Telecommuting: How to stay productive and focused
Following the work of Norbert Wiener, an American mathematician and the father of cybernetics, telework first became popular in the 1950s in the United States.1 A building in the United States is being built under the supervision of an architect who lives in Europe without having to travel, according to one of his works.
It was revolutionary at the time. We had no idea that telework would eventually become commonplace. However, this method of working has gradually become more popular as personal computers have become more accessible and communication tools have advanced.
Future trends indicate that remote work will continue to spread. We currently have all necessary resources and infrastructure. Not to mention that it enables both cost and time optimisation for both businesses and employees. Culture is currently the only barrier. Mentalities always need a little time to shift.
If your company has already decided to allow remote work, if you would like it to, or if you are self-employed, you might want to support this decision. In any case, you'll learn here how to remain concentrated and productive while working from home. However, let's first quickly review what teleworking is and its benefits and drawbacks.
any type of work arrangement where an employee uses information and communication technologies to perform work that could have been done on the employer's property but is done so voluntarily outside of those locations
Therefore, teleworking refers to the act of performing professional tasks remotely, away from the location of one's employer, usually from one's home, a café, or a co-working space.
This is, in my opinion, the greatest benefit of all, especially in light of the time lost during transportation. The average commute time for French people to work is between 20 and 44 minutes per day, according to a BVA survey.
Imagine doing away with the commute altogether. At the end of the week, you will have saved 3 hours, and at the end of the month, 12 hours, if you don't even spend 40 minutes a day on transportation. You have 12 hours to do whatever you want!
The advantages of working from home, however, don't end there. You feel more at ease working from home. It must be acknowledged that commercial spaces aren't always very accessible. We are far from the cosy and comfortable atmosphere of the house because of the neon lights, the metal window blinds, the faux decorative plants, the photocopier's noise, and the 1970s-era carpet. Working from home allows you to do so in a setting that is comfortable for you and where you feel at ease.
Additionally, working from home gives you more freedom. You can complete all the chores that are typically required in the evening, such as grocery shopping, housecleaning, and dishwashing, during your breaks. This gives you more freedom to set up your own structure.