Psychology Addict # 5 | How to Improve self-control and avoid Procrastination

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)


What are the causes and consequences of procrastination?

Let’s face it, our lives are getting busier and busier. At times it feels like the tasks for our daily routine just seem to pile up. We find new opportunities and responsibilities that we just can´t let go - take Steemit, for example, yet another errand to add to our endless to-do list.

Me? A procrastinator? I´ll prove you wrong someday. Just wait and see.

Of course we know our priorities; of course we are fully aware of what is the right thing to do. Yet, procrastination takes over and there goes the diet down the drain, or our plans to save some money this month; creating a cycle of anxiety and procrastination. In fact, psychologists suggest that anxiety is one of the emotional states found both as the culprit and the result of procrastination.

If you routinely live putting things off this can lead to a chronic state of anxiety (a big no, no for your health, for a whole range of physiological and psychological reasons).

How to avoid procrastination!

It is all about exercising self-control! How?

Well, strong willpower will veer you towards a healthy meal, instead of that bacon and cheese subway sandwich or taking time to sort things out in the house, instead of, let’s say, going to the shopping mall for retail therapy, and having a pizza afterwards! After every accomplishment, not only will you feel better about yourself, but also encouraged to perpetuate this approach in the many aspects of your life.

You see this is about the constant battles that we face on a daily basis: I will vs I won´t. But, what you need to keep in mind at all times is the (long term) I WANT, those two words are going to improve your self-control instantly; consequently, pushing any tendency to procrastinate away.

How does this work in practice?

It is simple! Let´s say you want to save money in order to be able to buy some Steem, or pay for a holiday. For that you may have to limit some of your more extravagant spending habits, maybe Friday night clubbing with your mates. With no long term financial plan or goal you are not going to think twice, without fail every Friday you are going to "invest" in vodka/redbull instead of Steem because there is no (long term) I WANT to lend weight to your decision on whether to go out or not.

With no long term plans life just becomes a repetition of choices that lead to instant gratification. This is dangerous because it may result in devastating outcomes at a personal, professional or financial level.

Now, the first step here is to review the aspects of your life and establish your I WANTs for each one of them; when you have that clear, channel your thoughts to exercise your self-control.

4 Steps to improve self-control

The evidence based study of Dr. McGonigal demonstrates that we can actually be active on a practical level to increase our self-control (as if self-control is a muscle that can be strengthened). Her research’s findings revealed 4 measures which when put in practice rewires the networks and activities in the pre-frontal lobe, the front located part of the brain that you use to make decisions, consequently reinforcing productive decision-making processes.

Here they are:


How can you make sound judgements about anything at all when you are sleep deprived, and irritable? Don´t take your smart-phone to bed! Your brain would be very appreciative to have an extra hour of sleep instead of processing social-media information!


This does not imply you have to become a member of an expensive gym! Just simply don’t lead a sedentary lifestyle. Play with the kids, take the stairs, and walk to the store. Dr. Mercola points out that in order to achieve optimal health one needs to be active.


Eat to nourish your body (including your brain) and not to satisfy your cravings. Adopt the 80 – 20 rule for this. There is no need for extremism. It is never sustainable anyway. Occasionally enjoy your treats, but on a routine basis eat greens, healthy oils and reduce the intake of sugary meals.


Don’t roll your eyes! Meditation is a very healthy habit to adopt. It is ok if you feel intimidated by the transcendental concept of it. However, according to Dr. McGonigal, just the simple fact of stopping for 5 minutes every day, during which you will cast thoughts away and focus on your breathing, is highly beneficial and even increases the grey matter density of the pre-frontal lobe, when practised routinely.

You can start now

These are measures that can be adopted by pretty much everyone. They are the means through which you will obtain a clear, healthy mind to make sound judgement and choices that will result in a calm fulfilling life while paving the way for a future of accomplishments and a very proud self.

If, to start with, you are having trouble to put this in practise leave a comment and we can work towards getting your I WILLs, I WON’Ts and I WANTs together.

[Original content by Abigail Dantes]

McGonigal, K. (2012) The willpower instinct: How self-control works, why it matters, and what you can do to get more of it, New York, Avery.

I say, an absolutely wonderful article. I personally I don´t suffer from procrastination, it disgusts me. I think Brian should read this, he´s been working on his book for 3 years! When I return from my time travel excursion I hope to read more of your posts.

Hahahahaha Have a good trip then! There will be more posts like this coming up. 😅

Great post Abigail! I actually listened to The Willpower Instinct on an audio version, an amazing book.
It´s crazy to think that just eating well, sleeping enough and taking the stairs can make a difference to our potential willpower.
I´m starting today!
Looking forward to more of your posts.

Yes, it is a great book! I particularly like the fact it is evidence based.

Hi @abigail-dantes This has a particular interest for me as I am now what would be called semi-retired. I don't have to leave house to go to work, I have plenty of time to do photography, reading, listening to music. But the procrastination habit is around. Nothing is urgent, so there is no rush. I am mostly fine on the sleep, food and exercise parts. The good news is that I have joined a meditation group in the town to round off your recommendations.

Hi @abigail-dantes! I've added your post to my MondayPsychology project. You can check it here: Thank you for your writing!

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