Are you confronting the problems or coping with them?
We experience bad events practically daily that bring out our worst. Thus, we cry, revolt, dispute, and act without thinking. We lose control. When the correct circumstances exist, these same obstacles and problems, to which we react so poorly, we perceive them from a calmer perspective, allowing us to breathe. A bit.
These two approaches of handling problems are both influenced by circumstances and unconscious choices. We sometimes pick problems and adversity without realising it. Two possibilities that will determine our success or failure in tackling these problems without chance.
Dealing with issues is emotionally draining.
Problems increase the possibility of losing control and giving in to our first feeling without seeking calm or a fresh perspective. We let our emotions sweep us away. But emotional liberalism usually leads to regrets over what we did or said without considering.
We get into pointless confrontations that exhaust us emotionally and physically without realising it. Once we see this issue from another angle, we realise we constructed mountains from sand grains.
Have you ever reacted abruptly and forgotten what you said? This indicates that you have abandoned your primary protective impulse. You weren't in danger if you meant what you stated with a calm head. Sometimes your impulse defends your ego.
Problems will make you lose control and prevent you from finding a solution that satisfies you.
mind seeing something as a threat or enemy instead of a challenge will make you intolerant, obstruct you, cloud your mind, and lead to regret. Another approach that takes practice and sometimes a lot of effort, but is worth it: what if we stopped facing and faced?
You discharge a lot of energy without using it wisely while you struggle. You let your primitive impulses take over, preventing you from managing the situation properly. When you face challenges, you grow stronger and more mature. You can better handle any problem this way.
When faced with difficulties, you can stop to view things clearly and make the wisest option. You know you can take your time because you don't have to respond immediately! Thus, hurrying to respond when the scenario does not necessitate it can be our first error and the first reason we pull our hair out.
You know you think smartly when you're calm, even in pandemonium. With this breath, the breath you save, the solution comes closer.
Also, facing challenges minimises unnecessary harm to others. By expressing yourself clearly, politely, and respectfully, you can frame your critiques so people don't take them personally.
Only those who have struggled know their strengths.
As seen, facing and confronting difficulties are distinct. The first example involves losing control, mismanaging your emotions, and feeling remorse. However, in the second scenario, you will gain boldness, settle problems, and use them to grow, mature, and learn.
Adversities constantly offer lessons. We are not victims of their misfortunes. Thinking this way will help us cope, not confront. Trying to destroy them is different from trying to overcome them, integrate them into our past, and learn from them.