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RE: Comparing Clif High to a real truth teller - one calls out the truth and the other conceals it - you guess which is which..

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

you had commented on a a post i put up & suggested I read this one of yours/ I have read it. You are entitled to your opinions & conclusions. You have backed them up with evidence & logical arguments in this post.

I however, still disagree with your conclusions on Cliff High. No, I do not regard him as my GURU or a DEMI-GOD. Not everyone who has connections to the system is a dis-information agent. Cliff himself says he welcomes an intellectual debate & heated discussions- as opposed to his MONOLOGUES. I would say in the interviews he gives- it is mostly the INTERVIEWER FAILING to MAINTAIN ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT. When on rare occasion an interviewer does- they get slammed on the comment section by Cliff's Fan club- for talking too much or asking stupid questions. Did you see his interview with C.W.Chanter? They went so far a to accuse the man man of being on DOPE- yet C.W. Chanter - held his own & that is just the man's style.

I have bookmarked Joe's site & will check him out later. Buyt if ever there was a man peddling FEAR PORN - RUNNING A SITE THAT IS A FREQUENCY DOOM & GLOOM CAGE- WITH NO SOLUTIONS EVER PRESENTED- it would be Jeff Rense. And the theory of Israel Nuking Fukushima- was not only a story he refused to touch with a 10 ft pole- Jeff went out of his way To DISCREDIT those who did mention it.


Fair enough, but after seeing Clif still push the Fake X story, this sealed it for me. Everything about it was totally fake, so Clif is either not nearly as bright as everyone makes him out to be or he is a disinfo agent. Either one is not a good conclusion, but I lean towards him lying through his teeth on it and that means disinfo.

I'm glad to hear that you don't treat him like a guru because very unfortunately, a lot of people seem to. I'm certainly not against anyone listening to Clif, but I am incredibly sceptical of his predictions and think everyone needs to watch out for what is likely mixed disinfo with a technocratic agenda. I will definitely have a listen to the Chanter interview. It sounds interesting to me. Thanks for the heads up on it.

I'm certainly not a big Jeff Rense fan, but it was a good interview with Joe Imbriano. This is why I chose that one. It's definitely not because I implicitly trust Jeff Rense. There's pretty much no one I implicitly trust on the media circuit anymore. Everyone of them needs to be closely monitored for their words and actions. This is also the reason I've made the serious call out on Clif High as well.

technocratic agenda

you said it- Be very suspicious & skeptical of anything with a technocratic agenda. I truly do not see how Crypto is the wave a Financial Freedom. It could just as easily- even more easily be used for financial slavery.

Electronic Money- that can disappear in an instant?

I'm not saying people shouldn't PROFIT from Crypto if & while they can- I am trying to do so. I am saying - you really think Electronic Money - is not & could not be part of a CONTROL GRID controlled by Who?

I couldn't agree with you more. Digital currency is a globalist agenda, and it has been one for as long as they've wanted to chip people. This is also the reason Satoshi Nakamoto is just an alias for what was/is likely an intelligence operation. They need to get the people to first demand digital currencies, before they can get people to accept digital currencies that allow them to fully track and control them.

As always, the intelligence agencies execute these agendas with supposed "people's movements" that are run by faux revolutionaries. They make it seem like these things come out of nowhere and are just organic movements. Crypto is not an organic movement. They were spawned from intelligence agencies that look to bring us to financial slavery.

Since it is no doubt an agenda, you can certainly make a lot of money off of them in the short term since they must be expanded far further to achieve their agenda. However, no one should be so naive as to believe that these are simple "freedom" movements, and they should be ready to jump ship on any and all of them as the real agendas start to come out into the open.

Oh man I was just saying that yesterday (not on Steemit) - again I'm thinking you one of very few people on Steemit who get what's going on!

Now paying more attention :)

Thanks a lot. I'll keep trying to provide some decent insights ;-)

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