Why do we need to accept a master or a guru in our life?
Since the beginning, we've thought God (energy) is external. Our wishes and prayers are answered only by God. This idea may affect our need to revere a master.
This is how our worship of him controls us. Your master could be your partner, boss, favourite star, religion, guru, etc.
Let's say we live our relationships fiercely believing that others can satisfy our desires because they are God, our masters, and we are weak disciples who believe only our master can make our dreams come true.
Come find out Jean-Marc and Émilie, 18 years married. He and she are 38. Jean-Marc believes his wife can change his life. Instead of baking, he wants to be a physiotherapist. They love her spouse, the best baker in town. She wants to open New York's biggest bakery. Her adored husband's bread is popular. Smile—the pun was simple.
Let's explore this Loire-Atlantique married couple's wicked word games.
I love kneading, dear, and want to change occupations. I want to be a physiotherapist.
Your baking skills are great, love. All come buy your bread. Your baking is the greatest in town.
Tired of job. Take a rest. Go back to school, I need your help, employ a baker, run the business.
We considered launching a New York bakery two years after Léa graduated high school.
Please inspire me. I need you to realise my dream.
I need Jean-Marc for my life project. (Being the wife of New York's best baker, why not in America, even the world, she thought).
Jean-Marc thinks he can't do it without his wife's help, while Émilie thinks she's nothing without her title as a famous baker's wife. Since they believe God is outside of them, they pray to each other. If God (power) was in them, they would rule themselves.
Jean-Marc might restart his studies without his wife's approval, and Émilie could become an adventurer, her childhood desire. She claims to be not God, and her family does not support adventurers. Without this external power, their dream can never come true, they say.
Four years later, what happened to our sweet couple? Their hopes vanished. They preserved the bakery, and Jean-Marc and Émilie, the wife of Loire Atlantique's top baker, remain the best.
Thank goodness they rest in a spacious four-star hotel throughout the world once a year. This is recompense. Instead of being influenced by others, why not imagine that we are all half-human, half-god, and no one at the same time? without us, cannot hear our petitions.
We're life. Heaven on earth is when we suddenly open to the treasure in the hollow of our soul flaming with energy, which is our link to the life we carry in our billions of cells. Our cells would remember the Universal origin, infinitely huge and little. A miracle. Busy life. Your beliefs are heard. Listen to them quietly!