RE: Payouts Over $50 vs. Flags Applied (Feb. 18-24)
I agree but this has been going on since the inception of the platform, at least for half a year since that is how long I was here. I'm hoping for a resolution so even if I agree with your point and I do, it's already past the gates, it was in the hands of the whales to take responsibility for their votes and they disregarded that. They seem to think that the system is at fault and it's not their problem, so the system takes the blame for everyone.
A resolution will be tough to get and nobody will back out. I do think that they won't care for this post tho. Just a guess. back to your points, open discussions have been going on for quite a while, this topic re-surges every month or so, the problem is that it's all up to the "people" and smooth and bernie don't mind being questioned since their power makes them immune to what others think. They are sorry to flag you, but they do, so not really. I agree we all have different standards, but having such a disregard for other people is damaging to see.
Would it be better to be kept hush hush and resolved, probably so, but it hasn't to this point, so I can't judge krnel any longer for trying to hold people accountable for their actions. Insert spiderman quote :D