage more scammers to keep up with different abuses.

At least, I have conversations with a few people that do not worth holding any position on the platform because they showed themselves through their attitude, but appearing cringeworthy (misunderstood for humility or loyalty) has kept them in the system and they keep draining the system. My bad, I screenshoted most of my conversations with the people in this category and maybe sometime later we can start telling the true identity/behavior of some users on the platform.

Yeah, I screenshoted conversations of good people as well, we may use that on a day of their glorification on the platform.

I thought I'd have enough time to start uncovering some users' dealings on Steemit but I haven't got time, and if I do, does it worth it? It hurts if it took hours to uncover abuse and yet these set of reward farmers are left unpunished rather they are entrusted with more responsibilities (It gives them wings and more capacity to operate). Scammers have been left to continue their dealings because red flags about some of these accounts were ignored.

Not surprising this account was leaving and a lot of people are coming out to say the account's operation has been fake all along, the operator has always been breaking rules following top curator's account up and down, upvoting their comments (most especially, @steemcurator01). This is one of the first red flags about how desperate the user is, he/she has reached a target (when his/her identity is about to be revealed) and the account is fading into the thin air.

I hope the authorities pay more attention to red flags, weighing claims subsequently. Red flags are not just given if there are no reasons and investigating such contributes to a healthy Steem ecosystem thereby discouraging more abusers. They will still come around and grow bigger wings. Pay attention to red flags.


@fredquantum, please do post the names of the accounts you have uncovered to be fake or abusing the platform and we will then investigate.

As you say...

Why are those who felt something was wrong kept quiet all these years?

That's not a problem... I will work on retrieving the names and post it, SC01 will be notified when I eventually do.

Concerning the highlighted part of my comment about why people have kept mute all along. Well, I have not been mute when it comes to uncovering abuses on Steemit over the years.

I don't have so much privilege to have a close rapport with any of the Steemit team members but there is someone on the team I have always relayed issues to.

Some issues are best managed in the background (off-chain) than making it public because some of the abuses involve people who are trusted to run a community. Leaking it on-chain would definitely cause chaos because the entire team that works with such a user may be tagged a failure.

As I said earlier, I used to report different abuses but I got tired of something- "We will get back to you". No response ever comes even until another abuse is uncovered. Yeah, I got a bit discouraged at that point.

Your message is well noted. Thanks.

Please post any names and information publicly on chain.

This ensures everything is kept open and available for the whole community to comment and respond.

Better and more widely acceptable solutions can then be implemented as needed. Others can also learn from such situations and hopefully be deterred from repeating the potential mistakes of others.

If your evidence is robust this should not present any problems.

Thank you.

Sabemos que la plataforma es descentralizada pero debería de contar con una herramienta que se pueda usar de inmediato para bloquear el steem cuando se descubre o se sospecha de un caso como este o como muchos otros que han sucedido, donde personas sin escrúpulos se atreven a engañar a todo un público de espectadores y peor aun a un equipo de curaciones, una vez con las pruebas expuesta que se decida si liberar el steem, y en caso de que sea un robo hacia otro usuario devolver el steem al usuario afectado.

Es injusto que se vaya creando un sp en una comunidad con tanto esfuerzo y que una persona apague y se lleve todo, como también es lamentable que la gran reputación que un malvado alcanza con sus engaños, hoy dia la tecnologia nos ayuda mucho a poder cerciorarnos de cualquier información y deberia de hacer reuniones de representantes de steem cada cierto tiempo bien sea para conocerse o para establecer reglas o ver como va el progreso de steem y para ello hay aplicaciones muy sencillas y confiables como zoom.

Esperemos que cada dia se aprenda mas y fallemos menos.

We know that the platform is decentralized but it should have a tool that can be used immediately to block Steem when a case like this is discovered or suspected or like many others that have happened

If that exists then such a platform is tending towards centralization because a feature like that dents decentralization. That said, for an organization in a decentralized ecosystem, multi-signature can be a solution to avoid assets being carted away by a single person or one faction of the team (because a certain consensus has to be reached in form of signatures and it must be complete before such transactions can become valid and added to a block).

For individuals, your keys, your funds. If private keys are leaked to others then the fault starts from the owner. And I agree with your proposal on how regular Steem representatives should be meeting, this will help a lot.

Some time ago when the country representatives were still active, I found out that even many of those guys (CRs) back then are accomplices helping fake accounts to bypass verification and backing them on their abuses (when they were caught) which seems they are the ones behind the accounts. Back then, I suggested that when red flags are raised about certain accounts even when the native CR has conducted his/her investigation, a cross-country investigation should also follow (to enable another rep from other parts of the world to verify the claims) before resolution.

These guys have utilized their positions to abuse the platform and I think a case of such is @nadiaturrina, the account must be one of those created by the past community leaders/Newcomers' community greeters/CR. I think the appointment of Steem representatives at this stage should even embrace KYC verification because it won't be funny to know in the future that a person holds more than one Steem representative position.

I hope you are doing great, @mile16. Greetings!

Hoy día hay muchas formas de poder verificar las identidades de personas, así como ocultarlas pero creo que en la medida que vamos aprendiendo de errores se pueden ir probando métodos más eficaces, como ese de las reuniones mensuales a nivel global solo de Representantes, y la propuesta de verificación KYC puede resultar en buena idea, al fin y al cabo esto es lo que hacen en la mayoría de las empresas y si estamos comprometidos con steem debemos tomar la blockchain con n mucha más seriedad .

Te envío saludos amigo y espero que estés cada día mucho mejor .

...after all this is what they do in most companies and if we are committed to steem we must take the blockchain much more seriously

That's very valid, dear. Even new crypto mining Apps require that users undergo KYC verification to be sure a node is being held by a user and not more. This they do to curb the attitude toward rewards farming.

How much more is Steem which has been in existence for a long time, it's necessary that position holders go through a verification like that to at least avoid further heartbreaking news like we recently see.

Thanks for your time, @mile16. I tell you, I'm getting better day in and day out. Greetings to you.

You are very correct on this sir.

I think the appointment of Steem representatives at this stage should even embrace KYC verification because it won't be funny to know in the future that a person holds more than one Steem representative position.

This can be very possible and that is the reason i suggested physical meetup within a given country. We all must learn to sacrifice for the betterment of the platform. If such a program should be hosted then it should be announced before time so that everyone gets prepare for the task

This can be very possible and that is the reason i suggested physical meetup within a given country. We all must learn to sacrifice for the betterment of the platform. If such a program should be hosted then it should be announced before time so that everyone gets prepare for the task

Great one. Well, it may not be possible to have everyone in a country at the event but at least for many of the top users (Admins/MODs/Community Curators and so on), it should be mandatory with no excuse, and with the right resource (in form of support from individual communities toward the success of the event).

It's better to do this than receive shameful news that a well-known account turns out to be one of those farming accounts flying around in the ecosystem. Great suggestion, @simonnwigwe.

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