In the last round the players had a chance to potentially trade a weapon for some food, or to try a few other things. Let's see how the options worked out.


OPTION 1 - Turn down her offer and try to continue on your way.

The players who chose Option 1 turned down the offer the trade, and peacefully went on their way. Thankfully, the departure went well.

The Players who chose Option 1 survived the interaction. If they needed to eat something or perish, they perished. If they ate in the last round, then they are still fine and need to eat by the end of Day 4 in order to avoid starvation. If they had a backup food supply of beef jerky, then they ate it in order to avoid starvation and now need to eat by the end of Day 4 in order to avoid starvation.

OPTION 2 – Try to trade a weapon for the canned goods. If you choose this option, you must specify which weapon. Also, if you trade a gun, you will give up all of your ammunition.

All players who chose to trade a weapon for the potential backup food supply of 2 cans have now lost the weapon that they traded. Thankfully, the woman did provide them with 2 cans of food in return.

The Players who chose Option 2 received 2 backup food supplies. If they needed to eat, they ate one to avoid starvation and now need to eat prior to the end of Day 4 in order to avoid starvation, still having one backup food supply in their inventory. If they ate last round, then they now have 2 backup food supplies. If they found beef jerky and traded for 2 cans, they consumed one backup supply and still have two left. Please include the number of backup food supplies in your inventory when you reply. Congratulations.

OPTION 3 – Try to shoot her dead and take the backpack instead of trading. (For players with a gun.)

Possibly out of a need to eat and a desire to keep their gun, a few players chose to unload on the lady with the backpack and try to eliminate her to get whatever food or supplies that she might actually have.

Being the friendly type and trying to strike up a trade, she honestly did not suspect this. Neither did her boyfriend, although he had planned for it.

Terrified, he watched from on top a building across the street as these players quickly raised their guns and shot his girlfriend in the gut, before he could prevent it. He may have missed the opportunity to prevent it, but not to revenge it. As the players stepped forward towards the fallen body of his girlfriend, he lined up his shot and sent a round ripping through their skulls.

All that they had wanted was to have another way to defend themselves, and now she is gone... not to mention our players.

The Players who chose Option 3 have now been killed and eliminated. Hopefully you will all join back in next season.

OPTION 4 – Try to over-power her and take her backpack instead of trading. (For unarmed players.)

The players who chose Option 4 bum-rushed the lady. They began to strangle her, so she threw her backpack. Thinking that this was their cue to grab the goods and leave, they released the woman and ran towards the pack.


A rifle round was sent reeling through the air by her boyfriend on top of the building.

The Players who chose Option 4 have now been killed and eliminated. Hopefully you will all join back in next season.

OPTION 5 - Try to stab her with the knife and take her backpack instead of trading. (For players with knife.)

As you may have suspected...

The Players who chose Option 5 have now been killed and eliminated. Hopefully you will all join back in next season.


The players are desperately trying to make it out of the city now. Things are getting rough and dangerous, and the time to depart is at hand. However, it is also almost the last chance to find anything useful in the city.

Straight ahead, in the far distance is the edge of the city. On both sides of the street are storefronts. Perhaps something useful may be inside.... or someone hiding.

On the left side is a long pawn shop. The players could work their way through what is left of the store instead of sneaking down the street. It would provide some cover and perhaps an opportunity to find something too.

On the right side is the remains of a sporting goods shop. This too presents some potentially beneficial, or detrimental, possibilities. It is two stories tall though, which doubles the options...


  • OPTION 1 - Try to make your way down the street.

  • OPTION 2 – Try to work your way through the pawn shop, searching for anything useful on your way.

  • OPTION 3 – Try to work your way through the first floor of the sporting goods store, searching for anything useful on your way.

  • OPTION 4 – Try to work your way through the second floor of the sporting goods store searching for anything useful on your way.


All players who have signed up and want to play must reply to this post with 24 hours in order to avoid elimination and continue gameplay. All players must reply to my option comment below, not to this post. I will reply to my own posts with the options each in their own comments, and the players must reply to whichever comment has the option that they wish to choose.

Also, please remember to include your inventory in your reply. Example:

I have gas, a backup food supply and a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition. I choose Option 3 this round.

As always, please remember that all outcomes are predetermined. In an elimination survival game, most of your are going to die eventually. Nothing personal.


The current prize pool is 200 SBD. The total prize pool amount will grow each round until the game is over.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



OPTION 3 – Try to work your way through the first floor of the sporting goods store, searching for anything useful on your way.

I have two cans of food, but I eat one of my reserves. So... Uh, I have one food reserve left lol.
Anyway, I choose Option 3! o 3 o)

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I need to eat before the end of Day 4!

I have no idea how I ate that canned food since she didn't give me a can opener and I'm apparently able to eat the other one later, but-

Sporty 1.pngSporty 2.png
Sporty 3.pngSporty 4.png

I am just going to go ahead and headcannon that I got some BATIM-style Bacon Soup LMAO

Anyway, I'm thinking that the pawn shop would have better potential weapons, but the sporting goods store would probably have great bludgeoning tools like baseball bats and golf clubs!! >:3

Not to mention it might have health food type stuff!! And idk I'm thinking it might be safer, but maybe not since it's so big... hm.

ANYWAY, that's what I'm going with! :D

I have to say I'm starting to look forward to your cartoons. That's hilarious! I was wondering how anyone was going to get those cans open after trading their knife for them...apparently all you need is sharp teeth.

I've once managed to 'roll' a can open. Rolling the top edge at an angle until it starts bending somewhat. You wear down the seal like that, then you smack it real hard against something and can get it to pop open.

Also, if anyone is sentimental and is still carrying any of their keys from before SHTF, you can open a can with keys.

I personally travel with a small can opener and usually a couple cans of something or another to eat. For emergencies (if I get stranded somewhere, I'm not likely to leave the safety of my vehicle unless it's a sure bet I'll be alright) and also when traveling long distance it's nice to have some simple canned goods to make in hotel room microwaves. (If the hotel room doesn't have a microwave, they usually still have a small coffee maker, which is also really good for cooking canned foods or most instant foods that only require water, like ramen.)

Sharp teeth and toon logic! :D

"Wait, you could do that any time?"
"No, not ANY time, silly! Only when it's funny!"
~Probably slightly misquoted scene from Who Framed Roger Rabbit


Awesome cartoons! :)

Thank you! :D

Ah... Though I saw that you haven't doodled for the last couple posts -
Should I
Hold off some, since you kinda started the doodle-along-with-the-game thing, or

It's a little weird, if you're not doodling too, like I took yer shtick ; w ;""

The other doodler died off too lol so I'm alone now x - x);;;

I feel like oddly guilty about it ljflsjklsjlsj;;;;;;;;;;; Or is that all the more reason to keep it up?? Idk;;;;

I have a knife, a pistol with 8 rounds and ate. I have to eat before the end of day 4. I choose option 3 this round.

I have a knife, a pistol with 8 rounds of ammo and I have to eat before the end of day 4 as I ate my beef jerky. I choose Option 3 in this round.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds of ammo, 2 backup food supplies, and need to eat by the end of day 4 to avoid starvation. I choose option 3 this round.

I have one can of food and a shotgun with 5 rounds. I choose option 3 I slowly creep through the remains of what seems to have been a sporting goods store. My main concern is safety mostly my fiancé in the pawn shop but I have to stay frosty. I keep an eye on my surroundings while also looking for the most important item so far something to make 🔥.

I have gas and a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition. I choose Option 3 this round. I have to eat prior to the end of day 4.

I have a knife, a pistol and 8 round of ammunition.
Need to eat until the day 4.
I choose option 3: try to walk through the first floor of the sporting goods store

I'm loving it!

This is so impressive.

You've got the X-factor!

You've got the X-factor!

You've got the magic touch.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunitions, I need to eat by the end of day 4. I choose option 3: Try to work my way through the first floor of the sporting goods store, searching for anything useful on my way.

I choose option 3 for today, search the 1st floor of the sporting good store.

I hope to find something to make fire or maybe another weapon of some sorts.

I have the following items on me:
1x Bottle of Gasoline
1x Can of Sweet Corn (I had to eat the can of Black beans the previous round to survive. @papa-pepper thank you for the nice selection of canned goods.)

I have to eat again at the end of day 4.

Good luck to all players still alive and RIP to all the dead players so far.

I have two cans of food - I ate my beef jerky so will need to eat by the end of day 4. I choose option 3

I still have a pistol, so if we cross paths, team F-art FTW!

And I've got food for both of us! :) Would be cool to meet in a sporting goods store of all places, haha!

I have a pistol, with 8 rounds of ammunition, and 1 backup cans of food. I choose OPTION 3 - Lets see what kind of sports equipment that was left behind. It can get lonely and boring when the Zombies come out to play. Maybe a set of Golf clubs for target practice.

Nice save last round! Just make sure to contact me directly next time, please. :3

I have a knife and i need to eat by day 4. I'll choose Option 3 this round

I have GAS, a RIFLE with 6 Rounds of ammunition, I ate some plants so I need to eat by the end of day 4 and I choose Option 3 this round.

Since I had to eat my jerky, and do not currently have anything to defend myself (other than my fists) - I choose option 3, and scope out the first floor of the sporting goods store.

I have two cans of backup food that I got for trading my knife. Now my supplies are two cans of food and a pistol with eight rounds of ammunition. I'm going with option 3. to try to find more supplies that might come in handy later.

I have gas, a pistol with 8 rounds and I need to eat again by end of Day 4. I'm feeling that I'll have a sporting good chance on the first floor of the sports store - therefore am choosing Option 3 this round.

I have 1 can of food remaining, no weapons and must eat before the end of Day 4.

Given the above scenario, of two stores and a possible kill zone (the street). I choose Option 3 of working my way through the 1st floor of the sporting goods store. I would expect anyone in the store is above utilizing high ground for sniping and watching the access into the 2nd floor as well. I hope to skirt attention and covertly continue on my way.

Option 3--I have a knife, a pistol with 8 rounds of ammo, and I need to eat before the end of day 4.

I have 1 backup food supplies and ate a can to prevent starvation, I can be without food until day 4, and I choose option 3

I have a pistol and 8 rounds of ammo. I'm good on food until the end of day 4. I choose option 3 - first floor of the sporting goods store.

I have a knife. I choose Option 3 this round. Ate my beef jerky and now need to eat prior to the end of Day 4!

I have gas and I choose option #3 please.

I have a pistol w/8 rounds and a knife. I ate at the lot, so I do not need to eat until the end of day 4. I think I will go with option 3 this round and search the first floor of the sporting goods store.

I choose option # 3


  • Rifle (6 Rounds)

Last Meal

  • Edible plants in vacant lot (D2R1)

  • Need food by D4R2

** I have a knife, a rifle with 6 rounds of ammo, and I have to eat by the end of day 4 to avoid starvation **

I choose option 3 to see if I can find anything on the first level of the sporting goods store. I think it's too risky to go upstairs. If there is nothing downstairs, there's likely nothing upstairs except danger.

I have 6 rounds of ammunitions,i have 2 backup cans of food. by trading my knife..i will ate 1 of my food, and choose "Option 3-Try to work my way through the first floor of the sporting goods store, searching for anything useful on my way.

On D2R2 you replied to the wrong option comment and made no effort to correct or explain what happened, therefore you were eliminated. Next time, if you reply to the wrong comment, edit the accidental reply to reflect that and then reply to the appropriate comment, and contact me by either leaving a comment on one of my blog posts or direct messaging me on Discord at NovaAteBatman#8448.

This must be done before the cutoff time.

Remember: It is your responsibility to make sure that your game replies are in the appropriate place. They will be completely ignored otherwise.

If you'd like to keep playing while waiting for Season 7 to start, you're welcome to come join us in the Play-Along-Pocalypse.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds of ammo and one can of food. I don't need to eat until end of day four. I choose option 3.

Hi papa! Finally I got some food, I ate one of the cans, and need to eat by the end of day 4 to avoid starvation. She was a nice lady thank God. I hope she can find my knife useful .
I have:

  • 1 can (Backup food supply)

I choose option 3

I have 1 backup food supplies and ate a can to prevent starvation, I can be without food until day 4, and I choose option 3

I have gas, I ate in the empty lot, I have the shotgun with 5 rounds of ammunition. I choose Option 3 this round.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition and two cans of food. I must eat by day 4. I choose option 3.

I have one knife, I choose option 3. Hopefully I will will find some food there.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds of ammo and 2 backup food supplies. I need to eat by the end of day 4. I choose option 3 for this round.

I have gas, a rifle with 6 rounds and I ate jerky last round.
I'm going to choose option #3.

I am hoping that there might be some camping food left here on the first floor or maybe a fishing setup. Heck, if I get hungry enough I might even eat a bait jar of florescent green marshmallows.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition. I choose Option 3 this round. I ate in the lot so I must eat by round four (I think)

I have a knife, a rifle with 6 bullets and need to eat prior to the end of Day 4. Option 3

Hmm ?? - ))
(( thinking to myself .. ))
(( i have two back up food supplies .. thanks for the knife trade lady - ))
(( i don't need to eat .. right away (( until the end of day 4 )) ))
(( and that second floor is over looking the pawn shop across the street ?? ))

(( i'll just quietly search this sporting good store .. - ))

I have a riffle with 6 rounds of ammunition and two backup food supplies. I am choosing option 3.

I have a knife and need to eat by the end of day 4...I choose option 3 please. :D I'm hoping to get lucky enough to find something to help me catch wild animals and something to cook them while inside without finding anyone that wants to do me in. :D

Wishing everyone good luck this round. :D

I have a backup food supply and a rifle with 6 rounds of ammunition. I choose Option 3 this round. I have to eat before the end of day 4 since I ate one of the backup food supplys.

I chose OPTION 3.

I have a pistol and 8 rounds of ammunition. I need to eat prior to the end of Day 4.

I have a knife, must eat by the end of day 4, and I choose option 3 - first floor of the sporting goods store.

I might regret this but here goes. .

I have a shotgun with 5 rounds of ammo, 2 back up food supply, I need to eat by the end of day 4. I choose option 3.

I choose Option 3 this round. I have a knife, a rifle (6 ammo.) and I need to eat by the end of Day 4.

I have a gun with 8 rounds of ammunition.In the last round I traded my knife with the nice women for two food cans.I need to eat before end of day for so both the backup food are safe now.For this round I choose- OPTION 3 – Try to work your way through the first floor of the sporting goods store, searching for anything useful on your way.

my inventories so far:
2-pistol and 8 rounds of ammunition
I need to eat by end of day 4
For this round I will go with option 3.

I have a pistol with 8 round of ammunition. I need to eat prior to the end of day 4. I'll choose Option 3 this round

I have a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition, I ate plants and need to eat prior to the end of day 4. I'll choose option 3 this round.

I have a pistol with 8 round of ammo. I need to eat at the end of day 4 in order to avoid starvation. I will choose Option 3 this round

I have a knife, a pistol with 8 Rounds of ammunition, 2 rounds ago I ate some plants so need to eat by the end of day 4 and I choose Option 3 this round.

I have a pistol with 8 round of ammunition. I need to eat prior to the end of day 4. I'll choose Option 3 this round

Impressive work.

I choose option 3
I have 1x canned goods
i have a Shotgun with 5 bullets & backup beef jerky

OPTION 4 – Try to work your way through the second floor of the sporting goods store searching for anything useful on your way.

Taking option 4 this round. I have a rifle with 6 rounds and 2 cans of food. I ate in the lot so i need to eat by the end of DAY 4

Tough one @papa-pepper, I like all 4 for different reasons!

I have a rifle with 6 rounds of ammunition and two backup food supplies. I just ate jerky, so I don't need to eat again till end of day 4!
I am choosing option 4.

High ground is better. Maybe I can find some rope or fishing gear!

I choose OPTION 4 – Try to work your way through the second floor of the sporting goods store searching for anything useful on your way.

I have a knife
I have a rifle with 6 rounds
I need to eat by the end of Day 4

Who knows, right? I have a bottle of gas, I ate in the lot, and I'll try the second floor of the sporting goods store.

I have gas and a pistol and 8 rounds of ammunition. I need to eat by the end of day 4. I choose option 4 this round.

I have a rifle, 6 rounds of ammo, and a backup food supply. I choose Option 4 this round.

I have gas and a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition. I choose Option 4 this round. I used my jerky this round and don't need to eat until the end of Day 4.

I HAVE a KNIFE, I have survived the encounter with the woman, and ate my Beef Jerky....

I CHOOSE OPTION 4 – Try to work your way through the second floor of the sporting goods store searching for anything useful on your way.

Inventory: gas, rifle, 6 x ammo.
Hunger: Must eat by end of Day 4 (I ate Jerky last round).

I choose Option 4. I think the sporting goods place is the best bet for food. Maybe the break room upstairs was overlooked.

I ate my beef jerky to survive last round and I have a knife still. I choose option 4 to search the sports shops second floor. Maybe ill get a fidget spinner. Lol

Hahaha and that will help you to relax and make better choices??

Yeah man you gotta chill out sometimes you know? Lol

I have 1 can of food. I choose option 4 - Try to work your way through the second floor of the sporting goods store searching for anything useful on your way.

I, @lturner, being of a strangely daring mind (from eating chocolate at midnight while pregnant?), choose Option 4.

  • I have 1 Knife
  • I need to eat by Day 4, Round 2

I'm going to post my usual discussion from my favorite @dwells and @essentialoilmom's Steem-Pocalypse Show since I don't think I should stay up any later on this.

This is the toughest riddle of the game so far. My instinct is that this is an inventory round since there is no moral/ethical choice that would indicate an easy elimination (like shooting the lady who wanted to trade...that was a quick elimination round). That being the case, the question is...what inventory can you acquire before having to run from people you are almost inevitably going to encounter in the stores (remember the grocery store two rounds ago, the vacant lot and the crashed vehicles).

Simply walking down the street seems to me the best option for people happy with their inventory so far. Since I'm usually very cautious, I'm not one of them. I did eat from the abandoned lot, but am traveling light with just a knife. Furthermore, we know for sure there was one antsy boyfriend on a roof just a few minutes ago and even though he was simply there to protect his girl, walking down a street might be riskier than it sounds.

My visits to pawn stores brings up memories of a lot of electronic stuff, collector's items...and guns. After looting, you might be hard pressed to find a gun, but that would be my guess on what inventory you could find in the pawn shop. Probably something small like a pistol would've escaped looters, though there might not be any ammo left. I'm not sure there'd be much else of use to a forest-bound escapees, such as a tent, sleeping bag, fire starter, etc. I also wonder about sewer overflow contamination of any items on the first floors of either building.

This makes the sporting goods' store attractive, all right. The question then becomes...first or second floor?

It all depends on Papa-Pepper's mindset. Like I said, I think this might be a collection round so he may allow everyone to escape alive, but someone heading up to the second floor might have to run before finding anything if there are people holed up in there. The first floor (per my recent research) seems like it would most likely have once held sporting equipment, shoes, clothing and probably guns (the draw-in items). The second floor would more likely have camping equipment and possibly less flashy hunting items like fishing lines and water purification tablets.

I definitely am concerned about the possibility of someone holding the high ground up on the second floor. However, it does occur to me that someone REALLY wanting to hold high ground would be up on the roof. With a nice tent they took from the second floor, perhaps.

Now watch me get eliminated the first time I do something mildly gutsy.

I have 2 Backup Food Supply and a rifle with 6 rounds of ammunition! I choose Option 4.

I have a knife and i need to eat prior to the end of day 4. I choose to work my way through the second floor of the sporting goods store in hope to find something useful and I relly hope there is no one hidden there with bad intentions... Good luck everyone !!!!

I have 2 backup food supply (2 can goods) and a rifle with 6 ammos. I pick Option 4

Luckily the exchange goes without issue. Watching surroundings cautiously, I pocket the food rations and thank the backpacker before setting off on my way.
I make it a few blocks and look back to be sure I'm not being followed. The city looks suspiciously bare, except for two silhouettes perched on a high-rise not far from where the swap took place. My blood runs cold as I dive behind a mailbox, and I hope for bad aim. Peering back at the building from cover, I see one of them is waving at me. Their hand glints in the sun, and I realize bartering might have saved me. I sigh and break cover to wave back, before heading into a store to look for supplies.


ItemAmount /Ammo
Pistol8 rounds
  • Hunger = Eaten at start of 2/2

OPTION 2 – Try to work your way through the pawn shop, searching for anything useful on your way.

I have 1 can of food and a pistol with 8 rounds I choose option2. I sneak through the pawn shop trying to stay low and looking for anything I could make use of. My love @Charlesarthuriii is going to the sporting goods store. Good luck fingers crossed 🤞!

I will be taking option 2 with my pistol + 8 rounds and bottle of gas

I would like to go with option 2 and work my way through the pawn shop, since I always like browsing pawn shops for weird goodies, maybe an old fire starter might be lying around if I am very lucky. I had to eat my Beef jerky and now have to eat by the end of day 4.

1x Knife
1x Pistol (8 Rounds Ammo)

I love a good pawn shop! I have a knife, I need to eat before the end of day 4, and I choose option 2.

I have a Shotgun(5 rounds),I ate beef jerky, i choose option 2

I choose option 2, I have a shotgun and 5 rounds and a bottle of gas. I ate my jerky so I need to eat by the end of day 4

You never know who to trust, and im happy that walked away from the girl the last round, so Im still alive 💪💪💪💪💪, so tell youre parents being a little high saves youre ass. Yeah i smoked some plant the 2 rounds back 😏 Dont know what it was, but man i feel good.

So I choose the pawn shop this round.


  • i have some GAS
  • i have a SHOTGUN with 5 ROUNDS
  • i ate ( and smoked) some plants so i wont starve before the end of DAY 4


I have 1 remaining can of food, having eaten one of them to avoid starvation. Very relieved the lady didn't rob me for the food she had just traded. I am going to work my way through the pawn shop, hoping at the very least to avoid being seen as I try to get out of this maad city.

I have 1 backup food and need to eat end of day 4, i choose option 2

My inventories so far:

1-A rifle and 6 rounds of ammunition.
2-Two cans of food
I already ate some edible plants so I am good to go till day 4 ends and both the backup foods are safe that I got today.
For this round I choose option 2 and try to search the pawn shop for anything useful.So far so good let's see.The game is going to be more interesting now.

I have a knife and a shotgun w 5 rounds. I choose option 2.

I have knife, pistol and 8 rounds of ammo. I need to eat by the end of day 4. I choose option 2 - use the cover of the long pawn shop and search for anything useful on the way.

I have a bottle of gas and a pistol with 8 rounds. I just ate my backup food supply of beef jerky so I need to eat before the end of Day 4 to prevent starvation.

option #2 for @liberty-minded

I have thought about it and decided to make my way through the pawn shop looking for useful items and staying off of the street. I have 2 backup food supplies after I ate my jerky and I have a pistol with 8 rounds of ammo. This is option number 2.

I have a rifle and 6 rounds of ammunition, and 1 can of food. I choose option 2

I have a knife. I choose Option 2, need to eat by end of day 4. I'm looking at the pawn shop as a way out of town under cover, hopefully i find a gun or food but that's secondary.

I have a knife and rifle with 6 rounds of ammunition. I have to eat prior to the end of Day 4 in order to avoid starvation. I choose Option 2 this round.

I have a knife and have to eat before the end of day 4. I choose option 2.

I have Knife, a backup food supply and rifle with 6 rounds. I choose Option 2 for this round. Let's try search anything useful in the pawn shop.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds, I need to eat by the end of day 4, I choose option 2 please.

Still have my pistol and 8 rounds of ammo handy as I do a quick search of the pawn shop. Food would be nice, but not my first priority - yet. I've got until Day 4 to find something to eat. In the meantime, the pawn shop in Option 2 should have a great variety of possibly useful items, in addition to a stealthy way of making it out of town without being target myself.

I have 2 cans (2 back-up food supply) and a pistol with 8 rounds of ammo. I choose option 2.
(I ate plants on day 2 round 1)

I have gas, I (ate my beef jerky) and I have a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition. I choose Option 2 this round.

I have GAS, a RIFLE with 6 Rounds of ammunition, I ate some beef jerky so I need to eat by the end of day 4 and I choose Option 2 this round.

I have a knife and don't have to eat until day 4, i choose option 2.

Option #2, pawn shop for the win.


    Shotgun - 5 rounds
    2 cans of food

Last meal (need to eat by D4R2)

    Bag of beef jerky (D2R2)

I have 2 backup cans of of food and I choose Option 2. I will need to eat by the end of the Day 4.

I have a knife and I ate last round. I don't have to eat till the end of day 4.
I choose Option 2.

Surely there is something good left in a pawn shop, they can have anything in the back bins!!!
Just hope no creepers are spawning in the back cages!! :-\

I choose!
OPTION 2 - Try to work your way through the pawn shop, searching for anything useful on your way.
I have a knife and I already ate the backup food supply of beef jerky to appease the hunger.
I hope to get something.

I got nothing and I need to eat before the end of day 4. I choose option 2.

I have:
Bottled gas:1
Can of food:1
I choose - option 2- as I need some weapons.

Pawn shops have always had this amazing fascination on me. Though I suppose now that they are not tended any more they may be just as disgusting as the flower shop or grocery store. Still there's a chance I may find something... or someone. Let's see. Teaming up would be nice.

You were eliminated on D2R2 for failing to reply to the appropriate option comment before the cutoff time. You replied directly to the post itself.

If you'd like to keep playing while you wait for Season 7, you're welcome to join the Play-Along-Pocalypse.

I have a rifle and 6 rounds of ammunition. I choose option 2 for this round.

Option 2 for me today!

5 shotgun rounds.
I don't need to eat until the end of round 4.

I have a knife, one pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition. I choose option 2.
Have to eat untill the end of day 4

I have a rifle with 6 rounds of ammunition and 2 backup food supplys. Since I ate last round(from the abandoned lot) I need to eat prior to the end of Day 4. I choose OPTION 2 – Try to work your way through the pawn shop, searching for anything useful on your way.

I choose option 2, the pawn shop. I have a knife and must eat by Day 4 Round 2. @ironshield

I have gas and a pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition. I choose Option 2 this round.

I have a bottle of gas and traded my weapon for 2 canned foods out of which I have consumed one pack. So I am left with 1 backup food. I choose option 2 in this round. Hopefully Ill find something useful in Pawn Shop.

I have a knife a pistol and eight rounds of ammunition,I must eat on day 4 I choose option 2 this round.

I have gas, and a rifle with 6rnds of ammo. I ate my jerky to avoid starving, I must now eat by the end of day 4. I choose option 2.

Here is a link to The Steem-pocalypse Show for this round.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds, I have 2 backup food supply, I need to eat by end of day 4 (ate my beef jerky), I choose option 2.

I have a knife and I had to eat my jerky to avoid starvation. Which means I must eat again by the end of day 4. I am going with option 2.

my inventories-
b-shot gun with 5 rounds of ammo
I ate the beef jerky so will need to eat before day 4 ends.
I will choose option 2 this round.

I have a gas .I exchanged my pistol with 8 rounds of ammunition with the women for two canned food.I was lucky to get those food I ate one and still have one.
My final inventories-
A gas and a back up food .

I select option2 this round and will look in the pawn shop

I have gas, have to eat by the end of day 4 and choose option 2

I have knife, 1 canned good and I chose Option 2 this round.





Sorry about it being in all caps, but I really need you guys to notice it. Please consider upvoting this comment for visibility.

Thank you.

I have weapons/tools, so I don't really need to go into the sporting store which could house undesirables.
I need backup food, and doubt that I will find it in a pawn shop. . . Hmmm - pawn shop could be interesting

I have a knife (yes!), a pistol with 8 rounds, and I choose option One; make my way down the street.

I have a knife, a pistol with 8 rounds, I choose option 1 this round

I have a shotgun and 5 rounds of ammunition. I ate a salad but will need to eat by the end of Day 4. I traded my knife for 2 backup food supplies. My Spidey sense is going off about both stores so I'll try playing it safe and skip them.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds and 2 cans of food. I choose Option 1 for this round. It's the safest choice.

I have a pistol, with 8 rounds of ammunition, and 2 backup food supplies. I choose option 1- Keep on trucking. Don't need or want to find out whats hiding inside.

I have a pistol with 8 rounds of ammo. I ate my back up jerky, so I need to eat at the end of day 4. I choose option 1. Gonna get OUT.

xo, b.

I have a knife and I have had beef jerky for Day 2 Round 2. I choose option 1 in this round.

I traded away the knife, and still have a pistol with 8 rounds. I ate one backup food supply (beef jerky) and still have two backup food supplies. I choose Option 1.


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I chose OPTION 3.

I have a pistol and 8 rounds of ammunition. I need to eat prior to the end of Day 4.

Please upvote me

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