Comparing Clif High to a real truth teller - one calls out the truth and the other conceals it - you guess which is which..

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

be careful.jpg

I've watched so many people fawn at the feet of Clif High in the last year, it makes me nauseous. Sure, some of them are just after getting their crypto picks from Clif (despite his historically horseshit record for anything non-crypto-related), but a number of people treat Clif like some intellectual demi-god. I mean just check out these types of BS "genius" memes being bandied about on the Internet regarding Clif:


I'm not going to say that Clif isn't intelligent, but "smartest man in the world", really? Clearly some people need to get out more and start doing some critical thinking themselves. Unfortunately though, most people are looking for others to do their thinking for them. They seem to especially like "thought leaders" like Clif who act like they know all the answers and can still be fully confident even when they are spewing total BS. Don't believe me? Have a watch of the interview below (at 9:29) where the FakeX rocket is agreed to be complete BS and Clif still goes along with the BS Mars trip, the BS vertical landing, and the BS Tesla in space as being the "real deal". Excuse me while I vomit a little..

Below is another FakeX shot that surfaced, but of course Clif is sure it's all "on the level" just as any loyal Freemason would agree. This is because all NAShole Astro-Nots are Freemasons (including the FakeX ones) and they are required to support their Freemasonic brethren in their BS lies about space travel.

Astro-Nots using green screens

Astro-Not Freemasons revealed

Even a Simpson's "nod" to world Freemasonic manipulation

Clif High's typical symbolism

HPH.jpgHaida raven.jpg

Clif fails multiple "sniff tests" very badly

If you don't believe that Clif is at least a practitioner of the Freemasonic "Craft" and not to be trusted then you need to have a read of my previous post on Clif covering a number of the things that just don't add up with him. (Be sure to read the comments section as well.) There's a lot of suspicious shit surrounding Clif including:

  • Suspicious background - Clif High (possibly a pseudonym) admits that his father was quite high up in military intelligence (where members are almost always in secret societies) and that his mother was descended from pirates and Templars (which was historically the same group of people as the highest British Freemasons)

  • Suspicious beliefs - Clif admits that he practices Magick as a sorcerer and calls the Freemasonic Craft "pristine". He also has had the need in the past to make it very clear that he is NOT a Christian. (I could care less if it wasn't that he seemed to go out of his way to emphasize it)

  • Suspicious symbolism - Clif uses very questionable symbols and messaging like a dancing skeleton (think skull and crossbones as well as a dead man dancing to a Pied Piper tune), the Haida raven (which represents the Haida trickster god, the Joker, and the Pied Piper, as well as Lucifer), and a transhumanist website name ("Half Past Human" certainly has a transhumanist meaning). And if you think this symbolism goes unnoticed and unplanned by Clif, think again. All those that follow the Craft of Freemasonry live by symbolism and they know exactly what it means. Have a look at the back of a dollar bill and remember that this was the work of Freemasons too. It's essentially complex gang signs / territorial dog piss for the Luciferian elite

  • Support for suspicious people and tokens - Clif goes out of his way to interview and support some very questionable tokens such as Reggie Middleton's Veritaseum - a token on a single tiny exchange and owned and controlled fully by Reggie. This coin would be nowhere without Clif since there is nothing at all behind it except air at this point. Clif also supports the Pillar token which is about as Big Brother scary as you can get since they want to put all your most personal information in one blockchain wallet. The Pillar token is a sub-project of the 2030 Project (think UN Agenda 2030) and its leader, a Stanford University computer science graduate (think Stanford intelligence agency connections) who has been talking about using Pillar via a chip in your wrist in the future. I have a lot more to say about Pillar here. What kind of (Freemasonic?) relationship does Clif have with these people and tokens that are getting special support from him?

  • Support from suspicious sources - The History Channel even did a short segment on the Web bot. This is the same History channel that is a known disinformation channel for providing fake history to the masses. Why would they choose to support Clif with a segment on his Web bot?

  • Suspiciously absent warnings about present dangers - For the supposed tech expert that he is, Clif never mentions a thing about the potential dangers of cryptos and their NWO purpose nor about the suspicious beginnings of Bitcoin. This is all just FUD to him and his entranced minions. Clif also never mentions almost anything about the inherent dangers in almost any new NWO tech whether that be the planned chipping of everything, the smart grid, AI, nanotech, 5G, WiFi, vaccinations, chemtrails, UN Agenda 2030, or just about any other topic that we should all be very concerned about. Sure, he pushes C60 night and day as a distracting snake oil cure all, but he also ignores almost every other required health response to the other dangers around us. All required societal responses are very suspiciously absent or even poo pooed as unnecessary concerns like his previous denials of the dangers of the Internet of Things

What a real truth teller looks like

In stark contrast to Clif, I want to show you what a real truth teller looks like. Joe Imbriano is an incredibly knowledgeable expert on loads of soon to be arriving NWO threats to us and our society. Everybody wants to talk about how smart Clif is, well have a listen as well to Joe and decide who is really worth listening to.

The difference between Joe and Clif is immediately apparent. Joe holds back no punches and tells you exactly like it is and what you need to do about it. Joe is a committed Christian who is truly concerned about the future of humanity and what is being planned for us. Joe doesn't sell anything, and he provides loads of free and extremely insightful information on his website here:

We need to question everyone and everything that we hear and inform ourselves as far as we can on every important topic.

We need to stop being sycophantic minions that want to have someone to think for us and start thinking for ourselves on every topic that confronts us - even if we don't yet know anything about it.

We need to support real truth tellers (and not suspicious gurus / pied pipers) that can prove regularly that they are giving us all the relevant info and pointing us in the right direction.

We each need to start taking the responsibility to warn and support as many other people as we can regarding what is being planned for us by the Luciferian elite before it's too late to stop it.


you had commented on a a post i put up & suggested I read this one of yours/ I have read it. You are entitled to your opinions & conclusions. You have backed them up with evidence & logical arguments in this post.

I however, still disagree with your conclusions on Cliff High. No, I do not regard him as my GURU or a DEMI-GOD. Not everyone who has connections to the system is a dis-information agent. Cliff himself says he welcomes an intellectual debate & heated discussions- as opposed to his MONOLOGUES. I would say in the interviews he gives- it is mostly the INTERVIEWER FAILING to MAINTAIN ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT. When on rare occasion an interviewer does- they get slammed on the comment section by Cliff's Fan club- for talking too much or asking stupid questions. Did you see his interview with C.W.Chanter? They went so far a to accuse the man man of being on DOPE- yet C.W. Chanter - held his own & that is just the man's style.

I have bookmarked Joe's site & will check him out later. Buyt if ever there was a man peddling FEAR PORN - RUNNING A SITE THAT IS A FREQUENCY DOOM & GLOOM CAGE- WITH NO SOLUTIONS EVER PRESENTED- it would be Jeff Rense. And the theory of Israel Nuking Fukushima- was not only a story he refused to touch with a 10 ft pole- Jeff went out of his way To DISCREDIT those who did mention it.

Fair enough, but after seeing Clif still push the Fake X story, this sealed it for me. Everything about it was totally fake, so Clif is either not nearly as bright as everyone makes him out to be or he is a disinfo agent. Either one is not a good conclusion, but I lean towards him lying through his teeth on it and that means disinfo.

I'm glad to hear that you don't treat him like a guru because very unfortunately, a lot of people seem to. I'm certainly not against anyone listening to Clif, but I am incredibly sceptical of his predictions and think everyone needs to watch out for what is likely mixed disinfo with a technocratic agenda. I will definitely have a listen to the Chanter interview. It sounds interesting to me. Thanks for the heads up on it.

I'm certainly not a big Jeff Rense fan, but it was a good interview with Joe Imbriano. This is why I chose that one. It's definitely not because I implicitly trust Jeff Rense. There's pretty much no one I implicitly trust on the media circuit anymore. Everyone of them needs to be closely monitored for their words and actions. This is also the reason I've made the serious call out on Clif High as well.

technocratic agenda

you said it- Be very suspicious & skeptical of anything with a technocratic agenda. I truly do not see how Crypto is the wave a Financial Freedom. It could just as easily- even more easily be used for financial slavery.

Electronic Money- that can disappear in an instant?

I'm not saying people shouldn't PROFIT from Crypto if & while they can- I am trying to do so. I am saying - you really think Electronic Money - is not & could not be part of a CONTROL GRID controlled by Who?

I couldn't agree with you more. Digital currency is a globalist agenda, and it has been one for as long as they've wanted to chip people. This is also the reason Satoshi Nakamoto is just an alias for what was/is likely an intelligence operation. They need to get the people to first demand digital currencies, before they can get people to accept digital currencies that allow them to fully track and control them.

As always, the intelligence agencies execute these agendas with supposed "people's movements" that are run by faux revolutionaries. They make it seem like these things come out of nowhere and are just organic movements. Crypto is not an organic movement. They were spawned from intelligence agencies that look to bring us to financial slavery.

Since it is no doubt an agenda, you can certainly make a lot of money off of them in the short term since they must be expanded far further to achieve their agenda. However, no one should be so naive as to believe that these are simple "freedom" movements, and they should be ready to jump ship on any and all of them as the real agendas start to come out into the open.

Oh man I was just saying that yesterday (not on Steemit) - again I'm thinking you one of very few people on Steemit who get what's going on!

Now paying more attention :)

Thanks a lot. I'll keep trying to provide some decent insights ;-)

I've consumed a fair amount of Clif High content and found value in some of it. Lately, though, there have been several things that make me know I have to use a strong discernment to filter out the nonsense and retain the useful nuggets. I find I must do the same with your content, which I first found after googling "eos inverted pentagram." I appreciate your courage and willingness to be a contrarian voice, even if I don't completely agree.

I spent a lot of time listening to Clif High content as well before the patterns fell out and it was clear what he was up to. You certainly don't need to agree with my view, but it's is based upon a lot of observation over a long period of time. Clif has a very clear agenda and I simply call it as I see it. Hopefully some of it is useful to you.

I just wanted to let you know that you won my contest and now have an upvote for life!

Thanks a lot! That's great!.. I've dropped a more detailed comment on your contest post

I am with you, I just cannot trust the man. I took a course once to become a hypnotist - wanted to help people lose weight, quit smoking, etc. What I learned scared the PISS out of me, I refuse to hypnotize anyone and would NEVER consent to it myself. It DID teach me to spot hypnotists at work... Clif uses hypnotic techniques. I do not listen to him.

Thanks a lot for the insights. That's really interesting - both your previous bad experiences with hypnosis and your observation that Clif is applying hypnotic techniques. I would be extremely interested to understand more on both of these topics. Have you written any posts on your experiences with hypnosis in the past already? Is Clif just using standard NLP cadence, pacing, and leading with the interviewers to keep them in line or is it more sophisticated?

Sounds like you are already ahead of most on understanding how it is done. The one piece of the puzzle I would add is his "fatherly" demeanor. Trust Daddy Clif, he would never lie to your inner two year old who is desperate for someone to lead them through these harrowing times... If you really want to delve, go take the free, online class here:
With your level of understanding, you will get a LOT more out of it than they intend to teach you.

Thanks a lot. I will definitely check out the course and see what I can learn from them.

I was listening to him recently - a few weeks back. He said something about Antarctica and climate shift that I thought was total baloney... but he sounded so certain of himself and so 'smart.' So I wasn't quite sure. But now I think you are on to something and my doubts were probably more warranted than the credit I didn't give myself.

You should definitely trust your own thinking and give yourself the full credit to be able to ask fair questions of anyone, including Clif. Unfortunately we have all been conditioned in today's society to listen and obey "experts." It doesn't help that Clif always sounds so sure of himself regardless of whether he's handing out BS. The default response is to automatically trust people in such situations, but we all need to learn to further question instead.

Another great post. I haven't heard about Joe Imbriano so I will definitely check him out. God Bless

Thanks a lot krisstofer. The same to you.

To think some one considered as a demi god has all these characteristicsis disturbing.

Agreed. Very disturbing and very necessary to be called out as well as critically reviewed by everyone that likes to follow Clif without thinking for themselves

The problem comes about similar to when you talk to flat earth and ball earth people. One can go on and on about how NASA has lied, and the other can go on and on about why NASA wouldn't lie.

The reality is they are both wrong. But they will never know until something so different as to be insane impinges on their consciousness.

They each have a list of reasons. (all that time in space and only two pictures of the earth? Why do we need to know about great arcs in order to navigate.)

Clif High has lots of knowledge, but really is only personally knowledgeable in the computer sciences. The amount he has read and remembers dwarfs that of almost every other person. And so he has knowledge and an opinion on everything.

As for his predictive abilities, they are quite excellent. Especially if you go past the headline. Its like, everyone shouts that clif high said that bitcoin is going to $100,000 before December. But, that isn't really what he said. He said that there are indicators that show $100k parties. And they cluster around these temporal markers. And it is important to note that these temporal markers are like a rubber ruler. Trying to line them up with the calendar will always give you varying results.

On the woo-woo stuff, he has a lot of light level experience. But, he has no deep experiences. For an example, listen to Clif explain something woo-woo, and then go read Carlos Casteneda.

Regarding NASA, I can only say that they are filled top to bottom with Freemasons and that if you explore their publicly released materials it is filled with lies, bigger lies, and more lies. This is regardless of the "shape of the Earth" discussion. We certainly did not go to the Moon and we are not going to Mars either. NASA scientists are on video admitting that they lost the technology of how to get past the Van Allen radiation belts.. oh please!

Clif High has an excellent memory on a lot of topics and is incredibly confident in anything he says, even when it's completely and utterly wrong. This makes people trust that he knows what he is talking about on every topic.. and not just computer science. I don't deny that Clif is likely a very skilled programmer, but a genius on every topic? No way. Clif just regurgitates a hell of a lot of information that he has collected and much of his vast woo woo hypotheses could be cut down in minutes if an interviewer was willing and able to really challenge him and Clif would actually respond to it. Clif will not allow himself to be cornered like that. Clif would just throw a bunch of arcane questions back to confuse the interviewer. I've seen him do this a number of times already.

Let's take another recent example. Clif came out in an interview and claimed that Rife technology doesn't work because they found that each person requires his own signature frequency. He then made a plug for Scenar technology being the same thing but better. This is total lie! Either he is talking fully out of his ass because he doesn't understand the technology or it is purposeful disinformation. Either way, it's bad and a very clear sign that he can't be fully trusted.

I also suggest that you go have a look at Clif's much older Web bot reports. The ones that talked about a great coastal event that was just about to happen for about ten years. Now compare that to his newer ice age BS and planes that will be frozen in mid-flight and that this is just around the corner. This is just more of the same tired "end of the world" predictions from Clif while he ignores everything else of import going on in the world vis-à-vis the NWO. Also take all his metals predictions. He was calling for $100,000 gold just a year ago with Greg Hunter, now gold is going the way of the dinosaur. He changes his tune whenever it's convenient and his many past failures just fall into a memory hole that everyone ignores.

The thing is that the world has changed.
Before cryptos, everyone who wanted for honest money was usually in the gold-standard corner.
After cryptos, gold is not even a close second for that "gold-standard" that people really want.

But, how could you talk about cryptos more than a dozen years ago?

And thus, if Clif High was actually do accurate predictions, it would be just as you described them. They would change over time. After we passed 2012, there was no need for an Armageddon reset. And all those prophecies of the end times are voided.

I like Mike Hoagland's explanations of NASA better. As in there is actually 3 groups running NASA. One of them is the freemasons. And NASA puts out a lot of truth. If it was all lies, it would be so easy to just dismiss NASA, But, every lie has to have a grain of truth. And so, we are left with a problem, how would we prove anything?

If you wanted to talk cryptos ten years ago, you could have talked digital money. Lots of people were talking about digital money even 20 years ago. They had chips on cards at that point with digital money stored only on the cards..

Regarding Clif's predictions, we are in the realm of supposition now. Your logic is justifying Clif's failed results based upon potential planetary timeline changes rather than objective facts of whether he was right or wrong in his predictions. I'm just saying he's been very wrong.. and a lot.

Regarding Richard Hoagland, I have to respectfully disagree. Hoagland has been discredited so many times that you can find plenty on this if you are willing to look closely. There was a hell of lot of very ugly stories about Hoagland that came out where he was outed as scamming people, plagiarizing people, and running many more complex deceptions and cons.

I'm not sure every lie has a grain of truth. There are ways to prove things, but the question is whether you can trust the people that claim they have proved them. I just know that if I get enough lies and disinformation from any source, I don't trust them anymore. This includes NASA, Clif, and loads of other official sources. Who you can therefore trust becomes a more difficult question in a time of what is essentially universal deceit. The ability to properly discern truth from deception then becomes the key skill set that everyone needs to develop for themselves.

Your logic is justifying Clif's failed results based upon potential planetary timeline changes rather than objective facts of whether he was right or wrong in his predictions.

Actually, it is because i have a lot of experience with predictions.
Reading the future is a very iffy thing.
As in, there are futureS, not a single future.

Further, if there is an accident is someone's future, telling them to avoid that accident doesn't work, because the accident will find them, wherever they are, whatever they do. It is an energetic thing, and thus, to untie the person from the accident, you have to change what they are attracting, what they are currently being.

So, i say the earth's future has seriously changed over the last two decades. And thus, anyone who is truly doing predictions, if they are being honest, would have their story change over the last two decades.

This may be the case, and it could be a reason why Clif has been inaccurate. Whether this makes Clif more palatable as a trusted information source is a different question. I thoroughly believe that Clif has an agenda whether ever stated or not. There are too many weird coincidences and connections with Clif that can no longer be ignored from my perspective. This means that any information you get from Clif may very well be manipulated according to this agenda even if the Web bot actually exists and is feeding him somewhat accurate information - in other words, every effective trap has to have some decent bait..

"The difference between Joe and Clif is immediately apparent. Joe is a committed Christian". That says enough for me. I just think if we had more Lions back in the Roman days we would have less problems now.

Let me get this straight.. the cesspool of corruption that was Rome at that time with Caligula, Nero, and Commodus was preferable to Jesus Christ who went out to the people and taught the Golden Rule? Really?.. Not a chance.

If you want to talk about organized religion, I'm happy to agree that it has always been corrupted in every country and in every period of time. However, Jesus Christ's teaching in it's simplest form is "Love God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself." This is the same Jesus Christ that was willing to associate with the lowest of society and lead them out of their misery. This is the same Jesus Christ that went out and healed the sick and casted out their demons. This is the same Jesus Christ that threw the money changers (read "bankers") out of the temple. This is the same Jesus Christ that stood up to the religious hypocrites and called them out for what they were. This is the same Jesus Christ that went to his death without a whimper standing up for what He believed in and to set an eternal example for humanity.

This is what I mean by a Christian and I am proud to state my full belief in the teachings and example that Jesus Christ set in His short life. I am also proud to have grown up in a Western Christian society that has been built upon His teaching and example over thousands of years and that thereby has also engendered the basis of a free, ethical, and rational society across the world.

The problem that you seek is not Christians or Christianity, but perverted organized religions that have and still do perform evil in Christ's name and that in no way exemplify His teachings and life example. When I spoke of Joe being a committed Christian, I spoke of the former form of Christian and not the latter. Joe shows true care for what happens to humanity and he fully speaks out to stop the evil around him. If you don't understand this as what it means to be a true Christian, then you will automatically associate the many unspeakable crimes of organized religion as Christianity. I assure you, the two are not synonymous.

I was making a joke man. I thought it was funny but I do have a slightly twisted sense of humour.

Thanks for letting me know. Clearly I missed the humor

Total balls, keep thumping those bibles lads. ...... god's got your back lol

I always keep saying that our world is totally fk'd because it's filled with so many hopelessly ignorant dumbasses.. thanks for helping me prove my point

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