How journaling helps personal growth?
Keeping a journal is a skill that could be helpful to you in developing further, so consider starting one. In addition to this, it can help you learn more about yourself and get a knowledge of how to change particular aspects of your personality. In other words, it can help you become more self-aware.
There are a few other approaches to journaling that one can take, but I'm simply going to go over the three most typical approaches here.
When you practise free writing, you don't have any specific goals in mind aside from the act of writing itself; you just want to get your thoughts down on paper. It's possible that doing things this way may result in the most fruitful discovery of your thoughts and feelings around the situation.
One of my journals contains an illustration of this pattern for your perusal.
Writing in reflection isn't meant to be a carbon copy of what you wrote in a previous entry in your journal; rather, it's meant to assist you in comprehending how your thoughts have changed over the course of time. The purpose of writing in reflection is to help you understand how your thoughts have developed over the course of time.
As a direct outcome of this, you will acquire further knowledge regarding your personal growth mentality.
It's possible that you'll notice a pattern between the two, and that pattern is that I frequently start writing with a general question or topic, continue writing about it for a while, and then circle back around to consider what I've already said. It's possible that you'll discover a connection between the two.
Conducting a self-evaluation can assist you in assessing your behaviour and actions so that you can make improvements to yourself. This is the goal of conducting a self-evaluation.
Going back over my writings and seeing patterns of behaviour that I may or may not have been aware of in the past is entertaining for me to do.
These items can help me focus on ways to change, such as techniques to become more attentive, methods to grow myself, and more effective techniques for interacting with other people.