how do you define the negative side of pride
There is a lack of distinct categorizations or definitions for this concept, or for other aspects of existence in general.
Pride can have both positive and negative effects.
In the field of psychology, two types of pride have been discussed: positive and negative. Self-esteem and confidence exemplify pride. Self-importance or ego are negative manifestations of pride.
In order to feel secure, lead a healthy life, appreciate oneself completely, discover one's purpose in life, and take pride in it, the first is essential. This is high-quality and satisfactory.
Feeling a sense of superiority over others often leads to the majority of challenges we encounter in life.
An excessive sense of self-worth can lead to a negative aspect of pride where individuals believe they are superior to others.
This type of pride hinders the ability to acknowledge and admit mistakes, highlighting a deficiency in humility.
Humility is the antithesis of pride. To embody humility, one must remain receptive, adaptable, and empathetic in order to acquire new knowledge.
Proud individuals frequently discuss their mental issues due to their inflated egos. They are upset about things like other people, events, the weather, the country, and more. They transition swiftly from one conflict to another due to this.
The term "sufficiency" originates from the Latin word "superbĭa," translating to "above others." It signifies an individual's elevated self-perception in relation to others.
It involves a feeling of superiority derived from boasting about one's own abilities or concepts while belittling others. Self-importance is characterised by a proud attitude demonstrated through the bold assertion of one's own pride.
Comparing ourselves to others can lead to an inferiority complex, making us feel better temporarily.
We consistently aim to demonstrate our correctness with a confident demeanour. We utilise vanity to display our positive attributes, achievements, and capabilities.
Individuals of this nature may exhibit strong political intolerance, rigidly adhering to their own perspective while dismissing alternative viewpoints.
They struggle with recognising wrongdoing and exhibit resistance towards seeking forgiveness or implementing changes in their lives. They do not consider it as they are confident in their performance.
They exhibit emotional rigidity and emotional detachment. They struggle to forget a transgression. These characteristics can hinder interpersonal relationships.
Truthfulness may cause initial pain but lead to long-term liberation. It assists in fostering self-awareness regarding our identity and internal dialogue. Initiating the path towards emotional well-being.
Initially, becoming acquainted with ourselves and confronting our negative aspects can reduce fear. It prevents individuals from concealing their true selves in order to conform to others' expectations in professional and social settings.
Furthermore, this characteristic prevents us from ignoring our psychological issues.
Honesty empowers us to self-reflect and identify falsehoods and manipulations tempting us to succumb to our desires.
Gradually, our sense of pride diminishes as we embrace honesty, freeing ourselves from the need to constantly display achievements in order to project a false image.