Fat Loss Mistake #6 Creating NEW FAT CELLS eating FAT-STORING foods…

in #fitness5 months ago

Grab one of the following:

  • High Protein - 52 High Protein Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, and Snacks
  • Low Carb - 40 Low Carb Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, and Snacks
  • Or if you want the drop-dead simple and way, just grab these 30 Protein Smoothie Recipes.
    The “magic” of kettlebell training is, under the right circumstances, they will stimulate / force your body to burn off stored body fat.
    Sometimes slowly.
    Sometimes like fire through a dry wheatfield on a hot summer’s day.
    The key is two-fold:
    [1] Using a properly constructed KB workout program
    [2] Supporting your workouts with the right kind of foods
    Now some people get lucky and stumble on the first.
    But many, if not most, fall down face first on the second.
    The “right kind of foods” practically force your body to burn off your stored (and unwanted) body fat at proverbial gunpoint.
    I call this “Supportive Nutrition.”
    It’s nutrition - foods - that support the proper functioning of your cells and regulation of your body’s systems as opposed to foods that “clog” up your cells and systems.
    Foods that make you store fat:
    [X] Processed foods: Man-made foods and drinks in a box or bag or in plastic: Chips, crackers, cookies
    [X] Sodas and other sugary/soft drinks
    [X] Alcohol in excessive amounts
    That pretty much covers it.
    Said another way: It’s anything found in the aisles of a grocery store.
    Exceptions are beans and rice.
    These foods make you store fat because:
    [1] Increase (chronic) cellular inflammation
    [2] Increase your chances of getting Type 2 Diabetes due to glucose intolerance and decreased insulin sensitivity
    [3] Due to #2 - force your body to create new fat cells because it can’t store the glucose (sugar) quickly enough because your pancreas isn’t producing enough insulin
    [4] Destroy appetite regulation and increase your hunger due to disruption of leptin (your satiety hormone) signaling
    [5] Make you crave more of the same types of foods so you eat more (calories) than you should
    [6] Create an “overfed / undernourished” state in your body - your feeding your body empty calories and your body is still starving / malnourished, which contributes to feeling hungry
    [7] Cripple your mitochondria function (Mitochondria are your cells’ energy generators), which many times, makes you feel chronically tired
    Yeah, you’re right, they really are THAT BAD, even though they taste that good.
    Conversely, foods that “force” your body to burn fat are:
    [+] Protein: Lean meats, lean cuts of chicken, turkey, fish, eggs
    [+] Fruit and berries
    [+] Vegetables: leafy green and cruciferous veggies like broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, brussel sprouts, lettuce, peppers, eggplant, carrots, etc
    [+] Natural Starches: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, rices, beans
    So, cut back on the first group of FAT-STORING FOODS and increase the amount of FAT-BURNING FOODS that you eat.
    As a result, you’ll reverse all the negative processes we just discussed and start burning off stored body fat.
    The only problem I foresee - and you might be thinking this right now, {first_name}...
    How exactly do you do that?
    How do you turn around years, maybe decades of unhealthy / less-than-healthy fat-storing eating on the stop of a dime?
    The truth is -
    (And this is where most people get discouraged, fall-down, or quit outright - but there’s a shortcut we’ll discuss in a moment…)
    You don’t.
    It takes learning new skills, developing new habits.
    And both of those take time.
    Now: The shortcut.
    And, if you can read, you qualify for the shortcut.
    The shortcut is the “Done-For-You” version -
    Pre-Built Recipe Plans.
    No need trying to refigure how to build the wheel.
    I’ll leave links to them.

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