How can we create an atmosphere at home?
In the following paragraphs, I will discuss an event that occurred a few years ago and had a significant impact on my life. There are times when we enter a house, and we instantly feel a heavy, stressful atmosphere.
The people who live there speak to each other in a tone that is acidic, and they do not appear to be accepting of their surroundings. On the other hand, as we move into the house next door, we discover a calm and soothing environment where life is enjoyable.
One of the atmospheres that I would like to discuss with you is the atmosphere that exists within my own home.
I recall being really surprised when I overheard one of my friends, who is always very gentle, insulting herself extensively after shattering a glass or a plate. She said, "What an idiot!"
After hearing this anecdote, my eyes were opened, or more accurately, my ears were awakened, and I discovered that I was calling myself lazy when I woke up in the morning.
Due to the fact that my pillow is a pleasant companion, I must confess that it is quite challenging for me to part with it when the alarm clock reminds me of it.
Since then, I have made it a habit to motivate myself in the morning by saying, "Come on, my darling, you'll get there!" When I accidently damage anything, I have substituted the phrase "that's clever!" with "Come on, it's not a big deal!" and tutti quanti.
Not only do I congratulate myself, but I also look at my limitations and flaws with a larger degree of indulgence. As time went on, I became more and more aware of the importance of treating the beautiful person that I am with kindness and respect.
I have established a warm and loving small home for myself, and I feel wonderful there. Believe me when I say that the atmosphere inside has undergone a dramatic transformation.
The fact that this internal conversation, which I altered in little increments, had an effect on my sense of self-worth is a startling discovery. And in the end, it's possible that it's not all that intriguing.
An experience I had was that when you make someone hear insults or harsh remarks, even if it is not actually intended for them, the body tenses up as if it were under the influence of a reflex!
Just try to picture the impact of all of these innumerable, insignificant, and perhaps lethal comments that we frequently make to ourselves.
On the other hand, the words of kindness and encouragement that we learn to give ourselves are a source of comfort when we are confronted with the minor annoyances that we encounter in our daily lives.