Daily 30 Popular Posts with 'freedom' tag
※ These posts are ranked by the sum of votes and comments.
1. Russian Collusion a Hoax?
@adamkokesh, 113 votes, 22 replies, $140.41
2. State-School or Circus-School? The Debate Continues.............
@markwhittam, 72 votes, 37 replies, $148.01
3. As Good as Thomas Paine
@adamkokesh, 74 votes, 35 replies, $5.97
4. Free Your Mind 5 - COINTELPRO
@adamkokesh, 88 votes, 21 replies, $24.88
5. The Worst Bitcoin Attack Article Ever
@adamkokesh, 81 votes, 22 replies, $4.66
6. The State Of 'Freedom' Worldwide (According To Democratic Think-Tanks)
@zer0hedge, 57 votes, 43 replies, $148.31
7. An Update on Baloo, Adam's Dog Who Was w/Him During Arrest
@adamkokesh, 82 votes, 13 replies, $31.65
8. Edgy Adam Kokesh
@adamkokesh, 64 votes, 13 replies, $37.95
9. Adam kokesh, maybe time to PAY a VISIT?
@zoomtruth, 35 votes, 13 replies, $34.69
10. Let others go their own way.
@whatamidoing, 22 votes, 14 replies, $5.54
11. 2nd steepshot: No freedom Without rules
@sciencevienna, 19 votes, 10 replies, $3.17
12. How to End/Heal Your Fear. Ending Fear Is Necessary for Survival!
@ura-soul, 21 votes, 5 replies, $9.60
13. Occult = Hidden Knowledge
@sovereigntyintl, 18 votes, 4 replies, $4.66
14. Manifestation? Set Your Intentions and Let That Shit Go!
@eftnow, 10 votes, 11 replies, $12.26
15. Steemit 2020 All the Possibilities
@brotherdave, 9 votes, 6 replies, $1.83
16. Ciudadano
@oliverjobs, 12 votes, 1 replies, $0.02
17. Unnecessary deaths - And tyranny continues
@rivendels, 6 votes, 3 replies, $2.69
@southafricangirl, 5 votes, 3 replies, $0.07
19. scrap metal antique
@afdhalulrizki, 7 votes, 0 replies, $0.03
20. The patriot died!
@gavinseim, 4 votes, 2 replies, $0.02
@joordanzzz, 5 votes, 1 replies, $0.15
@kingsrod, 4 votes, 2 replies, $0.03
23. Hello Stemians, One more addition to the growing network :)
@shikra, 4 votes, 2 replies, $0.03
24. club vespa
@afdhalulrizki, 5 votes, 0 replies, $0.03
25. Religious freedom
@prityjha, 2 votes, 3 replies, $0.01
26. An Interview With the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus
@lpmisescaucus, 3 votes, 1 replies, $0.03
27. Activist, Libertarian candidate and Iraq war vet Adam Kokesh jailed unjustly! What happened and what you can do to help. #FinallyFreeAdam
@freerangehuman, 3 votes, 1 replies, $0.02
28. Ben Swann back because of crypto woot woot!
@footballbob06, 2 votes, 2 replies, $0.24
29. The Real Truthers List
@jjyeshua, 4 votes, 0 replies, $0.73
30. Congratulations to Kim Dotcom - don't have your freedom taken away
@rmz, 4 votes, 0 replies, $0.44