Too many posts - Less UPvotes / Attention Causes Motivation Loss of Minnows(Steemians decline to upvote!)

in #site8 years ago

I already knew that this day would come!The day when Steemit will brake apart or at least be so chaotic that it won't be enjoyable for most people!

I wanna start with STEEMIT breaking APART!
No matter what happens ,STEEMIT is facing the biggest problem right now stronger than ever!
The Voting >< Posting Problem

The Voting >< Posting problem is a common problem that I knew would occur at some point.
It was a matter of time and number of accounts.
The Problem consist of the amount of Votes and the amount of Posts. Think of it as a scale:

THIS IS A PROBLEM! I've noticed this on my posts as well even with 228 followers I barely get past 1-5 Cents and only get 1 (me) to 9 views which are probably not even my followers.
This means that despite hundreds of followers very few to none actually read the posts or upvote them which is an issue...a big one if you ask me!

This does not only affect me, I've seen great posts that were undervalued this one
It makes me mad and angry to see fresh authors spending time and effort into something that gets barely attention.
The ~16 upvotes came after curie (minnow-support) so if it wasn't curie that post would have ZERO to 1 (me)-Upvotes!

What's more interesting is that STEEMIT is still very popular, looks at this graph and the popularity growth :
Just look at the end-part. The site seems to be growing quickly and hard at the same time!
Shouldn't more people mean more upvotes, right?
Apparently No Because most people are not interested in communicating and voting on steemit, all they care is their own horizon. A dead and empty     landscape.

Effortlessness and CopyPaste
What I've noticed the most are either Copy&Paste which is the worst part of all and Effortlessness, lazyness.
Copy and Paste posts are the worst, its forgivable....when there's a comment of a bot hinting to the original author or the author shows where he copied it from, can happen to all of us ↷
I get it but none the less it is still nerve wracking especially if you want to propose a post on a specific website to support fresh authors and undervalued posts on steemit so they get attention but then after googling the sentences you find out the post is completely copied and you wasted your costly time.

Effortlessness is not even better, here are multiple examples:
All of them have one in common : No - little text, no introduction, nothing to hints to what is going on, nothing that describe th e situation and lastly memes that aren't even funny.
It doesn't bother me as much as you think but it is still not okay.
If its a footage of a robbery go pro or space, I would know that someone put some footages / filmed something together but nope, these kinds of videos are mostly talking...talking...talking, which automatically hints towards writing what you said or meant into the "TEXT" field.

I'm currently more concerned about the 'more posts - less votes' problem that STEEMIT has at the moment because whats the point of making posts if nobody gives you feedback or gives you any form of attention / viewing the post.
I'm not blaming STEEMIT or anything like that, I'm just saying that it gets frustrating for most users to make good posts and get no attention at all, it drags you, as a creator down and takes your motivation away.

Leave your feedback down below and maybe if you agree with my opinion and if not tell me why, lets at least make a conversation or this post will end up in the sea of unseen posts.


I actually sat down for almost 3 hours last night checking every person I am following to make sure it is content I want to read. I still need to clean my feed up more but now I am seeing stuff I want to check out and vote on. Before my feed was so cluttered I was missing posts from authors I wanted to read. Then I had all these accounts that were just resteeming non stop and that crap got them removed quick.

This is another thing that should not be forgotten thanks.

I agree and I have heard some discussions about this. I can see communities forming that help each other and there is nothing wrong with that, but it leaves others floating around in the middle of nowhere and great content gets missed.
I've been told the same before.
I think more people should spend time reading the 'new' posts instead of 'hot' ones.

EDIT2: It looks like Steemit is completely broken, minnowpond&1 looked like as if they downvoted your comment but one refresh shows now that they're upvoted. R.I.P Steemit.
I agree, curie alone can't fix the crazy amount of good posts and fresh authors.
We need a fix, fast otherwise many great author will lose interest in Steemit / pushing its value down.

The problem though is that many posts especially fresh author ones are copy & paste or one picture posts with no text / effort.

I like toast 🍞

I don't post everyday, but the blog posts I make, especially my more creative stuff, so rarely make it worth my time to post, there needs to be a solution for regular bloggers who want to earn some real income doing Steemit blogging.

I suggest bloggin 3 times a week but put double the effort into every single one of them!
I'm doing this format right now because it makes more sense and fun tbh to make a post every 2 or 3 days but really good and exceptional posts.
I think many people should adapt this behaviour especially minnows , people who don't earn much on their posts.

From my perspective quality > quantity.

You have made such good points here @aircoin I have no idea what to do about them other than try to work together! I shared this post on day 8 of my upvotable series which I hope will help continue to launch more authors into Steemit being a priority!

Thank you so much jerry you suprise me everytime ;) You an amazing person thank you for adding me to the list.:).

I'm currently working on a principle that solves the 'Posts >< Upvotes problem but I don't expect it to be the ultimate solution to the problem.

By the way did you bought steem when it was down to < 1$? I bought a few and I hope (& gonna hold until) Steem will reach $2.

Back to the problem, we can't force people into upvoting so the best way would be to make it attractive to the users. We already tried that with HF19 in my opinion, I even wrote a post about it. Now we also need to make sure the new solution does not oversupport self-voting which is acceptable but should not become more popular. We could upgrade the impact of comments and how much value they add to the post and the writer. That way people communicate more and make conversations and therefore interact with the post.

But that was just small thinking, my solution looks quite different.

Thanks and have a nice day.

I am very glad that you promote more upvoting of valueable content. The main issue today of Steemit is that no one curates valueable content by human hand. All the minnowhelp autobots are not what the Steem Team had in mind as they started this project i suppose. But i promise you here now and today you will get an appropriate solution in the next months ^^ my team is working on it all day and night long ^^ keep the awesome work , upvoted and resteemed yeah

What will it look like? Yes bots are not really the solution but

we will ensure real efficient curation by humans ^^ but can not say more for now you

Thanks to everyone for supporting this thread, I really appreciate the help (:.

Thanks for reading.

Very interesting. I only joined steemit because I invested in some steem coins so I dived in to have a go myself. After reading your article and using steem for a few days I'm considering selling about 50% of my steem and invest in a different coin

No!! Wait until STEEM is worth >$2 (more than 2 dollars)

What crypto currencies are you invested in? If you don't mind me asking?

Sure, I'm into Steem, I will wait until it reaches $2 which it will and it did it multiple times.
I would wait its the best thing to do.

When Stratis was at $1.8 1-2 weeks ago I wanted to buy it but I stick to STEEM.
Yesterday Stratis reached $6.8. :(

As @jerrybanfield always says: "Invest into the coin you can hold the longest" and he's right.
If you hold a coin like STEEM you have to wait till it reaches +$2.
Your choice mate :

The majority I'm holding is bitcoin and litecoin. Il probably sell some litecoin after segwit has been sorted. My reasoning being people might start using litecoin while they hold and stop trading bitcoin over the coming weeks. I also hold bitshares because I like the idea of a decentralised exchange. I have siacoin because their data storage is like 10x cheaper than what amazon charge for storage. I hold xrp which was my first investment although the more I learn about cryptos the more I dislike xrp because the banks are involved so I sold about 80% of my coins. I'm holding eos and tezos that I see as ethereum competitors . I'm also holding iconomi which will be like an index fund for cryptos and I see I massive growth in cryptocurrencies over the coming years especially as governments start defaulting on their debt. I'm also holding steem .

sell all of them and invest into either stratis or steem.

Steem will stay up and running for a while and Stratis is always between lowest $2 - max $6.8

not to forget DASH ^^

DASH away :) get it? Dash and away from where you are........
Dash WAS a great chance when we had the market plunge when it was down to 140 or something like that.

I knew it! I wanted to invest into Stratis and Zcash but I didn't do it! I knew that Stratis could go up to 4 dollars easily and Zcash is popular so

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