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RE: Part 3: It's Alive! Gender Neutrality Transhumanism & The Synthetic Evolution

in #esoteric7 years ago

What a stonking post dude!
It appears that by the way this post has been received more people are starting to get you the way I do my friend.

Can you imagine how Huxley and Orwell would react if they could see the world that is being built around us as we speak!? I think even they would be horrified at the ease it which it has and still is being constructed.
To me it's paradoxical as in many ways it's too late to stop the plan to destroy humanity as we know it but on the other hand we're always one natural event away from being hunter gatherers again.
When Orwell stated that the future would be like a boot stamping on a human face forever I'm paraphrasing I didn't agree because nothing is forever as we can see from history however it could be for a significantly long time. We've been seduced and entrapped by our desires for new technology and fooled into thinking it's all for our benefit. Until the masses realise that they are being herded like cattle into an electronic slaughter house things are only going to get worse for the majority.
Sadly the western education system is in full flow training the next generation to be quivering obedient slaves too afraid to question authority and take away the ability to think critically. Governments are mandating away the right to unschool and taking the way the rights of parents to decide what's best for their children's health by forcing vaccine programs upon kids. The MSM is an insipid propaganda arm of those who wish to lord over us like medieval squires deciding the fate of the serfs with a wave of their hands.
Can it be stopped? Absolutely.
Will it be stopped? Probably not.


Hey my friend thanks @tremendospercy for all your support and b: for leaving such a thoughtful comment, I really appreciate it!! I like your Huxley & Orwell analogy, personally I think Aldous was on the right track but even a genius like Huxley could never have imagined the multi-layered intricacy of the plan we see unfolding around us. But certainly the perspective that humanity would somehow grow to love our enslavement was extremely prophetic and way ahead of it's time.

As I wrote about in a previous post the world we see around us is like a fusion of ancient esoteric knowledge and cutting edge science. That in itself adds a validity to many of these ancients teachings and wisdoms and I feel they will be incorperated into an eventual church of A.I. But I've digressed (sorry but you always get me thinking) well kind of digressed because as you point out within this understanding nothing can last forever. The laws of nature will not abide imbalance and at some point the eternal scales will swing back in our favour. When you look around and view the universe from the micro to the cosmological scale you understand this to be true, we are all held within these laws and cycles. It is not our destiny to destroy this planet and neither is it our destiny to be held within a perpetual prison, I believe we are part of a far grander plan than many of us can comprehend and indeed I will write about this as time goes on. That doesn't mean that we won't be taken back to the stone age and have to travel through this cycle of time again. But no one force will rule over us for eternity of that I'm sure. I mean you can imagine the horror of those living in Nazi occupied Germany, they must have thought the world was going to end but again nothing lasts forever.

I have a theory and I may be wrong but I just wonder if the madness we see in the world around us will actually become the driving force and indeed eventually empower some form of natural evolutionary process? It's interesting that after the first world war the rates of baby boys being born increased exponentially in order to account for the amount of men lost during said war. Nature always seems to find a niche and a way the address imbalance.

There have throughout history been people born with special abilities, this can be intelligence or indeed something more profound. I have spent a lot of time looking into this and I know that statement to be valid. Now for the last generation or so the U.S has been scouring the world for these children, I know this because a family member was sent over on the "brain train" in the 1950's. I'm sure Russia etc etc do this as well and that's where most of their breakthroughs come from, you simply just don't hear about many of them. Indeed apart from Hawking where is the next Einstein? do people think this process stopped? no it has evolved. Now imagine if these children started being born all over the world, to a point where it became uncontrollable? I believe there is evidence to show that this could already be happening and again I will write about this. Perhaps that is why they are so desperate to hold us back? because they know what is happening. Fanciful thinking? possibly but you know the force of nature is like tidal wave and when the dam breaks there is not an institution on this planet that will hold it back ;) Thanks for the great comment dude, I've been thinking about this one hence the late reply!

The fear that the state has regarding the potential for human development beyond our current capabilities and perhaps beyond what we can even imagine is possibly due to the real 'controllers' being a different species to the rest of us. Pundits like David Icke talking of reptilians and hybrid species are derided mercilessly by the controlled press however if you read his books he's been oddly prophetic on many of the conspiracies of our age.
Why would he be dead on the mark on everything else he speaks of and completely wrong on that? I suspect there is a secret 'brain drain' if you like where children and adults showing extraordinary abilities are stealthily removed from society for reasons yet to be revealed. I just hope if it is true that is is for benevolent reasons however I have my doubts.

Huxley and Orwell were insiders and wrote about what they knew would one day come to fruition. The stunning similarities of 1984 and a Brave New World to today are not mere coincidences.

Members of the Fabian Society have been aware of the 'grand plan' for a century or more. It's an open secret.

Very telling logo of the wolf in sheeps clothing.


I know, right! Pseudo intellectuals trying to control humanity.

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