Alongside the environmental accumulation of these metals and nano particles our bodies have been ingesting them since birth. They are breathed into our lungs via mass geo engineering programmes and they’re injected into us in the form of vaccinations. Once this system goes live I believe these particles are designed to eventually become literal EMF body tags. Since we are beings of frequency and living within an increasingly ionised (and as such conductive) atmosphere the thought process is that these nano-particles/tags will jump beyond the blood/brain barrier an accumulate in our minds and this will connect us to this artificial reality.
This is a synthetic interpretation of how our brains currently communicate with the natural world and indeed as I wrote in a previous post: The earth’s magnetic energy, heartbeat is known as the Schuman resonance. The Schuman resonance surrounds both humanity and the earth. It extends to 30 miles in height and to the very edge of the ionosphere. The human body (especially the brain) and every organism in the world harmonises in perfect synchronicity with the Schuman resonance. It regulates our brain waves, metabolic processes and the sense of direction in humans, animals and birds.
The human brain communicates with this magnetic field through the brains naturally occurring magnetite crystals. Every brain contains 5 million magnetite crystals per gram of brain mass. These crystals resonate perfectly with the magnetic field that surrounds us.
At this point I would like to direct you to part 2 in this series. It focused upon the possibility of plasma based lifeforms and bearing this in mind it's important to note that ionisation of the air actually creates plasma. But much more on this in part 4.
Some of you may feel my hypothesis of a slowly manipulated connection to the internet is best kept to the realms of sci-fi. As you’ve got this far I’d just like to invite you to look at it from a different perspective. The very act of birthing an idea or invention into the physical plain of existence appears to start an evolutionary process. The communication/connection evolution began with smoke rings, word of mouth, mail, telegrams and now look at us! Practically every facet of our lives can be connected, we hold our phones so close to our hearts that they have become a literal extension of ourselves. Do people seriously think that this process would simply stop?
Equally running alongside this evolutionary process is it's duality, it's twin. This duality comes in the form of spying and again it started from humble beginnings. Firstly it would have been eavesdropping, chinese whispers then it moved to "shooting the messenger" to mail interception then phone tapping. Now every part of who we are, our innermost thoughts and desires can be monitered and tracked. I ask again, do people seriously think that once they have the abilty to literally hack your brain that they won't bother? They are busy writing and legalising backdoors into all forms of communication, what happens when they decide to create a backdoor into our minds? Of course if you've nothing to hide then what's the problem, eh?
Until next time I'll once again leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws.
Thank you for reading.
Part One:
Part Two:
Written by perceptualflaws
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What a stonking post dude!
It appears that by the way this post has been received more people are starting to get you the way I do my friend.
Can you imagine how Huxley and Orwell would react if they could see the world that is being built around us as we speak!? I think even they would be horrified at the ease it which it has and still is being constructed.
To me it's paradoxical as in many ways it's too late to stop the plan to destroy humanity as we know it but on the other hand we're always one natural event away from being hunter gatherers again.
When Orwell stated that the future would be like a boot stamping on a human face forever I'm paraphrasing I didn't agree because nothing is forever as we can see from history however it could be for a significantly long time. We've been seduced and entrapped by our desires for new technology and fooled into thinking it's all for our benefit. Until the masses realise that they are being herded like cattle into an electronic slaughter house things are only going to get worse for the majority.
Sadly the western education system is in full flow training the next generation to be quivering obedient slaves too afraid to question authority and take away the ability to think critically. Governments are mandating away the right to unschool and taking the way the rights of parents to decide what's best for their children's health by forcing vaccine programs upon kids. The MSM is an insipid propaganda arm of those who wish to lord over us like medieval squires deciding the fate of the serfs with a wave of their hands.
Can it be stopped? Absolutely.
Will it be stopped? Probably not.
Hey my friend thanks @tremendospercy for all your support and b: for leaving such a thoughtful comment, I really appreciate it!! I like your Huxley & Orwell analogy, personally I think Aldous was on the right track but even a genius like Huxley could never have imagined the multi-layered intricacy of the plan we see unfolding around us. But certainly the perspective that humanity would somehow grow to love our enslavement was extremely prophetic and way ahead of it's time.
As I wrote about in a previous post the world we see around us is like a fusion of ancient esoteric knowledge and cutting edge science. That in itself adds a validity to many of these ancients teachings and wisdoms and I feel they will be incorperated into an eventual church of A.I. But I've digressed (sorry but you always get me thinking) well kind of digressed because as you point out within this understanding nothing can last forever. The laws of nature will not abide imbalance and at some point the eternal scales will swing back in our favour. When you look around and view the universe from the micro to the cosmological scale you understand this to be true, we are all held within these laws and cycles. It is not our destiny to destroy this planet and neither is it our destiny to be held within a perpetual prison, I believe we are part of a far grander plan than many of us can comprehend and indeed I will write about this as time goes on. That doesn't mean that we won't be taken back to the stone age and have to travel through this cycle of time again. But no one force will rule over us for eternity of that I'm sure. I mean you can imagine the horror of those living in Nazi occupied Germany, they must have thought the world was going to end but again nothing lasts forever.
I have a theory and I may be wrong but I just wonder if the madness we see in the world around us will actually become the driving force and indeed eventually empower some form of natural evolutionary process? It's interesting that after the first world war the rates of baby boys being born increased exponentially in order to account for the amount of men lost during said war. Nature always seems to find a niche and a way the address imbalance.
There have throughout history been people born with special abilities, this can be intelligence or indeed something more profound. I have spent a lot of time looking into this and I know that statement to be valid. Now for the last generation or so the U.S has been scouring the world for these children, I know this because a family member was sent over on the "brain train" in the 1950's. I'm sure Russia etc etc do this as well and that's where most of their breakthroughs come from, you simply just don't hear about many of them. Indeed apart from Hawking where is the next Einstein? do people think this process stopped? no it has evolved. Now imagine if these children started being born all over the world, to a point where it became uncontrollable? I believe there is evidence to show that this could already be happening and again I will write about this. Perhaps that is why they are so desperate to hold us back? because they know what is happening. Fanciful thinking? possibly but you know the force of nature is like tidal wave and when the dam breaks there is not an institution on this planet that will hold it back ;) Thanks for the great comment dude, I've been thinking about this one hence the late reply!
The fear that the state has regarding the potential for human development beyond our current capabilities and perhaps beyond what we can even imagine is possibly due to the real 'controllers' being a different species to the rest of us. Pundits like David Icke talking of reptilians and hybrid species are derided mercilessly by the controlled press however if you read his books he's been oddly prophetic on many of the conspiracies of our age.
Why would he be dead on the mark on everything else he speaks of and completely wrong on that? I suspect there is a secret 'brain drain' if you like where children and adults showing extraordinary abilities are stealthily removed from society for reasons yet to be revealed. I just hope if it is true that is is for benevolent reasons however I have my doubts.
Huxley and Orwell were insiders and wrote about what they knew would one day come to fruition. The stunning similarities of 1984 and a Brave New World to today are not mere coincidences.
Members of the Fabian Society have been aware of the 'grand plan' for a century or more. It's an open secret.
Very telling logo of the wolf in sheeps clothing.
I know, right! Pseudo intellectuals trying to control humanity.
Resteemed) beautiful!
Thank you @anforo I really do appreciate that! And I'm also really glad you enjoyed the post. Once again thank you for all your help.
Did the same thing dude :D
This may be due to Jack Parsons and Aleister Crowley. The O.T.O or The Cult of LAM. LAM, being a dimensional entity thay Crowley was supposedly in contact with. The image below is an actual drawing of LAM from Aleister Crowely himself.![image](
It is a hyper-dimensional being we have access to. It reminds us of what and who we really are. It is the way for some or those willing to traverse the concsience. In all this, I am saying that the Psilocybin Mushroom is key to eternal awareness. I suggest Terence Mckenna on education of the Mushroom. What I am saying is that through all this crazy Babylonian agenda...the Mushroom will ground us. Bring us back as a whole. Of realization and pure Awareness. But of coarse it is not for all.
Ever since then, UFO sightings and mass upgrades in tech and dev. And now the Transhumanistic agenda in play. It is all Occult Kbowledge and it seems the oocult wars were no joke at all.
I have come to the realization that we must go back to innerstand now. And some of your illustrations in this post tell that story. I am speaking of the Apple of Eden or THE SACRED MUSHROOM.
My thanks to you @perpetualflaws
I agree that the world we see being built around us now has become a kind of fusion between the occult/esoteric and cutting-edge science, indeed I did previously write a post about this. A knowledge has been handed down to us but knowledge without wisdom or enlightenment can be a very dangerous thing.
I have extensively shall we say studied the mushroom over the course of many years and I find the possibilty that it puts us into contact with an eternal awareness and consciousness particularly fascinating. The molecular structure of the Psilocybin mushroom is remarkably similar to that of DMT which we obviously all carry in our brains so some kind of process is certainly wanting us to connect to this consciousness. Equally interesting is the fact that general mushroom mycelia actually spend the vast majority of their lives underground where they have become some of the largest organisms on earth. Whilst under the ground they organise themselves into complex structures that actually display an intellect and a shared brain. It's fascinating stuff and it poses so many profound questions that I could spend a lifetime discussing and thinking about it. Thank you inspiring me with some food for thought .. you made some great comments here! Equally thanks for taking the time to read and lend your support to my post it's really appreciated! @chey
Absolutely @perpetualflaws. I feel these topics should really be at the forefront of general discussion. The importance is uncanny. We cannot stop this digital takeover. So my theory is we must input thoughts of oneness and prosperity in the computer. We must teach A.I. to be all loving. But it needs EMOTION for that idea to even be successful.
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Hey @chey thanks for the comment, the problem I have is the duality of everything, because alongside light there is equally dark and when we look around at those that are in control of this world do we really want them breathing a lifeforce into artificial intelligence? Indeed they have become so intent on driving this forward that they are simply telling us what the future will be as opposed to asking for input or permission. Equally perhaps some rogue group will eventually create their own technology that holds the virtues you speak of. I guess only time will tell but one things for sure, we live in crazy but exciting times. Thanks again!
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Amazing post, it is pissing me off that the resteem has been disabled after a post is 7 days old.
So many things I agree with but what I have had an understanding of the most is the de-masculation of males and our society. From my perspective it has gone into overdrive after world war 2 (Actually a lot of things have). This helps the elites because there is no focused destructive masculine energy to disrupt the ill agenda against the people. Radical feminism being taught to women (the mothers) is a big part of what supports this agenda. Take away the sexual driving force of a male and also lose the driving force for a lot of other positive aspects too.
Hey my friend thanks for taking the time to read and support my post, I really appreciate it! And no problem, just the fact you were able to take something away from it is enough for me.
Thank you and yes there is a muli-pronged assault on both the divine masculine and feminine and still the majority can't see it! Sadly in a world that has never been more divided many amongst us have fallen for slight of hand and have had their idealism weaponised, indeed believing that this agenda is about their empowerment. Sadly they couldn't be further from the truth, we live in an age where you can now choose from 71 facebook gender options and still many welcome our division. Just when I think they can't possibly find another aspect of our society to fracture, they pull another ten out of the bag!! As we become further divided and each division carries their own definition of hate speech an impenetrable wall of political correctness is being built around us. One day they intend our voices to fall silent and so I urge those that can speak to turn their voice into a shout.
We are the living embodiment of a divine cosmological duality and within that concept there is an inherant power. The destruction of these societal foundations are a profound detriment to us all, sadly I fear this may not be understood until it is too late. Thanks again for the great comment @ballinconscious I really appreciate it!!
beautiful, remembers me about X-man along time agoo :)
Wow. I just wrote a long piece on Transhumanism. I have also known about the evils of plastic and estrogen poisoning for decades. Do not know why I never connected the two. This is pretty enlightened. The geldings are easier to put to work than the stallions........ ( really hard to abstain from the "Read My Post!")
Hey my friend thanks for taking the time to read and comment, I really appreciate it! No problem, if it's on topic feel free to add a link to my post and I will be sure to take a look. Thank you, I feel it's a multi-faceted assault that will confuse the definition of gender and humanity before rebuilding us as the transhuman! Problem, reaction, solution. It's very clever because even to speak out about it has the potential for vilification. Thanks again my friend @pastbastard
I agree with most of your observations, but not necessarily wth the inference that a “cabal” is re-engineering humanity. That being said, I have no doubt it is being re-engineered, but not by a group of evil colluders. I think it’s happening by social system aoutopoeisis. Humanity is metamorphing into a hive. This is coming about as a matter of course as connectivity, technology, AI, VR, nanotechnology, robotics, cosmology, quantum physics and all constituents of our infotech explosion progressively march toward that foregone conclusion.
No single group of people could bring this about. They can, however harness the power it yields bit by bit. This surely is being planned and already in the works. Sadly, or not, said masters of the universe will inevitably overplay their hand. Whatever type humanity that emerges from the other side of the coming bottleneck, it won’t be run by powermongers who operate according to rules established when we were hunter gatherers. We’ll be closer to ant-like transceivers.
By the way, who specifically are the cabal?
Hey @hive thanks for taking the time to read and leave some great comments, I really appreciate it and yes you make some good points. Equally sorry for the late answer but I haven't had five minutes to sit down and write a decent reply. Perhaps it's best to start with your final question although to ask specifically who they are could take me hours and hours so I will give a very brief explanation. It's my belief (and I have researched this over many years) that the Cabal originate from a potential pre-atlantian civilisation. Following a huge disaster they (an aside is that they are often synonymous with the serpent) spread out across many areas of the globe to spread enlightenment. Indeed it appears that this is what happened and evidence of this profound knowledge can be found throughout ancient cultures and within the mathematics and precessional aligments of many ancient structures.
They held a deep knowledge pertaining to sacred geometry, duality, the cyclical nature of time, human psychology, the nature of reality, the foundations of humanity and natural/estoteric law. This knowledge was handed down to and held within schools of wisdom and ancient libraries, I think for the betterment of mankind. At some point there was either a divergence or some from of takeover because this knowledge and the truth of our history began to be systematically destroyed. Fom then onwards it has been held and shared amongst the annointed because indeed knowledge is power. These bloodlines can be found amongst the Babalonian Kings, then operating at the upper echelons of Egyptian society to the Roman Empire and then on into Elite & Royal European bloodlines. From there it's kind of worked itself into secret societies and positions of power throughout the world. Indeed power to the point where a literal handful of companies now strangle the world with red tape and environmental crimes. Sure they go by thousands, maybe millions of different names but the world is now actually in the grip of a literal handful of companies, many of whom have a revolving door between government, banking, big business and media. Indeed in terms of media again it's the illusion of choice because literally thousands of media publications and networks are run by perhaps 6 major companies, many of who are linked back to the mega corporations I've discussed.
It's a convoluted family tree of big business but if you track it back far enough they are all connected. The same is happening with our food, thousands of brand names owned by fewer and fewer companies. So yes whilst you discuss our self imposed technological singularity there is also a singularity of control happening at the same time. It has been slowly growing in strength over thousands of years but the world is now connected enough to implement the end game, One world government, One world army and a One world religion. As a side note they have also fused many aspects of the esoteric and ancient understandings into our current technology and I believe the one world religion will be a technological fusion of these ideas and also that it will eventually be written by A.I.
I believe that at some point we have been and are continuing to be disconnected from our resonance with the earth. I also believe what we are seeing unfold around us is a technological and controlled representation of our natural evolutionary process but instead of becoming part of the source we are being deliberately seperated from nature to become part of synthetic hive mind and sub reality. Remember I believe they already understand the nature of reality and as such perhaps even our evolutionary process, so from that perspective the singularity is an artificial manifestation of what we already have. I have written about this extensively and will continue to do so for it's a huge multi-faceted subject.
Many that operate within the cabal have no real idea what is happening they are simply picked to operate at the upper echelons of government, business and banking institutions because they have certain character traits that can be exploited. Often these traits are a lust for power, greed, narcissim, and often varying degrees of psychopathy. So yes although many of these people don't sit down for regular board meetings discussing what they intend to do with the world tomorrow they are united by an intent. An intent and a lust for power and control that can be capitalised upon in order to suit a far larger agenda. Only those at the very top of this power structure know the full reality of this agenda and although many think they are going to be part of this brave new world they have been sold a lie.
After many years reserach I have also come to profoundly believe that this is a spirtual war, the age old war between good and evil for the soul of humanity. How you come to perceive that statement is really dependent upon your belief sysytem but yes I believe they are united by a dark energy. Indeed the world is a play of energy, some take and some give but if you know where to look the clues to these ancients understandings are literally all around us. Indeed within esoteric law they need to signal an intent so again the clues are all around us. It's a huge subject spanning thousands of years so you will have to forgive my rudimentary explanation but in reality the world and indeed our history is nothing like we're led to believe. Indeed people have sought power and dominion over this world since the dawn of man this process hasn't stopped, it's evolved.
I have attached this post as I really enjoyed your explanation of the technological singularity so I thought you may like this one which is based upon exactly that concept:
Wow! At this point I agree with 99.9% of what you’re saying. Where I disagree is anthropomorphism of what I think is more of a program in humanity’s DNA. Information will eventually convert this universe, and the singularity to post-humanity is just a part of the process. To attribute it to simple humans is giving a lot of credit indeed.
That being said, I agree there is a singularity of sorts of power among humans. Most members of the ruling elite are tools, the wielders of which, I believe at this point are the über-diaspora who are, in turn, tools of the universe program (for want of a better term).
I think you make some great points and have obviously given this some thought. You may be surprised to know that I do actually agree with what you're saying, especially in relation to the elite being tools. Indeed the human quest for power and control can barely last a lifetime let alone thousands of years. As crazy as this may sound, I have spent a great deal of time researching these concepts and I really do believe there is a dark energy both operating through and manipulating humanity.
Yes I do agree with your ascertion of programmed of DNA moving towards some form of hive mind collective/consciousness but I also think this has been hijacked. I believe the natural evolutionary path to be that of a symbiotic universal consciousness, indeed within this symbiosis we begin to both understand and take our place in the cosmos.
The problem I have is that I believe our true path has experienced a divergence and a duality. Within the synthetic duality we are being ushered towards a technological manifestation of what we already have. Technology may enable us to reach this moment of singularity at a faster pace but I also believe its false promise that will encase us within a false and controlled perception of reality. Indeed when you look around a false reality has already been created for the majority and this is simply an evolution of this process.
True enlightenment and freedom needs to come from within, we are the living embodiment of every process, polarity and duality in the known universe (all in one and one in all) and before we start handing our minds away to machines we need to understand the validity of that statement. Ultimately I think their will be a divergence of the species, those that return to the embrace of the earth and the natural order and those that embrace the ideas and technology of others.
"If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods"
I’m so grateful to find others who see what’s happening and interpret it skillfully. It takes a seriously right brain to have humanity’s trajectory on the radar and few of my acquaintance get it.
I hope you’re right about the return to earth and natural order. Sadly, I don’t think there’ll be a natural earth left for them.
The next couple of years will be interesting times.
Dude, we can be friends.
Excellent writing. Like I've heard you somewhere before....
And we are writing in the same direction, some synchronicity is afoot.
"I’ve come to think that the end game will be the creation of a synthetic, controlled sub reality with power crazed technocratic elite's positioned as our Gods."
Have you read the novel "Nexus"?
Please check out my privacy workshop, there are 8 installments, the first is about all of the recent privacy breach revelations that appear quite intentional, #8 is about all of the evidence for an epidemic of people hearing voices, and the evidence that exists of tech that can transmit directly into the brain.
Let's be friends, we are not going to be able to create an alternative to the totalitarian matrix future alone.
Hey @mindhawk
Sorry for the delay in replying, I was having a few wi-fi issues at the weekend so it's taking me some time to catch up on messages. Thank you for the kind words and support, I really appreciate it .. and more than happy to be friends.
Yes I really do believe that we are being manipulated towards said sub reality. Akin to a synthetic controlled Schumann resonance that will over time synch with our own brain waves. As crazy as that statement may sound to some I have spent many years looking into the Schumann resonance and how brains and indeed metabolic processes operate within this field.
Thank you, I haven't read the Novel but upon your recommendation I will be sure to look into it.
I will be sure to look into your series, I believe the tech exists and I also believe that (as alluded to above) it's being tested with a view to being rolled out on a worldwide scale. Thanks again @mindhawk
Do you believe the schuman resonance anomalies can contribute to heightened heart rate and change of sleeping patterns? I think this is what you have said in the article, but I want to make sure. Also if there were any other 3rd party links I would be interested to read them.
Hi There @mindhawk
In answer to your question the answer is yes and no .. I don't think this system is ready or live in any way, I believe the ionisation of the sky and the roll out of 5G will be part of this new control grid .. but it's not here yet. The reason I said yes is because at a local level the symptoms you describe could be associated with smart meters and wi-fi and they will be become another key component of this electro-magnetic smart grid. I envisage that when the system goes live the symptoms you describe will begin to affect many more people as we are all beings of frequency whom communicate with the Schumann resonance via our brains magnetite crystals. I will see if I can grab some more info on this.
Oh it's real... transhumanism, detsruction of man etc.
I recommend da13thsun on youtube his been talking about this info for years.
Nano particles, bad foods etc.
Throw in social engineering and AI propaganda with generless satanic plot and you get the whole picture
Let's face it the whole sinister plot is zionist/fake jews plot to destroy goyim.
I recommend people read book of Revelations and seek Biblical understanding of todays events it can get very deep.
Cryptocurrency might (I mena who created bitcoin really?) tie in with the one global currency and digital chips implants. This is already in effect to some cluelss individuals who already have implants in them and can dirfectly pay via bitcoin (it's real, look it up).
Best way to counter this? Well get back to nature and eat natural food, meat is dangerous to consume at this age since it's full of faul stuff.
I recommend Bible to everyone btw - it's not for beginners but if you get to that level where you can independently read Bible it would be best to learn about original laws that are being broken with these agendas.
The images are really awesome too! You can see a lot of work went into this, both time and thought. A+ for the H+ ....
Thanks for noticing because I must admit, I spend literally hours choosing the images for these posts so I'm glad they resonate. :)