Still running through the pain barrier like the super hero I am!

in #health5 years ago (edited)


There’s no doubt that as I have gotten older, my body has changed, and not for the better.. . After coming back to running after a few months off, I’ve noticed that I tend to be stiffer on the days after a hard workout, and I pay the price if I don’t take days off.

Let's just say that I'm a gentleman of larger stature, but luckily I’ve had no issues with my knees but am struggling lately with lower back pain when running, and I seem more prone to muscle strains.

Regardless of my own personal safety, Ive stuck to my promise to make it out more often and am hoping that once I get back in to the swing of things these little aches and pains will disappear.

I made it out for 3 runs this week:




So, still nothing impressive to write home about, but I'm still enjoying the miles and although it's not any easier (just yet) I'm getting there. One issue that has cropped up over the week and still has me a bit perplexed. I woke up one morning with a sharp pain in my lower back. The pain wasn’t there the day before my second run, but the following morning it hurt, and it made it difficult to run up any kind of incline/hill on my last run of the week. Is this an old guy thing, or do younger people have these issues as well?

Just writing this post has made me realize a theme for the past year or so – I get injured more easily. Part of it must be age, part of it must be that I am less fit than I used to be. In any case, be careful out there, exercise can be pretty dangerous…


Old people shouldn't be running.. try power walking instead..

Trouble is I need to do a little more than walk fast, my weight gain this past few months has been phenomenal

Prolly cause it's winter and there's less daylight.. makes it easy to be lazy

We had our draught 3rd Feb, so its been difficult getting in to a routine. She's not a fan of sleeping through the nights, so I'm eating all kinds of junk at all hours of the day!! Its my own fault, and I'm hoping that once she finally gets in to a sleep g routine and life goes back to some sort of normality, I can get out more often.

Upvoted by @isotonic, the @runningproject funding account.
Keep on running!

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