Why I don't believe in luck, but in perseverance, effort and sacrifice
Not luck or fate, but hard work, dedication, and effort are what I credit for my success. Because real success means being proud of what you've done and happy with the people you love.
Most people in our society are afraid of being successful, so when someone does well, it's generally because of the help of others and good luck. That does happen sometimes. To be truly skilled, you need to be disciplined, determined, and patient.
People who are successful are happy with their dream partner, their family, and their friends, and they face any problem with courage and hope. It's not luck that matters.
Real success and happiness in life can only come from smart persistence that knows it's up against odds and gives everything for what it loves, dreams of, and wants to achieve. Every day, thousands of people work and make sacrifices without being seen.
True genius doesn't understand giving up or the nudges of fate.
It was Confucius who said that big things start with small stones. There are people who are great at everything because they never give up. Every day, these people breathe and put on their old shoes to walk an extra kilometre.
A well-known and respected psychologist from the University of Florida named Anders Eriksson says that great people don't have any special cells. It's clear that "we are not all worth the same thing," but some people can get what they want by combining a lot of basic traits. fix:
Good control of emotions, persistence, hard work, and resistance to anger.
People with these traits, on the other hand, can push themselves, know their limits, and use their skills without help from others.
man showing off his skydiving skills
We should also think about the many bright people. We are all really good at something. Our world doesn't always have enough faith and consistency, but it doesn't always lack intelligence. We are greatly affected by criticism, social traps, and views that limit us.
"I'll get there" is not enough. Speaking out doesn't help if you don't have a strong belief and a "non-surrender" mindset.
Paul Bloom, a psychology professor at Yale University, says that empathy is overrated. He says that even though we seem to experience it a lot, few of us really connect with other people's mental and emotional realities. It's interesting that it's easier to understand how someone feels when they're sad than when they are happy.
In other words, "I want you to be happy, but not more than I do." This happens a lot. As I said at the beginning of this piece, we often think that people who are successful in their careers cheated to get there. Imagine that a friend who isn't real was going out with a pretty girl. You'll think this person has a secret interest right away.