RE: Too many posts - Less UPvotes / Attention Causes Motivation Loss of Minnows(Steemians decline to upvote!)
The majority I'm holding is bitcoin and litecoin. Il probably sell some litecoin after segwit has been sorted. My reasoning being people might start using litecoin while they hold and stop trading bitcoin over the coming weeks. I also hold bitshares because I like the idea of a decentralised exchange. I have siacoin because their data storage is like 10x cheaper than what amazon charge for storage. I hold xrp which was my first investment although the more I learn about cryptos the more I dislike xrp because the banks are involved so I sold about 80% of my coins. I'm holding eos and tezos that I see as ethereum competitors . I'm also holding iconomi which will be like an index fund for cryptos and I see I massive growth in cryptocurrencies over the coming years especially as governments start defaulting on their debt. I'm also holding steem .
sell all of them and invest into either stratis or steem.
Steem will stay up and running for a while and Stratis is always between lowest $2 - max $6.8
not to forget DASH ^^
DASH away :) get it? Dash and away from where you are........
Dash WAS a great chance when we had the market plunge when it was down to 140 or something like that.
I knew it! I wanted to invest into Stratis and Zcash but I didn't do it! I knew that Stratis could go up to 4 dollars easily and Zcash is popular so
ya but did you read the Roadmap of the DASH Core Team?? BTFD every time you can ^^
BUY THE FUCKING DIP ^^ a very much liked strategy on the stock market
What? Invest heavily into new york coin, a failing coin for weeks now.
Invest seriosly into Stratis and