The State Of 'Freedom' Worldwide (According To Democratic Think-Tanks)

in #freedom7 years ago

Content adapted from this article : Source

by Tyler Durden

Democratic watchdog organization Freedom House has released its annual ranking of the world's most free and the world's most suppressed nations. For the twelfth year in a row, global freedom has been found to have declined.

As Staista's Martin Armstrong notes, 71 countries experienced a decline in freedom with only 35 making a move in the right direction. Of the 195 countries assessed in 2017, 45 percent were rated as 'free', 30 percent as 'partly free', and 25 percent as 'not free'. Infographic: The State of Freedom Worldwide | Statista

You will find more statistics at Statista

The United States, while still classed as 'free', saw a year-on.year decrease in its score, from 89/100 in 2016 to 86/100.

According to Freedom House, this is mainly due to a fall in its political rights, citing _"growing evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election", "violations of basic ethical standards by the new administration" and "a reduction in government transparency" as key factors.

One wonders what a Republican Think Tank would 'think'?

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I would like to know their definition of freedom. Or at least what they are measuring. I am guessing they have a different definition of freedom than me. Country with the most prisoners as a percentage of the population (USA) is considered free and is high in the rankings. Interesting....

Freedom of speach, freedom of movement, freedom of interenet usage form example. I guess this is the criteria.

I am sure you are correct. But the devil is is usually in the detail when it comes to statistics.

The business I've noticed is that subsequent to the entire one "terrorist occupation" and "natural disaster" I can impression our spacious mammal taken away by the meting out. I strongly put occurring following that the dispensation does orchestrate these attacks to create terror in the people. This is exactly why governments are neighboring to cryptocurrencies. The governments need more gift and they don't agonized the people to control everything. These stats are going to become worse following become old-fashioned. It's time we realize something and begin making every single one decentralised.

I was discussing this topic with @wwf just the other day.

Freedom is an illusion. This chart shows the most "free" relative to the others yet it is all oppressive. The governments of the world exist to prevent anarchy. Therefore, by their very definition, they are oppressive.

So when you look at a place like N Korea, yes compared to that, the US and Canada are free. However, do not believe they are free people....they are enslaved by the system. And it all starts with the economics...the fact the monetary system is designed to enslave.

This forces people into the system of work or government support, both of which are serving the same masters in the end (the banksters).

Everyone lives to rules and laws decided by others - be it governments, parliament, councils or their bosses so true freedom is a myth. To be classed as free for the purposes of the article it seems they are measuring freedom by how much influence another country has on yours - hence the Russian influence on election quote - but surely we all in some way rely on other countries for trade ?
We might be free to protest or rally, free to have an opinion or take a stand against something we don't believe in but you can guarantee the police are free to arrest us and throw us in jail if it goes against what the ruling bodies decide for us.

@zer0hedge...bro. Well my state is a corporation registered in Delaware and I am a good or chattel as far as the state is concerned,I live under Admiralty law and unless I devoid myself of all state rights and privaleges cannot be sovereign as the Roman catholic church owns me through my birth certificate on which I am registered as stillborn or dead.I imagine most areas that are green are similar study Unam Sanctum and the Vatican trusts...In western countries you are not free. Take UK for example. Every time you post on FB, Twitter, Google search, whenever you write down your National Insurance number or address on an application form, or spend on your debit or credit card - they have you plotted, pinned to a location and they know your spending habits. Ever wonder why you get store coupons for dog food and your neighbour doesn't? It's because you hand over your store card each time you buy your dog food and your smart neighbour pays cash with no store card ..thank you for sharing information with us...

You are free until you do something out of the norm. For example trade cryptocurrencies - then you become a " criminal" for trading something you think is the future or owning it.

Scandinavian countries have the best score in general, although I have read an article that the situation is not that good there also.

Even better, you become a "terrorist".

It was once said that is a government writes enough laws, eventually everyone becomes a criminal.

That is the case around the world....what is sickening is most places arent even putting up the facade of a system based upon the rule of law. In the US, we are rapidly moving towards a police state.

Theres freedom of many things, and I dont think every nation is as "free" as this democratic point of view, surely there is several oppinions regarding being a "free nation" and what defines a free nation.

I personally think the green countries needs to painted alot more yellow.

Politicians and rich people are "free" to get away with many things, but the average joe is not, and that is neither freedom or fairness, maybe in overall its a democratic map of where NOT to live as a democrat, as they would actually be punished for their actions.

The thing I've noticed is that with every "terrorist attack" and "natural calamity" I can see our freedom being taken away by the government. I strongly believe that the government does orchestrate these attacks to create fear in the people. This is exactly why governments are against cryptocurrencies. The governments need more power and they don't want the people to control anything. These stats are going to become worse with time. It's time we do something and start making everything decentralised.

It is a matter of understanding their code.

When you hear it is for national security or to protect the children, bet the ranch some rights are being eradicated.

Finally someone who gets it! People here are calling me anti-national for saying this.

Thank you very much for sharing. 55% of the world is not free. I mean 55 people out of 100 people. this number is too much. too much. the leaders of these nations think their countries are free. some people are freedom for their life. they can not even learn it. what is the reason these people are not free? people at the beginning. these people are deceiving. they use these people. these are supposed executives. In my eyes the manager is not a felan. it's just an obstacle that people have to overcome. @zer0hedge

55% people aren't free!!! Seriously??

That is true....I found all women cost money...none of them are free. 😁

Wow, it's my new motto))

Brazil 78/100 really?
I don't think so. With our inflate government and the state on everything on market, that will not be the best of free house.

I also don't think so.

Maybe it is just showing how bad the others are.

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