What do you think about „Diary Game“-Project

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago




Hello dear Steemians


You all probably noticed that my activity is bit higher at present, the reason behind is very simple:

  • I have couple of weeks of holidays

Initially, we wanted to travel to other parts of Scotland and discover nice places, but due to weather condition that forecast rain/wet snow plus a bit of storm for these weeks. We decided to not to travel.

That means @stef1 has more time for regular walks, fitness, cooking but also reading the posts in Steemit and discover interesting topics, that sometimes I would like to bring up for discussion.

Today, while going through the posts in our community “World of Xpilar” I came across this post and wanted to share it with you, dear Community readers.

First of all, the user is @soldieroffantasy from Venezuela, who actually posted his first post in our Community and the post attracted my attention and made me stop. I am glad that he decided to write in both English and Spanish. I am pretty sure that there are many interesting users and posts in Spanish speaking Communities but for many of us who do not speak Spanish those posts often are not seen as it is time consuming and translation often loses its original sense.

On other hand, because we have Spanish speaking curators in WOX, I usually leave those posts for them.

Nevertheless, here is the post:





Many of you who are on Steemit since the early beginning, you know how and why “Diary Game” was created, if not then I summarize:

  • In the first instance, it was done in order for the Steemcurators to find easily users as it was dedicated tag #thediarygame
  • It was also made to make it easy for simple user to do posts. Describe their day.

Let’s go to the first paragraph of the post:



  • I agree, the quality of posts really deteriorated and nowadays many of them are consist of like the user mentioned: woke up, eat and gone to bed. This is also an impression I had when coming across some of the posts



  • In our Community, very rare people posting diary games and for us, we do not really pay attention to that. I think it is again reflects how important and responsible the role of Country Curators.



It is typical human behavior we know that if something worked well for us, then we will keep doing that. In this case of course, once user have a good reputation and got support, people become lazy why to do more if they anyway receive what they receive.




I agree with that the Quality must be the essential in any post and should not depend on the certain user who posted the post.

The post is brilliantly composed but also it was very well visited by other users. Unfortunately, the comments are all in and it took me some time to translate in order to understand what people think

If you will be curious about the comments, please take time and read them, there are many who share the opinion of Dylan.

From our side, we can’t comment much about Diary Games as we never have been involved and never posted in there.

Recently @endingplagiarism discovered few abusers among Country Representatives, I think this call Dylan just confirms that there is much work need to be done within each communities.I just bring example of one of the comment:

Actually there are a lot of different comments from users and if you have an interest just take time and read, you will see what people think and also it is maybe now the time for the Steemit Team to think if anything needs to be done to that Project of "Diary Game"

I would like to call @steemcurator01 to visit this post and to read the comments and also maybe to tag country curators to read how users feel about Diary Games and the support they got from Country Representatives.

Hope there is much to think and decide for yourself.




@stef1 Power Up




Trenner groß.png



CURATION TRAIL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png




First of all, Thank you for sharing your appreciation on my Post. I chose this community because I know that genuine content is supported here more than in any other community, and I find that really wonderful.

I think that the Diary Games are already obsolete, I'm not saying they're bad, but they lend themselves to abuse. I bet on an ecosystem where the contents are organic, unpredictable, artistic, impressive. We need more quality and less creative laziness.

SC01 needs to review the position of many representatives; some are abusing their votes by repeating the same reports and the same Diary Games, and getting a lot of votes for it. For me it is unfair!

Of course, this depends on the administration of Steemit. If they do nothing, no change is going to happen.

Thanks again for echoing this opinion, which many Steemit users share.

It is always a pleasure to discover new people and it was a pleasure to highlight the Topic of Diary Game. I absolutely agree, this is like a garden, if we look after our garden, watering and removing weed, it is blooming but if we just leave it to rain then it will be just taken over by weed.

I hope the the people behind the Steemit Team will hear that. If you remember not long ago SC04-08 were under Country Reps too and after we pointed to abuses SC01 now changed the plan and those accounts now covering subjects and suppose to rotate on monthly basis. I think it is important to point to the areas that needs to be improved and the way that you did is absolutely reasonable.

You are welcome to post in our Community, using English will increase the number of readers, your English seems to be absolutely perfect :)

The decisions that have been made regarding the new curation teams are sound. I think that Sc01 should be inspired to decrease the repetitive activity of the country representatives; At this point, I think the votes they receive for their paltry reports are exaggerated.

It would be good to group the representatives of a given country into a single team, and for said reports to be monthly. The trusts of sc01 are being abused and blatantly so.

Thank you very much for the invitation. I usually stop by here to look at artwork. I write literature. Do you support this type of content? hahaha it would be nice to share my stories here.

We support any content, no matter Art, Photography, stories, poem. Whatever you like but also if you engage yourself with others that will keep you in our view.

I find it fantastic. How wonderful to find a community as diverse as this.

Again: thank you very much for commenting and expanding the vision of my post. I thank you from my heart.

 3 years ago 

Your participation in the platform has been so low for a year, you don't even know the topics that our World Of Xpilar community supports, being this the one with the highest impact in all Steemit, that's why we must reflect, before claiming rights, we must fulfill our duties.

I invite you to support others, to upload your CSI and take advantage of the SP that you still have available in your account.


By supporting others, I would be being more seen as our friend @stef1 highlighted.

With all due respect, sir, before pointing out I invite you to inform yourself a little. I worked as a moderator of the Writing & Reviews community, look at the number of posts that were registered for each comment that I left to many users of that community, as well as other communities.


Unlike you, I focused on supporting others, not bloating my account with contests or reports that seemed redundant to me personally. I followed the advice of Sc01, and together with my previous team, we decided to work from the community account. It's a shame that all our effort hasn't been taken into account, nor is our perception of Game Diary.

Those statistics with which you point out to me, are from the last 7 days, how is it based on that to call me lazy? You see, a lot of my SP is in communities that I find wonderful. I also consider that in the delegation there is self-sufficiency and a better scope in the curatorship; you look at me and don't look at the disaster outside: there are users who receive votes and who don't even comment on other users. But I think you singled me out more for my opinion of the Diary Game than for my authorship.

I understand, you defend the indefensible; that's your point of view.

I'm sick of going on with this. There will be no substantive change as long as the Steemit administration reviews the flaws. So, continue with your work, and, as I once recommended: support the talent of Steemit, especially that of Venezuelans, not only in WOX, but also in steem Venezuela.

I wrote here at the invitation of @Stef1; although I also see artistic works that other users wonderfully leave here.

I have tried that of commenting a lot, just like the clubs, and I have followed every recommendation that Sc01 has left in various Posts. What was the result? the same as always: none.

 3 years ago 

As you will see, I am not singling you out for your position against the journal game, rather I find it ironic that you want to seek inclusion in the support of votes but seek to exclude those who publish in the journal, it is somewhat contradictory "don't you think?", what I seek is to raise awareness, that users seek to earn things properly without singling anyone out.

As you know, the amount of 1746 that appears in your profile is the sum of your comments and posts, to see the comments generated and votes cast, we can see it in SteemWorld, in your case, we must take into account that you have been on the platform for 13 months, that's 390 days.



We can see that in your history you have made 1586 comments, that would give an average of 4 comments, which is not bad, although most of them are responding to comments received on your posts. On the other hand, you have cast 1883 votes, which gives an average of 4.6 per day which seems to me a bit low for those who want to be well seen by others.

I invite you to be humble, no one here has control of anything, only those who have the capital can afford to choose who to support, representatives have obligations and commitments that go hand in hand with the support they may receive.

Yes, I have taken note of the Diary Games. Well - you can't miss the corresponding posts... After it became clear that apart from some nice photos and some meaningless sentences there was no content to be found, I decided to ignore them. Am I doing an injustice to individual contributions that I miss in this way? Perhaps. In that case, as an ambitious author, it would be better NOT to write them within the framework of such a format, but as a beautiful, independent post.

But does this diary series bother me...? No. It simply has nothing to do with me. People are riching themselves. Surprise. Not. If someone wants to do that, they'll always find ways and means anyway. Those who don't like to support it simply don't vote there. And that brings us back to curation behaviour - and opens up a whole other barrel, as we know...

Ja, ich habe die Diary-Games zur Kenntnis genommen. Also - man kann die entsprechenden Posts ja gar nicht übersehen... Nachdem klar wurde, daß da außer evtl. einzelnen schönen Fotos und wenig sagenden Sätzen nix an Inhalten herüberkommt, habe ich sie tunlichst ignoriert. Tue ich damit einzelnen Beiträgen unrecht, die ich auf diese Art verpasse? Vielleicht. Dann schreibt man die als ambitionierter Verfasser besser NICHT im Rahmen so eines Formates, sondern als schönen, eigenständigen Post.

Aber stört mich diese Diary-Serie...? Nein. Sie hat schlicht nichts mit mir zu tun. Leute bereichern sich. Überraschung. Nicht. Wer das will, findet sowieso immer Mittel und Wege. Wer das nicht unterstützen mag, votet dort eben nicht. Und damit sind wir wieder beim Kuratierungsverhalten - und machen ein ganz anderes Faß auf, wie wir wissen...

 3 years ago (edited)

The Format of Diary Game lost its reputation, in my opinion people stopped taking it seriously. Therefore, if to produce an interesting post, then many do the post with appropriate title. Maybe that is a reason why we do not have many of them in WOX and do not know much about the problem that people are having. To tell the truth, I was never a fan of DG, although if there is a good post I also support it without prejudice.

although if there is a good post I also support it with prejudice.

To be honest, there is the same "problem" with Crypto Academy. Maybe with anything where the sc01 is too involved. In this respect, I very much welcome the new initiative with the sc-teams for different areas of interest. Unfortunately, these are barely a month in operation, there is abuse there too.
How you do it, you do it wrong. But it is very good that movement is coming into play, that the Steemit team is more open to further development of their strategies, and that the community is increasingly expressing itself, no longer hiding behind the voices that always came forward constructively anyway.

Gut, dass du den Beitrag aufgegriffen hast - nun gibt's mal wieder eine inhaltliche Diskussion... ;-)

Hab ein schönes Wochenende und überhaupt eine tolle Urlaubszeit - jedem Wetter und allem furchtbaren Weltgeschehen zum Trotz!

Liebe Grüße,

I believe so, it is the fragile system based on blind trust of the Steemit Team on the good will and behavior of users, but as everything in this world the good things will be abused there where it is possible.

Like Agent Mulder in "X-files" says: "Trust No one" oder „Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle ist besser.“

Ich habe nicht erwartet das ich so schnell so viele Kommentare bekomme, aber das zeigt nur das dieses Thema wirklich ein Hot Topic geworden ist.

Da ich noch eine Woche Urlaub habe hoffe ich das das Wetter trocken bleibt.

Ich wünsche dir noch ein schönes Wochenende,

Liebe Grüße aus Schottland,


 3 years ago (edited)

Hoffen wir einfach weiter, dass der „good will“ hier nicht ausstirbt… Wenn auch etwas zurückhaltender als gewohnt, bleibe ich am Ball - ich denke, ihr auch… 😉

Hier hat heute nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit die Sonne geschienen. Komme gerade mit Mäx vom Strand (nur 20 Autominuten entfernt). Völkerwanderung, kein wirklicher Spaß. Aber: Nur (hunderte) strahlende Gesichter ohne Maske. Eine soziale Wohltat!
Liebe Grüße (fast) von der Ostsee,


Saludos amigo @stef1, muchas gracias por apoyar esta publicación que es tan necesaria y expresa la inconformidad que sentimos como desarrolladores de contenidos de calidad, en la falta de la equidad de apoyo por curación.

A mí en lo personal, me gusta compartir mis diarios, pero de días interesantes, sucesos, experiencias que sean agradables de compartir, ya que esto lo hace más atractivo para los lectores, pues concuerdo en que últimamente conseguimos contenidos publicados, por usuarios que por lo general siempre son curados, con contenidos nada atractivos y que como una bloguer de experiencia sé, cuando se hace un post por salir del paso y sin ninguna creatividad o esfuerzo, si no por cumplir, muy por el contrario pasa, cuando vemos excelentes publicaciones con contenidos de calidad, imágenes exclusivamente seleccionadas y cuidadas, pero que pasan desapercibidos, eso "no es justo"

Es como que en una empresa, solo les llegue el cheque a los jefes y una vez si, otra vez no, a los empleados, cuando en gran parte una empresa la mantiene en marcha cada trabajador y todos merecen ser valorados según su labor.

Espero que sea respetada la libre opinión, pero mi deseo mayor, es que pronto se brinden estrategias o propuestas, en busca de mejoras de esta plataforma que a muchos nos ha dado tanto.

Gracias 😉 soy @lacharrakey

Greetings friend @stef1, thank you very much for supporting this publication that is so necessary and expresses the disagreement that we feel as developers of quality content, in the lack of equity of support for curation.

Personally, I like to share my diaries, but of interesting days, events, experiences that are pleasant to share, since this makes it more attractive for readers, because I agree that lately we get published content, by users who by In general, they are always curated, with content that is not at all attractive and that, as an experienced blogger, I know, when a post is made to get by and without any creativity or effort, if not to comply, on the contrary, it happens when we see excellent publications with quality content, images exclusively selected and cared for, but that go unnoticed, that "is not fair"

It is like that in a company, only the bosses get the check and once yes, another time no, to the employees, when to a large extent a company is kept running by each worker and everyone deserves to be valued according to their work.

I hope that free opinion is respected, but my greatest wish is that strategies or proposals be provided soon, in search of improvements to this platform that has given many of us so much.

thanks I'm @lacharrakey

Thank you for taking time and your feedback, really enjoyed reading it. DG is a good field for bloggers but having so many creating them without putting much efforts that spoiled the whole reputation and on other side many good posts are not curated. That is a shame because that will make many to stop blogging or leave.

The section of DG should be supported by the Community leaders of appropriate communities but also bigger accounts like SC should visit not only known names but also many others. That will give a stimulus for others to work.

I appreciate your opinion sharing under this post.


Diversity of thought is what should reign in this ecosystem, the belief in transformation, innovation, development and advancement.

We have closed ourselves these last few months to a monotonous question, and I am pleased to see that you today share this type of publication.

Again I ask myself: Am I the wrong one just for wanting to create or should I follow the same sentence? I made my first posts here... Yes, in this community and I worked hard on them, I made them with care and passion. That's what I want to live again and that's what I want to see more of on steemit!

I've already had to endure a lot of pain these days... I only hope that we all have a point of convergence where the ideals of each one are wisely rewarded.

My comment may sound childish, but to me it is not: What is the reason each of us writes? I found my answer, I hope everyone here gets it! We cannot change the world by lying to ourselves.

I believe nowadays everything has been changed unlikely in old Steemit before the disintegration. Much is easier for newcomenrs because we have constant support of the Steemit Team that was not int eh past and nobody was complaining that he did not get attention from anyone. People had to grow themselves and find their niche.

Therefore, if today anyone complains about that then, I am sorry, they just too lazy to look around. In order to be seen people have to put creativity and distinct feature that will lift them up from the majority of similar users. That is something we need to strive to.

 3 years ago 

Honestly I had mentioned this some time back. The Diary game is most abused concept. People write things like I woke up, I had tea, I had lunch, I went to sleep, I had dinner, I went to sleep...and blah blah. The moderators should be stringent while considering such posts for voting. Else it becomes nothing less than a joke.

Slowly but surely it lost its shine and the real meaning of a diary. When we think about Diary in general, people will not put everything into their writings, like what food they ate or what time the y go to bed. But diary is something special where you put only highlights and your personal reflection about that, the special events of the day. Nowadays, I need to admit I tend not to read the posts with Diary title, which is bad there still could be something interesting buried under tons of routine posts.

 3 years ago 

Hello dear friend @stef1 good morning
It's a shame that the diary game is used by people to abuse it.

In particular, I like the format, especially thinking about new and not so new people, because the diary game does not allow the writer to fall into the well-known "writer's block".

I think we all do interesting things during the day that deserve to be known. and this exercise always gives a topic to post

I appreciate that you have touched on the subject of publishing in two languages, the mother tongue and the universal one that everyone speaks. This is a point that I let implement

Have a beautiful afternoon

I agree and I like the format that you use, that is why your posts attracted my attention too. I believe much depends on users how much they want to put into their posts and that is what Dylan is saying that some people are spoiled getting Upvotes and do not bother to work to make the post special. Yes, even if there is a bit of English in post that gives an English speaking users an idea what it is about. I wish you nice afternoon too :)

Muy interesante el analisis del tema en el tapete desde hace dias. este tipo de post tiene sus pro y sus contra. si se le da un buen uso a el post the diary game, seguro aportara a la comuidad, experiencias interesantes.

Agree and it should be used to highlight the events of the day, something that made our day special and not just routine listing what we did.

I personally had a hard time getting involved in the gamediary, first because of telling my private and boring life (I don't see it as something that contributes and would even surely make my blog look uglier), but then I decided to support the project (by visiting posts and joining) thanks to the opinions of the users who are in my support groups.

I also stopped for a while and gave full attention to the guy who seemed very upset about this issue (thediarygame vs quality) as well as most people who don't get support often who participated there in that post. Surely the popular diarygame figures must not have said anything about it.

I would also like to see "at least" for one day that the diarygame is gone just to see what kind of posts the users who only participate in this dynamic will share, maybe it would be a creative pond for them and decrease the overall participation of real users.

Mainly, I stopped because I read negative comments against country representatives (in general), I found this topic interesting because just as he wants there to be no vices or dishonest people "neither do I". But at the end of the day there were only people leaving "meaningless" comments and without pointing out those responsible, or leaving evidence, if there is something corrupt it is up to them to give their opinion about it.

Some people just don't like that other people are doing well, and they are not. And those negative comments are only made by those who are seeing that the representatives of their country receive considerable and frequent support, instead they are never seen by the curators, and they think that the representatives of countries may have something to do with the decision of sc01 or sc02 when it comes to support, and as far as I know it is not so.

This post is good, and it would be a better idea if Steemit Team would make feedback about the diary game nowadays as they did with the cryptoacademy, there we will hear the versions of the people who write diaries every day (the only thing they publish) and those people with more creativity and writing skills.

Hi Sara, somehow our opinions always match, I absolutely agree with you and support everything you say. The current DG became boring and people just probably had enough of it. That is why it is a shame that good users who are posting Diary will not be seen. I think that is like a Uniform that for example people wear, all of them like the same, but why not to wear nice bright colours or something funky, not to be the same like others.

I would recommend people to be themselves and show up their personality and not post DG just their routine, because every of us has something special.

Yes, it is! But users and everyone should always keep in mind that if we are perfect authors, there won't be any diarygame or publication that will obscure our work (it's just a matter of patients). But somehow they need to get involved in Steemit projects like TDG, the academy, the club5050,75,100 and everything they put out, since it's the only way to stand out and be seen, because if they only care about the visits of the big curators.

As I was saying to the guy, writing a blog takes a process and the first thing we must take into account is what kind of audience we want to reach? Do we want to reach many other authors, or do we only care about reaching the curators? These are always two different things that I keep in mind when I publish something.

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