Do we attract positive and negative events with our thoughts?
I started this blog with thought and its strength since it's clear, fundamental, and necessary. It begins with a thought...
We are finding increasing proof of thought power in psychology, parapsychology, ancient religion, esotericism, philosophy, and quantum physics.
According to American writer Orison Marden, whose writings promote optimism, confidence, and success:
“We shape our environment and the world we live in”
Our atmosphere is thought-made. Thought creates and changes it.
Orison Marden demonstrates that thoughts impact our body, health, and environment through various examples from life. It comes from us, shapes our surroundings, and affects others' views. We are seen as we think.
Sometimes we can't solve our difficulties because we think we're unhappy. What we think about ourselves and the world manifests.
We must modify our thoughts to transform ourselves and our life. Thus, to change our lives, we must first harness thought and direct it towards our destiny.
Is there a science to succeed if we think we can't? Can someone succeed by imagining failure? Orson Marden
Orison Marden saw a new era of transformation and public thinking when the "secret" would no longer be a secret years ago:
“The future man will be so in control of his thoughts that he will become a powerful magnet that attracts only things that increase well-being and happiness.
Author of many personal development books Louise Hay writes:
I think everything starts with a thought. Our ideas have an exterior effect on our circumstances, regardless of the issue. The feeling would not exist without cognition. One can shift thoughts... Change the thought, change the feeling. Every idea shapes the future.
When you have a problem, feel awful, have gloomy thoughts, are overcome with fear, despair, and grief, recall Louise Hay:
Thoughts can be modified.
Only my imagination produces my experiences.
John Kehoe writes in "Prosperity and Money" about the power of thoughts:
“All physical reality is energy vibrations... Even our thoughts are vibrations of this energy. Emotion-driven thoughts sink into our subconscious. When this happens, our thoughts crystallise into beliefs and resonate within us, attracting people, circumstances, and events that match our beliefs.
Thoughts dominate your present and future. Your thoughts are the only thing you can control in life.
Your thoughts are the only thing standing in your way. Practice will help you regulate your thoughts and generate the awareness you want. Reality will only change when you develop a new consciousness...your thoughts will always shape your reality. John Kehoe
The conceptions of cognition extend further...
Of course, I may mention "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, which shows how the law of attraction can help anyone obtain health, love, money, and their aspirations.
Since the cosmos is condensed mind, thought is a force that vibrates like a tremendous magnet and influences our lives.
Thought is powerful, but unregulated it can harm us. We must master our thoughts and use them as a formidable weapon, but not let them control us.