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RE: Part 3: Abstractions In A World Of Distractions: The Universal Womb & The Ascension Hypothesis

in #esoteric7 years ago (edited)

Perhaps there is fear in the belief we could ascend and become like the angels? If the Bible is correct and the creators days are like 1000 years of ours, perhaps we are being weighed down by the detritus of needless 'laws' and distracted by the technology (simple parlour tricks using the wavebands unseen and unsensed by us through our still primitive senses courtesy of the fallen one) to show that when the time comes, we have forsaken what was 'good' (nature) and embraced its opposite to come out from our universal birthing as mentally crippled and incapable.

The Garden of Eden can now be viewed in terms anyone can understand. One person builds a Virtual reality where everything is good and at peace. Characters are made in the now stable environment to interact with. One is a male made from 'clay' (cray supercomputer?), and from the same code, a part is taken to create a female. All is going fine until a trusted user goes in and explains to Adam and Eve how they are being deceived and they should look at the Apple device which can give them knowledge of how it was done...... sacrilege I know, sorry 'bout that, couldn't help myself :-)

We all contain the duality that wavers constantly between what one might term good and evil. It never ceases to astound me though, that most humans left to their own devices, seem to support one another rather than tear each other apart, as government seem to push that it would without their intervention. You can feel it here on steemit. Many would rather lift others up to their level, if they can, as they seem to instinctively know it makes things better and it then allows growth.

I seem to believe though, coming back to the start of your post that in simplicity is complexity. You can see a flower as a flower, a miracle from a seed. Or you could go into the Fibonacci, the pollination, the atoms, yet there is still the flower to see and petals to smell. We have all the simplicity or complexity we need, or in other terms, you can be someone who appreciates a flower for being a flower, or one that wants to explore it down to the infinite. It is up to you, its your motivation to learn as much or as little as you want while you are here. That is ..... if you were allowed to by society and its false priesthood. Unfortunately, those are the ones that have destroyed knowledge or stole and hoarded it, knowledge built up from generations of the populous. They then leave us to dine on their lies or partial truths while they treat us with contempt as the empty vessels they have made us, because of their actions.

Everything is here for us. Love, life, learning, pain, desire etc. Stay your whole life in a village or explore the world. You can learn everything you need at a micro or macro level.... it is just more information small picture or less information large picture.... both paths lead to the same goal.
Just know that until we can lose the shackles that bind our lives, we will continue to live in a land of captivity that will try its best to prevent us from our birthright of growing and learning, at every opportunity it gets, and at all levels.


Hey my friend, Thanks for the support and great comment! And yes if we are to all intents an purposes vibration and energy that's vibrating at a low enough frequency to accumulate mass and hold consciousness in one place for varying degrees of time; it stands to reason that there could be other lifeforms around that simply vibrate at frequencies the human eye is unable to perceive.

Ha no worries about the apple analogy, I liked it. In fact in part two I spoke about the hologram theory. A living breathing, evolving universe who's inhabitants are unaware that they actally live on a microchip. Once they reach a certain level of intelligence they subconsciously mimic their own creation and create further virtual simulations and so now we have a virtual evolution running alongside a physical evolution, and then with this post we have this running alongside a spiritual evolution lol. And then with the transcension post we also have a synthetic technological evolution where space time and energy become so compressed we experience a technological transcension. ;)

Yes I really think humanity would find their place and balance if they were left to their own devices. A world where we didn't freely hand away our inherant power to those that seek to use us as cogs in a machine. A machine that (if left unchecked) won't stop until it has poisoned the last river and cut down the last tree.

Yes again, for the true power of humanity exists not in survival of the fittest but in the understanding of the symbiotic connection we all have. A symbiotic connection where we all lift and power each other and in turn empower ourselves. And I guess that is why we live in a world of division and derision, I mean just imagine what we could acheive if the world was based upon these ideals. We certainly wouldn't need the hiearcical power structure that currently rules us. Certainly complexity breeds simplicity and vice versa, the two become interchangable once you understand the concept.

The world is what we make it my friend, and the power to change is held within each of our palms. I wonder when people will awaken to this fact? Thanks again @leftamessage

I must confess @gomeravibz dobbed you in and said I may enjoy your posts. I shall continue to follow you with interest. Good ideas for the old grey matter to ponder are seldom found these days, I shall have to catch up!