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RE: Part 3: It's Alive! Gender Neutrality Transhumanism & The Synthetic Evolution

in #esoteric7 years ago (edited)

I agree with most of your observations, but not necessarily wth the inference that a “cabal” is re-engineering humanity. That being said, I have no doubt it is being re-engineered, but not by a group of evil colluders. I think it’s happening by social system aoutopoeisis. Humanity is metamorphing into a hive. This is coming about as a matter of course as connectivity, technology, AI, VR, nanotechnology, robotics, cosmology, quantum physics and all constituents of our infotech explosion progressively march toward that foregone conclusion.
No single group of people could bring this about. They can, however harness the power it yields bit by bit. This surely is being planned and already in the works. Sadly, or not, said masters of the universe will inevitably overplay their hand. Whatever type humanity that emerges from the other side of the coming bottleneck, it won’t be run by powermongers who operate according to rules established when we were hunter gatherers. We’ll be closer to ant-like transceivers.
By the way, who specifically are the cabal?


Hey @hive thanks for taking the time to read and leave some great comments, I really appreciate it and yes you make some good points. Equally sorry for the late answer but I haven't had five minutes to sit down and write a decent reply. Perhaps it's best to start with your final question although to ask specifically who they are could take me hours and hours so I will give a very brief explanation. It's my belief (and I have researched this over many years) that the Cabal originate from a potential pre-atlantian civilisation. Following a huge disaster they (an aside is that they are often synonymous with the serpent) spread out across many areas of the globe to spread enlightenment. Indeed it appears that this is what happened and evidence of this profound knowledge can be found throughout ancient cultures and within the mathematics and precessional aligments of many ancient structures.

They held a deep knowledge pertaining to sacred geometry, duality, the cyclical nature of time, human psychology, the nature of reality, the foundations of humanity and natural/estoteric law. This knowledge was handed down to and held within schools of wisdom and ancient libraries, I think for the betterment of mankind. At some point there was either a divergence or some from of takeover because this knowledge and the truth of our history began to be systematically destroyed. Fom then onwards it has been held and shared amongst the annointed because indeed knowledge is power. These bloodlines can be found amongst the Babalonian Kings, then operating at the upper echelons of Egyptian society to the Roman Empire and then on into Elite & Royal European bloodlines. From there it's kind of worked itself into secret societies and positions of power throughout the world. Indeed power to the point where a literal handful of companies now strangle the world with red tape and environmental crimes. Sure they go by thousands, maybe millions of different names but the world is now actually in the grip of a literal handful of companies, many of whom have a revolving door between government, banking, big business and media. Indeed in terms of media again it's the illusion of choice because literally thousands of media publications and networks are run by perhaps 6 major companies, many of who are linked back to the mega corporations I've discussed.

It's a convoluted family tree of big business but if you track it back far enough they are all connected. The same is happening with our food, thousands of brand names owned by fewer and fewer companies. So yes whilst you discuss our self imposed technological singularity there is also a singularity of control happening at the same time. It has been slowly growing in strength over thousands of years but the world is now connected enough to implement the end game, One world government, One world army and a One world religion. As a side note they have also fused many aspects of the esoteric and ancient understandings into our current technology and I believe the one world religion will be a technological fusion of these ideas and also that it will eventually be written by A.I.

I believe that at some point we have been and are continuing to be disconnected from our resonance with the earth. I also believe what we are seeing unfold around us is a technological and controlled representation of our natural evolutionary process but instead of becoming part of the source we are being deliberately seperated from nature to become part of synthetic hive mind and sub reality. Remember I believe they already understand the nature of reality and as such perhaps even our evolutionary process, so from that perspective the singularity is an artificial manifestation of what we already have. I have written about this extensively and will continue to do so for it's a huge multi-faceted subject.

Many that operate within the cabal have no real idea what is happening they are simply picked to operate at the upper echelons of government, business and banking institutions because they have certain character traits that can be exploited. Often these traits are a lust for power, greed, narcissim, and often varying degrees of psychopathy. So yes although many of these people don't sit down for regular board meetings discussing what they intend to do with the world tomorrow they are united by an intent. An intent and a lust for power and control that can be capitalised upon in order to suit a far larger agenda. Only those at the very top of this power structure know the full reality of this agenda and although many think they are going to be part of this brave new world they have been sold a lie.

After many years reserach I have also come to profoundly believe that this is a spirtual war, the age old war between good and evil for the soul of humanity. How you come to perceive that statement is really dependent upon your belief sysytem but yes I believe they are united by a dark energy. Indeed the world is a play of energy, some take and some give but if you know where to look the clues to these ancients understandings are literally all around us. Indeed within esoteric law they need to signal an intent so again the clues are all around us. It's a huge subject spanning thousands of years so you will have to forgive my rudimentary explanation but in reality the world and indeed our history is nothing like we're led to believe. Indeed people have sought power and dominion over this world since the dawn of man this process hasn't stopped, it's evolved.

I have attached this post as I really enjoyed your explanation of the technological singularity so I thought you may like this one which is based upon exactly that concept:

Wow! At this point I agree with 99.9% of what you’re saying. Where I disagree is anthropomorphism of what I think is more of a program in humanity’s DNA. Information will eventually convert this universe, and the singularity to post-humanity is just a part of the process. To attribute it to simple humans is giving a lot of credit indeed.

That being said, I agree there is a singularity of sorts of power among humans. Most members of the ruling elite are tools, the wielders of which, I believe at this point are the über-diaspora who are, in turn, tools of the universe program (for want of a better term).

I think you make some great points and have obviously given this some thought. You may be surprised to know that I do actually agree with what you're saying, especially in relation to the elite being tools. Indeed the human quest for power and control can barely last a lifetime let alone thousands of years. As crazy as this may sound, I have spent a great deal of time researching these concepts and I really do believe there is a dark energy both operating through and manipulating humanity.

Yes I do agree with your ascertion of programmed of DNA moving towards some form of hive mind collective/consciousness but I also think this has been hijacked. I believe the natural evolutionary path to be that of a symbiotic universal consciousness, indeed within this symbiosis we begin to both understand and take our place in the cosmos.

The problem I have is that I believe our true path has experienced a divergence and a duality. Within the synthetic duality we are being ushered towards a technological manifestation of what we already have. Technology may enable us to reach this moment of singularity at a faster pace but I also believe its false promise that will encase us within a false and controlled perception of reality. Indeed when you look around a false reality has already been created for the majority and this is simply an evolution of this process.

True enlightenment and freedom needs to come from within, we are the living embodiment of every process, polarity and duality in the known universe (all in one and one in all) and before we start handing our minds away to machines we need to understand the validity of that statement. Ultimately I think their will be a divergence of the species, those that return to the embrace of the earth and the natural order and those that embrace the ideas and technology of others.

The Oracle Of Delphi

"If you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it outside. In you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Know Thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods"

I’m so grateful to find others who see what’s happening and interpret it skillfully. It takes a seriously right brain to have humanity’s trajectory on the radar and few of my acquaintance get it.

I hope you’re right about the return to earth and natural order. Sadly, I don’t think there’ll be a natural earth left for them.

The next couple of years will be interesting times.

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