Emotional expression and the violence inherent in the system

in #palnet7 years ago (edited)

I discovered last night why certain people don't trust me. They feel that because I am emotionally expressive that I am somehow incapable of calm objectivity or leadership. This strikes me as a great irony given my other strengths.

The bias inherent in the system

There is a bias in our system, even here in Discord, a cultural and societal bias against emotional expression. Emotion isn't trusted because it's volatile and misunderstood. It causes arguments and dissension because some people believe only logical and rational controlled people are fit to lead. So in any type of business, emotion must be controlled and contorted to appear socially acceptable.

To a degree I understand this. I grew up with the culturally instilled belief that I was somehow defective as a person because I could not conform to being a happy socially correct female. I lost jobs because I refused to pretend I loved my job, because I could not smile and put on some idiotic amenable multi tasking robotic persona that allowed employers to get more work for less pay.

Showing emotion has double standards. We cannot be emotional at work because that interferes with business, nor can we show our negative emotions in public because it might make people uncomfortable. We need to be careful with our friends because they might not want to be around us if we cross personal boundaries. We've learned a tightly proscribed set of rules for every occasion. We as a society have been brought to believe that we don't have time to deal with our emotions. Mental illness is taboo. We avoid talking about emotions because we are too busy suppressing them.

So when are emotions ok?

In the privacy of your own bed alone at night. On a long walk in the woods. With trusted friends who indicate that they are willing to listen. But even then, be careful. Don't let anyone overhear you, because heaven forbid you get in a situation down the road and the cops ask your neighbor who remembers the one time you lost control. That's all tongue in cheek, yet it seems like our society is coming to that. Is it necessary? Is it healthy? What is the physical and emotional cost of all these walls we build and rules we make?

Emotions are ok in certain situations. But even in a court of law when our life is totally screwed, we are expected to have control. Weddings and funerals are fine, but only so much before a concerned relative thinks that you're in need of a sedative. In the news we see more and more cases of people losing control in big ways. Terrorism, mass murders, rape, police brutality. Its become an unfortunate but socially accepted sign of political and social unrest. But somehow, both religion and politics seem to get a pass when it comes to expressing emotions.

Double standards

Right now we have a President that was elected based on emotion. He acts either without reason or with extreme bias, is said to have a narcissistic personality disorder, yet people support him because he appeals to their emotions. He is part of the wealthy one percent who own banks, stocks and corporations, and has contributed to the denigration of the working middle class. Yet these same people are willing to back him in order to protect their sometimes bigoted misogynist racist values and white privilege at the cost of their health and livelihood, because "Murica".

Yesterday I heard Trump supported because he appears to be going after a high level pornography ring. Sure, great thing he is doing. But is it really him? And why now, when he is in the midst of being thrown under the bus by the FBI? Is he really committed to this cause, into cleaning out the viper pit, or is it a red herring, a gathering point to rally around?

These same people who now think Trump may not be as bad as they previously believed conveniently forget that he has slighted women, native americans, soldiers, handicapped, mexicans, muslims and refugees. Ditched environmental laws that protect natural resources. Why? Because people are thinking with their emotional biases and not their logic. As long as he isn't coming after you he's ok, is that it?

Politician, it's a job that we somehow wave the need for sanity, sound ethical judgment and emotional control. Why do we never look at the double standards in our cultural reasoning? Why are emotions considered a sign of weakness in women and in business, but in a President who runs one of the biggest organizations in the world, he gets a pass? Would he get a pass as a woman? I think not. Bias inherent in the system.

Violence against the feminine

I feel like there is a national bias against emotions, intuition, caring, nurturing, earth, compassion, artistic expression, protecting the small. Politicians shun it, because we are a Yang nation. We value the masculine. We are bullies and tyrants, because it's politically and economically expedient. We go to war. We strip funding from the poor and unfortunate. We take over resources for profit and control. We make laws that favor the rich. All of us as citizens are duplicitous, because we don't speak up. We don't have time. We copy the pattern. We hide our heads in the sand.

Talking about emotions

I have been told that my behavior is concerning. I am emotionally volatile, I am somehow fragile because I get depressed and angry and fearful, I frighten people and make them uncomfortable with my moods. My issues are a problem because people dont want to be forced to deal with their emotions. I actually TALK about my emotions and express my feelings rather than suppress and control them the way society expects.

Why dont people talk about their emotions? Why do we have rules about when it's ok, but mostly about when it's not? Why is it more socially acceptable to hide our feelings like they don't exist, for the sake of business or politeness, as if emotions are bad gas or awkward behavior? Why is it ok to self medicate with drugs and booze and games and make believe rather than talk about the things that wreck our souls?

Yes, talking about emotions is draining. It's like a muscle that never gets used, or its used in the wrong way because we are constantly trying to hold everything in and pretend its not an issue. We are taught to do this by a society that wants to keep us slaves to the current system. Emotions are suppressed for the sake of economic necessity and ingrained social interactions until they bubble over in the form of stress, anxiety, pathology, suicide and cancer. Who pays? We do. We allow this.

Unacceptable damage

Our society is a passive war zone where media has inured us to the fatalities of a damaged way of thinking. We have grown so used to war that we come to terms with what is considered acceptable damage to our children and our selves.

My niece is in hospital right now. She has self-abusive, anti-social tendencies and suicidal thoughts after a year of therapy and drugs to deal with depression. At the root of this is a sexual assault that occurred when she was a young girl, that happened because a community did not want to speak out about a pastor until it was too late. Violence against the feminine, social denial, suppressed emotions.

What is wrong with our culture that we continue to believe that suppressing our fears, anger and grief is necessary, that we judge others harshly for displaying what we have been taught are "socially unacceptable" behaviors? The same society that keeps us economic slaves and subjects us to unreasonable laws. We live in a nation that schools us to be good workers yet fails to teach us to think critically or survive independently. Why aren't we angry? Why are we so placid in the face of abuse?

Paradigm Shift

A paradigm shift is a change in world view; a fundamental change in our attitude and approach to life. How we think, feel, believe, act or react to our world, the concepts, values and underlying assumptions about how the world works.

A mental and emotional violence is being perpetrated on our culture that we are subconsciously complicit in. Some of us are seeing past the political veils, seeing the flaws in the system that keep us economically repressed. Yet many stop there and think that is all that's needed.

We are at an impasse, a paradigm shift where we are fighting for control, not just for our political, social and economic freedom, but also for our mental and emotional awareness. We have yet to take hold of our anger, to look clearly at the bigger picture, to own our thoughts and emotions, because we still have the mindset that emotions need to be controlled and repressed for fear they might overwhelm us.

We need to see past that. We need to understand what it's doing to our bodies, minds and souls. Your emotional control muscles are fine. It's your release and acceptance ones that you need to work on.

all above photos pixabay CC


This is a brilliant piece of writing, the best thing I've read in weeks!
Being as messed up as I am, I don't have any answers for any of this...
I would like to make a couple of comments, though. Where you stated, " a country that schools us to be good workers yet fails to teach us to think critically or survive independently?" I would have to suggest that being schooled to be a good worker, and being taught critical thinking are at opposite purposes. A person who uses critical thinking with any regularly is seldom a good worker in the system. They realize that they are being screwed over by a work system that only exploits them and gives then the least possible return for their effort.
As for the paradigm shift, most people don't actually want to change the system, they just want to have control of it for themselves. Such is the selfish greedy nature of most human beings. I personally think the world is full of sociopaths, and the ones who aren't are damaged by the system in one way or another.

thank you for your thoughtful reply. I do think greed is a huge unrecognized social issue. as much as I love steemit, there is a lot of greed and trickery to get ahead. i'm not sure the abundance message is seeping in to many users because they are still working off the old mindset.

I couldn't agree more. And that is coming from someone who for many years prided himself on controlling (negative) emotions and trying to only cultivate happiness and positivity. Well guess what. Even for someone blessed with good brain chemistry like myself, who almost unfailingly wakes up on the right side of bed and reacts to most things in a positive manner, that is horseshit. I have come to the opinion that while it may be important to keep anger under control at least to the extent that one avoids hurting other people or oneself, beyond that, "controlling" emotions means "stunting" emotions. It means never really "growing up" into an emotionally mature individual. It means never acquiring the empathy necessary to understand what others are going through. It may mean not even acknowledging what the self is going through. I am not ashamed to admit I was an emotional child until very recently, although I would not have admitted that before, believing I was "in control" of my emotions. it is only once I have started letting go of that control a little and embracing the yin that is inside of me (as it is inside of everyone) that I have realized that I was operating as half a person previously. I want to be a whole person.

This was beautifully written and I hope you continue to share your emotions and thoughts.

I love you - Carl

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I want to be a whole person. yes. I feel so overwhelmed with all the everyday greed and abuse and rah rah sentimentality of helping the community as long as it keeps the people and money pouring in. I feel like we are sacrificing community and integrity for a bankroll. And I realize its just a different version of capitalism hidden in sheeps clothing. The 'kiss ass to make a buck' mentality hasn't changed. The rules about how we judge others and deal with emotions hasn't changed. And i still have a huge check mark next to "does not play well with others."

I like to play devil's advocate for the sake of a real conversation, as opposed to an echo chamber, so here are a couple minor points of contention that I take with your statement.

Firstly, you start by arguing that society ought to be more receptive to individual feelings, and for the "cool, logical ideal" to be thrown out, but then a little later, you assert that president Trump was elected based on an emotional response made by voters. Now, assuming that Trump being POTUS is a negative in your mind (I know it is in mine), then didn't you just argue against your whole point? Wouldn't a more levelheaded, rational, thinking population have been able to avoid such a negative outcome? Food for thought.

Also, where does this "violence" come in? I detest the twisting of words to fit an agenda. It's not violence, it's a lack of acceptance. Big difference, that sounds less sexy and will sell fewer papers, but will sound much more accurate and honest.

Good read!

thanks for playing devil, i value the chance to clarify. I have nothing against logic, in fact i'm a big supporter of it. I just disagree that emotions should be repressed and ignored. The more we repress them, the harder they are to talk about calmly and rationally. Room should be made to talk about conflicts in the workplace and in society, yet that rarely occurs because we are taught to avoid dealing with emotions. They are suppressed in almost every facet of life, yet in politics, where we most need logic and rationality, emotional response is encouraged. To me this is ass backwards. Politics effect everyone. We cannot afford emotional bias when dealing with such a large spectrum, and political decisions are not an every day affair dealing in changing social interactions like work and social life. I believe we agree on the point, I apologize if it was unclear.

I am defining "violence" here as actions/inactions or a mindset that hurts others. In my humble opinion, suppressing emotions, ignoring painful social issues or allowing abuse that leads to crime, mental illness, emotional illnesses such as anxiety and depression is a form of violence that society visits upon itself. The mindset that emotions need to be repressed at work exists because it takes away from businesses need to have workers follow a structured eight hour day. We have learned to suppress our emotions and issues at so many levels that it becomes a form of self abuse which is unhealthy. The daily business of living does not allow us time to process the overload of emotions, nor are we taught to make time to deal with them unless we have particularly mature parents.

We grow up learning to deny basic instincts and needs like eating when we are hungry, crying when we are sad, giving ourselves time to grieve, and social organizations enforce this behavior with rules about what is appropriate. The violence often isnt physical as much as mental and emotional, but its pervasive and harmful none the less. In my opinion the issue isnt lack of acceptance, it's too much acceptance of the rules society opposes on us at an early age, before we are old enough to reason. We arent encouraged to think about this or act upon it. We are bullied into conformity and acceptance, and it needs to stop.

Yes the emotions/mind set of the nation are so easily bullied manipulated, mostly by fear tactics, hence the crazyness of emotional response to that absolute f*ckwit Trump.

what bothers me is that people are either oblivious to it, ok with it (inner denial because if they admitted they were manipulated then they would need to live with the fear and outrage), or aware with it but apathetic (what can i do/that's just the way it is). we as a nation are so inured to ethics and believing we have the power to effect any change that we give up rather than fight, and each time we give up it is a soul wound, a belittling of the spirit because we are taught by society and others that we do not matter. the only way we can matter is to become the voice of thousands, or deny that anything has power over us. it is a lesson we pick up then emulate in our dealing with others -copying the same patterns that others used to invalidate us.

Ah yes, the willfully ignorant. The media creates that too really, a little like herding sheep if looked at objectively, dogs snapping at their backlegs, the equivalent of the threat of losing your job or that terrorists are on every street, but fookin' hell Trump still takes a lot of getting your head around. ;)

just the fact that he wants to arm teachers with guns appalls me. why do we need to? why cant kids live without fear? why do parents need to be so busy trying to make end meet that they dont even have the money to help their children who are clinically depressed? people are constantly telling me I expect too much from myself, yet isn't that just the lesson society teaches us on a daily basis?

Basically, he is one very sick human being, in a very sick world.

We're programmed to struggle for the elite, and they're programmed to make us struggle. Sick world....... :(

This is a really good read, and seems a very natural way of seeing things, which goes to show how entrenched our societies are in the very ways you express.

I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve in life, in fact I earn part of my income from doing so as a blues musician along with writing songs about the things that trouble me, or that I've processed and resolved. In my day to day life I can't hide who I am and feel, without hiding away altogether, and for the most part, I'm very comfortable wearing my own skin so to speak, and the circles I move in generally accept and actually appreciate it, but society in general it's generally a big no-no.

As someone who is currently highly emotionally challenged, I'm going through a long term relationship break up, I do feel the need to hold onto my emotions to a certain extent in some circumstances, even just to myself. Not that I ignore them, I can't do that compartmentalising thing, but I know they're going to be changing quite vastly. At one time, everything can seem quite desperate, a few hours later I can be feeling positive and even a little excitement and relief.

It's a fairly amicable break up, but very sad for us both, so there is a mixture of sadness, anger, love, relief, resentment, fond memories, bad memories, feeling deeply disespected, feeling deeply respectful. It's a lot for the mind to cope with, but it's important to remember the transient nature of these sometimes intense emotions, otherwise it's too easy to spiral into hopeless negativity and bitterness. Bitterness itself is such a blight on the person holding it, and it's such a huge backpack to be carrying through life.

Obviously during this period emotions go around and around the mind like assorted coloured clothes in a washing machine, I can't dodge them, I don't want to dodge them, it's all a part of growth. I don't mind tears in public etc, but I don't really trust showing these deeper emotions to more than a small handfull of friends, and even then I probably won't show the whole gamut to any single one. If any of these emotions were to taken out of context, they would be unfair perceptions of me, my ex (that's the first time I've had to use that term, and triggers the hurt and sadness) of that and of our situation. Again, I think because people don't understand each other emotionally because they often think so negatively about their own emotions, as weaknesses in fact, which they shouldn't be, they tend to see 'negative', for want of a better word, emotions as something to stay clear of, as if it may be nasty and contageous.

We need better understanding of self esteem and our own and others emotions, than our societies afford us as they strive to make us all conform. How can we have emotions affect us and conform to societal norms, who can take time out to really grasp a true understanding of themselves, andconform to societal norms. These things don't fit with the mechanisms of society, it's already bad enough that women have to take time out for childbirth and rearing children. So we have to seek this enlightenment for ourselves, and we can only do so much towards encouraging others to do the same. Many people are cught up in their own, as well as societies trap.

As societies we desperately need to be more compassionate, and as individuals, more compasionate towards each other, but this can only be if we can find real compassion in ourselves towards ourselves in the first place, and their lies the vicious circle that stops us to a large extent being in touch with ourselves or each other. They're there for a very good reason, and if understood correctly are such a vital ways to be in touch and connected with the self. If they're poorly understood or suppressed they do indeed have a negative impact on the very being, the self esteem.

Self esteem can naturally and healthilly fluctuate a little without any cause for alarm, but if your emotions become constipated then the self esteem suffers drastically. Don't missunderstand me there though, it's quite natural to be emotionally constipated at times, it's just that we shouldn't just continue to exist like that.

Sorry, I may have gone off topic a bit there........

Best Regards

hugs i think we are very much alike, wearing our heart upon our sleeve. for me, these few lines say it all:

It's a lot for the mind to cope with, but it's important to remember the transient nature of these sometimes intense emotions, otherwise it's too easy to spiral into hopeless negativity and bitterness. Bitterness itself is such a blight on the person holding it, and it's such a huge backpack to be carrying through life.

I love this essay/post/article. Its really good. The photo you put at the end says it PERFECTLY. I am a trained therapist in my non steemit life, and so agree with you that the lack of experience expressing, processing, and responding to emotion is a huge problem in our culture. and in many cultures. I haven't yet experienced that at Steemit to be honest. I have actually been able to be more vulnerable and open here than i have in a very long time. I believe you though. I am still very new and I havent tried EVERY kind of expression yet. For example I find this article to be quite brave, so that right there says something about what I expect to find here. Very interesting and thought provoking. I appreciate your comments about how the culture here is just capitalism and stuff too. It is important to think about these things if we really do ever want to change things.

ty for your response! so few people actually got this piece, which depresses me. part of why we write is a form of art and expression; so that people will read, and react, and think about what is being said. i feel another reason why schools no longer want to fund art isn't because its superfluous, but because studying and considering the message is often times contrary to the purpose of government or state sponsored "education" - creating compliant, easily manipulated, emotion driven citizens that are too busy to think critically about what they are fed. art challenges convention and assumption, gives us an alternate viewpoint in contrast to mainstream. the existence of "fake news" is in effect the dual nature of the corporate mainstream fighting each other for dominance - like two or three rival mafia gangs - while we look on in fear. what do we do when the people who protect us are the people who oppress us?

YES. In that vein, read this persons post and tell me what you think about what he says about longform reading and how it enhances your experiences in life. I am wondering if Facebook and Twitter and everything being so fast fast fast is also another thing that is causing our brains to have limited processing and comprehension practice. He is talking about how the reading deepens your perspective but I commented on his post just now that I really wonder if its also the practice of longform THOUGHT that helps us be able to connect better with each other. Which, thats what any good art is as well.. art, reading, emotion... these things have been weeded out. I think part of the revolution places like steemit could pontentially bring is to upset that trend, and push people back into longform thinking and being able to actually GRASP what diversity means. And being able to think critically about how those old habits play out unconciously in a new space is pretty important , its a good thought-trail to go on, i think.

I am thinking about making a post on this, but still kind of mentally processing my ideas about it...


also dont get depressed about the responses not matching your hopes or expectations! Just keep going forward in your exploration. I think its valuable, and others will too. Like everything you maybe havent run fully into your "crowd" on this topic yet, and that doesnt mean its not an accepted or valid topic.

hmm. himshweta is a woman, and while i enjoy some of her perspectives, a lot is over-simplified generalizations created for mass appeal. i'm not trying to denigrate, just it all sounds too magaziney. i do think you have something tho. 200 years ago we had no technology but the lack of conversation, and more knowledge of various disciplines because people had time to learn french or dueling and dancing, they wrote long letters and discussed things in depth. we are losing that ability because everything is reduced to tweets and bytes. emotions are reduced to emoticons and gifs and so removed from the actual event that we no longer can express emotion without a graphic representation of it. i think the way to diversity is to send people on walkabout like the ozzies do. after high school spend two years traveling and working in another country. humanitarian projects, farm work, just get out of where you are comfortable and see how the rest of the world lives. i also think spending a year abroad in jr high is a good idea for most people

Thanks for correcting me on her gender. I saw that later when i returned to her post .. i think the “him” in her name went into my unconscious and I hadn’t investigated her blog yet. As for the magaziny feel yeah i get you. Hmm but we are in agreement about the long form thought playing a part in the current culturefuck. I want to write about this but yeah i dont want to be trite about it. So i am going to let it percolate. I wish i was still a student so i could get my hands on some academic databases just to see whats already been written or studied about this social phenomenon and the impact on the brain and the expression of emotion, executive functioning, language processing, cognition, etc.

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