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RE: Too many posts - Less UPvotes / Attention Causes Motivation Loss of Minnows(Steemians decline to upvote!)
sell all of them and invest into either stratis or steem.
Steem will stay up and running for a while and Stratis is always between lowest $2 - max $6.8
not to forget DASH ^^
DASH away :) get it? Dash and away from where you are........
Dash WAS a great chance when we had the market plunge when it was down to 140 or something like that.
I knew it! I wanted to invest into Stratis and Zcash but I didn't do it! I knew that Stratis could go up to 4 dollars easily and Zcash is popular so
ya but did you read the Roadmap of the DASH Core Team?? BTFD every time you can ^^
BUY THE FUCKING DIP ^^ a very much liked strategy on the stock market
What? Invest heavily into new york coin, a failing coin for weeks now.
Invest seriosly into Stratis and