Dear Steemit, Thank you for everything

Minal Aizin Wal Faiizin for all Muslims in various parts of the world. I apologize for all mistakes and oversights, whether in the form of actions, words or even sometimes there are posts that make you feel uncomfortable.


Eid al-Fitr is a time for family gathering. It is celebrated every year in our family. I am grateful to be able to gather every year with them and share the joys and sorrows together.

This meeting was a bit interesting, one of the families from my mother's side wanted to sell the shophouse that was inherited from the family. The two-storey shophouse costs IDR. 650,000,000 if sold to other people who are not related by blood. And for the family, they have agreed to sell it at IDR. 550,000,000 only.

I have made up my mind to buy it. Our savings are still less than a hundred million. There is no other choice for now but to take some of the Steem that I have.

Dear Steemit team
Thank you for the support that has been given so far. I really appreciate it. Through this post, I also resign from Steem Representative. Steem Representative is someone who is a role model in many ways. And it's not on me.

Dear, Steemian friends
Thank you for all forms of support given, both in the form of positive comments, sharing my posts on your homepage, and votes. I really appreciate it.

Steemit, Thank you for everything
I love you, Steemit. Hopefully Steemit will be more successful in the future.


Ini adalah langkah mundur bagi SR yang terpilih.
Mengapa terjadi demikian, karena adanya ketidakjujuran dalam mengungkapkan jati diri dan bersembunyi di balik indentitas orang lain.

Saya sudah lama mengajak Anda untuk bertemu dan bertatap muka agar dapat memverifikasi identitas Anda, tapi Anda tidak pernah menghiraukan permintaan saya. Padahal jarak rumah kita hanya sekitar 10 menit dengan kendaraan bermotor. Sungguh sangat disayangkan di saat kami ingin mengungkapkan indentitas Anda di acara Meet Up yang akan kami adakan di Pidie Jaya, Anda mengundurkan diri dari SR dengan alasan yang terkesan di buat-buat. Karena Anda yakin di meet up akan datang orang dengan identitas asli yang anda gunakan di platform ini tidak akan sanggup menghadapi berbagai pertanyaan dari audien nantinya karena keterbatasan pengetahuannya. Kini Anda mengundurkan diri demi menutupi identitas asli Anda.

Cc: @steemcurator01

Semoga ini tidak terjadi. Saya tidak berharap ini benar terjadi. Namun jika benar ini adalah akun palsu maka sungguh ini kegagalan terbesar saya selaku Greeter Indonesia yang gak mampu menjangkau seluruh pendatang baru hingga ke lokasi yang jauh dari tempat tinggal saya.

Makanya sejak dulu, kami selalu mewajibkan steemian melampirkan tugas achievement 1 pada bagian akhir setiap postingan sebagai bagian dari usaha kami meminimalisir kecurangan seperti ini.

Kedepannya saya berharap kepada kawan-kawan kurator dan tim steemit agar kita lebih selektif dalam memberikan dukungan.

Saran saya kepada pemilik atau pengelola akun ini. Tetaplah aktif, temui saja mereka yang banyak terinspirasi dari kamu selama ini, jangan memberi kesan seperti yang disangkakan jika kamu benar.

Semoga semua pengguna bersedia menerapkan pencapaian 1 di bagian akhir postingan, selain bermanfaat untuk kurator, pengguna lain juga dapat saling mengenal dan memudahkan komunitas dalam hal verifikasi.

Dan anehnya posting ini diverifikasi tanpa selfie memegang name tag 🤣🤣🤣

@afrizalbinalka, why did you support this post? You need to read the comments and better serve as a curator.


Thanks for your input. However, from what I have said, several sentences do not contain hateful words and that is positive in my opinion.

If There is any mistake can you point about it😊

Thanks for answering. But the comment from SC06 congratulating such a great post is misleading...

Thank you for your response and I have removed it and also thank you for this...which I took into consideration...

Ок, it's good. Thanks.

Greetings friend @anroja

It's a bit frustrating all this, not because of the fact that he does power down, but knowing that there was something strange behind everything surrounding this user and seeing how he grew within the environment.

Unfortunately there was someone, that despite the observations left unfulfilled, had the decision to validate the achievement 1, this opened the doors to be a reliable account for others.


Post verification without even holding a selfie name tag 🤣

That's right friend, the achievement 1 rule was not respected in this case.

In the comments of the Achievement post, I suggested uploading a selfie but was ignored.

Correct friend.

!bing smile

Credit: Bing Wallpapers

command: !bing is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!

Bersembunyi dibalik identitas orang lain itulah ciri-ciri orang yang munafik bang @anroja. Semoga kejadian ini tidak menjadi bumerang bagi steemians indonesia. Saya yakin pengelola akun @nadiaturrina adalah seorang laki-laki. Menggunakan profil wanita yang berparas ayu hanya untuk menarik perhatian orang saja. Pernah beberapa kali memention yang bersangkutan dengan harapan sudi kiranya hadir di postingan saya namun tidak pernah digubrisnya, terkesan angkuh dan sombong!

Benar sekali bang, di satu sisi kita mengagumi karya-karyanya tapi apalah arti semua itu jika di sisi lain yang ada hanya ketidakjujuran.

Dear @nadiaturrina, although I am not from the steem representative section but I would like to question your identity in advance. I have suspected for quite some time about this account which is nothing but utilising other people's identities to use on the Steemit platform.

With several reasons:

  1. When we held the "Meet Up Steemian Indonesia" event you did not attend with several reasons of illness, family events and others.

  2. From the game diary content that you use does not expose your real face which is not more you use the same photo every diary you publish.

  3. When we contacted you, you never spoke to me for real, but wrote a message via WhatsApp.

  4. And we have predicted before that you will leave after finish lebaran on the other side because we will do "Meet Up Steemian Indonesia" Agenda and I have that proof.


You make posts exclusively to get attention from others. It is shameful to utilise other people's identities. You resigned from your SR position because your true identity was not revealed At the next Steemian Indonesia meet up event.

Cc @heriadi, @anroja, @irawandedy @radjasalaman, @harferri Anda @steemcurator01

Dia sudah power down

!ask apakah harga steem akan naik ?

Steem harga saat ini adalah sepenuhnya pasar. Ini bermakna ia akan bergantung kepada permintaan dan penawaran, dan bagaimana pasaran menilai Steem berbanding dengan mata wang lain. Ia tidak boleh dijangka pada masa depan.

command: !ask is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!. !ask is currently based on ChatGPT-3.5

Saya salut dengan kelicikan anda dalam mempermainkan tim steemit untuk mendapatkan keuntungan besar. dalam satu sisi anda telah berhasil dan menang namun di sisi yang lain anda telah mengkianati steemian indonesia untuk medapatkan kepercayaan tim steemit, saya sangat kecewa dengan prilaku anda, dan terimakasih telah menampakkan wujud asli anda di steemit

Saya harap @steemcurator01 dan @steemcurator02 memahami situasi ini, karena ini murni kesalahan pribadi seseorang yang tidak berbertanggung jawab dan tidak berimbas kepada steemian indonesia lainnya

Hello dear @steemcurator01, we are really surprised by all this, we did not expect that Nadia will leave Steemit and even less that she will not communicate with any of us. Until today he has not told us anything and has not responded to our messages on the discord channel. Something that makes it very suspicious for all of us.

We want to give a reasonable amount of time to see if he shows up and decides to deliver the community account keys. If not, José and I will be creating a new community to continue with the project and we hope for the support of all of you.

A community in the health area is more than necessary and we have realized that users like it, so we consider it necessary to continue and we will do so as always, giving our best.

And I hope the support of our entire team for this new project in case we have to carry it out.

@steemdoctor1 @dexsyluz

Hi! Sorry for interfering in a discussion that really doesn't concern me: I don't really know @nadiaturrina, although I've read quite a few of her posts. So I don't like to defend her or condemn her. But...: what did she actually do that was bad? The demand for unquestionable disclosure and verification of one's identity is a typical sovereign right, as held by the police or a court. In my opinion, it has no place on a decentralised and free platform. There is no law and no regulation that you have to appear and reveal yourself here exclusively with your real name. That is also a good thing! Unfortunately, this seems to have been forgotten a little. More and more Communities insist on such a procedure. Does this effectively prevent abuse? I don't know. The fact is that it creates a general mood of mistrust which I find very off-putting. So do many, many other Steemians who don't post in communities because of this. Is it worth it...?

What @nadiaturrina does with her own account and stake, whether she justifies it or not, is her sole decision. The community account she manages is a different story: here she has acted in a quasi-fiduciary capacity and would do well to hand over control of the account. Personally, I have no reason to doubt that she will do so. At the moment, there is a lot of dirty laundry being washed and beaten up on her from all sides - I would also crawl into a hole and wait until all this is over...

As you wrote yourself: wait a few days and see if she reacts rationally and honestly hands over her responsibilities to you. I am optimistic.


Congratulations, your comment has been successfully curated by @o1eh at 12%.

By the way, I agree with you.

La salud es importante en Steemit, los concursos han logrado que los usuarios conozcan cuando están mal de salud y que hacer al respecto.

Asistir a los centros de salud es importante, conocer cuando nuestro cuerpo nos da "alarmas" también es importante. Siempre estaré dispuesta a ayudar a quien necesite de mi conocimiento

De eso se trata ser agente de cambio social. Ayudar a la sociedad que desconoce de las enfermedades básicas o mortales

Si Nadia decide no entregar las claves, estoy de acuerdo en la decisión de crear una nueva comunidad para la salud de los steemians.

Hola amiga, lamento lo sucedido, eso debe dejarnos un gran aprendizaje a todos, cada quien debe asumir las consecuencias de sus actos.
Una comunidad de Salud liderizada por ti y por josevas217 será bueno para todos, ustedes han demostrado su compromiso con la plataforma, cuentan con mi apoyo y estoy segura que con el apoyo de todos los usuarios.
Saluods amiga, te deseo mucho éxito en este nuevo proyecto.

Let's wait for answers, and if there are no answers from Nadia, we will take actions so that the experience remains, but that the HEALTH topic in the platform does not remain unattended, in total, we can open a community, the knowledge is ours, we are the team that really kept the community active, contributing ideas, and more. Anyway, we will wait, and if there is no response, we assume a new responsibility.

You are right friend, the health related dynamics and contests are very much important for all Steemians around the world so it would be the requirement of time that we will open a new community on the same theme, health.

Let's wait some time for the response of the person behind nadiaturrina's account and then make the decision accordingly. Although, it would be difficult to start the community from scratch but we hope that Steemit Team will support us in this regard.

Terlalu percaya akun yang tidak tau pemiliknya
Dan selalu memberikan suara
Sedangkan akun yang sudah jelas orangnya malah tidak dapat suaranya.

Karena mungkin kami orang kecil dan konten tidak ada mamfaat...

Kami yang jujur selalu melihat mereka yang selalu dapat suara dari anda.

Biarkan kami terus menerus melihat itu semua.

This is really terrible, and it affects in many ways.
I had several days reading and hearing some things about the suspicious behavior of Nadia Turrina, or whatever the person behind this account is called.

It is unfortunate that she is going to lose this Steemit Health community, the only Health community on the platform, because additionally she is the only one who has the keys to the community account, to the community. And I doubt she is going to give them out. I doubt that she is even going to answer any of these comments or the ones we have left on the Steemit Health team's discord group.

For my part I have already withdrawn the delegation, and I will definitely be more cautious before supporting another similar community, because my time is also important, and I don't like to waste it. Or better yet, I will focus my efforts on my Colombia-Original community and its growth.

Saya beberapa kali di mention oleh Tim Steemit agar bergabung dengan komunitas tersebut karena saya memiliki latar belakang sebagai tenaga kesehatan. Tapi saya tidak pernah menghiraukannya karena saya tahu kemunafikannya. Dan saya juga tidak setuju orang yang bukan dengan latar belakang kesehatan mengelola komunitas Kesehatan, karena itu tidak ada korelasinya.

Si, totalmente de acuerdo con eso.
Lamentablemente las cosas se dieron así, a veces personas astutas se aprovechan del sistema, saben moverse y engañar.
Aporté bastante a esta comunidad en vista de que tengo experiencia como administrador comunitario, también el resto del equipo hizo aportes grandes. Pero son cosas que pasan, particularmente no estaba al tanto del engaño que había detrás de esta cuenta, sino, lo habría pensado mucho antes de asumir una responsabilidad como esta. Pero queda la experiencia, y sin dudas, debo ser más enfocado en Colombia Original, que es un proyecto personal, con un equipo real, y no con "fachadas de cuenta".

Iya, saya setuju dengan Anda.
Tapi saat itu saya tidak mau bersuara walaupun sudah tahu tentang akun tersebut karena saya menghindari konflik.

Así es cariño lamento que te gas esta mala experiencia con lo sucedido, pero el mundo está lleno de gente que por el dinero hacen mil cosas malas sin importar salpicar a otros, engañan a las personas tras identidad falsa y otras obligan a entregar sus claves maestras para quedar con el dinero de quienes trabajaron duro por sus cuentas y luego quieren seguir aquí en la plataforma como buenas ovejas .

Me alegra saber que tú y los tuyos si son personas reales en las que se puede confiar y que lo de Nadia sea una lección para todos .

Yes, we must be more vigilant in the future, and this can be a lesson

Payah komen sang saboh sapo

Jadi ingat pada satu ketika, waktu saya baru-baru bergabung kembali di steemit, saya sempat kepincut dengan karakteristik dan ketokohan nya, rekam jejak dan rasa percaya diri tinggi sampai mencapai beberapa kali dophin. Betapa tidak, seorang perempuan dengan memamerkan steem power tinggi ala sultan, gaya hidup glamor, diary mewah bak seorang selebgram semua ia pertontonkan dengan kesombongan. Namun semua itu tidak serta-merta membuat saya gerah dan pasrah. Saya sadar, mungkin hari ini miliknya, besok giliran milik orang lain. Bang @radjasalman pernah bercerita perihal @nadiaturrina sosok misterius yang mencari keuntungan dibalik tirai jati diri yang terus bersembunyi. Mendengar keterangan @radjasalman penilaian tentang bang @nadiaturrina kepercayaan dan ke idolaan saya pun hilang seketika, bahkan sampai saat ia membuka kedoknya dengan alasan yang entah benar atau hanya akal-akalan saja. Sang kasep nyo katroek hajat teuh

Untuk akun @nadiaturrina siapapun disana, mohon maaf lahir bathin, selamat lebaran

My feelings are shattered. Today we have brought down the curtain on a beautiful community destroyed by a false leader. You never thought about making a community, you only thought about your own well-being. Even my mind can't understand how a person can cause so much damage with his actions... You never shared the full keys to the community, now we know the reason. This will serve as my experience, do not trust people with "great reputation". You are not an agent of social change (whoever you are off screen), we have discovered your true distorted face.

Creo que este caso nos servirá de lección en un futuro. Realmente se debe tomar medidas en el asunto.. La suplantación de identidad no es algo para tomar a la ligera

I think that it cannot be generalized, the case of @nadiaturrina is exceptional, she never attended any meeting with other steemians, she is not in whasapp or telegram groups.
And in the first place his achievement 1 was approved at a time when the rules were not very strict to be verified.
All these rules have been perfected for more than a year, and that is why an unedited photo is requested with a handwritten poster with the relevant information, explaining who invited them or how they found out about the platform.
So this is not a case that is currently happening with newcomers.

Hello, friend @inspiration. It's so pathetic to see more revelations about this individual as shared by a lot of users and your inputs also added to how suspicious the user have been along.

That said, I think the user has an accomplice (maybe some of the past members of the Newcomers' team) who helped him/her to bypass verification in February 2021, it's not that verification rules were not strong at that time. I came in January 2021 and I was told how important holding a paper for verification thereby I did it with other necessary things and all my recruits during the period did the same.

This user must have worked his/her way around the verification process, a call to everyone to be more vigilant to have a clean Steem ecosystem, I believe we still have a lot of them around. Greetings!


Hello friend, I totally agree with you that the admins and moderators should be identified so that such incidents can be avoided in the future. One more thing that I want to add is that there must be a rule that users share at least one picture of themselves in their diary games, so that curators will support the right people and the ratio of fake accounts can be reduced to a minimum. So from now on, we will support only diarygames in Steem4Bloggers in which the author will show his or her presence.

I totally agree with the idea you've given us and the community elements they've established, especially the role of Admins and community moderators.

To prevent Identity forgery, the Admins and moderators can create a special group to exchange ideas and information so that it does not happen again like this. Maybe this can be a project for us as community leaders in building steemit more transparent in making their posts in each community.

I hope the steemit team can approve this step and all elements of the steemit community can work together and unite in building relationships between steemians around the world, especially for Admins and moderators.

Cc @malikusman @josevas217 @anroja @irawandedy @harferri @radjasalman @steemdoctor1 @heriadi @inspiracion @simonnwigwe @ridwant

I don't particularly have any problem with that. My Telegram is at the bottom of all my publications, as well as my Discord, Youtube channel, twitter and instagram. We have a WhatsApp group of Colombia Original, so in essence my phone number is also exposed, for me there is no problem in forming group with other representatives, administrators and more.

Of course with this initiative it will be easier to get good information for community Admins and Moderators—we'll be waiting for answers from others...

Totally agree, we have always been open to users knowing us and having contact with all of us. We have and are present through several WhatsApp and Telegram groups. 😊

You can add me to the group, specifically WhatsApp

Bisa klik saja tautan di bawah ini ⤵️
WhatsApp Afrizalbinalka

I'm in for this, we have a lot to do to help fight this. If there is any communication means, I'm available.

This is a very appropriate step so that we (admin/mod) can always communicate and grow the trust of the Steemit team.

So from now on, we will support only diarygames in Steem4Bloggers in which the author will show his or her presence.

Noted, A very good decision brother we must need to follow this, for now that cause made me very shocked and it's really bad to hear that her account is fake.

Now we will be more careful about that thing and doing more our best to our pakistan and bloggers community.

(PS : As an admin or moderator we need to verify our members by personally.)

Una foto de verificación, vídeochat (o video normal) y logro 1 verificado correctamente debería ser un requisito para convertirse en Steem Representative.

Ademas de estar presente en los evento comunitarios que son organizados por las personas en las comunidades, como el Meet up que hubo hace unos días en Indonesia

Many of us are open to being contacted by calls or video calls, and even being interviewed, so it is not the idea to suspect everyone and judge everyone equally.

Entiendo que es incorrecto generalizar con respecto a este tema ya que ustedes intentan ser lo más transparentes con nosotros. Lo lamento, fue mi error

Por otro lado, creo que este caso resalta demasiado el hecho de que llegó a tan alta reputación y además ocupar un puesto de Representante Steem y nadie se dió cuenta de que algo andaba mal ?

¿40K Steem Power a una persona que suplantó la identidad de otra?

Si no hasta hace algunos días cuando @SC01 notó que no fue al Meet Up de Indonesia. Creo que por lo menos deberían pedir el logro 1 para ver que realmente la persona esté verificada correctamente.

This is really terrible that such reputed account is consider fake. It is very much disappointing as well because we thought that we have also lost the only health related community, STEEMIT HEALTH.

I have also undelegated my SP from the community account and I want the answers of all the questions that are asked by other Steemian friends from Indonesia in the above comments.

Hello friend...
This problem arose from the first day he joined steemit, starting the Achievement 1 task, is not very worthy of verification, but I don't know who verified the account because there is no verification comment.
nadiaturrina users do not uploaded selfies photo holding with handwritten paper

This achievement 1 was on February 21, 2021, the requirements to be able to be verified had not yet been refined...

It is unfortunate, but it will remain as a precedent from which we can only take the experience and learn.

You are right my friend...

we can make it a valuable experience and we will continue to improve to be better for the future

It's unfortunate, that's why we at Steemit Travel make rules for periodic verification for all users who come to our community

Kami pikir ini salah satu dari sejumlah akun yang masih tersembunyi identitas aslinya dan harus dibersihkan di platform steemit. Mereka telah merusak kepercayan Tim dan seluruh steemian di platform steemit. Sangat kami sayangkan!

Ka trok target
Memang mandum menan
Jadi nyan manusiawi 😅😅😅👏👏👏

Bang @hattaarshavin peu Haba??🤣

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