Why Some People Fear Competition? How to Conquer This Fear?
Do not be alarmed by the rivalry. Even if you work in a company where you are continuously pitted against superiors, you are already in the driver's seat. You now possess greater knowledge and authority. In any organisation, there is only one individual who has complete control: you. If you want to be at the top, you must forget about your rating and concentrate on defeating your adversaries instead.
Fear of competition is a classic rookie mistake in the corporate world. They have a tendency to overthink their teammates' acts, casting doubt on their morality. In reality, every action taken by a coworker signifies a choice made by the entire team. You should be aware, though, that each member of your team has the option of doing something completely different from the rest. If you don't regard and respect the decisions made by the leader, you'll wind up with a group of people that mindlessly follow him.
A leader cannot operate in a manner that is detrimental to his or her team. No matter how hard they try, subordinates are unlikely to follow in the footsteps of their superior. It's the same when a leader is in charge of a group of people. People are more likely to follow a leader who provides them with explicit orders rather than ambiguous suggestions.
Don't be concerned about your ability to compete. You've already gained an advantage over your competitors. Stop attempting to persuade people that you are correct. Fixing the problems within the company should take precedence over pushing your will on others. Collaboration on a common purpose is preferable to competing for a limited number of available resources.
In order for the rest of the team to appreciate a leader, the leader must first earn their respect. The results will tell whether or not a leader's followers regard him or her with respect. The team's appreciation will be demonstrated through the results. For a leader to be effective, his or her supporters must regard him or her as trustworthy.
The adversarial relationship between a leader and a rival occurs on a regular basis. This isn't a good sign. The best leaders stay away from becoming aggressive. In the eyes of a good leader, their opponents are a group of people with similar abilities and objectives, not a group of evil or ignorant individuals. Recognize and thank everyone for their work, and assure them that their contributions are critical to the organization's success.
Incompetent leaders fail to recognise the contributions of the other crucial members of their team. The most important players on every team must be acknowledged and understood. Even if one person is the star of the show, the success of a team is dependent on the overall performance of the group. Don't be concerned about becoming the "show's" star; instead, compliment your teammates.
Finally, you don't want to be associated with any negative publicity on the internet or in the local newspaper. Take care with what you say on the internet. Precautions should be made in meetings and schools to avoid contamination. Instead of breeding negativity, which creates competitiveness, you might spread rumour, which breeds ill will among your colleagues. If you offer good remarks and show appreciation for others, you will not encounter any competition.
The key players on every squad must be valued. Even if one person shines, a team's overall performance determines its success.