What is the power of happiness in family

in LifeStyle4 years ago

All successful people who have achieved success in different areas of life - in relationships, in a professional field, in personal development, etc., are distinguished from ordinary people by the fact that they ACTION. I will repeat and highlight this again. Because there are no other secrets to success.

Family happiness begins with ... a woman. I have noticed, I always feel about it, I always emphasize it. The man also has his own role, his own work to strengthen relationships and create happiness in the family.

A happy family is not fate or luck, but a constant, deep, inner work of two loving people.


Understanding your role in the family

The third strength of a happy family is that everyone should understand their place in the family and their role. 80% of a man's happiness lies outside the family - in public affairs. And it is important to accept this as a fact. For women, the opposite is true: 80% of our happiness lies in the family. This is not easy for modern women to admit. But this is also a fact.

When we oppose work to the family, we make another man happy - our boss or business partner, companion, etc. And when we stay in the family, we use all our strength to cultivate happiness in the family and to make our husbands happy.

This does not mean that we should not work or engage in social activities. We can work and do what we like, but just enough so that there is enough time for the family, for building and deepening relationships, for building the inner life of the family and raising children.

Reasonableness of a woman

The next strength of harmonious family relationships is the rationality of a woman. This is when all family and interpersonal issues are resolved without disputes, bickering and disagreements. When the wife is able to achieve her goal through consent, affectionate communication and obedience.

If a wife learns not to contradict her husband, but to initially agree with him in everything, showing her humility and obedience, then such a wife will always get what she wants. But only in a different, more reasonable way than reproaches, insults or manipulation. In such a house there will always be peace and tranquility, which, you see, is not enough.


Any wife should understand that two things make a man happy - when he is respected and when he is listened to. If this happens in the family, then for him it will mean one thing - he is loved here. And for people who treat him this way (wife, children), he will be ready to move mountains.

Therefore, I repeat, the power of family happiness lies in the wisdom of a woman.

Building up experience

The next force that will help build strong marriages and happy relationships is learning. Previously, their mothers and grandmothers passed on the experience of family life to young girls and shared their secrets, experiences and best practices. Now all this knowledge is forgotten and for many has lost its relevance.

The wisdom of this experience can be useful to any girl, in whatever state she is - just about to get married, already married, in a happy marriage, in an unhappy marriage. In any situation, you can at least try to fix the situation and change everything for the better. But change requires knowledge.

So, constant training on how to behave in marriage, how to behave with your husband, how to educate and build relationships with children, how to take your role in family life, will help build strong relationships and create a happy family .


Do not wash dirty linen in public

Another rule that must be observed to build a happy and harmonious family is never to wash dirty linen in public. For some reason, in our time, it is customary to share the details of family life with friends, relatives or even a psychologist, revealing all the nuances of family life. This is a big mistake.

Everything that the family lives with must remain within the family. This will help cultivate strength in the family. And if you take marital happiness outside the family, then this force will gradually decrease, bringing discord and quarrels into the family.

Keep the strength of your family in your hands. You can say a word with family and friends that everything is fine with you, that things are fine. And that's it! Nobody else needs to know anything. Your family is your fortress. Guard her!

Mutual respect

It is very important in the family to develop respect for each other. The whole strength of the family is built on mutual respect. This is the necessary foundation on which happiness is built. If spouses respect each other, then the children will respect them.

Moreover, it should be noted that respect is closely related to loyalty. If a wife respects her husband, she will never allow herself to smile sweetly, like a woman at another man. And if he doesn’t respect, then he will. When mutual respect melts, happiness gradually disappears along with it. The feeling of respect in oneself for another person (in particular, for a husband) must be consciously cultivated and developed. For family happiness is at stake.

I am perfectly aware that everything that is written in this article is not easy to understand and accept, and even more difficult to apply in life. It is much easier for us to go on diets, to starve, to lift weights in gyms, than to obey our husband or stop comparing him to others.


Applying all this knowledge requires a lot of inner work. But it is very easy to find motivation for yourself here, just decide once and for all - do you want to be happy and build a happy marriage? If so, you will find the strength to at least try to follow these recommendations.

It is important to remember that happiness outside of us appears only when it appears within us. Thanks to the subtle energy that women possess, we are able to make whole revolutions. But let's first make a revolution in our minds in order to change our life and the lives of people close to us for the better.


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Happiness does not depend on which country you live in. I am happy because I grow in an atmosphere of love.

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Interesting! Greetings

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