From the relative simplicity of duality have our minds and hearts been used to unleash a multiplicity of polarised complexifications? And have these complexifications and belief systems further removed us from this process? In our disconnection from our ascension cycle have we begun to use technology as a way of mimicking it? Indeed does the knowledge of this process exist within our subconscious but instead of ascending internally have we begun to manifest it in the physical realm? In this context you may be interested in a sister post I wrote last year that discusses technological transcension.
Within this imbalance the dark side of duality has begun to gain in prominence and produce some from of resonant vibration which much like a magnet is drawing towards us negative energies. Within the perceptual prisons of the human mind we have begun to manifest this negativity in a multitude of complexifications but at it's simplistic core it's the same force. Likewise the positive energy is calling out to us but again in trying to understand we have begun to manifest it in a multiplicity of complexities. The message is the same but we are all receiving different perceptions of one unifying message and so remain divided on details whilst at the same time subconsciously seeking the same thing.
Indeed perhaps things aren't actually as confusing as we think they are? Maybe in trying to understand our minds have actually overcomplicated things? Equally perhaps complexification breeds simplification and as such is part of our journey through the dark night. Just a thought.
Stage 3: Birth & Ascension
So if the universe is a womb then is the creator waiting for his children to be born? Equally why would anyone (or anything) want to abort our ascension process? Within this thought process I believe that humanity is the cutting edge. We are far more special and relevant than perhaps anyone could imagine. This is why we are denigrated and this is why our denigration has trickled down into the subconscious of the collective. We are being tricked to believe that we are insignificant and perhaps this is being done to disconnect us from our inherent power and communion with creation.
Perhaps this is being done out of fear? Is it a fear that the balancing of our dualities will in turn bring eternal balance to the entire universe. And thus this process will banish the forces of darkness and bring an eternity of singularity. Perhaps we could think of this as a singularity of love which becomes a force that binds the entire universe. Although it's our test, equally our ascension could change the entire direction and perception of our cosmological reality. Are you ready?
Thank you for following my thoughts and once again, until next time I will leave you to decide who has the perceptualflaws.
Part One:
Part Two:
Written by perceptualflaws
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You pose so many questions my freind the most interesting of which is the final one which is the simplest.
Are you ready?
As a collective I'd have to say no, the further I look into the past the more convinced I am our species is devolving, yes we are more technologically advanced than any accepted time in history however are we more spiritually, morally or intellectually advanced?
For me it's a resounding, No.
One day maybe but not yet.
I believe we may on the cusp of something monumental however is it enlightenment or enslavement?
I fear it's the latter, I pray I'm wrong.
Another cracking post mate.
Hey my friend as always thank you so much for the support, I really appreciate it. And yes sadly I have to agree with your answer. Equally, some may be ready to transcend the facade and lies of this world of illusion whilst others consistently empower an agenda that in the long run seeks no less than their complete subjugation. There are no easy answers and no quick fixes my friend, and I guess to a degree until the collective awaken the individual will be held back from realising their desire for a free and balanced world.
It's frustrating that we live in a world of plenty, a world that we could change with a mere change in perception and yet the majority are prepared to accept war, murder, starvation, evil and bloodshed as the norm! Indeed, to even suggest it could be different gives rise to indignation and mocking. One day it will change, but if I know anything about humanity it will take a huge catalyst for this to happen. Thanks again @tremendospercy
Yes, it saddens me that 'bombing for peace', sanctions that cause 500,000 Iraqi children to starve to death and the atrocities perpetrated on the Palestinians/Yemeni's etc are accepted by the politicians and the public at large as the norm in the modern age.
How can we call ourselves a civilised species with that terrible baggage?
As discussed before, I believe cataclysms have destroyed civilisation at least 4 times in deep antiquity, maybe we've been on the cusp before and been unlucky, who can say?
But we're a long way from transcending the facade as a collective right now.
The posts you've produced over the last few months are truly awe inspiring, hopefully there are many here who are now dipping their toes into this fascinating subject thanks to your intellectual prowess, you should be proud my freind.
We are on the cusp of something huge true @tremedospercy as I think you @perceptualflaws and myself agree ! Will this cosmic wave lift us from the beach to which we have been stranded since eternity or will it simply crash us onto the rocks is the Big Question !! Nice comment as ever mate )
Excellent read! You have a very deep way of thinking sir. I don't delve much into this kind of cosmic thinking myself, for I fear I might get lost in it lol.
Thanks for sharing!
Hey my friend, thanks for taking the time to lend your support and comments! As always I really appreciate hearing from you! Really glad you enjoyed it and yes very true, for once you dive into the rabbit hole it can be difficult to find the entrance! lol
Well thats funny 2perceptualflaws as I found the entrance fairlñy quickly in Life, problem being its hard to find my way out as one leads to another ! Too many holes , too little life (( I loved this your latest brain stretching post, its seriously profound and one wonders how you arrived at this detailled knowledge of things most people could never think never mind write down on a page for others ! @perceptualflaws you are Brilliant indeed !! )
Haha yes my friend .. equally it depends if you want to find the entrance or just keep burrowing ;) Thanks for the support and kind words @gomeravibz as always it's very much appreciated. I'm really glad you enjoyed the post! I have a head full of abstract ideas lol many are my own original thoughts and others are expansions on ancient wisdoms and other hypothesis (like the transcension sister post to this one). I like to keep these posts seperate from my more research based work and hopefully just pose a few question for people to ponder and mull over! Thanks again dude!!
@perceptualflaws, great post, whilst the illusion might seem strong, most people will be surprised at the speed it will disintegrate in the coming years, there is a lot of pressure bearing on the dam wall now, despite the dam looking quite secure from the outside.
Hey @cryptoandzen (great name by the way) sorry for the delay in replying, I've been non stop with work for the last week or so. And oh yes I completely agree, a simple change in perception could change this world in an instant .. so I take nothing for granted. The dam appears strong but on the other side, the powers that be are akin the proverbial little boy that's holding it back by putting their finger in an ever growing hole. Thanks for the support and great comment.
@perceptualflaws - thanks for your thoughts.
You might like this short movie - In Shadow on YouTube.
I think you will like the video - if you have not seen it yet - there is quite a lot of spiritual symbology in it. It is very well done.
Much of it is a hidden reality but the video brings it all to light. The video shows the process that humanity will move through from enslavement, to the eventual shattering of this dystopian reality and all of the pillars that support it.
Superb as per usual, I have been reading some of Graham Hancocks work of late, not sure if you are aware of his work? there is something interesting he says regarding a drug he takes on occasion Ayahuasca, you may find some of what he says regarding this useful regarding your opening statement "I allow my mind to run free and follow some abstract ideas and trains of thought" just a thought, have a great day, and thank you for the above post.
Hey my friend, thank you for the great comment and support. I really do appreciate it! And yes I really enjoy Graham Hancock's work and indeed in many ways he brought the entire concept of a "lost civilisation" into the public consciousness. I think it was his book "supernatural" where he began to explore hallucinogens (including Ayahuasca) and from this perspectve (if you have yet to read it) I would recommend the book "DMT the spirit molucule" by Dr Rick Strassman. It was Strassman that was given one of the first licences to study the effect of DMT on live patients. He started as a sceptic and left with an entirely altered perception on the nature of consciousness and reality, I think they also made a documentary about it but the book is much better. Again thanks for the great comment and also the link .. I shall also recommend the link above for you:
I will watch the above link as soon as I have finished my daughters dinner, thank you, & I tried to get on discord this morning to the truth channel as suggested by tremendospercy above last night , I managed to get on discord, though could not find the truth part, I shall have another go this evening.
Did someone say DMT )))
^ lol ^ yes indeed we did, got to love a little mind expansion at times, perceptualflaws
would you pop by and take a look at my free mason article if you have time please, and advise regarding editing to a style more akin to yours? I understand if you do not have time to do so.
Well " a little mind expansion " is not how I would describe the Sacred Interdimensioanl Portal which is DMT lol ! That stuff is off the charts )))
Sadly I have never been to Brazil to try it, you may expand upon other available sources at your leisure, all ears here :-), though I doubt any would be available in my now home country Poland.
Hey @deliberator yes I will go and have a look at your post for sure. If you go to discord and slowly scan through the room names on the left you will find it. Be good to see you there!
I have been trying for most of the day on discord, it keeps saying claim account, I click ok, it says deliberator is already registered under this email, and round I go in a loop, so I am going to re-register with a different email tomorrow, it may be easier.
Perhaps there is fear in the belief we could ascend and become like the angels? If the Bible is correct and the creators days are like 1000 years of ours, perhaps we are being weighed down by the detritus of needless 'laws' and distracted by the technology (simple parlour tricks using the wavebands unseen and unsensed by us through our still primitive senses courtesy of the fallen one) to show that when the time comes, we have forsaken what was 'good' (nature) and embraced its opposite to come out from our universal birthing as mentally crippled and incapable.
The Garden of Eden can now be viewed in terms anyone can understand. One person builds a Virtual reality where everything is good and at peace. Characters are made in the now stable environment to interact with. One is a male made from 'clay' (cray supercomputer?), and from the same code, a part is taken to create a female. All is going fine until a trusted user goes in and explains to Adam and Eve how they are being deceived and they should look at the Apple device which can give them knowledge of how it was done...... sacrilege I know, sorry 'bout that, couldn't help myself :-)
We all contain the duality that wavers constantly between what one might term good and evil. It never ceases to astound me though, that most humans left to their own devices, seem to support one another rather than tear each other apart, as government seem to push that it would without their intervention. You can feel it here on steemit. Many would rather lift others up to their level, if they can, as they seem to instinctively know it makes things better and it then allows growth.
I seem to believe though, coming back to the start of your post that in simplicity is complexity. You can see a flower as a flower, a miracle from a seed. Or you could go into the Fibonacci, the pollination, the atoms, yet there is still the flower to see and petals to smell. We have all the simplicity or complexity we need, or in other terms, you can be someone who appreciates a flower for being a flower, or one that wants to explore it down to the infinite. It is up to you, its your motivation to learn as much or as little as you want while you are here. That is ..... if you were allowed to by society and its false priesthood. Unfortunately, those are the ones that have destroyed knowledge or stole and hoarded it, knowledge built up from generations of the populous. They then leave us to dine on their lies or partial truths while they treat us with contempt as the empty vessels they have made us, because of their actions.
Everything is here for us. Love, life, learning, pain, desire etc. Stay your whole life in a village or explore the world. You can learn everything you need at a micro or macro level.... it is just more information small picture or less information large picture.... both paths lead to the same goal.
Just know that until we can lose the shackles that bind our lives, we will continue to live in a land of captivity that will try its best to prevent us from our birthright of growing and learning, at every opportunity it gets, and at all levels.
Hey my friend, Thanks for the support and great comment! And yes if we are to all intents an purposes vibration and energy that's vibrating at a low enough frequency to accumulate mass and hold consciousness in one place for varying degrees of time; it stands to reason that there could be other lifeforms around that simply vibrate at frequencies the human eye is unable to perceive.
Ha no worries about the apple analogy, I liked it. In fact in part two I spoke about the hologram theory. A living breathing, evolving universe who's inhabitants are unaware that they actally live on a microchip. Once they reach a certain level of intelligence they subconsciously mimic their own creation and create further virtual simulations and so now we have a virtual evolution running alongside a physical evolution, and then with this post we have this running alongside a spiritual evolution lol. And then with the transcension post we also have a synthetic technological evolution where space time and energy become so compressed we experience a technological transcension. ;)
Yes I really think humanity would find their place and balance if they were left to their own devices. A world where we didn't freely hand away our inherant power to those that seek to use us as cogs in a machine. A machine that (if left unchecked) won't stop until it has poisoned the last river and cut down the last tree.
Yes again, for the true power of humanity exists not in survival of the fittest but in the understanding of the symbiotic connection we all have. A symbiotic connection where we all lift and power each other and in turn empower ourselves. And I guess that is why we live in a world of division and derision, I mean just imagine what we could acheive if the world was based upon these ideals. We certainly wouldn't need the hiearcical power structure that currently rules us. Certainly complexity breeds simplicity and vice versa, the two become interchangable once you understand the concept.
The world is what we make it my friend, and the power to change is held within each of our palms. I wonder when people will awaken to this fact? Thanks again @leftamessage
I must confess @gomeravibz dobbed you in and said I may enjoy your posts. I shall continue to follow you with interest. Good ideas for the old grey matter to ponder are seldom found these days, I shall have to catch up!
Started reading it with interest but decided to leave it and read the other 2 parts first.
Back (an hour or so later). I guess I really have to go back to your introductory post and start there, because you have left a number of links backward in the first two texts also.
Your ideas are so interesting - some very familiar, others less so. I do think we are entering a new phase (the age of Aquarius as a shorthand) and I do think humanity has been here before, but your 'all in one mind/one mind in all' thing I see in a different way. Though I think I can accommodate the concept in my world view. Rupert Sheldrake's work has a lot to add here too!
I do believe we are all one but scattered /sharded and we cannot reunify until we are all ready and able to. As you suggest, we progress by asking questions. In my experience we attract the learning opportunities, just when we we are ready to absorb and utilise them in pursuit of our 'higher self'. I believe we each live many lives, mastering our growth and development in different spheres and aspects of human experience and personal adaptation.
The lives we live are probably being lived simultaneously on different timelines. But because our ideas of the time space continuum are limited by our current dimension, it is hard to really comprehend. I think it very likely that some of us do choose to go back a stage or ten in order to help raise the general human vibrational frequency and I think that is currently the case. I suspect it is because we are as a whole under attack at this stage of our current timeline. We are bombarded by chemtrails, by nuclear waste, by pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology directed energy weapons and the obscenity of constant wars. So yes I do think there are very real attempts to prevent us moving individually and en masse to a higher level of consciousness. But I do not think we are all ready yet for reunification.
Hey my friend, thank you for the great comment and support, it's very much appreciated. In terms of as above so below, yes at a sub-atomic level we are all connected (and indeed quantum physics is now only beginning to grasp are a concept which is actually thousands of years old) but like you say we are scattered and divided. Equally what the concept also points to is that the same processes occuring in the macro scale of the universe are actually occuring on the micro scale indeed our atoms could be considered as mini universes in themselves. This kind of hints at the concept of consciousness being a micro manifestation of a macro universal consciousness i.e god, the great spirit, the creator whatever you want to call it. So yes, scattered but equally potentially being drawn towards this moment of singularity, although as the metaphor in this post hints at this will never happen until we are able to raise our consciousness and enter the next stage of understanding .. or shall I say knowing.
I'm completely with you that we live in multiple timelines and potentially multiple dimensions of consciouness and I believe that some of us come back as old souls and teachers. I also believe that we are somehow magnetically and energetically drawn towards spirits we have known in these lives i.e perhaps we have known our families many times. Equally I agree this is perhaps why we as a species are under a sustained attack. I think there is an awareness of this amongst those that are aware of the esoteric (as I highlighted in my last post) and this is another reason why they unbalance the world. I mean if you are an old soul that comes back to raise vibration but are born into a society that's on the brink of mass starvation or a warzone and have no voice what can you do? can you even look further than where your next meal is coming from? Equally if you were one of said elites and you're sent back to learn a lesson from the evil you've committed in your life and are drawn back towards your family, their lessons will overide the spirits desire to change. Great comments @ricia and I agree we're not ready.
Thank you for your further explanation. I definitely think our consciousness functions outside of the brain as Sheldrake's ' morphic resonance' suggests. The brain may indeed be a micro universe which functions like an antenna for our consciousness to sift the greater or macro universe for our own memory data base and frame of reference for the here and now. We don't even use the greater part of the brain, which if we access the higher self (and people do) probably gives us an opening or portal to the collective consciousness and other dimensions. It is like the baby in he womb has eyes and ears etc. but cannot use them until moving through the birthing portal.
In response to the second paragraph of your response - I personally think we choose (that is our higher self chooses) a set of circumstances that will throw up for us choices which can further our personal 'soul' growth and development.
I don't think we are sent as such. I certainly believe we have kindred spirits who live with us through many lives and these are often in our family structure. I believe we make karmic contracts with kindred spirits via our higher selves to assist one another in the development process.
I have believed these things for decades. The first trigger was reading a library book by Shirley Maclaine of all people, way back and then when I bought Fingerprints of the Gods in 95 that was for me the clincher. My family think I'm nuts by the way, but hey, that's karma for you :)
Yes I really enjoy the work of Sheldrake, did you ever listen to any of his trialogues with Ralph Abraham & Terence Mckenna? The way I see the morphic field is that if we could view our minds at a sub-atomic level then you will see that we are entangled with ourselves and the universe at large. From this perspective consciousness exists outside the physicality of the brain and every thought and action is hed within some form of universal memory bank. To me this would explain the morphic field and it's connection with 100th monkey hypothesis.
And yes I'm with you that there is an element of choice within the higher self. I think may choice of words as in "sent" was rather rudimentary in reality I meant that if we live a life of great evil karma will follow us into the next life. It will also determine who we become and whether we live a life that atones for our sins. If we commit evil perhaps we will then receive it when we return, but equally perhaps this process has been interferred with and so certain bloodlines never learn from this mistakes of past lives. Just a thought.
No, but I will look for them online - thanks for the steer. Yes totally outside the physicality of the brain - agreed. Brain is like an aerial for consciousness. The collective consciousness is where the 100th monkey learns surely?
As for the bloodlines.... hmm! I have one scenario where they are like the rest of us and just functioning on a very low psychopathic vibration until evolving. Another where their higher self has contracted to 'play the bad/evil aspect of human kind in the same way others do to lift the vibration. Yet another where they are actually off planet aliens who hail from dimensions where human values have no currency. Struggling!
Are you ready?
Spiritualy and creatively a yes. Mentally I still have to work out tons of things before I could deal with whatever might come. I am happy about the here and now.
When you say we are far more special and relevant beyond our imagination I think we might be able to trigger a breaktrough of perceiption that will lift the veil collectively from one moment to another - similar to a DMT hit.
Maybe you heard about the Global Consciousness Project and the measurings in regard to 9/11. There was a spike just before the event. And also the 100 monkey theory in which a population is suddenly adopting behaviour when a critical mass of individuals does so before.
Maybe it has something to do with our compassion as you pointed that out as a difference to the creator species and foundation for wisdom. We would all become direct creators of the creatrix and enfold eschatology prophecies, the gigantic spiritual battle of light and darkness.
What do you think about end-time prophecies in general? Like the story of Shamballa, the white city, protector of knowledge. Where the king will ride out on a white horse to fight the barbarian hordes. There seems to be a red line throught mythologies regarding that.
Hey my friend @flauwy like yourself I'm ready but still have a few ends I would like to tie up first. Equally I'm happy with the moment and happy to try and help my fellow brothers and sisters see through the smoke and mirrors in this world of illusion.
Yes I certainly agree that we could break through the veil, but perhaps it would need a unified expression of consciousness and intent in order to achieve this ideal. Indeed I believe that thought and emotion carry a resonant frequency .. and so if we could raise and compress said frequency/energy we could somehow break the the veil. A rudimentary analogy could be viewed as akin to an opera singer raising the pitch and vibration of their voice to the point that it breaks glass.
In reference to the 100th monkey I feel this feeds into Tesla's "flow field" concept and equally Sheldrakes Morphic field. In reference to the latter I wrote this is on a previous comment: The way I see the morphic field is that if we could view our minds at a sub-atomic level then you will see that we are entangled with ourselves and the universe at large. From this perspective consciousness exists outside the physicality of the brain and every thought and action is held within some form of universal memory bank to which we are all connected.
Some of us can tune into this universal wisdom whilst others pick up on it at a subconscious level. Perhaps within this field certain truths, wisdoms or indeed evolutionary aids hold a higher resonant frequency and so are heard by more people/monkeys. Equally perhaps animals are more tuned with this field.
The global consciousness measurings are fascinating and again I believe this comes down to vibration and frequency. In short intent carries a frequency that we can subconsciously pick up and on that day there must have been a strong and powerful/dark intent/energy resonance. Much like animals that run before an impending earthquake, hurricane, tsunami .. they sense the build up of said energy.
Yes I'm fascinated with the various eschatology, end time prophecies .. and equally there seems to be a thread of death and rebirth that runs throughout said prophecies. Perhaps the "end time" could also be construed as beginning time? Like I alluded to in this post the pain and destruction of the end time could equally be viewed as the birth pains of the new age. From this perspective I think of time not as a linear construct with an end game but as a cycle, equally I believe we have travelled through this cycle before and were found lacking. But that's a post for another day ;) Thanks again my friend.
Yes, time is a cycle like the Ouroboros. Prophecies don't show the end but just the transition. There is so much wonder and awe in all of this. It makes life more meaningful.
I need your opinion on the following:
I always had the dream of doing Telekinesis, I managed to move paper and control it in a way, while in that state at the same time the night before I achieved it I saw a dream with me requesting to access 100% of my potential in the dream. Then I felt electricity on the whole spine which made my dream body vibrate intensively, at the same time I would feel that in my real body as well.
Anyway when I achieved telekinesis I realized there was a light sensation moving inside my brain, in the center above the back of the mouth. It moved forward after few days, this sensation was like pulsating, I would kind of understand what it meant though it felt like I would get messages, whole packets of information out of a single light pulse, It felt like I re-united with an old friend or something similar.
What do you think that is?
according to your experience what could this be?
Also how can I further develop it?
Hey my friend thank you for the great comment. It's difficult to tell exactly what it is, perhaps what you've experienced is a complete balancing/tuning of your chakra's which has put you in touch with your higher self and intuition. Equally the kundalini serpent energy that travels from the base of the spine could have unblocked said chakras. and thus allowed the free flow of energy. Although I doubt it will have travelled all the way to the crown chakra as this takes some genuine intent, effort and indeed abstainance. Thanks again my friend, it seems like a very interesting experience.
Thanks, yeah thought so it would be something like so, Although I fully intended to "unlock" or "repossess" my full potential as a human being, even as a multidimensional being. Strong intent which was like my whole life time was pushing the intent as a shout to the universe.
Plenty of synchronicity by the way.
How can one get in touch with the higher self more simply though? Simply by intending it?
Lets say Someone is not fully into spiritual topics and such but they are open to information and new things,
they allow them in with a more open heart,
how would we go about helping them do the same?
Similarly How do we get in touch again with the higher self? Kinda on request.
That would be a great article topic by the way. "How do we get in touch with the higher self"
Personally how I experienced this aspect of my/our multidimensional self was through strange sensations on the brain (inside), each sensation or pulse would come with multiple information data at once, its like you give a black dot to someone and they can understand your entire story just by looking at it. I called it package of information.
This information would be anything like what someone thought or was about to say or some questions I had answered always.
When I "merged" or "synchronized" with that aspect of myself I could do things in the most perfect way possible such as sports or games. I made an article about how I induced this state of success and "perfect acting", also tested on telekinesis and Atmokinesis (clouds) in which we (higher self + Me) succeeded. When I say synchronized I mean to say we aligned, intending the same things, being in the tranquil state and doing / accepting things without judgement. The mindset that helped in this was "All is One therefore I am The One... the Omnipresent", Im pretty much sure this along with the intent and all the above caused this to develop at the same time (non-linear cause and effect).
By "Non-Linear Cause and Effect" I mean that all things have multiple reasons of being, all problems have infinite solutions all things have been there for multiple purposes, its "Endless" Actually.
I would really love to know how to further develop that too if you had any similar experiences.
Sorry for the Long Post :D
Much Love <3
This was fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing. I will be following you after reading this. I enjoyed where you took this and much of what you spoke about really resonated with me. Many blessings to you my friend. xxx
Hey @thirdeyeindigo Thank you for the comment and support my friend, I really appreciate it! Equally glad the post resonated with you and sorry for the delay in replying but I've been non stop with work the last week or so.