What are the obstacles that slow down your success?
The famous saying "Success leaves clues" comes from Tony Robbins, who learned it from his mentor and teacher Jim Rohn.
Indeed, this simple sentence has a tremendous meaning. For what? Today's individuals want great achievement in all areas, notably finances. People seek financial freedom so greatly that they ignore the most crucial thing: training, especially from experts.

Success is the consequence of hard work and specific ideals, not luck. Understanding, training, and following its principles lead to success.
Our success models are human libraries; they know more, therefore we must use their knowledge with humility.
Our attitude and thinking shape our personality and can lead to our collapse. This article explains how to succeed.
Which impediments slow your success?
Which impediments slow your success?
Lack of humility and jealousy are your biggest obstacles to success. Resentment blinds many individuals to the good in the world. They insult without understanding. Without criticism, they are indifferent and ignorant.
Two types of individuals exist: those who imagine and say why not? Others perceive things and are willing to share their opinion even if not asked. This suggests that many people evaluate others' triumphs instead of asking why “X” succeeds and I don't. Why he arrives? He accomplished it how? He probably knows more.
Anyone who wants to succeed should ask these questions. We prefer to hide our faces to justify ourselves. He cheated, had family help, was lucky, not serious, etc. We may assume that if “X” excels in all he does, it is due to his knowledge, actions, willingness to take chances, or personal development.
You may be young, ambitious, on the verge of success, or already where you want to be. No matter your stage, your ego is your biggest opponent.
Talented people with great potential always have ego. Sigmund Freud, an Austrian philosopher and doctor, portrayed the ego as a force that leads a knight on a wild horse representing our hidden desires. The ego is an unhealthy belief in one's own importance, a drive to feel better, superior in everything, and a sensation that transcends talent and self-confidence. This causes various personal development and success difficulties.
We seldom realise it because we usually blame someone else, but the ego is behind many unthinkable impediments to achievement. Their ego will always tell them, “you are above that” and “you are too worthy for that”, thus some mistake it for ambition. They always want a better job, to be respected and loved by everyone, and to have more without working hard.
Unlike the ego, ambition arises from a genuine desire for success. Where the ego craves glory and consecration, ambition seeks to advance in their area without being recognised or celebrated. Put your money where your mouth is, act without speaking, and recognise your priorities to focus your efforts. You must do something yourself, not wait on others' opinions or expect anything from them.