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RE: Part 3: Abstractions In A World Of Distractions: The Universal Womb & The Ascension Hypothesis

in #esoteric7 years ago (edited)

Started reading it with interest but decided to leave it and read the other 2 parts first.
Back (an hour or so later). I guess I really have to go back to your introductory post and start there, because you have left a number of links backward in the first two texts also.
Your ideas are so interesting - some very familiar, others less so. I do think we are entering a new phase (the age of Aquarius as a shorthand) and I do think humanity has been here before, but your 'all in one mind/one mind in all' thing I see in a different way. Though I think I can accommodate the concept in my world view. Rupert Sheldrake's work has a lot to add here too!
I do believe we are all one but scattered /sharded and we cannot reunify until we are all ready and able to. As you suggest, we progress by asking questions. In my experience we attract the learning opportunities, just when we we are ready to absorb and utilise them in pursuit of our 'higher self'. I believe we each live many lives, mastering our growth and development in different spheres and aspects of human experience and personal adaptation.
The lives we live are probably being lived simultaneously on different timelines. But because our ideas of the time space continuum are limited by our current dimension, it is hard to really comprehend. I think it very likely that some of us do choose to go back a stage or ten in order to help raise the general human vibrational frequency and I think that is currently the case. I suspect it is because we are as a whole under attack at this stage of our current timeline. We are bombarded by chemtrails, by nuclear waste, by pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology directed energy weapons and the obscenity of constant wars. So yes I do think there are very real attempts to prevent us moving individually and en masse to a higher level of consciousness. But I do not think we are all ready yet for reunification.


Hey my friend, thank you for the great comment and support, it's very much appreciated. In terms of as above so below, yes at a sub-atomic level we are all connected (and indeed quantum physics is now only beginning to grasp are a concept which is actually thousands of years old) but like you say we are scattered and divided. Equally what the concept also points to is that the same processes occuring in the macro scale of the universe are actually occuring on the micro scale indeed our atoms could be considered as mini universes in themselves. This kind of hints at the concept of consciousness being a micro manifestation of a macro universal consciousness i.e god, the great spirit, the creator whatever you want to call it. So yes, scattered but equally potentially being drawn towards this moment of singularity, although as the metaphor in this post hints at this will never happen until we are able to raise our consciousness and enter the next stage of understanding .. or shall I say knowing.

I'm completely with you that we live in multiple timelines and potentially multiple dimensions of consciouness and I believe that some of us come back as old souls and teachers. I also believe that we are somehow magnetically and energetically drawn towards spirits we have known in these lives i.e perhaps we have known our families many times. Equally I agree this is perhaps why we as a species are under a sustained attack. I think there is an awareness of this amongst those that are aware of the esoteric (as I highlighted in my last post) and this is another reason why they unbalance the world. I mean if you are an old soul that comes back to raise vibration but are born into a society that's on the brink of mass starvation or a warzone and have no voice what can you do? can you even look further than where your next meal is coming from? Equally if you were one of said elites and you're sent back to learn a lesson from the evil you've committed in your life and are drawn back towards your family, their lessons will overide the spirits desire to change. Great comments @ricia and I agree we're not ready.

Thank you for your further explanation. I definitely think our consciousness functions outside of the brain as Sheldrake's ' morphic resonance' suggests. The brain may indeed be a micro universe which functions like an antenna for our consciousness to sift the greater or macro universe for our own memory data base and frame of reference for the here and now. We don't even use the greater part of the brain, which if we access the higher self (and people do) probably gives us an opening or portal to the collective consciousness and other dimensions. It is like the baby in he womb has eyes and ears etc. but cannot use them until moving through the birthing portal.
In response to the second paragraph of your response - I personally think we choose (that is our higher self chooses) a set of circumstances that will throw up for us choices which can further our personal 'soul' growth and development.
I don't think we are sent as such. I certainly believe we have kindred spirits who live with us through many lives and these are often in our family structure. I believe we make karmic contracts with kindred spirits via our higher selves to assist one another in the development process.
I have believed these things for decades. The first trigger was reading a library book by Shirley Maclaine of all people, way back and then when I bought Fingerprints of the Gods in 95 that was for me the clincher. My family think I'm nuts by the way, but hey, that's karma for you :)

Yes I really enjoy the work of Sheldrake, did you ever listen to any of his trialogues with Ralph Abraham & Terence Mckenna? The way I see the morphic field is that if we could view our minds at a sub-atomic level then you will see that we are entangled with ourselves and the universe at large. From this perspective consciousness exists outside the physicality of the brain and every thought and action is hed within some form of universal memory bank. To me this would explain the morphic field and it's connection with 100th monkey hypothesis.

And yes I'm with you that there is an element of choice within the higher self. I think may choice of words as in "sent" was rather rudimentary in reality I meant that if we live a life of great evil karma will follow us into the next life. It will also determine who we become and whether we live a life that atones for our sins. If we commit evil perhaps we will then receive it when we return, but equally perhaps this process has been interferred with and so certain bloodlines never learn from this mistakes of past lives. Just a thought.

No, but I will look for them online - thanks for the steer. Yes totally outside the physicality of the brain - agreed. Brain is like an aerial for consciousness. The collective consciousness is where the 100th monkey learns surely?
As for the bloodlines.... hmm! I have one scenario where they are like the rest of us and just functioning on a very low psychopathic vibration until evolving. Another where their higher self has contracted to 'play the bad/evil aspect of human kind in the same way others do to lift the vibration. Yet another where they are actually off planet aliens who hail from dimensions where human values have no currency. Struggling!

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