Finish the Fiction Story Contest - WEEK #10

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Finish the sentence - earn SBI shares and upvotes!.v3.png

A contest with a pot of 3 @steembasicincome shares + the SBD payout, where everyone wins? You're in the right place!

Dear fictio-holics friends, week # 10 has been summoned from the outer space! Even this week, our splendiferous contest presents two novelties which I'm sure you'll appreciate:

  • 1000 followers goal reached! The Bananafish Lord is pleased. To celebrate I will add 1 additional SBD to the pot for you all!

This is not new but let me point it out: in this place creativity and original ideas are rewarded with @steembasicincome shares. At the same time, relax, have fun and you know that you don't need to write a lot (this time I recommend a limit of 500 words). A good idea is worth more than many words!

Interaction and upvotes/comments between participants are highly encouraged! As always, I recommend you to post your good work on your blog for giving it some deserved visibility (but you also can put it in the comment section).

For this week, say temporarily goodbye to Damarthy and our naughty teddy X00-711 and prepare to immerse in a very particular atmosphere!


The Script

Penelope had too many porcelain dolls. Her father, Til, had warned her when she was a child, "If you get one more doll, they'll rebel! That many dolls in one room have a mind of their own!"

He had said it with the kind of serious face that meant he was joking.

She had stopped buying porcelain dolls anyway when she turned 13, thinking they were kids stuff. They all got put in boxes, because she wasn't willing to let go of them, and who knew, maybe when she had kids of her own, they'd want to inherit her doll collection. Or maybe they'd be worth something someday.

But he must not have been joking.

The morning after Penelope had purchased Hans, the Oktoberfest doll, because it was just so silly and it reminded her of the year she and her husband, Charles, had lived in Germany, she took it out of the Dolls of the World bag to show her 6 month old son, Jacob. He tried to eat its face, as he tried to eat everything's face. The dog, Cupcake, had growled and barked, as she often did when things that looked like they had eyes seemed to make intense, unblinking eye contact with her.

Charles, ever the practical worrywart, swooped up the kid and the pup, put on the wearable baby garment, and took them for a walk so Penelope could take a nap. Penelope set Hans in the closet where the rest of the dolls, all still packed away, were.

She took a nap.


For those that want to join the fun, here is how this contest works:

1. You receive an unfinished fiction story or a script

2. You finish it with your own post or a comment in the comment section. A limit of 500 words is recommended.

3. YOU WIN! 3 @steembasicincome shares to the writers with the best ending + Wednesday's post SBD PAYOUT between all the participants who won't get one of the 3 shares

It's so simple and, most of all, we'll enjoy our fiction ideas!
Nothing is mandatory here, but voting and resteeming is highly appreciated!


What's next?

The result will be out on Monday 7th May, 11 pm avg., UTC +1 (i.e. California is UTC -8). Submission deadline: Monday 7th May, 8 pm, UTC +1. There will be time for everyone to develop the fiction idea.

If you like this contest..SPREAD THE GOSPEL! I'm grateful for your resteeming and word of mouth. Everything helps to help us grow together!


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I'll join!!! Seems really interesting!
Btw thanks for making such an awesome contest

Here it goes
As Penelope slept, she heard strange creaky sounds coming from the closet, she heard voices and some weird laughs.
She thought that it was just part of her dream, so once she woke up, she thought everything was normal like nothing changed, she slowly opened the closet and found a piece of paper with something written on it, it looked like some childish drawing of her family with an x on each one of them.
After seeing the drawing she felt frightened and slowly looked at the dolls, nothing was wrong but she felt like something was, she closes the closet and tries to remember what her father had said, she kept walking back and forth over and over until the door opened! Her heart stopped as she tries to catch her breath, It was just her husband with their son and cupcake, she looked into their eyes with fright and delight at the same time, Charles asked, is everything ok?
She replied, uhmm yes everything is fine, I just didn't realize it was u guys.
Penelope tried to keep it to herself and solve it alone.. So she seperated Hans with the other dolls as she put the old dolls in a box where she decided to bury it somewhere around a near by park.
She went to the park and dug up a hole for it and buried the box as quick as possible , she took a breath of relief as she was walking home, she felt great and all cheered up, then she went and looked at Hans inside the closet there was another note in the dolls hands, saying ''we'll be back".

That's it! Haha it was quite short and I apologize but thanks for the opportunity!

Welcome to the contest @jysui! Don't apologize for the lenght, it was ne suggesting a 500 words limit and therefore this contest has already rewarded very short stories, as long as they show originality. Yours is a well made traditional horror novel idea, I enjoyed it a lot. Keep it up and keep playing with us!

She should have sold them on E-bay years before! Evil drawing dolls!

The note was a nice touch, I was wondering if her family was coming back. Nice job!

Wow thanks!!! I know I'm not that good as a plot writer but I'm glad u guys liked it

Finish the Fiction Story Contest - Week #11 is out! Check here.

As Penelope laid down to rest, she couldn't shake the image of Charles wearing the baby garment as he uncomfortably strolled away with their son. "How did he even fit into them in the first place?" She wondered "Why was I ok with that?" She persisted to interrogate herself until her heavy eyelids shut closed after succumbing to the quiet house.

Welcome @dynamicgreentk! It's nice to have you here playing with us. Your contribution is short and original.. You got the mood of this contest, that's the way! Now I'm at work and I will remain till evening with this image of this big guy strolling away in a baby garment 😁

Clever ;) I liked your take on that.

LOL! The pun master spirit pervaded you

Finish the Fiction Story Contest - Week #11 is out! Check here.

She blinked awake and she was a girl again. Her father stared down with concern. “Penelope”, he whispered, “Where did you go?” In a moment it all flooded back. She had grown up, she had finished school and university, and had married and started a family of her own. But in the waking world her mind lost grip on those memories like escaping balloons until all that remained was a faint, fuzzy premonition of warmth overshadowed by unspeakable darkness.

It was with this same dizzy, disturbed look that she was found by the firemen hours later, in the bushes across the street, Cupcake shivering at her side as the flames collapsed her house.

No one ever understood why.

Welcome to the contest Rich! I loved this, in particular:

like escaping balloons until all that remained was a faint, fuzzy premonition of warmth overshadowed by unspeakable darkness.

Such a vivid image. I think that in few words you were able to open a unique window on Penelope's tormented inner world and ghosts. Bravo!

Spooky and dreamlike!

Finish the Fiction Story Contest - Week #11 is out! Check here.

I'm pleased as punch that you participated! We're practically neighbors! I'm in L.A.!

Here is mine, but I got into it, and (sigh) went over the word count, way over. Oh well, have a good weekend.

I give suggestions.. for this time you can just sacrifice a virgin in honor of the contest and I will close one eye 😛 Have a good week-end too giddy.

Penelope woke with a start, confusion flooding her consciousness. She had napped the kind of nap that was deep and intense. The kind that make you lose all sense of time and place. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs and regains her sense of balance and time.

How long had she slept? An hour, two? She couldn't shake an uneasy feeling that something undetectable had brought her crashing back from her all encompassing slumber. She checked her bedside clock to realize she had only drifted off for about 30 minutes. "How is that possible", she wondered? It felt like so much longer.

Just then she noticed a dull pinprick of pain on her cheek. She rolled over to her other bedside table to grab the hand mirror when she was startled by the ominous presence of Hans sitting on the table staring at her with the inanimate intensity only a doll can. She distinctly remembered placing him in the closet....didn't she? She slowly reached for the mirror sitting next to Hans and just as she reached for the clam-shell silver handle Hans fell forward! She let out a blood curdling shriek and then caught her breath as she realized the folly in her actions. "Boy, I've got to stop napping in the day", she chuckled to herself. She turned the mirror over and then her blood ran cold as she detected a perfect laceration on her right cheek as pinpoints of her crimson life source welled around the edges of the incision. "What could have done that in my sleep?", she wondered.

She placed her attention back on Hans who still sat slumped over on her night stand. She reached for him and then paused. Was one of his white-gloved hands tinted with a slight rouge? She gingerly picked the doll up to inspect the reddish tinge a bit closer. Her mind began to reel at the possibility that the doll could have cut her. She peered intently into it's glass eyes. She pulled him closer and closer to see if their was any change in his frozen stare. She tilted her head slight to the side to see if she could perceive any noise coming from the wooden shell. Suddenly she felt a warm breath on her cheek! As she snapped her head back towards the doll a sharp, tearing pain erupted through her ear and neckline. The doll's countenance had changed to demonic horror as the gloved hands tore the cartridge of her ear from the skull and then down through the soft flesh and tough tendons of her neck, ever so slightly nicking her jugular vein.

She slung the doll with all her might and clasped her hands around the red tide flowing from her neck soaking through her t shirt and into her sheets. Her legs flailed and kicked as she tried to gain traction on the bed to move to the exit of the door and freedom from this evil.

It was at this moment she noticed the door of the closet slowly open and she could her the scurrying of dozens of feet along the hardwood floors. The sheet at the foot of her bed became taught and she could only stare in frozen horror as a sea of doll hands begin to appear over the end of the bed grasping the sheet and climbing forward to her. The maniacal, twisted smiles of her dolls burned an image into her terrified brain as she was frozen hopeless as the made their way up to her feet and legs. She quietly thanked God for the oncoming unconsciousness creeping into her field of vision due to the massive blood loss. She would at least have peace before the real pain of their diabolical attack would begin. Her hands relaxed and the last of her essence waned forth to the abyss and the dolls sated their vengeance.

Welcome back @papacrusher!

She peered intently into it's glass eyes. She pulled him closer and closer to see if their was any change in his frozen stare. She tilted her head slight to the side to see if she could perceive any noise coming from the wooden shell.

In this passage you were able to build up the suspense with real mastery. I appreciated your fine horror ending!

Thanks for the compliment and I'm glad to be back! Sorry I missed so many weeks but life in the real world is too time

Yes, life is life consuming 😛 it's good to read you and come always when you feel!

Them some wicked dolls.

Finish the Fiction Story Contest - Week #11 is out! Check here.

Congratulations 👏 on your 1000 followers @f3nix. What a great milestone.

I will call them the 1000 bananafish gang! Grazie Bruni, slowly and steady we grow 👍

Yuppie! Diving into it now 😁

Thanks again @f3nix. Congrats on 1,000 bananafish! Nice change up this week. Been listening to this Kali Uchis song and @chronocrypto had another contest going. So this entry is like a singularity, LOL:

A birdie, perhaphs a raven in this case, whispered to my ear that's a horror story.. you know my weak points Cyrus ✌️

LOL. Wanted to create the worst dystopian future imaginable. Your writing prompt took me there. There is an message about environmentalism though. Protect the Earth.

Great contest, @f3nix. One that everyone can join. I know there are a lot of writes amongst our @newbiegames’ members, so I resteemed your post for more visibility.

Congratulations you have been upvoted and resteemed as part of the @newbiegames selection of top contests for minnows of the day

To reach more people, try out the #newbieresteemday Discord Chat channel Contest Promotion Box.

We invite everyone to follow our @newbiegames account and use the #newbiegames tag for their next game or contest to connect with more of our members.

@newbiegames is a part of the #newbieresteemday initiative.



Thank you for your support! This is a contest based on sharing and helping newbies. I ask them nothing, if they want to upvote or resteem they can and, of course, I appreciate it. One of the reasons why I started it is that I don't like people asking other newbies to do one million things, run like hamsters in a wheel, and giving back to them almost nothing. This place is free and independent from whales too. It also aims to not create an "authority" around which others will gravitate as I strongly believe in cooperation and decentralisation. I will check your work and use your tag if it can help spreading my values of equity and creativity.

I like your vision :0)

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